8chan literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever PUA racism that's not funny!

8Channers are trying to pick up women on Tinder with a famous neo-Nazi slogan. It’s not going well for them.

Hitler demontrating his mastery of Nazi Game.
Hitler demonstrating his mastery of Nazi Game.

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So one Twitter Nazi recently had a bright white idea: Why not try to pick up women on Tinder using the neo-Nazi catechism known as “The Fourteen Words?”


The results so far? Let’s just say they’ve been mixed.

The guy who came up with the idea reports some successes, at least in getting women to respond to his initial message.


The first woman thinks he’s joking, and seems to be making fun of white supremacists; the second one, presumably tired of crude sexual come-ons and uninspired “hi’s,” gives him props for originality.

We have no idea where the conversations went after that.

Others who tried the Fourteen Words didn’t do quite so well. On 8chan’s Nazi-heavy /pol/ board (thread archived here), one self-described ” fairly attractive aryan dude” reports this conversation he had on Tinder with a “pretty average aryan” gal.

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.

>Let’s be honest the world would be better off without white people anyways.

>How so? We’d lose out on every major scientific advancement and pretty much all of modern civilization.
>White people are the least racist and most compassionate and civilized on the planet. Thats why we take in so many migrants into our well-established civilizations.

>Sarcasm or white supremacy? Hard to tell

>You just advocated for the genocide of all white people. Replace white people in your first reply with any other race and read it out.

>I get what you’re saying but I don’t advocate for the genocide of my own race, I just think that we’d be better off without the superiority of old white men through history. Also, I wouldn’t necessarily go out of my way to preserve the future of my race.

>Unmatches/blocks me

But hope springs eternal in the neo-Nazi heart. When another 8channer suggests that arguing with women about the alleged superiority of the white race might not be the most effective way to a woman’s heart, “fairly attractive aryan dude” insists that he was actually doing great with the woman who blocked him on Tinder, because in the magical land of the pickup artists, annoying random women is a kind of triumph, if you think about it.

Buddy, I don’t think you get it. This was a huge success in terms of turning her on. I could’ve turned this into a date easily but I decided to go full sperg master debater and crash the plane with no survivors. Let’s explore why this was a success in terms of courting the modern woman and turning her on:

>Got her to reply immediately and emotionally invest into the conversation from the fucking pickup line.

That’s a fucking bingo.

>I stood out from every other fucking beta that messages her typical tinder normalfag shit.

Win. Now I really have her attention.
>Got her to reply to me multiple times, she ended up typing almost as much as I did.
>Got her to contribute to the conversation.
Chicks love this shit because it stands out and gets their vagina juices flowing. Negative emotional reaction is better than no emotional reaction.

And besides, he adds in another comment,

this chick wasn’t the prettiest despite having blonde hair and blue eyes, pretty chubby, not even curvy, not waifu material.

That chick was definitely sour!

One /pol/ commenter hopes that “white nationalism becomes the new ‘negging.'”

Another reassures his Aryan brothers that they are indeed the most handsomest of all the races:

We are most attractive for a reason. This should not be a shock to any mentally strong white male that has pride in his own people and their achievements. …

In an analysis of online porn trends worldwide almost every region on earth the most popular porn trends are usually searches for the regions own ethnicity. Interracial porn doesn’t break the top ten for any region. …

Interracial porn is created and sold at a loss. It isn’t profitable, and it actually hurts the actresses career to participate in it.

Blacks being attractive to any other race except other blacks is a myth for the most part. It’s pushed in order to demoralize young white males into believing they’re inferior sexually. Reality is the exact opposite though.

White women like white men, white men just do not act like men. Stop wasting your life away looking at porn. Stop being weak. Become strong, mentally and physically. Be a man. Do not just sit around and pout when it seems difficult, that’s what women do. Fight tooth and nail to make yourself the man you were supposed to be. Be the man your ancest

And bla bla bla more Nazi crap.

Elsewhere in the thread, assorted anons post screencaps of their own Fourteen Words pickup attempts. The responses range from amusement to disgust, and most of the conversations seem to have ended quickly, or turned into an argument.

One anon laments that his Aryan brothers don’t seem to understand trolling at all.

you guys have to make it fun. don’t lecture and kill the fun. crime statistics is as spergish as it gets.
you want to give her white babies to save the white race. it’s only half serious, you obviously just want to fuck her. throw in a SIEG HEIL or something silly to stick with the theme.
_no one_ wants to be “redpilled” on fucking Tinder. come on.

Or anywhere else, really.


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9 years ago

And to the “can’t take a joke”, you must have missed the bit where we laughed at the guy who couldn’t figure out why his fellow trolls seemed to actually be taking this Nazi stuff seriously.

9 years ago

Oh, and re: genes, yeah my kid’s biological grandfather said he had a heart attack when he saw my son as a baby, because apparently he was the spitting image of *his* father in law, my son’s great grandfather. And apparently the two of them had a, let’s say, adversarial relationship.

9 years ago

> We are most attractive for a reason.

Well, I’m white and gay. Do you think I’m more attracted to:
1) A bunch of 4chan neo-Nazis, or;
2) Isaiah Mustafa, Jay Lethal, Kenny King, Marcelo, Kazuchika Okada, Shinsuke Nakamura, Yoshi-Hashi and Yujiro Kushida

(Did I mention I watch a lot of wrestling?)

9 years ago


as an ex online dater I did sometimes respond to some of the more egregious opening gambits, but never in a positive way, they always wound up being blocked. Sometimes you’ll get five minutes of someone’s time just for being original in a bad way, but I don’t think it ever blossoms into anything.

