8chan literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever PUA racism that's not funny!

8Channers are trying to pick up women on Tinder with a famous neo-Nazi slogan. It’s not going well for them.

Hitler demontrating his mastery of Nazi Game.
Hitler demonstrating his mastery of Nazi Game.

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So one Twitter Nazi recently had a bright white idea: Why not try to pick up women on Tinder using the neo-Nazi catechism known as “The Fourteen Words?”


The results so far? Let’s just say they’ve been mixed.

The guy who came up with the idea reports some successes, at least in getting women to respond to his initial message.


The first woman thinks he’s joking, and seems to be making fun of white supremacists; the second one, presumably tired of crude sexual come-ons and uninspired “hi’s,” gives him props for originality.

We have no idea where the conversations went after that.

Others who tried the Fourteen Words didn’t do quite so well. On 8chan’s Nazi-heavy /pol/ board (thread archived here), one self-described ” fairly attractive aryan dude” reports this conversation he had on Tinder with a “pretty average aryan” gal.

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.

>Let’s be honest the world would be better off without white people anyways.

>How so? We’d lose out on every major scientific advancement and pretty much all of modern civilization.
>White people are the least racist and most compassionate and civilized on the planet. Thats why we take in so many migrants into our well-established civilizations.

>Sarcasm or white supremacy? Hard to tell

>You just advocated for the genocide of all white people. Replace white people in your first reply with any other race and read it out.

>I get what you’re saying but I don’t advocate for the genocide of my own race, I just think that we’d be better off without the superiority of old white men through history. Also, I wouldn’t necessarily go out of my way to preserve the future of my race.

>Unmatches/blocks me

But hope springs eternal in the neo-Nazi heart. When another 8channer suggests that arguing with women about the alleged superiority of the white race might not be the most effective way to a woman’s heart, “fairly attractive aryan dude” insists that he was actually doing great with the woman who blocked him on Tinder, because in the magical land of the pickup artists, annoying random women is a kind of triumph, if you think about it.

Buddy, I don’t think you get it. This was a huge success in terms of turning her on. I could’ve turned this into a date easily but I decided to go full sperg master debater and crash the plane with no survivors. Let’s explore why this was a success in terms of courting the modern woman and turning her on:

>Got her to reply immediately and emotionally invest into the conversation from the fucking pickup line.

That’s a fucking bingo.

>I stood out from every other fucking beta that messages her typical tinder normalfag shit.

Win. Now I really have her attention.
>Got her to reply to me multiple times, she ended up typing almost as much as I did.
>Got her to contribute to the conversation.
Chicks love this shit because it stands out and gets their vagina juices flowing. Negative emotional reaction is better than no emotional reaction.

And besides, he adds in another comment,

this chick wasn’t the prettiest despite having blonde hair and blue eyes, pretty chubby, not even curvy, not waifu material.

That chick was definitely sour!

One /pol/ commenter hopes that “white nationalism becomes the new ‘negging.'”

Another reassures his Aryan brothers that they are indeed the most handsomest of all the races:

We are most attractive for a reason. This should not be a shock to any mentally strong white male that has pride in his own people and their achievements. …

In an analysis of online porn trends worldwide almost every region on earth the most popular porn trends are usually searches for the regions own ethnicity. Interracial porn doesn’t break the top ten for any region. …

Interracial porn is created and sold at a loss. It isn’t profitable, and it actually hurts the actresses career to participate in it.

Blacks being attractive to any other race except other blacks is a myth for the most part. It’s pushed in order to demoralize young white males into believing they’re inferior sexually. Reality is the exact opposite though.

White women like white men, white men just do not act like men. Stop wasting your life away looking at porn. Stop being weak. Become strong, mentally and physically. Be a man. Do not just sit around and pout when it seems difficult, that’s what women do. Fight tooth and nail to make yourself the man you were supposed to be. Be the man your ancest

And bla bla bla more Nazi crap.

Elsewhere in the thread, assorted anons post screencaps of their own Fourteen Words pickup attempts. The responses range from amusement to disgust, and most of the conversations seem to have ended quickly, or turned into an argument.

One anon laments that his Aryan brothers don’t seem to understand trolling at all.

you guys have to make it fun. don’t lecture and kill the fun. crime statistics is as spergish as it gets.
you want to give her white babies to save the white race. it’s only half serious, you obviously just want to fuck her. throw in a SIEG HEIL or something silly to stick with the theme.
_no one_ wants to be “redpilled” on fucking Tinder. come on.

Or anywhere else, really.


