#gamergate davis aurini drama kings dudes who look like anton lavey evil SJWs hypocrisy jordan owen sarkeesian!

The Unmaking of The Sarkeesian Effect. Or, Thunderf00t makes a video that’s actually worth watching

I‘m going to do something I’ve never done before and that I likely won’t do ever again. That is, recommend that you watch a video by Thunderf00t. That one, up there.

Because, bless his terrible little heart, he has pulled together a hilarious and informative mini-documentary on what you might call the Unmaking of The Sarkeesian Effect, filled with clips that remind us all just what complete fuckups and hypocrites would-be filmmakers Jordan Owen and Davis Auini really are. Especially Aurini.

The section in which Thunderf00t rips apart Aurini’s claims to be a brilliant bloody editor (who knows all the keyboard shortcuts) is particularly delicious.

Just ignore the bits where he actually goes after Sarkeesian herself; they’re fairly brief, in any case.

If you feel bad about giving Thunderf00t views, you might be able to assuage some of that guilt by giving me money. (How’s that for a segue!) Just another reminder that the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is (still) on! Please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

Or you could donate money to Ms. Sarkeesian. It’s all good.

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9 years ago

Very nicely segued 😉

I watched this a couple of days ago and it’s great to see someone honestly exposing how godawful these people are – the Twitter conversations between all of them are an interesting read, too. It’s my hope that as they realize so many of the loudest supporters are such fundamentally awful people, they might examine themselves a bit more.

Indeed, on KotakuInAction, I saw someone getting dangerously close to a personal revelation:

9 years ago

I used to enjoy his Why Do People Laugh At Creationists videos, but most of that was done before he soiled the bed at FreeThoughtBlogs.

I’m glad to see he’s put out something watchable again, but the digs at Sarkeesian squash any brief hope I had that he was turning around.

9 years ago

Oh jeez, this is just painful to watch. LOL.

9 years ago

This is just my opinion but the only reason Thunderf00t made this video is because he got backed into a corner and was forced to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea.

TF himself has been criticized for his opinions on the Holocaust so I don’t think it was Aurini’s Holocaust denialism that fueled this. I really don’t think Thunderf00t has a problem with it to be honest. But ever since the Sarkeesian Effect went bust and Owen outed Aurini as the con artist he is, Aurini has been pestering the shit out of Sargon and TF trying to get back in their good graces. I guess it’s backfired on him big time.

Also, remember that TF makes a good amount of money from his videos and is so full of himself and so out for his bottom line, that I can easily seeing him wanted to put distance between anything connected with Aurini and Owen because of the bad press it would bring him. Normally his MO is just to ignore everything: critics, being proven wrong, etc. But his participation in the Sarkeesian Effect has now linked him to a Dark Enlightenment, Neonazi, woman beating, con artist and he needs to distance himself.

tl;dr – Thunderf00t is just covering his ass and really doesn’t give a rip about anything else.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ DavidKNewton

I love his little lament: “How come a group whose sole raison d’etre is misogyny and the harassment of women can only attract support from other groups whose sole raison d’etre is misogyny and the harassment of women. Why can’t any nice people support us?”

9 years ago

For those who do not know much about Thunderfart, this is the title of one of his youtube videos:

“Why ‘feminism’ poisons EVERYTHING”

I am guessing that this is why David would not normally recommend us to watch a video of his.

9 years ago


In the broader sense, he’s just one of those white male atheists, who has a rather angry view about one of the only ways he’s a minority, but gets offended at other kinds of social problems being addressed.

I still don’t know how I dodged that particular bullet, being a white male atheist myself.

9 years ago

breaking my no-commenting rule because I just gotta say –
OMG Im sooo frustrated by that moment when TF00t mocks Anita for saying everything is sexist (out of context).
HOW do supposedly smart people pretend to not understand how common colloquial language works?!! Oo
for anyone who doesnt get it, in English, when someone says something like “everything is sexist”, They dont mean that precisely literally, it is something called hyperbole; what she means, what everyone listening knows she means unless they are purposely trying to hate on her, is “sexism is extremely common to the point where there seems to be an element of sexism in nearly everything.” If Anita truly believed every single thing ever is sexist, she woulnt have a series of vids about non-sexist vidya games ffs. I mean, come the fuck on.
That reminds me of TF00ts baffling awful “mountain lions and rape” video, in which he claimed he scared off a mountain lion by body language so that’s how women should prevent rape. I immediately looked up mountain lion attack stats and found that the lions very rarely attack humans. Guess critical thinking isnt really important (to him) when the subject is rape?
That aside, I am actually impressed bu TF00t doing this. Good for him, even if it was just to save his own rep.
Oh, and btw, mocking creationists is too easy. I feel like I should always have known he was just a bully at heart.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Hey Paradoxy!

You like your ‘dictionary definition’ stuff. Well the Oxford English Dictionary has just published its list of words that are provisionally going to be in the next edition. What do you think to this one?

