8chan literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever PUA racism that's not funny!

8Channers are trying to pick up women on Tinder with a famous neo-Nazi slogan. It’s not going well for them.

Hitler demontrating his mastery of Nazi Game.
Hitler demonstrating his mastery of Nazi Game.

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So one Twitter Nazi recently had a bright white idea: Why not try to pick up women on Tinder using the neo-Nazi catechism known as “The Fourteen Words?”


The results so far? Let’s just say they’ve been mixed.

The guy who came up with the idea reports some successes, at least in getting women to respond to his initial message.


The first woman thinks he’s joking, and seems to be making fun of white supremacists; the second one, presumably tired of crude sexual come-ons and uninspired “hi’s,” gives him props for originality.

We have no idea where the conversations went after that.

Others who tried the Fourteen Words didn’t do quite so well. On 8chan’s Nazi-heavy /pol/ board (thread archived here), one self-described ” fairly attractive aryan dude” reports this conversation he had on Tinder with a “pretty average aryan” gal.

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.

>Let’s be honest the world would be better off without white people anyways.

>How so? We’d lose out on every major scientific advancement and pretty much all of modern civilization.
>White people are the least racist and most compassionate and civilized on the planet. Thats why we take in so many migrants into our well-established civilizations.

>Sarcasm or white supremacy? Hard to tell

>You just advocated for the genocide of all white people. Replace white people in your first reply with any other race and read it out.

>I get what you’re saying but I don’t advocate for the genocide of my own race, I just think that we’d be better off without the superiority of old white men through history. Also, I wouldn’t necessarily go out of my way to preserve the future of my race.

>Unmatches/blocks me

But hope springs eternal in the neo-Nazi heart. When another 8channer suggests that arguing with women about the alleged superiority of the white race might not be the most effective way to a woman’s heart, “fairly attractive aryan dude” insists that he was actually doing great with the woman who blocked him on Tinder, because in the magical land of the pickup artists, annoying random women is a kind of triumph, if you think about it.

Buddy, I don’t think you get it. This was a huge success in terms of turning her on. I could’ve turned this into a date easily but I decided to go full sperg master debater and crash the plane with no survivors. Let’s explore why this was a success in terms of courting the modern woman and turning her on:

>Got her to reply immediately and emotionally invest into the conversation from the fucking pickup line.

That’s a fucking bingo.

>I stood out from every other fucking beta that messages her typical tinder normalfag shit.

Win. Now I really have her attention.
>Got her to reply to me multiple times, she ended up typing almost as much as I did.
>Got her to contribute to the conversation.
Chicks love this shit because it stands out and gets their vagina juices flowing. Negative emotional reaction is better than no emotional reaction.

And besides, he adds in another comment,

this chick wasn’t the prettiest despite having blonde hair and blue eyes, pretty chubby, not even curvy, not waifu material.

That chick was definitely sour!

One /pol/ commenter hopes that “white nationalism becomes the new ‘negging.'”

Another reassures his Aryan brothers that they are indeed the most handsomest of all the races:

We are most attractive for a reason. This should not be a shock to any mentally strong white male that has pride in his own people and their achievements. …

In an analysis of online porn trends worldwide almost every region on earth the most popular porn trends are usually searches for the regions own ethnicity. Interracial porn doesn’t break the top ten for any region. …

Interracial porn is created and sold at a loss. It isn’t profitable, and it actually hurts the actresses career to participate in it.

Blacks being attractive to any other race except other blacks is a myth for the most part. It’s pushed in order to demoralize young white males into believing they’re inferior sexually. Reality is the exact opposite though.

White women like white men, white men just do not act like men. Stop wasting your life away looking at porn. Stop being weak. Become strong, mentally and physically. Be a man. Do not just sit around and pout when it seems difficult, that’s what women do. Fight tooth and nail to make yourself the man you were supposed to be. Be the man your ancest

And bla bla bla more Nazi crap.

