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Feminism transforms women from useful, reasonably priced coat hangers to railroad spikes, new MGTOW graphic explains


I found this graphic on the Men’s Rights subreddit, linked with the comment “[a]nd here is what I say to feminism.” (It was actually in the thread discussing this brilliant MRA comic.)

I’m sure the women of the world are heartbroken that men who think they are basically the equivalent of inanimate objects have “decided” to remain single.

Also, dudes, would it kill you to proofread your graphics?

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Jason Neuman
9 years ago

Maybe he’s single because he treats women like products.

9 years ago

Oh, and one more way that coat hanger analogy is stupid, there are and were cultures in which women have a literal monetary value. The dowry. Different women have different sized dowries depending on their family wealth. So how is he going to claim that women are worth the same amount?

Of course, the dowry us the burden of women and their families and doesn’t fit into the MRA theory that men have always been oppressed and are always the ones financially hurt by marriage. So of course, they tend to ignore that aspect of history.

9 years ago

It was feminists who decided sex was worth enough to allow them to let femininity slide.

They were mistaken.

Wait, I’m confused. I thought we were supposed to be using femininity to get sex, or some such. And here’s me, wearing a skirt today; my hair is long; I like makeup, and always wear lipstick even when I’m just going for a walk, to get some fresh air and exercise. And I haven’t had sex in a dog’s age. Am I feminining wrong, or am I not doing sex right?

I haz such a confuzzle.

9 years ago

Yeah, I wore a kind of short skirt today and my hair is long. But, I’m over 25 and not skinny. I guess I misander in all ways. I do and don’t boner please. I am and am not conventionally feminine. It’s almost like we’re actual multifaceted human beings and not one dimensional stereotypical girly girls or manly feminazis. :O

Anyway, what I came here to post was this collection of similarly offensive college banners that I didn’t want to necro the other thread to post. Many address the fathers, one implies they want HS girls too. Yay rape culture!

9 years ago



9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention:

What about all the feminists who like sex and are decidedly feminine? Like they wear dresses, get their nails done, and have long hair?

9 years ago

Long ago, I swallowed the lie of Hollywood dream women as being “normal”. Then I discovered that there were only a handful of supermodel virgins who aspire to be living vacuum cleaners, and they have fucking “standards”. I blame feminists for this paucity of blond Hoovers. Feminism and economics.

But not really economics. Economics is my waifu. Dat Laffer Curve.

9 years ago

Give me a second here. I’m trying to find a gif that expresses my feelings towards this. A Metalocalypse one.

9 years ago



9 years ago

Anita Sarkeesian’s new video for Women vs Tropes is on YouTube now. Titled Women as Reward, it certainly outlines where a lot of MRA thinking about women and sex comes from.

9 years ago

You know, if the guy wants a bunch of identical women, I know a sorority he should look at…

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

comment image

9 years ago

What I don’t get is where do they think women came from? If women were a product that were “all the same” or apparently “once upon a time” lived to worship and take care of men and didn’t have any agency of their own, how did we change?

Obviously, this involves the Lizard People or aliens because otherwise the answer is “teh menz” who hunted the mammoth and all that civilization building bull$h!+, or! Women have had agency all along, and are unique human beings capable of thought, but also somewhat affected by the norms of society… it’d be like the MRA argument is wrong!.

9 years ago

Anita Sarkeesian’s new video for Women vs Tropes is on YouTube now. Titled Women as Reward, it certainly outlines where a lot of MRA thinking about women and sex comes from.

Thanks for telling us. Misandry achievement unlocked!

I liked at the end when she got in that little dig at gamergate.

9 years ago

Yeah, I wore a kind of short skirt today and my hair is long. But, I’m over 25 and not skinny. I guess I misander in all ways. I do and don’t boner please. I am and am not conventionally feminine. It’s almost like we’re actual multifaceted human beings and not one dimensional stereotypical girly girls or manly feminazis. :O

Gosh, could that really be it? We’re complex creatures, not to be scrunched into any Red Pillock binary system? Oh MY!

I need smelling salts and a fainting couch*, I’m feeling a wee bit woozy.

*Oops, that’s a little TOO stereotypical. I don’t do THAT much femininity!

9 years ago

Things I have learned from this image:
1) He thinks of women as products.
2) He wants all women to be the same.
3) Why he is single (hint: it’s not the content of his graphic explains)

9 years ago

Things I learned from my post above:
1)I need to proof read better.

9 years ago

I need smelling salts and a fainting couch*, I’m feeling a wee bit woozy.

*Oops, that’s a little TOO stereotypical. I don’t do THAT much femininity!

When my good friend and I were kids we would have “fainting contests” I don’t know why it was called a contest because there was never a winner and a loser. One would come up with outlandish scenarios of really scary and disturbing but mockable things. The other would faint upon my bed as melodramatically as possible. Then we’d trade off roles. The scenarios often involved our creepy, pervy neighbor and other assorted rapey men and boys rather than say, horror movie villains or large wild animals. In some ways, it’s a cute funny memory for me. In other ways, it’s kind of poignant that even as children we knew what, as female gendered people we realistically had to fear the most.

