a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil smelly women imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA

Breaking News: Girls Really Are Icky and Smelly, According to Man Who Hates Them

Ladies: They Are Stinky, New Study Shows
Ladies: They Are Stinky, New Study Shows

You may have heard that girls are icky and stinky and covered in cooties.

Well; it turns out that IT’S ALL TRUE!

The Men’s Rights futurist over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog has discovered a survey from earlier this year suggesting that most UK women don’t shower every day. “[I]t turns out that women are taking less and less showers,” he writes, with evident alarm.

In a British survey, nearly 80% of women admitted that they aren’t taking daily showers. Many women are even showering less than once every three days. (Additionally, two thirds of women in the survey don’t remove their makeup before they go to bed, and one eighth of women in the survey admitted to not brushing their teeth before they go to bed.) 

Never mind that the survey apparently didn’t include men, and that it was conducted by a company that used it to push its skin-care products. The poor blogger sees this as clear and incontrovertible evidence that women are becoming stinkier and stinkier and will ultimately explode from sheer stinkiness, or something.

At this rate, women are going to stop showering and taking baths.  In a hot month like August women are going to stink, and it will be a very nasty stink.  And that’s before adding on the stink from that will come from refusing to properly use a toilet.

Wait, women don’t use toilets?


In a previous blog post, which I wrote about here, Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Tech concluded, based on his own highly scientific study of women that consisted of watching  a couple of episodes of Jersey Shore and Bad Girls Club Mexico, that women (and by “women” he means “Snooki”) sometimes piss their pants and cover up the stink with perfume. And other times women (and by women he means someone or other on Bad Girls Club Mexico) pee in buckets while riding in limos and then later they hand “the piss filled bucket to some guy to deal with.”

From this, he concluded that “We’re Going To Need Litter Boxes For Women In The Future,” as the title of his post put it.

And now the whole shower thing. It’s like it’s like some kind of stankocalypse!

This will be a just another reason for men to go their own way.  Very few men will choose to deal with women who continuously stink and are covered in a layer of filth.  It’s disturbing that women think that they can do this without men objecting to it.

In the comments, one fellow suggests that women have pretty lax standards when it comes to male hygiene as well:

Women … swoon over homeless hobo’s, serial killers & greasy drummers, filthy hygiene comes naturally to the average chick

Why do you think housework & washing dishes is oppressive to women …

Women are feral barbaric & uncivilized, no limits when it comes degenerative women

So, in other words, not only are women to blame for their own allegedly poor hygiene, they are responsible for the poor hygiene of “homeless hobo’s” and “greasy drummers” as well. Also, for dirty dishes.

All this reminds me of those terrifying but all-too-real ads from the 40s and 50s urging women to wash out their you-know-whats with Lysol.

Ladies! Do this extremely dangerous thing that can only harm you or the man in your life will leave you!
Ladies! Do this extremely dangerous thing that can only harm you or the man in your life will leave you!

Mother Jones has an interesting and horrifying piece on how Lysol was used not only for “feminine hygiene” but as a (completely ineffective) form of birth control.

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9 years ago

Many of us in the UK don’t shower at all!

We have baths.

It isn’t really possible to get that dirty in a day or 2, unless you do certain ‘mucky’ jobs. And as you get older you get less stinky.

But I am guessing that this man does not have the knowledge that people are different, do different things, and live in different climates, with different access to water.

9 years ago

I’m actually a stickler when it comes to taking showers daily, sometimes several times – I really hate sweat and don’t want it drying up in either my hair or on my skin. It’s technically excrement, even if it’s a coolant, and thus find it gross.

9 years ago

And that’s before adding on the stink from that will come from refusing to properly use a toilet.

By properly he of course means standing up while you do it. That’s the only right and proper way to piss as god intended.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Oh, never thought about that; but it is the obvious inference. 🙂

9 years ago

My favorite part from that second ad:
“Many leading doctors advise their patients to douche regularly with ‘Lysol’ brand disinfectant just to insure daintiness alone.”
Did “dainty” mean something different back then? If not… is it really a doctors place to advise anyone on how best to maintain their “daintiness”?

9 years ago

@Brian me too! I shall now forever think of my vagina as ‘dainty’, and giggle.

Women … swoon over homeless hobo’s, serial killers & greasy drummers, filthy hygiene comes naturally to the average chick

Ok, lol… but serial killers doesn’t seem to belong in this list. To my albeit limited-to-A & E-docutainment knowledge, a defining (or even common) trait of serial killers is not ‘stinky’. (Also, we swoon over greasy GUITAR PLAYERS, sillypants! Sheesh.)

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

There was some sensationalistic headline a few months ago claiming that 3 out of 4 women in the UK smell bad. I assumed it was talking about people in the UK in general. 😛

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I’m guessing there’s a part of the UK where people don’t need to shower very often because the temperature is low and people don’t do much vigorous physical labor. There are probably other ways to find a sample group that doesn’t shower very often.

9 years ago

On a completely unrelated note, I recently discovered this gem on Honey Badger Brigade (via /r/BestofOutRageCulture):

Clifnotes version: Male nerds are good because they do not conform to traditional masculinity. The fact that they get “oppressed” for this is somehow the fault of feminism. Also, you must be *this* self-loathing to be a nerd.

