I found this graphic on the Men’s Rights subreddit, linked with the comment “[a]nd here is what I say to feminism.” (It was actually in the thread discussing this brilliant MRA comic.)
I’m sure the women of the world are heartbroken that men who think they are basically the equivalent of inanimate objects have “decided” to remain single.
Also, dudes, would it kill you to proofread your graphics?
That’s hilarious!!
You’ve gotta love how they see women as “products” that they can buy.
I’m pretty sure that the reason this guy’s not single isn’t because /he’s/ fussy.
And what does he consider a reasonable price for a woman anyway? $2.99?
Maybe he needs a bigger shirt.
Yes, Dave. Yes it would kill them to proofread their graphics. Men are evolved to be big and strong and to slay antelopes for the womenz to eat. Proofreading, on the other hand… proof reading isn’t exciting! It would literally kill them to not be out actively living the biotroofs that they espouse! After all, they act out the rest of their bizarre ideologies.
Speaking of quality control – how does a wooden coat hanger turn into a cheap wire one? then how does that wire one turn into cast iron?
Are they trying to say that the wire coat hanger let itself go and got fatter, thus turning into a iron spike? Or is this some more distant analogy talking about how they needed more and more clothing to cover themselves, and thus a more substantial hook?
I live right beside two railroad lines. I’m not sure what this ass has against spikes, but for me, they’re kind of useful, as they keep the trains from flying off the rails and hitting my house.
Does he think that hooks only came after hangers? Is that black object a shoe horn or a hook?
Does he not know you can get plastic hangers?
On a more serious note, it’s amazing he thinks that all women were all alike in some mythical once-upon-a-time land or that his sorry ass would have been able to have a relationship with any of them.
This does sum up the MGTOW attitude – they really do commodify women in this alarming, though rather bizarre and hence a bit amusing, way.
Clearly they have not let go of the pre 20th century notion of women as property. Everything with them is a transaction – that is why the services of prostitutes are so appealing to them.
The idea of simply having a relationship based on give and take is alien to them – they have no concept of giving anything but cash, which they resent, so naturally relationships are not possible.
Also, I really love how they think women have prices. That’s so cute!
(she said, dripping sarcasm all down her cleavage)
Furthermore, in what way does a perfectly good coat hanger turning into a perfectly good coathook, or a perfectly good nail, or a perfectly good railroad spike, count as “letting quality control slide”?
If a coat hanger wants to be a railroad spike instead, and somehow is able to make that happen, then good for it. If you don’t happen to like railroad spikes, that’s not the happy new railroad spike’s problem, it’s your problem.
(Also gotta love how the coat hanger is an inanimate object or “product” that has no say in determining whether or not it will be purchased by the consumer, but somehow is simultaneously a sentient entity with agency that can be blamed & shamed for “letting its quality control slide”.)
And how they see women as interchangeable. Apparently, we’re all identical.
Ah yes. Women as sex machines: Enter coins (or “niceness”), take out sex.
Aside from that… dude, yes, if you don’t find people who’d be good for you as partners, then don’t start romances. That really isn’t some new insight, and especially not into the development of modern women.
Of course, you could replace his Why I’m single image with this one and have no change:
Because these guys have an extremely narrow role for women to fill, and if women don’t fill it exactly then they view it as a defect in the woman. They see brands that have expanded out into other products and are confused at how you could possibly use these new-fangled identities as a coat hanger. “What kind of coat hanger sifts water out of pasta? It makes no sense!”
Except it’s even worse, because there was no ‘expansion.’ There was never a point when the brands produced only coat hangers. They literally invented that out of whole-cloth, fake nostalgia, and a constant influx of old movie stereotypes.
Or given the img tag doesn’t want to help me:
![comment image](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/19/57/5d/19575d8326fda7490d1d39e1d5f650a8.jpg)
And in this case, I’m pretty sure the old movie in question is The Stepford Wives.
It’s amazing how much that movie and its remakes so perfectly represent the misogynist spirit…
Lorcan Nagle – Spaced yes?
honestly, I hope they get their robots. Maybe then they’ll stop complaining?
Indeed so. I linked a friend to the coathanger image and it went from there…
I’d rather be a railroad spike, railroad spikes are way more badass than coat hangers.