Elsewhere in the thread, assorted anons post screencaps of their own Fourteen Words pickup attempts. The responses range from amusement to disgust, and most of the conversations seem to have ended quickly, or turned into an argument.

One anon laments that his Aryan brothers don’t seem to understand trolling at all.

you guys have to make it fun. don’t lecture and kill the fun. crime statistics is as spergish as it gets.
you want to give her white babies to save the white race. it’s only half serious, you obviously just want to fuck her. throw in a SIEG HEIL or something silly to stick with the theme.
_no one_ wants to be “redpilled” on fucking Tinder. come on.

Or anywhere else, really.


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9 years ago

Lane used 88 to refer to his 88 Precepts with “14-88” representing “14 Words and 88 Precepts”

88 precepts seems like kind of a lot to memorize, y’know? No thanks, I’ll stick with Lennonism and its 5 words.

9 years ago

Huh, guess the fact that of my three crushes on guys I actually know, only one being the same race as me is some totally weird thing. (Tho seriously one of the other two was the nicest guy ever who ran for student council on a platform of hugs how was I /not/ supposed to get a crush?)

Some people have types, some don’t, some people’s types are like them, some aren’t. This should not be news.

9 years ago

We are most attractive for a reason. This should not be a shock to any mentally strong white male that has pride in his own people and their achievements. …

Dude, while it may be impressive that you made a blanket entirely out of Taco Bell wrappers and an air bed out of Mountain Dew 2-liters, it is still not an achievement that the white race, let alone you, should be proud of.

The only mentally strong thing going on here is arrogance.

9 years ago

I approve of your taste in non-white men! And since we’re here – didn’t everybody want a piece of Prince?

I think this is just their way to reassure themselves. “Yeah, girls are totally into me because I’m white, and this is the only thing I ever have to do. If a girl doesn’t want me, it’s not that she really doesn’t want me, it’s just that society and the matriarchy and the pornz are telling her she doesn’t want me! I’m totally the most sexually attractive man ever! Hahahah! HAHAHAHAH!” *tear silently slides down cheek*

Nothing new, I guess!

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago


I prefer Marxism for these yahoos: “I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll make an exception.”

Hi, new poster, longtime lurker. Don’t worry about the package, I have enough scented fucking candles to set the world on fire and my former computer chair was hard enough to give me computer butt for a lifetime. And I think the cat wouldn’t enjoy having slut penguins around.

9 years ago

Buddy, I don’t think you get it. This was a huge success in terms of turning her on. I could’ve turned this into a date easily but I decided to go full sperg master debater and crash the plane with no survivors.

I think this win condition is called “Springtime for Hitler.”

9 years ago

Every neo-Nazi / white supremacist I’ve come across has been a perfect advertisement against the fact that theirs is the master race.

9 years ago

This shit kind of makes me feel bad that my type tends to be Nordic and Germanic looking men. Not exclusively though. I think I join just about every other woman who finds men attractive in the world in finding say, Idris Elba or Lee Byung-Hun a bazillion times more attractive than some pathetic neo Nazi gamergate asshole.

This. It makes me thankful that my idea of “handsome” has expanded well beyond the boundaries of my own ethnicity.

If these morons think they can actually succeed by “negging” a woman with Hitlerspeak, they’re in for the shock of their lives.

9 years ago

For a pithy cathchphrase that’s beloved by white nationalists as everything they stand for, the Fourteen Words is really fucking forgettable. “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” – it’s cumbersome, inelegant, doesn’t have any discernible sense of rhythm; it sounds like it’s made to be mumbled by old white dudes who are slightly confused (no surprises there).

It’s not exactly Patria o muerte or Workers of the world unite, is it.

9 years ago

You know this is a joke, right? This is my very first impression of your blog. Looks like I’m not going to waste any time here after all.

9 years ago

And since we’re here – didn’t everybody want a piece of Prince?

Not to mention Thriller-era MJ.