What’s sad is that for these guys, getting five minutes of someone’s attention is an end in itself.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

It’s amazing how these guys manage to be wrong about almost everything concerning what makes people think you’re attractive. I assume at least some people seriously think this gets girls secretly into you (even if they outwardly mock you or express disgust).

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I’ve done Tinder before. I tried to keep the conversations positive, funny, and respectful (okay, I did brag a little about my academic credentials). It always led to something innocuous like getting coffee or going to see a movie. I’d assume you wouldn’t have much success if you’re expecting to be able to convince women to fuck you in a few chat sessions.

9 years ago

I find the whole white genocide thing REALLY pathetic, especially in relation to all the terrible things that white people put other races through. It is quite disgusting, actually. They should go to Australia (or practically all colonized country with a long track record of human rights abuses) and spout that shit to the Aborigines. Australia has a long history of treating its original inhabitants like dirt. It wasn’t that long ago that Aboriginal children (especially those of mixed descent) were taken from their homes and taken to foster homes and institutional facilities operated by religious or charitable organisations.This is what they call the Stolen Generation. The purpose was basically to assimilate them into white culture, turning them into white people. They were even forbidden from speaking their own language and were severely punished for doing so. It kinda bring this whole ‘white genocide’ thing into perspective, doesn’t it?

Anyway, here are a couple of links.

9 years ago

In regards to the family resemblance thing, me and my sister don’t look like either one of our parents in particular, rather we look like mishmash of both. I have got my father’s eyes (well, his eyes are brown and mine a hazel) my sister has my mother’s. I have my mother’s fair skin, while my sister has my father’s darker skin. On my mother’s side, my 3 aunts look different, but the youngest looks like a combination of her older siblings. My great uncle’s daughter and her children all look the same. On my father’s side, my father and his brother look the same as their father, but his sister looks different and has red hair. All her children look like her and has her red hair. It’s weird how genes express themselves, isn’t it?

9 years ago

I’m glad these monsters are open about their awfulness…more or less. Reminds us all of how terrible this world truly is.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I decided to go full sperg master debater and crash the plane with no survivors.

…albeit the plane was on fire, missing a wing, flying upside down in a blizzard through the Alps, and your co-pilot ejected shortly after takeoff, but okay, buddy. Whatever you say.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Is the plane crash thing a reference to the pilot who did the murder/suicide?

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

I hadn’t thought of that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I was wondering about that too, Alan. Guys who think Nazi propaganda makes great trolling material wouldn’t think twice about using a horrible tragedy as a lulzy metaphor for a failed pickup attempt. Bonus points for the ableist slur, too.

9 years ago

I find the whole white genocide thing REALLY pathetic, especially in relation to all the terrible things that white people put other races through. It is quite disgusting, actually. They should go to Australia (or practically all colonized country with a long track record of human rights abuses) and spout that shit to the Aborigines. Australia has a long history of treating its original inhabitants like dirt. It wasn’t that long ago that Aboriginal children (especially those of mixed descent) were taken from their homes and taken to foster homes and institutional facilities operated by religious or charitable organisations.This is what they call the Stolen Generation. The purpose was basically to assimilate them into white culture, turning them into white people. They were even forbidden from speaking their own language and were severely punished for doing so. It kinda bring this whole ‘white genocide’ thing into perspective, doesn’t it?

Same thing happen here in Canada. The government took native children away from their parents and put then in to church run ‘residential schools’ where they were physical,sexually and mentally abused in a attempt to assimilate them.

9 years ago

….I’m really looking forward to the auto-quote feature proposed for the site up grade.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

The white supremacist dudes are awfully silent when their bros are going on about the evils of Western (read: white) women, the glories of sex tourism in underdeveloped nations, and how Asian women are so much better at feeemaling. I don’t hear anyone lecturing those guys about the urgent mandate to make more white babies and save civilization.

Or is it only women that are not permitted to cross racial lines?

9 years ago

I decided to go full sperg master debater and crash the plane with no survivors.

Did anyone besides me read that offensive phrase as “full-of-sploodge masturbator”? Because that is positively uncanny in how it captures the wankishness of this dude.

9 years ago

Buttercup: It’s almost as though they really only cared about forcing women they find hot to have sex with them.

9 years ago

Or is it only women that are not permitted to cross racial lines?

Only *white* women. And non-white men. Well, some of them don’t seem to care too much about Eastern Asian men one way or another, so they get a pass. Sometimes.

9 years ago

This should give encouragement to you guys in the dating game. If you aren’t a “nice” guy and a total neo-nazi I think you are in with a good chance.

9 years ago


I’m going to guess they believe that the race of the child is based solely on the race of the father. White father+ non-white mother=white child ,non-white father+white mother=non-white child

9 years ago


Eh, I HIGHLY doubt that white supremacists would see a mixed-race child with a white father as being white. It’s more that they don’t care, because the dad can always just abandon the child and mother. And also because they see women as property and thus should not be able to stray; men are people and can make their own decisions.

Occam's Nightmare
9 years ago

If white women only like white men then why are these same people constantly handwringing about being “cuckolded” by black guys?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Yeah, thanks to hypodescent, any child with even a hint of a sub-Saharan ancestor will be labelled as black by white supremacists.

I’ve always been a little baffled by the one-drop rule and what it implies for white superiority. If whiteness is so powerful and dominant, how come all it takes is 1% black ancestry to overwhelm and destroy the other 99% white ancestry? Seems like being white is a delicate thing, a flower that needs to be sheltered in a hothouse away from all the other flowers in order to survive. I’d expect a master race to be more robust.

9 years ago

@Catalpa & Buttercup

Excellent points ,I with draw my previous comment .