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Feminism transforms women from useful, reasonably priced coat hangers to railroad spikes, new MGTOW graphic explains


I found this graphic on the Men’s Rights subreddit, linked with the comment “[a]nd here is what I say to feminism.” (It was actually in the thread discussing this brilliant MRA comic.)

I’m sure the women of the world are heartbroken that men who think they are basically the equivalent of inanimate objects have “decided” to remain single.

Also, dudes, would it kill you to proofread your graphics?

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9 years ago

I’m moving to almost the west country, maybe we can have our own.

9 years ago

I’m so glad what’s your wife worth got aborted. yuck.

9 years ago

While those bronuts actually look delicious, I can’t imagine that your average homophobic bro is ever gonna walk into a bakery and say “I need some bronuts. Yeah, the cream-filled ones.” Not gonna happen.

(here, at least, using the term ‘bro’ implies homophobia, and irrational fear of even suggesting anything gay or feminine. Is that true there?)

9 years ago

I wonder why they went with “Bronut” instead of “Brionut”. “Bronut” to me sounds like some goofy-ass creation of Voodoo Donuts, like a cheddar-beer bacon donut.

9 years ago

now i want a bacon, lettuce and tomato bagel and a beer.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Scildfreja | September 1, 2015 at 12:04 pm
(here, at least, using the term ‘bro’ implies homophobia, and irrational fear of even suggesting anything gay or feminine. Is that true there?)

That’s what we’re laughing about, yeah.

9 years ago

Well, I was also referring to the things that can remotely be connected to anything feminine being translated through man-speak so they’re approved by the All-Mighty No Homo Council for men to do/have/use.

Like the Dude Stick Chapstick, packaged in a matte black case with a tactical grip. Because Chapstick is for WIMMENS.

PI: I swear, on a stack of physics textbooks, that MAD Magazine had an article for made-up items, and one of them was for a chapstick disguised as a cigar, for men who were too insecure in their masculinity to use the regular tubes. This would’ve been… a minimum of thirty years ago, maybe even forty.

So in the span of 3-4 decades, we’ve gone from parody to actuality. Time to close up, folks, there’s nothing left to see.

9 years ago


And the little bag of doughnut holes suddenly becomes an emasculation metaphor.

9 years ago

Why does he hate the free market? The product is not overpriced for it. Demand is high so the price went up. Sounds like how the free market is supposed to work to me. The coat hanger is therefore not overpriced. The makers didn’t increase the demand through any bullshit either like misleading marketing or anti-competitive behavior. There also needs to be an extra step or two where other manufacturers make coat hangers people want and thus the competition causes them to compete with better prices on the decent coat hangers. The manufacturers supposedly making coat hangers nobody wants then go out of business or start making better coat hangers.

Why do the MRAs hate the free market?

9 years ago

Meanwhile, inside Larry Smith’s head: Hah! I just called a humor blog site funny! That’ll get ’em crying! Man, that was the best insult. I am the best at insults. If I call their humor site funny, they’ll think I find them amusing because I’m looking down at them, and then they’ll feel inferior. Totally nailing this!

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