8chan literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever PUA racism that's not funny!

8Channers are trying to pick up women on Tinder with a famous neo-Nazi slogan. It’s not going well for them.

Hitler demontrating his mastery of Nazi Game.
Hitler demonstrating his mastery of Nazi Game.

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So one Twitter Nazi recently had a bright white idea: Why not try to pick up women on Tinder using the neo-Nazi catechism known as “The Fourteen Words?”


The results so far? Let’s just say they’ve been mixed.

The guy who came up with the idea reports some successes, at least in getting women to respond to his initial message.


The first woman thinks he’s joking, and seems to be making fun of white supremacists; the second one, presumably tired of crude sexual come-ons and uninspired “hi’s,” gives him props for originality.

We have no idea where the conversations went after that.

Others who tried the Fourteen Words didn’t do quite so well. On 8chan’s Nazi-heavy /pol/ board (thread archived here), one self-described ” fairly attractive aryan dude” reports this conversation he had on Tinder with a “pretty average aryan” gal.

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.

>Let’s be honest the world would be better off without white people anyways.

>How so? We’d lose out on every major scientific advancement and pretty much all of modern civilization.
>White people are the least racist and most compassionate and civilized on the planet. Thats why we take in so many migrants into our well-established civilizations.

>Sarcasm or white supremacy? Hard to tell

>You just advocated for the genocide of all white people. Replace white people in your first reply with any other race and read it out.

>I get what you’re saying but I don’t advocate for the genocide of my own race, I just think that we’d be better off without the superiority of old white men through history. Also, I wouldn’t necessarily go out of my way to preserve the future of my race.

>Unmatches/blocks me

But hope springs eternal in the neo-Nazi heart. When another 8channer suggests that arguing with women about the alleged superiority of the white race might not be the most effective way to a woman’s heart, “fairly attractive aryan dude” insists that he was actually doing great with the woman who blocked him on Tinder, because in the magical land of the pickup artists, annoying random women is a kind of triumph, if you think about it.

Buddy, I don’t think you get it. This was a huge success in terms of turning her on. I could’ve turned this into a date easily but I decided to go full sperg master debater and crash the plane with no survivors. Let’s explore why this was a success in terms of courting the modern woman and turning her on:

>Got her to reply immediately and emotionally invest into the conversation from the fucking pickup line.

That’s a fucking bingo.

>I stood out from every other fucking beta that messages her typical tinder normalfag shit.

Win. Now I really have her attention.
>Got her to reply to me multiple times, she ended up typing almost as much as I did.
>Got her to contribute to the conversation.
Chicks love this shit because it stands out and gets their vagina juices flowing. Negative emotional reaction is better than no emotional reaction.

And besides, he adds in another comment,

this chick wasn’t the prettiest despite having blonde hair and blue eyes, pretty chubby, not even curvy, not waifu material.

That chick was definitely sour!

One /pol/ commenter hopes that “white nationalism becomes the new ‘negging.'”

Another reassures his Aryan brothers that they are indeed the most handsomest of all the races:

We are most attractive for a reason. This should not be a shock to any mentally strong white male that has pride in his own people and their achievements. …

In an analysis of online porn trends worldwide almost every region on earth the most popular porn trends are usually searches for the regions own ethnicity. Interracial porn doesn’t break the top ten for any region. …

Interracial porn is created and sold at a loss. It isn’t profitable, and it actually hurts the actresses career to participate in it.

Blacks being attractive to any other race except other blacks is a myth for the most part. It’s pushed in order to demoralize young white males into believing they’re inferior sexually. Reality is the exact opposite though.

White women like white men, white men just do not act like men. Stop wasting your life away looking at porn. Stop being weak. Become strong, mentally and physically. Be a man. Do not just sit around and pout when it seems difficult, that’s what women do. Fight tooth and nail to make yourself the man you were supposed to be. Be the man your ancest

And bla bla bla more Nazi crap.

Elsewhere in the thread, assorted anons post screencaps of their own Fourteen Words pickup attempts. The responses range from amusement to disgust, and most of the conversations seem to have ended quickly, or turned into an argument.

One anon laments that his Aryan brothers don’t seem to understand trolling at all.

you guys have to make it fun. don’t lecture and kill the fun. crime statistics is as spergish as it gets.
you want to give her white babies to save the white race. it’s only half serious, you obviously just want to fuck her. throw in a SIEG HEIL or something silly to stick with the theme.
_no one_ wants to be “redpilled” on fucking Tinder. come on.

Or anywhere else, really.


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9 years ago


One of those characters is the avatar of 4chan and the dark side of reddit.

9 years ago

Nazi punks!
Nazi punks!
Nazi punks!

9 years ago

Nope – not face blind, nearsighted and don’t like wearing glasses or contacts, so at a distance I can really only see the blond hair and I’m so used to seeing it stand out mostly in the area where I live. It normally works, but in Finland – a fail. I think my ex is face blind, so I know how it works.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Also, it just occurred to me that the moron in the last quote referred to mindlessly puking pro-Nazi catchphrases as “Red pilling.” Now, of course, that’s exactly what red pilling is, but I don’t think I’ve seen any of them admit it before.

9 years ago

David Futrelle,

That has to be the most hilariously bad picture of the der Führer I’ve ever seen. Not only was he evil, he managed to make himself look stupid, and people still followed him into the abyss.

