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On his forum today, Roosh V posted this rather chilling assessment of his fans:
With so many mass shootings in the States these days, it’s just a matter of time until one of them happens to follow me on Twitter, read ROK, or like a handful of my Youtube videos.
There have been, according to one informal survey, 247 mass shootings in the United States so far this year (that is, shootings with more tha four victims, including the shooter). That’s a lot, but there are 245 million people over the age of 18 in the US. So we’re talking about one mass shooting per year per million people.
According to TwitterAudit, Roosh has about 13,000 real Twitter followers, and about 16,000 YouTube subscribers, many of them presumably the same people. His websites draw tens of thousands of unique visitors a day (including a number of his Twitter and Youtube followers) . But only about 30% of them are from the US, at least according to Alexa. So let’s say that he’s got maybe ten thousand real fans in the US, only a portion of whom could be tied to Roosh with a comment on his site or a “like” on one of his videos.
If Roosh thinks it’s “statistically likely” that one of these people literally goes out and shoots a bunch of people, either he can’t do math or he thinks his followers are much more violent and unstable and angry than your average Joe.
I mean, I think that a significant portion of his followers are ticking time bombs, but it’s strange to see that Roosh agrees with me on this.
So what does Roosh intend to do? Will he try to rachet down the hateful rhetoric? Will he ask his regular commenters to be on the lookout for anyone who shows up in the Return of Kings comments or on the Roosh V Forum who seems like he might be another Elliot Rodger in the making?
Nope. He’s not really interested in trying to stop a shooting. He’s more worried that a shooting will make him look bad.
Existing reporters who hate me in the media will take this casual association and try to say that I must have caused the murderer to go violent, even though my work does not promote violence. They will do this to incite a mob to come down upon us, hoping I will shut down my “hate speech” sites in the same way PUAHate shut down after Elliot Rodgers [sic] went on his killing spree.
His solution? An emergency “protocol” to try to make him look better. He tells his followers that he expects them to:
1. Strongly denounce the violent act. There will be no public sympathy or empathy for a man who decides to take the road of violence. Denounce the murderer and his crime on the relevant forum thread. I will also make a public statement condemning the violence.
2. No jokes or sarcasm, especially towards the victim. Absolutely do not make jokes about the victim or try to justify their harm, even if the victim turned out to have wronged the murderer (e.g. false rape accusation, bad divorce). Anyone who does this will be immediately banned without warning. Also tone down your use of animated gifs during this time. Consider that the world will be watching us during the media accusation and we have to be direct and sincere with our communication.
That’s right: “tone down your use of animated gifs.”
3. Comment on media articles distancing our community from the killer. Leave comments that condemn the violence and distance our teachings of game and masculinity to the criminal act. You can also do this on Twitter. Call out the trolls that say “I’m a Roosh follower and I support this act” as liars and provocateurs.
And that’s it.
So not only does he expect one of his followers to be a future murderer; he also expects that some of his followers would — unless specifically forbidden — react to a killing by one of their own by offering the killer support, or posting crass, jokey animated gifs.
I think he’s probably right about this as well; it’s just odd to see him admit in public what utter shits his commenters are.
One Roosh V Forum regular who calls himself Basil Ransom wonders if there’s some “hypocrisy” in Roosh’s emergency protocol. Because, after all, a lot of the guys on the forum do actually sympathize with mass killers.
Whenever a man goes and commits violence against women in the name of being oppressed or vilified as a man, or being sexually worthless, there have been posters here who publicly sympathize with him, often along the lines of “bitches/feminists had it coming for being bitches/feminists.” …
The distinction here is merely a tactical one – show no support for violence when the media limelight is on the forum. But what about when it isn’t? If it’s the right thing to do, condemning violence, shouldn’t you do it when no one is looking? If condemning violence isn’t the right thing to do, wouldn’t it be a lie to suddenly condemn it in the face of media attention?
Roosh responds:
Unlike you, Basil, some of us here care about the long-term longevity of the forum, and understand emergency situations that require us to modify our behavior when the world is examining our every word.
No one here embraces or encourages violence during peace time, though sometimes we try to empathize with frustrated males who believe they have nothing to lose. During emergencies, you can share any empathy with such killers through private message.
In other words, in Roosh’s mind, it’s fine to feel sympathy with someone who goes out and shoots a bunch of women for some perceived wrong they’ve done to him. Just not publicly, in his forum, when the media is watching.
Apparently Roosh learned his ethics from GamerGate.
Well, I guess if that did end up happening the media could look at these kinds of articles now and know what a giant pile of horseshit the RoK crowd was feeding to them. I can’t really imagine those guys following directions like he asks,anyways. They can’t contain their hatred.
“Unlike you, Basil, some of us here care about the long-term longevity of the forum” is cross-stitch worthy, honestly. Or at least worthy of a dramatic reading (in entirety) as a Zoobe.