[with object] informal

(Of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing:
‘I’m listening to a guy mansplain economics to his wife’

‘Apparently you can’t sell a second-hand car for as much as a new one. So glad he mansplained that to me’

(as noun mansplaining) ‘your response is classic mansplaining’

More example sentences
‘He tries to mansplain it with a weak athlete analogy, but she cuts him short.’
‘Bravo, too, for the general misogynist stereotyping, victim blaming and general mansplaining.’
‘I was accused of “mansplaining” and of writing “a terrible article” that should never have been published.’

Also in the list are SJW and Redditor!

Book of Kels (@Nezchan)

What I find most telling is the fact that almost everything Thunderf00t criticizes, he’d be explaining away if the film and its première hadn’t turned into a laughingstock. Hell, I’m pretty sure he *has* done so with similar things in the past.

9 years ago

*OBViously TF00t thinking a woman could use body language to protect herself from rape is stupid for a million other reasons, like say her rapist is her husband, just in case that doesnr go without saying as it should. Also sorry if that was abrupt, belated trigger warning.

9 years ago

@ikanreed – because being born a white male and being an atheist añone does not an asshole make 😉

9 years ago

Alan – I have just been mansplained for my choice of profile photo on another site. I use Margaret Thatcher with a beard, to express my *dislike* as she hated beards (I am sure you know). But I was told that I was using the image to say that MH was masculine because of her leadership style, and that that was a form of anti feminism, so I am a hypocrite – apparently. For *some* reason he just could not accept my reason, no, his reason was the valid one!

9 years ago

The other thing I cannot stand about Thunderfart is that he really reminds me physically of my sisters father – who thought he was one of the good guys, but really wasn’t.

9 years ago


Naturally, no. But it’s a common phenotype, the self-interested, context-unaware people who share those traits with me. I was just expressing that I don’t know what makes some of us so horribly self-centered when it comes to injustice.

Like those who compare being raised religious to actual abuse.

9 years ago

If only they all would see that they all make each other look bad. Not just the very ridiculous like Aurini. Maybe they’d at least denounce each other, if not themselves, and rush not to look bad. I wish it wasn’t true that social perceptions were the only thing keeping assholes from being themselves out loud.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Ellesar

I *didn’t* know that, cheers (I always like to learn one new thing per day).

*Goes off to look at pictures of 1980s cabinet members*

9 years ago

theladyzombie: “Thunderf00t is just covering his ass and really doesn’t give a rip about anything else.”

I think you’ve nailed it. Had the film been even halfway decent film, TF would have been praising it right now.

9 years ago

Ellesar: “But I was told that I was using the image to say that MH was masculine because of her leadership style, and that that was a form of anti feminism, so I am a hypocrite – apparently.”

Let me guess… the man who told you this was truly anti-feminist.

This happens a lot. In fact, I’ve seen them talking about this strategy over and over again. ‘Use their language as a weapon against them.’

9 years ago

Yeah, no, that fucker tried to send a hate mob after me. Fuck him.

Jef Rouner
Jef Rouner
9 years ago

Are we absolutely SURE Sarkeesian isn’t paying these guys herself to exist as a walking, talking example of her being right? I mean, this level of lack of self-awareness can’t possibly be real, right?

9 years ago

I’m just waiting for the actual film to become available. After all that hype can it really be that only nine people will ever get to watch it? Jordan Owen seems to have gone completely silent, and Aurini is making videos like the whole thing never happened.

From TF’s video, I particularly love the bit where Aurini and Owen are speculating about the talk shows they will be invited on, esp Aurini’s assertion that they wouldn’t even be on The Daily Show as guests to be laughed at, but laughed WITH.

I hope they weren’t too disappointed /s

Oh, and while we’re praising the normally indefensible, I watched what was actually a pretty good video by Sargon tearing apart the Conservative government. I guess it’s true about a stopped clock.

9 years ago

Thunderf00t kind of had to do this, really… After all, he appeared in the film giving an interview to Aurini!! He’s just trying to distance himself from it by any means possible, and if that means turning on them then so be it I guess.

Anyway, even before he became embedded in anti-feminist nonsense, I had a really difficult time listening to Thunderf00t – His voice is just extremely condescending. He constantly sounds like he’s talking down his nose at the viewer despite knowing that most of them are probably his loyal patreon supporters.

9 years ago

@IKanReed – Oh Science Yes, that drives me mad, having been raised in both abuse and religion, there is a big difference!!! ><

9 years ago

didn’t they interview him for the video? Also who here wants a bet on how long it’ll take some troll to go after thunderf00t for white knighting and being a “beta” because he’s criticising those two jackasses? I swear MRAs and their ilk are so rabidly brainwashed that anyone who even vaguely agrees with something close to feminism or even remotely criticises their ideas or infantile leaders gets bombarded with hate. I once saw a guy on an MRA page get called a “white knight faggot” because he said he’d seen women get harassed at the cafe he worked at…

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