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EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

The “white men with asian women” trope plays into one of the big schisms within the white nationalist movement: whether one should keep the white race pure (“white separatists”) or whether one should dominate the lesser races (“white supremacists”.) There is a fair bit of mudslinging between the two factions, but nothing as fierce as when the question of whether white men with asian partners is acceptable. Watching Nazis attack one another can be industrial-strength schadenfreude, so bring popcorn if you do.

Sadly a lot of the ugliest white-separatist positions in that particular argument are held by white women who are a) concerned that their men are being stolen from them, and b) are concerned about the lack of white babies. Seeing women internalise the misogynistic standard that their place is to worry about kids is really sad, even if they’re white supremacists.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

(Adding to the above to clarify for casual readers: there is nothing good or acceptable about being a white nationalist, white supremacist, white separatist or any other form of racist asshole. The fact that they have schisms within their movement does not make either position any more legitimate or less despicable.)

9 years ago

I don’t think it’s just white women who find themselves falling a-foul of crossing racial lines in a double standard. It’s a fairly common phenomenon in ethnic groups to worry a lot less about who the men are walking out with, because yes, they can always walk away and they aren’t ‘property’ the way women are. Asian women who were with white men during the various conflicts and occupation post WWII got a lot of stick (and presumably before during colonialism). Gypsy/traveller women aren’t allowed to marry out. The film Mississippi Masala was all about black and Asian romance and all the crap that fell upon the young woman. Etc. Etc. It’s also why war rape is such a powerful tool to disrupt a society, ‘damaging the breeding stock’ and ‘leaving a cuckoo in the nest’. And it fuels things like Rotherham sex abuse cases and how it was allowed to continue – on both sides – from the Asian side – this white women were only worthy of whoring and this ‘outlet’ kept Asian women pure for marriage. From the white side, there was perhaps something especially tainted in these girls after they ‘crossed the colour line’ (although that isn’t talked about at all, but I wonder how they could have been so dismissed…).

White supremacists obviously only care about white women crossing racial lines, but they’re not alone in this.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Nerag | August 29, 2015 at 11:11 pm
This should give encouragement to you guys in the dating game. If you aren’t a “nice” guy and a total neo-nazi I think you are in with a good chance.

It’s also very sad for us ladies that that’s a low fucking bar to get over. I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness whenever I see someone actually be decent for five minutes and not devolve into “dtf?”, “wanna see my dick?” or “white babies?”

And even sadder that so many fucking men still manage to trip on it.

mola the ocean sunfish
mola the ocean sunfish
9 years ago

@ Alan

Crashing the plane with no survivors is a reference to a meme/ originally a scene in The Dark Knight Rises.

It’s been used in reference to germanwings, but predates it.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

It’s not just sad for the ladies. I’m sad about sharing a gender with people who think that that’s an appropriate way to behave to a fellow human being.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Molo

Ah, thanks for that. That film seems to provide a lot of material for the MRA types. I think there was someone on here who kept using some reference to watching the world burn, which I think is from that (could be mistaken, never seen it).

If they must use Batman themes why can’t they go with a decent film? “Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb” works for so many occasions.

mola the ocean sunfish
mola the ocean sunfish
9 years ago

@ EJ

Until just now I’ve never been able to figure out for certain whether you’re a gay lady or a straight dude. You’ve given multiple hints, but none (that I’ve noticed) were ever quite conclusive either way. There was always just a touch of ambiguity. I’ve wondered if you were maybe doing this on purpose.

Either way it’s been very interesting, I’ve had some priceless opportunities to examine the automatic heteronormative cissexist assumptions I tend to make.

@ Alan

Ha! You seem to have misread or misspelled my name. Funnily enough, molo means dick in my native language (:

Close, “some men just want to watch the world burn” is a reference to one of the earlier Nolan Batmans. I’ve personally never been able to understand their appeal either. But I suspect references need to be fairly current in order to go memetic. I mean, I had to google that bomb thing to learn it’s from a Batman movie that came out in 1966… i-is t-that when you were young?

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Oops sorry Mol*A* 🙂 I blame tiny print on phone screen.

I was in negative figures when the good Batman film came out, but I’ve always loved it. Who needs Heath Legder when you’ve got Caesar Romero?

9 years ago

It’s also very sad for us ladies that that’s a low fucking bar to get over. I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness whenever I see someone actually be decent for five minutes and not devolve into “dtf?”, “wanna see my dick?” or “white babies?”

And even sadder that so many fucking men still manage to trip on it.