Anyway, I’ve had wine and am rambling. Sorry. I’m sure no one cares about my random childhood memories!

Larry Smith
Larry Smith
9 years ago

Actually, we do not care if women are made if we see them as obejects. We could care less if they are mad or not.

9 years ago

When my good friend and I were kids we would have “fainting contests” I don’t know why it was called a contest because there was never a winner and a loser. One would come up with outlandish scenarios of really scary and disturbing but mockable things. The other would faint upon my bed as melodramatically as possible. Then we’d trade off roles. The scenarios often involved our creepy, pervy neighbor and other assorted rapey men and boys rather than say, horror movie villains or large wild animals. In some ways, it’s a cute funny memory for me. In other ways, it’s kind of poignant that even as children we knew what, as female gendered people we realistically had to fear the most.

Maybe it’s the fact that I’m well down my own glass of wine, but I don’t think that’s not worth caring about at all. It’s a good game: mocking and satirizing your darkest real fears in an effort to get a grip on them at an age when you feel most powerless. I wish I’d thought of that, and I wish I’d had more friends with whom to discuss all those creepy-ass dudes that suddenly popped out of the woodwork right around the time I started to grow hips and boobs. And I mean RIGHT around the time. As soon as my nipples were something bigger than mosquito bites, BOOM! Unwanted attention. EVERYWHERE. Ghaaaaaaah.

9 years ago

Thanks for the heads-up on the newest Tropes vs. Women. And thank goodness I turned off autoplay because of course the related videos are angry dudebros throwing mantrums at it. Seriously, that fast?! They really do have no life.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
9 years ago

They kept the price the same,
but people still wanted the original product.
Demand for the original was high, so the price went up accordingly.
I am single because I will not accept a product I don’t want or shell out for a product that is overpriced.*

Okay, dear. I know you want to use economics to teach us this important little lesson, but don’t you think that you should understand economics sufficiently to construct a coherent thought train before you chug away trying to use it to carry passengers to your conclusion?

I say this because, if I may,

The price went up accordingly


The product is overpriced

rather contradict each other. Either this isn’t a human, complex interaction and you can handily apply microeconomics – in which case the product is not overpriced at all; the right price is wherever the market sets it. OR this is a human, complex interaction where microeconomics has no explanatory power and is, in fact, a grossly inadequate, grossly misleading, and grossly offensive reduction of human agency, psychology, and desire.

…………………………………………………………………………and, I wasn’t going to say this, so let’s just whisper over here in the corner. Just you and me. I don’t want to say anything that might embarrass you publicly. But that thing that you have to tell us through text 4 different times in 4 different ways is a thing that you don’t want? Yeah, the one you also have to put a cancel/no/don’t graphic over 3 different times? Yes. That’s the one: the one you really, really don’t want. So that one, I noticed, well, it’s a little, um, [i]straight[/i], if I may, but if it had the right support, like if it was lying on a table on its back, a silicone dildo would look pretty much exactly like that.

No, no. I’m sure that wasn’t intentional. I’m also sure it’s entirely coincidence that its black.

No, no. I think you miss my point. My point is that if you really can’t find a woman with whom you would rather like to get busy, there are nonetheless other options than remaining single. Just a thought. You can probably even find a non-feminist neat-freak who doesn’t spend any time talking about women.

And if your experiences with metallic, pointy pegs hasn’t been particularly pleasurable, you might still find that tapered pegs made of different materials can have quite pleasant uses.

Anyway, as I said: Just a thought. So, now you get up first. I’ll just finish my drink over here before I leave. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone what we talked about.


*Punctuation fixed, emphasis mine, otherwise quoted exactly.

9 years ago

@Buttercup “I’m also wondering if there was anything intentional in the choice of the coat hanger to represent women, given its association with the days when abortion was illegal”

IK,R? At first glance, I was assuming that the graphic was going to be some typically horrifying MRA rant about abortions vs child-support, or some such shit.

9 years ago

Have you noticed how all of these manosphere & manosphere-adjacent metaphors about women invariably seem to compare them to inanimate objects? Like, here, maybe to coat hanger’s just happier as a railroad spike and doesn’t give a damn if you buy it. Maybe it’ll go find someone who’s building a railroad and achieve its spiky dream rather than hanging out in your closet. Ever consider that, MRAs?

Also, I just want to note that this’d be an immature hissy-fit even if it were about actual coat hangers.

9 years ago

Actually, we do not care if women are made if we see them as obejects. We could care less if they are mad or not.

“Hey girls. I don’t care about you. Or your feelings. Hey. Girls. I am indifferent to you! See me walking away? Not caring? Lookit? See, I’m here, not caring! You girls are objects! Look at me!! Does that make you mad? Well I don’t care!…… wait… guys… look… …. .look.. :-(“