I’m dumbfounded. I literally don’t even know what to say.
Ooh, this is a bit freaky. In a recent thread we were chatting about intelligence analysis. I was going to raise the point that it’s inevitable that one day one of Roosh’s followers would engage in a mass killing; as they’ve made that intent clear; it would just be hard to predict when.
Seems Roosh agrees with me. Not a particularly nice feeling but on this occasion his awareness is spot on (if not his morals on how to deal)
It disgusts me that not only does Roosh think that his teachings are going to lead to someone committing a disgusting act of mass violence, but he still doesn’t think that he deserves any blame, and will just publicly deny the killers he helped create, while simultaneously showing pity and compassion for them because of some percieved slight.
I just…I don’t have words right now for this.
Hi concern is only for “long term longevity” and for “empathizing with killers”.
Roosh is total scumbag.
Instead of denoucing violence he fuels the hatred of his followers because the solution he can then offer them are his products: books, forum events, speeches, and the like.
Roosh doesn’t care if he has blood on his hands, he just hopes to obscure the trail so it doesn’t lead back to him.
If anyone is disgusted with this guy, he is probably in violation of hate speech laws in Poland, where he resides at least part time.
He also writes anti-Polish women screed which the Polish consulate probably would not take kindly to when it’s time to renew his tourist visa.
Armchair shrink here… but I used to think Roosh was a narcissist and maybe he is. Now I’m wondering if he’s a psychopath.
Please do not do this. It’s in our Comments Policy.
If you have to coach your community not to mock shooting victims, maybe you’re the baddies?
As though his commentariat and their animated pics were really the worst thing about his site, and as though the media wouldn’t be reading his articles for passages that would appear to indicate a support for murderous or violent behavior. Roosh, get some self-awareness.
(And shampoo. Get some of that, too.)
Hang on, back during the Elliot Rodger incident, didn’t Roosh say that it wouldn’t have happened if Rodger had followed his advice? Anyone else remember that?
Consistency: not Roosh’s strong suit.
I find myself wondering whether Basil Ransom is attempting to troll Roosh’s forums. Because this:
“If it’s the right thing to do, condemning violence, shouldn’t you do it when no one is looking? If condemning violence isn’t the right thing to do, wouldn’t it be a lie to suddenly condemn it in the face of media attention?”
sounds almost uncommonly like a combination of common sense, logical consistency, and ethical standards. I mean, I’m not surprised Roosh himself doesn’t recognise those when they leap up and bite him on the bum, but I am somewhat startled to realise there’s a person who reads and comments on his site who manages all three qualities in the same sentence. I’m presuming Mr Ransom then goes on to point out that in the interests of consistency his responses to mass killers are going to involve pom-poms, cheering and ra-ra skirts or something… which would at least explain the somewhat huffy response he got from Roosh.
And a sponge or loofah on a stick so you can clean your butt crack, stinko.
Oh, where was it we were talking about Vox Day’s book SJWs Always Lie? Apparently it has two Chapter 5s.
Oofta. I really don’t know how to react to this. He’s literally telling his site readers to cease being evil, but only temporarily and just to keep up appearances. Worse part is, he may be right about there being a mass shooter among his fans. (I think he WANTS there to be, personally. I think he wants that kind of awful attention, he’s just barely smart enough to want to appear to dislike it.)
Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
So much more interested in the “long-term longevity of the forum” than in encouraging his followers not to shoot people.
I would argue that it’s always along those lines, rather than merely often.
I also am pretty taken aback by this, Roosh having an emergency plan, with scripted media spin, for a future mass murdering fan is both incredibly narcissistic and morally repugnant. Has Matt Forney chimed in on this? He’s just about the only thing that can make this worse.
Doesn’t he realize by publishing this emergency plan where obviously media can find it, like you did, he’s just defeated the purpose of said emergency plan in the first place? You just told the media that you want your followers to put up a fake front to not appear to be in sympathy with killers. They might as well waved a rare steak infront of a starving dog,
Yes, I agree that sounds like attention masturbation. He probably fantasizes about something awful shooting him into notoriety and having to deny-not-deny his sympathy for the criminal in the media but looking so smart and convincing that he’ll get many more fans.
Yo guys, someone doxxed bitchyjudge :/
[link removed by DF]
armchair shrink: sorry.
God damn, that’s too sad to even snark about
His emergency situation plan seems a lot like one Stormfront posted the day of the Charleston shooting–not that it’s shocking that one hate group would need to copy another when trying to dodge responsibility over hate-mongering.
Hmm. It looks like the last update on that was from January. :/
Still, it’s disheartening to see. Doxxing is a very, very bad idea, and no one deserves to be doxxed, hence why AVfM does it all the damn time.