It’s one of the most beautiful examples of almost-reaching-self-awareness-and-then-veering-away-at-the-last-second that I’ve ever seen.

9 years ago

By properly he of course means standing up while you do it. That’s the only right and proper way to piss as god intended.

I’m a cis lady, and I can pee standing up. Got a Shewee for it and everything. I have a feeling that the concept of this would freak out the poor little MTGOWs terribly badly, though.

9 years ago

So I only ever shower every other day except for when I’ve really done a lot of work and it is a combination of factors. One is that my hair is super thick and takes a long time to get greasy but is quick to dry out after a shower. Another is that I spent the summer going from my air-conditioned apartment to my air-conditioned car to drive to my over air-conditioned office.I’m just not getting that sweaty on an average day. Some how, I have managed not to ever have a single person say anything about me being bad smelling or dirty so I guess I’m in the clear. Unfortunately, I did kiss my boyfriend after he came back from a sweaty outdoor event so I guess I’m just ruining the men then.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Aw, rats. I was hoping this would turn out to be another one of Christopher in Oregon’s philippics.

I love the slippery-slope flights of fancy that these dudes go off on. They latch on to some small, unremarkable study and are all “Look! I told you so! Women are HIDEOUS HELL BEASTS. EUW YUCK BARF ICKY.” Some women don’t shower every day? That must mean that within six months, all women will be walking around coated in topsoil. That’s what happens when you let them vote.

Personally, I’m raising a crop of misandry radishes in the crevices of my filthy, unwashed toes.

Cassie Devereaux
9 years ago

Don’t the British shower once every few days in general? Granted, it’s been a while, but when I went in high school, everyone was bewildered that I insisted on showering every day.

Cassie Devereaux
9 years ago

And, it’s fair to note….. nobody smelt offensive. Great Britain is much further north than many Americans think.

9 years ago

I find it funny whenever we have surveys or whatever it usually goes like this:

Studies show that men…
Mras/anti-feminists: “this is some feminist conspiracy and misandry! Nothing but bigots! Hey don’t blame us blame women! Women do it too! Whoever wrote this is a mangina!”
Studies show that women..
Mras/anti-feminists: “See! See! I told you women are evil! It’s the end of the world! this is why we should totally just lock women up never letting them do anything without our permission! No I’m not overracting! I’m a man! I can only ‘logic’! Being angry at everything a woman does and says is logical, right?”

9 years ago

Btw my grandma is a hair dresser, she says you’re not supposed to bathe everyday (every 2-3 days depending how sensitive your skin is) because it dries out your hair and skin making your body work harder to produce oils then you not only itch and dry but you stink too.

I have very long (past my knees) and thick hair. I don’t wash it everyday because my skin and hair is sensitive so what I do is use a wash cloth and special skin products and gently clean myself.

Though I shouldn’t speak for everyone because everybody is different.

9 years ago

Catalpa: You realize, not knowing what the Hell a SheWee was, that I had to go Google that s**t. The SheeWee is awesome. I also came acros something similar called the GoGirl. I’m going to need one.I live in the city but I take medication and the urge to go is completely unpredictable. Im also terrified of dirty bathrooms. So yeah.

Cassie Devereaux
9 years ago

@ikeke35 Also known as a “shenis”. XD

9 years ago

The (slight) decline in the power of white men has hit some guys really hard. It was all they had going for them. Now they’re reduced to writing screeds about how women stink.

Hey, guys, why don’t you spend some time learning how to get along with others?

9 years ago

I could write a satire article titled “Cooties: The Silent Killer,” but they wouldn’t realize that it’s satire and I’d get pressed into running for the MRA party.

Now what do they have to say about men that can’t be burdened with washing their asses named Roosh?

Did I have to bring it up?


EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I could write a satire article titled “Cooties: The Silent Killer,”

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Do it. Please. In the name of all the cute kittens who have been photoshopped to be wearing clothes, do it. I want to read that so badly.

9 years ago

@EJ (The Other One)

You don’t get it, I’m not a Giga-Douche. I don’t want to them to make me the head of the Douche Parade.

Do you want to have people that can’t be bothered with washing their asses coming up to you to shake your hand!?

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

How can MRAs think that women who don’t shower every day would be smelly, particularly from unwashed lady-parts and underarms? Given how frequently they refer to women as ‘whores’, they must have come across the term ‘whore’s bath’ and assume that’s how all women wash.

You have to wonder how many women suffered from recurring yeast infections and terrible inflammatory responses trying to maintain their ‘daintiness’ with a solution of 1 tsp of Lysol with one quart of warm water. Yeeeeouch!

9 years ago

80%? As a British woman that astounds me.

Depends on how they formulated the question. It’s probably really common to shower, like six times a week on average… You usually take a shower in the morning, but occasionally, for some reason or other, you don’t. That’s not strictly each day.

Plus, as so many has already pointed out, not shower each day=/=bad hygiene. But it’s likely that a company who wants to push their products would design the questions the get the results they want.