It’s really sad. It’s a little disheartening to see these comments. Really, not being a Nazi, not being rapey, and actually reading the woman’s profile might be enough to get your foot in the door. But we still want and deserve partners who emotionally, mentally, and physically compatible and who are caring and pleasant to be around. I don’t want to see men saying “what’s your problem? Maybe I forgot your birthday, but at least I’m not a white nationalist!”

I’d much rather stay single than be with a guy who only thinks that’s the bar he needs to clear.

History Nerd
9 years ago

As for the whole “white genocide” thing, it’s complete bullshit. There’s no government campaign to try to destroy white European cultural heritage (see how difficult it is to find Oktoberfest parties). Nobody is trying to prevent two white people from having babies, since there’s nothing really right or wrong about that. It’s not like the situation with, say, Native Americans, in which there has been a concerted effort at times to destroy their traditional culture and religion and coerce them into trying to pass for white.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

mola the ocean sunfish:

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

I meant to just say, your nym is awesome.

9 years ago

I once encountered this weird, uh, racist I guess, but of a pretty unique kind, online, who claimed that there’s all this scientific evidence to show that mixed-race people are vastly superior (physically and intellectually) to pure-race people. More intelligent, stronger, more beautiful and so on. Because GENETICS! He was like “almost all of the most successful people in the world are mixed-race” (this was even before Obama became president) and I was like “uh, aren’t loads and loads of them white? Not that I believe that’s because white people are superior, it’s because we live in a racist world, but still, that claim of yours seems to be quite obviously false” and he was like “no that’s the way it is because GENETICS and SCIENCE!”.
I guess every action eventually gives rise to a counter reaction…

9 years ago

Why don’t these Neo-Nazi, MRA types just go to Stormfront and seek out White women to date and have loads of White children with? That would be where they would find all the White female racists to their hearts’ content, imho. I assume that racist lingo is not attractive to most White people and would have to be targeted towards websites where White racists gather.

With the way Europeans have historically gone around the world killing non-White people (sometimes to the point of the extinction of tribes/ethnic groups), it’s amazing that White Supremacists have the gall to talk about “White Genocide”. Some nerve!

9 years ago

pkayden – I know that there are plenty of racist women around, but I think at that extreme end they are heavily outnumbered by men. Neo Nazi men do have a pretty established reputation for being more domestically violent than your ‘average’ man too.

mola the ocean sunfish
mola the ocean sunfish
9 years ago

@ pkayden

For every female white supremacist, there are several male ones. It’s just one of those ideologies that primarily appeal to (angry white) dudes. They have to look for dates outside of their own circles or stay single. They have to recruit women, “redpill” them, try to make them “racially aware”.

@ A. Ape

Thanks! Magnificent creatures, aren’t they?

9 years ago

What is clear is that they aren’t happy with any old white genes, or they wouldn’t be so worried about the ‘white race’. I am white, all my immediate family also are. Our European heritage is pretty much English Scottish Irish, BUT we are almost all dark haired and dark eyed, and tan well. By the look of my grandfather there is probably some Greek or Turkish in there, but we really don’t know.

And there lies the problem – we neither know nor care about our origins, and because of our colouring could easily be ‘tainted’ with Southern European! It is also perfectly possible that my kids might have children with someone who isn’t white!

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

There’s a great Robert Silverberg story set some time in the future where racism has died out because there had been so much interbreeding that the racists needed computers to work out who to be racist against and it just got too much hard work.

9 years ago

I have to say, I think this is a great idea on the parts of neo-Nazis, if only because it does such an excellent job of telling women whom to block.

9 years ago

And this is why the no-calls-for-violence policy is idiotic. Nazis are a direct threat to all of us who aren’t middle class white dudes like Futrelle. Whenever bourgeois white people are in charge they ALWAYS work to support those systems that destroy and rape the rest of us, no matter their nominal political affiliations. Bourgeois liberals have always and will always not only tolerate but work together with nazi scum. That’s the sad fact that makes places like this no good for any real change.

Middle class whites gonna white.

9 years ago

With the way Europeans have historically gone around the world killing non-White people (sometimes to the point of the extinction of tribes/ethnic groups), it’s amazing that White Supremacists have the gall to talk about “White Genocide”. Some nerve!

It’s that old observation that bigots’ deepest fear is that other people will do to them what they’ve been doing to other people.

9 years ago


I’m going to ignore your relevant points to jump to one that feels more relevant.

Oh my god fuck right the fuck off with that.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“Bourgeois liberals”?

Scribbles is either Pelagic a gotcha troll or wasting an hour watching videos of funny Mario World hacks sent me back in time to the Cold War.