9 years ago

Buddy, I don’t think you get it. This was a huge success in terms of turning her on. I could’ve turned this into a date easily but I decided to go full sperg master debater and crash the plane with no survivors.

“I meant to do that.”

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ ColeYote

He, are you showing your age there?

9 years ago

Weirdly my son looks soooo Finnish, even though he only has one Finnish great grandparent.

My son is the absolute spitting image of my paternal grandfather. To the extent that I showed my wife a 1950s silent home movie of him (he died decades before I met her) and she went “whoa!”.

How odd that a scratchy bit of black-and-white film can effectively legitimise three generations.

9 years ago

Byt rugbyyogi – is it useful or relevant to a conversation about racism to say that you tend to prefer white people (which is what I guess you mean by Northern European)?

I’m not being bad, but I don’t see why you needed to make it clear what your preferences are?

I mean, if we were talking about it being a ‘myth’ that people can be attracted to fat women (which is certainly not true) and someone said that they prefer thin people, wouldn’t we all point out how irrelevant that is?

9 years ago


For a pithy cathchphrase that’s beloved by white nationalists as everything they stand for, the Fourteen Words is really fucking forgettable. “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” – it’s cumbersome, inelegant, doesn’t have any discernible sense of rhythm; it sounds like it’s made to be mumbled by old white dudes who are slightly confused (no surprises there).

You know what it sounds like to me? A corporate mission statement. Every mission statement I’ve worked under has been a clunker. It’ll be on page one of the Nazism Inc. employee handbook, and new hires will briefly roll their eyes at it on their way to the page about employee discounts at Hugo Boss.

The Dark Avenger
9 years ago

The mixture and/or persistence of familial family features is interesting. A distant relative I connected with Using Facebook looks enough like a first cousin of mine that they could pass for sisters. I looke like my father enough that the only real difference between us facially are the epicanthal folds I inherited from my mother’s side of the family, which because of my white-bread skin, is often overlooked.

And facial features can be identical between strangers. I was once stopped on the street in downtown San Diego by a man who claimed to have served in the Navy with me. Only showing him my driver’s license convinced him of his innocuous error. it’s kinda like Mr. Potato Head, there are only so many ways different features that are inherited can develope can blend together.

9 years ago

On the subject of looking alike, I look weirdly like my foster sister. Like so similar that there are photos where you genuinely can’t tell if it’s of me or her. I look nothing like my biological sister.

On the subject of nazi morons, they are so bizarre I can’t comprehend their thoughts. I was once told by a white supremacist that having mixed race babies is genocide of white people. I replied that a genocide carried out by sex is the only kind I could support. His response involved lots of gendered slurs.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

My sister, mum and grandma are all basically clones, and so are my brother and uncle (dad’s brother). I don’t look like anybody in my family and just figured I was a random outlier until mum let slip that dad’s not my biological father. As it turns out, I’m such a spitting image of him I didn’t even have to say why I’d contacted him for him to realise what was up. =P


(He’s since passed on, but those few years we had were awesome… And full of clone jokes.)

9 years ago

It’s not just looks that genes can effect weirdly. My brother and my cousin have the exact same voice.

9 years ago

Hit post too soon! I also have the exact same laugh my great aunt did. A machine gun laugh, my mom calls it.

9 years ago

@nonserviam because others had commented on that, too – so not sure why you’re picking on me in particular.

9 years ago

@rugbyyogi Fair point, yours was just the first comment I saw like that. I just think it’s a little off in general for anyone to have to publicly clarify that they tend to prefer white people.

9 years ago

I just think it’s a little off in general for anyone to have to publicly clarify that they tend to prefer white people.

Yeah, I find that a little odd too.

9 years ago


no worse than expressing a preference for any other racial type. And the people stating preferences are in response to a false claim quoted in the OP that EVERYBODY prefers white people, when in truth everyone has different preferences, some broader than others. And that’s absolutely fine, so long as people don’t extrapolate that to include someone’s actual worth, which I doubt anyone here would do.

Personally I really like guys with ginger hair, but I don’t think they’re superior beings on account of that.

And as to the drive by trolls who are suggesting we can’t take a joke, trolling isn’t the same as joking, because the women being trolled on Tinder are not in on the joke.

9 years ago

@wetherby – yes, my son looked just like my great grandmother at age 4 – obviously, he’s getting older and she became more ‘girly’ and he’s become more ‘boy-y’ in looks. But my dad sent me a pic of her at that age when my son 4 and it was spooky. How can genes express themselves like that after the dilution of three generations?

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

On the phenotype thing, there are photographs of my granddad that I could have used on my passport at the relevant age.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

sn0rkmaiden | August 29, 2015 at 3:04 pm
And as to the drive by trolls who are suggesting we can’t take a joke, trolling isn’t the same as joking, because the women being trolled on Tinder are not in on the joke.


And I would like to add: Nazis are not really good things to joke about. It’s not impossible, but it’s in really poor taste most of the time.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Also, I’m adding these guys to my list:

9 years ago

women actually took a single nanosecond to respond to this crap? Maybe I should give the online dating thing another go

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Paradoxy

Nazis are not really good things to joke about. It’s not impossible, but it’s in really poor taste most of the time.

You seen Katz’s blog post related to this?