a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil smelly women imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA

Breaking News: Girls Really Are Icky and Smelly, According to Man Who Hates Them

Ladies: They Are Stinky, New Study Shows
Ladies: They Are Stinky, New Study Shows

You may have heard that girls are icky and stinky and covered in cooties.

Well; it turns out that IT’S ALL TRUE!

The Men’s Rights futurist over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog has discovered a survey from earlier this year suggesting that most UK women don’t shower every day. “[I]t turns out that women are taking less and less showers,” he writes, with evident alarm.

In a British survey, nearly 80% of women admitted that they aren’t taking daily showers. Many women are even showering less than once every three days. (Additionally, two thirds of women in the survey don’t remove their makeup before they go to bed, and one eighth of women in the survey admitted to not brushing their teeth before they go to bed.) 

Never mind that the survey apparently didn’t include men, and that it was conducted by a company that used it to push its skin-care products. The poor blogger sees this as clear and incontrovertible evidence that women are becoming stinkier and stinkier and will ultimately explode from sheer stinkiness, or something.

At this rate, women are going to stop showering and taking baths.  In a hot month like August women are going to stink, and it will be a very nasty stink.  And that’s before adding on the stink from that will come from refusing to properly use a toilet.

Wait, women don’t use toilets?


In a previous blog post, which I wrote about here, Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Tech concluded, based on his own highly scientific study of women that consisted of watching  a couple of episodes of Jersey Shore and Bad Girls Club Mexico, that women (and by “women” he means “Snooki”) sometimes piss their pants and cover up the stink with perfume. And other times women (and by women he means someone or other on Bad Girls Club Mexico) pee in buckets while riding in limos and then later they hand “the piss filled bucket to some guy to deal with.”

From this, he concluded that “We’re Going To Need Litter Boxes For Women In The Future,” as the title of his post put it.

And now the whole shower thing. It’s like it’s like some kind of stankocalypse!

This will be a just another reason for men to go their own way.  Very few men will choose to deal with women who continuously stink and are covered in a layer of filth.  It’s disturbing that women think that they can do this without men objecting to it.

In the comments, one fellow suggests that women have pretty lax standards when it comes to male hygiene as well:

Women … swoon over homeless hobo’s, serial killers & greasy drummers, filthy hygiene comes naturally to the average chick

Why do you think housework & washing dishes is oppressive to women …

Women are feral barbaric & uncivilized, no limits when it comes degenerative women

So, in other words, not only are women to blame for their own allegedly poor hygiene, they are responsible for the poor hygiene of “homeless hobo’s” and “greasy drummers” as well. Also, for dirty dishes.

All this reminds me of those terrifying but all-too-real ads from the 40s and 50s urging women to wash out their you-know-whats with Lysol.

Ladies! Do this extremely dangerous thing that can only harm you or the man in your life will leave you!
Ladies! Do this extremely dangerous thing that can only harm you or the man in your life will leave you!

Mother Jones has an interesting and horrifying piece on how Lysol was used not only for “feminine hygiene” but as a (completely ineffective) form of birth control.

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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

First Roosh complains that cisgendered men have to wipe their asses to get laid, and now this guy is complaining that cisgendered women that he oh-so “scientifically” surveyed aren’t as pure and pristine as fresh-fallen snow and may not wash every single day, or they forget to remove their makeup.


Donna Gratehouse (@DonnaDiva)

This idea that women are innately filthy conflicts with the belief that women have higher cleanliness standards because we evolved with a better ability to see dirt. I thought MRAs were huge evo-psych fans!

lacerta viridis
9 years ago

MGTOW honestly have one of the most genuinely surreal worldviews I’ve ever come across. Like I find myself genuinely wondering if they’ve ever actually encountered a woman who wasn’t a bizarre strawman or a sitcom character.

9 years ago

In a British survey, nearly 80% of women admitted that they aren’t taking daily showers… In a hot month like August

Let me stop you right there, sparky. If you had been in any part of the British Isles this past month, “hot” would not be the first word to spring to mind.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Yeah, dude definitely confused “Women” with “Roosh” a few times there.

9 years ago

Showers wash away the good necessary oils as well as dirt. If you wash too much you actually get greasier and sweatier because your body tries to overcompensate. So actually, showering too much makes you dirtier. At least that’s what I’ve heard. It could be a myth. All I know is I don’t shower every day and I hardly ever get sweaty and stinky.

9 years ago

80%? As a British woman that astounds me. Not that me and my friends discuss our hygene schedule, but I don’t know any smelly women. And on public transport, if anyone’s going to smell so bad I have to change seats, it’s invariably a man.