9 years ago

Admittedly the modern Viking look is attractive to me, too, and I’m Scandinavian and nearby Germanic, so no surprise there… so it pisses me off that white supremacists are abusing that image. I don’t really have any type limited by race or ethnicity, though. I may like them a bit taller than myself, broad shouldered, not too thin a build… but this is just an objective ideal. Ultimately, a lot of that can go out the window when I meet a person with an amazing personality, and no amount of Nordic hotness is going to fix a shitty one.

9 years ago

Blacks being attractive to any other race except other blacks is a myth for the most part.

How can people’s personal sexual attraction be a “myth”? Like, if a white girl says she finds black men as attractive as white men, will these guys be like “nu-uh, that’s a MYTH”, as if it’s something she read in a book instead of, I don’t know, actually experiencing it.

Of course, I don’t expect much from guys who think a woman telling them to “fuck off” is an announcement of her attraction to him. Clearly they don’t have a firm grasp on reality.

This article comes at an opportune time, when I’ve been wasting my life going through the Hell is OKCupid Tumblr. Fortunately, out of all the terrible pick-up lines and come-hithers on there, an offer to continue the white race has not yet made an appearance.

9 years ago

Huh. Other than the occasional joke about penis size back in the 1970s (Blazing Saddles FTW!) I haven’t noticed any pushing of the notion that blacks are any more attractive than any other race. As a matter of fact, I don’t see anybody other than racists judging peoples’ sexual desirability by race.

White supremacist men are all obsessed with the fear that black men are more attractive and virile than they are, because that’s the way it goes down in the porn they watch. Which is obviously ridiculous. They need to be worried about all the sexy Asian dudes.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I rather like dark skin, dark eyes and dark hair, but I’m cool with anything, really.

9 years ago

Funny I had a similar interaction with a guy on Tinder. He wasn’t a neo-Nazi, but definitely verging into MRA territory, and after kind of arguing a bit about feminism which just completely put me off I stopped responding much to him and after a while he just said “dtf?” and I was just like are you fucking kidding me? In what way did you get that impression and he then replied with “well it seems like it’s the only thing that got you to respond!” and proceeded to say some nonsense about how that must be what all women want because apparently any response means success in their minds.

9 years ago

Wait. So they’re not afraid of being cuckolded by black men anymore? I’m so confused.

9 years ago

The most popular porn is searches for the region’s own ethnicity? Wow, Lesbos must be a bigger place than I thought!

9 years ago

If Black attractiveness is a myth, someone should tell the people who voted Lupi NY on go the most beautiful

9 years ago

Lupita Nyongo* the most beautiful woman on Earth. Thanks, tablet.

But then, MRAs are so fond of telling other people what they RE ALL think and feel, they’ll probably try to do just that.

9 years ago

@Rosa, @katz: No, and no– but Grace Jones did and does make me reconsider my sexual orientation.

9 years ago

I vote that the response should be to spam the neo-Nazis with pics of bouquet after bouquet of decidedly non-Aryan, multi-coloured dicks.

Nuh. I’d go for a Denzel Washington / young Sidney Poitier / Idris Elba then a selection of whoever else you like among the hundreds and thousands of attractive non-white men that appeal to you personally.

Maybe just a compendium of seventeen thousand four hundred and fifty eight Bollywood dancers and leading men.

9 years ago

What the… Only PUAs to consider being blocked a success.

9 years ago

@Color Me Unsurprised
Welcome! Nice to have you around these parts.

9 years ago

Negative emotional reaction is better than no emotional reaction.

This takes me back to third grade, when the teacher announced that the boys who acted out (and got punished for it) were looking for attention.

Because this was pretty much the opposite of the way I acted (I preferred being ignored to being punished), I was stunned. The reason I believed her was because she was the teacher. I took her at her word even though it made no sense.

I guess that some guys don’t progress beyond that stage of wanting attention at all costs. And some of them appear to lack self-consciousness about it. It’s a point of pride!