Is that story about covering up urine soaked knickers with perfume for real? I am so glad I do not watch Jersey Shore.

And if he’s going his own way, why does he care about smelly lady parts? So long as he remembers to rinse out his fleshlight he’ll be fine.

9 years ago

Does this guy not realise that on days when we don’t shower we still clean ourselves?

I also like that women not washing is the fault of women and that men not washing is the fault of women. It’s all our fault. Forever and ever times infinity and that’s why there are NO GURLZ ALOWD in their super seekrit club.

Eryn E (@ErynEthan)
9 years ago

lol, I’m not even offended. This is hilarious and these guys are sad.

9 years ago

Mra: “Gosh guys I don’t understand why anyone thinks we don’t care about men or boys and are just mangry misogynists.”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ catamara

“hot” would not be the first word to spring to mind.

Ironically, “showers” would be.

9 years ago

I must confess – for the past several months I have been showering only every other day instead of every day as I used to.

This is because I live in California, AKA the Fucking Legendary Drought State. Every shower I don’t take is several gallons of water conserved. Lots of people here are doing the same. Many of them are women. The horrors.

9 years ago

Showers wash away the good necessary oils as well as dirt. If you wash too much you actually get greasier and sweatier because your body tries to overcompensate. So actually, showering too much makes you dirtier. At least that’s what I’ve heard. It could be a myth. All I know is I don’t shower every day and I hardly ever get sweaty and stinky.

It really depends on the individual; not everyone replaces body oils at the same rate. Some people can go without a bath for days and smell fine while others can get quite smelly after only half a day. In the extreme end there are some unlucky people that smell bad naturally even when perfectly clean.

9 years ago

I forgot to mention that the climate you live in and the amount of physical activity you undertake are other important factors as well.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Two fascinating* space facts:

1. A preference for not bathing and/or showering is a desired trait amongst people who build satellites and space probes. This is because they are less likely to shed skin flakes, and skin flakes are a major problem in the clean rooms they use to build satellites and space probes.

2. 25% of all working satellites orbiting the Earth were built in Stevenage. Of course, if you’ve ever been to Stevenage you won’t be surprised that the residents there spend a lot of time dreaming about how to get off the planet.

[* for a certain value of ‘fascinating’]

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

MGTOW are so desperate to actually make men go that they have to write shit like this do convince people.

9 years ago

From top ad: “each lint-free cloth…” Lol, just imagining it leaving behind lint. “Dammit!” Sorry, I’m 12. Will read post now.

J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
9 years ago

Apropos of nothing, but there’s a whole genera of porn dedicated to women wetting their pants. Seems there are some men out there who fancy that stuff.

As for how I know this… I plead the fifth.

9 years ago

I don’t shower every day (unless I happen to be doing work that gets me muddy), it’s usually every other day, or every third day. Showering every day strips your skin and hair of oils that are beneficial, and it’s not recommended for most folks (admittedly, everyone is different). Even if you shower every day, you probably don’t need to be shampooing every time.

Besides that, limiting your shower time also saves water and energy, so it’s green. And if it would convince all MGTOWs to go somewhere far, far away from everyone else, I’d be willing to cut down my showering even MORE.

9 years ago

“It’s disturbing that women think that they can do this without men objecting to it.”

I mean, it’s as if these women aren’t even taking every man’s possible reaction into consideration when they do or don’t do things! Ghastly! Somebody bring me my clutching-pearls and fainting sofa!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I hope you’re not suggesting that the good people of Stevenage are lax in their hygiene standards?

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

I shower every day, but that’s because there’s about a 90 percent chance I have someone else’s blood (or worse) on me by the end of the day. I dont wear my work clothes out of work, nor my shoes, but some things should NOT stay on your skin :p I dont wash my hair every day though, just rinse and condition it…but then, it’s an MRA-approved waist length. (Dont worry I make up for the hair by being loudly feminist and hoping that the cognitive dissonance makes their heads asplode 🙂 )

9 years ago

Actually, Lysol and other douches were actually coded contraceptives. If ou read the old Lysol-as-douche ads, they speak of Lysol “destroying foreign germs” which was a well-known euphemism for semen. It’s still stupid and dangerous, but it wasn’t just because everyone back then thought vaginas were icky.

9 years ago

*Well-known at the time euphemism for semen. Sorry, this history nerd is post-migraine hangover and not too bright^.^

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

@AbominableSnowPickle, you’re right! But it’s not just “semen” it’s also code for “VD” …i imagine targeting the ad to “Married Women” was ALSO partly a code :-p

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