Forget the reported suicides and all the ruined lives; the real tragedy of Ashley Madison is that men had to use the site in order to find women to cheat with, when all women have to do to get laid is to exist.
At least that’s the consensus of Men’s Rights Redditors in a recent thread.
The Reddit post in question links to an article in The Week asking “Why are we denying that women used Ashley Madison?” But the assembled MRAs are much more interested in discussing what they see as the real issue: how unfair it is that men have to sign up for dating sites to get laid while women, allegedly, can just fall into bed with whatever random dude is nearest to them.
The male tears flow freely as the Redditors set forth their case.
It’s MISANDRY, I tells ya!
As Palidin327 sees it, women not only don’t have to sign up for Ashley Madison; they can have sex delivered right to the door for free — without even bothering to order it in the first place.
If this is true, why aren’t horny men lining up around the block for jobs as mailmen and poolboys?
Meanwhile, Spolio repeats a familiar talking point:
Dudes, here’s the thing: YOU are also the gatekeepers of sex. You can also say no! Just because your standards are lower, or because you have standards you’re unaware of because you only really notice the women that you do want to have sex with and not those you dismiss as fatties and uggoes, doesn’t mean that (heterosexual) sex is always the woman’s choice, not the man’s.
You’re also forgetting that women don’t only screen guys for attractiveness, compatibility, or lack of ear hair; they screen for safety because, you know, men are afraid women will laugh at them, and women are afraid that men will kill them.
If women don’t want to sleep with you, maybe it’s because you’re a creepy, whiny, entitled Men’s Rights Activist.
You know what? Forget the meme.
You won’t be this optimistic after a few times around the block here.
Ask, and ye shall receive…
Turns out that very few of the female profiles were genuine, judging by how many of them actually used the site. Mostly, it’s just a sausagefest.
Oh my. Somebody is jealous of his ex-girlfriend’s vibrator, isn’t he?
Took the red pill, did you? Guess what, it’s Colace. No wonder you’re poopy!
@Arctic Ape:
Pooping yourself to death: Nature’s way of saying “Stay home, jerkass.”
Do tell.
Hah. Yeah, there’s a huge line of men waiting to be “selected” by an opinionated chubby (muscular, and quite healthy, thank you) nerd woman.
Now, now, Jarnsaxa, everyone knows that nerd women don’t exist unless they’re pretending to be nerdy to get some poor beta’s attention and suck his life forces out like a succubus in a tight-fitting Star Wars T-shirt! [/sarcasm]
I am also a nerd woman! Well, more of a geek?
I do not want to gain any beta’s attention or suck out any life forces. I would however, like to teach the world to math in perfect harmony.
@weirwoodtreehugger: lol
I’ve been following the blog for a while, but don’t always read through a lot of the comments. I know not the depths of scum and villainy that may yet lurk nigh… or uh, something. Point is, what I’ve come to associate with comment sections on WHTM posts are a bunch of regulars who seem to mostly say sensible things. Or post cat videos.
Or nerd woman it up. XD
Dear Tim,
Every fertilised human zygote has roughly a fifty-fifty chance of becoming female (I believe in Britain currently the ratio is slightly in favour of boys, but am not a biologist so can’t speculate as to why.) Therefore, women are an ever-present lurking danger in our biology. No matter how hard we strive, some people might be born as women. The only way to prevent it is to not have humans being born.
Many of them do go away, into feminist or women-only spaces. This is such a space. You appear to have followed them here.
Don’t be silly, women can’t technology. Their tiny little brains could never handle the difficulty of such logical thinking. Just ask Ada Lovelace. /s
Who is going to pose for the internet porn if there are no women? Think about the logistics of how this works.
That doesn’t sound like influence to me. That sounds like the opposite of influence. Influence is when they get us to do things we weren’t inclined to do anyway. Are you saying that if a consenting woman you’re attracted to spreads her legs, you aren’t inclined to want to sleep with her and she’s forcing you to do it?
But if we allow childbirth, then we run the risk that people will have daughters! Which, as mentioned above, is the ever-real danger in our genetics which prevents us from living in a world of female nonexistence. Think, man, think!
Curse you, blockquote mammoth. I am against human extinction and against handlike vaginas, but I’m entirely in favour of the extinction of blockquote mammoths.
If it makes you feel better, saitonexus, I also hope that Tim forgot his sarcasm tags.
Because otherwise…
Tim probably didn’t forget his sarcasm tags, and it probably is a pathetic excuse for drive by trolling, but I like clinging to hope?
By the way, did you ever get a Welcome Package? If not, here you go!
EJ, but the risk of being attacked by a blockquote mammoth helps us feel more alive!
As internet posters, we only truly can feel one with our posts when they are made under the threat of complete formatting carnage by a starving metaphorical pachyderm.
Incidentally, there’s a similar concept in Finnish. That is, our pre-Christian Land of Dead was literally called “Underground” (or alternatively “Otherside”), a word whose archaic form (Manala) is now associated with Christian Hell (Helvetti). Also, there is still “go Underground” as a colloquial expression for death.
@ Artic Ape
So it *is* the Devil’s own font; knew it!
On Inferno Green: am I the only one who’s also getting a strong anti-environmentalist vibe from this trailer? From what I can tell, the young straw Green
(1) Tries to get the U.S. army to invade basically all of South America to stop illegal logging.
(2) Goes on a trip to the Amazon with a group of like-minded straw Greens to do – what exactly? Eco-terrorism? Live among nature? Tie themselves to trees? Pick any one of a hundred things not actually representative of Green politics.
(3) Learns through the power of racism that the rainforest isn’t as great as she made it out to be, and is saved from her own ignorance.
This is all eerily similar to the White Supremacist argument that people who aren’t as racist as them just don’t know how shitty other races are; it’s just an incredibly patronizing way of accusing their opponents of elitism. So, between the racism and the anti-Green sentiment, this movie should do extremely well with the American religious right.
Buttercup –
BOOM. Yes. Can I quote this elsewhere?
This made my day. Also @EJ with the phrase “handlike vaginas” 🙂
@Arctic Ape
Just out of curiosity: What are the original Finnish words?
Sadly The Green Inferno is for real, it’s a homage to my least favorite exploitation sub-genre, the Italian “cannibal” films of the 1970s and 1980s.
As the Wikipedia points out, the genre was influenced by the Mondo films, pseudo-documentaries that film very staged recreations of things that may or may not have actually happened as a breathless narrator tells the viewers how amazing and shocking everything on screen is. The most famous and fakiest Mondos are the infamous Faces of Death films. A lot of Mondo films were travelogues that featured native ceremonies and rites (fire walking! adult circumcision!) which purportedly revealed the mysterious hidden ways of isolated “primitive” tribes.
Looking for new subject matter for their gorefests, Italian exploitation filmmakers basically switched out zombies and organized crime for cannibals and, walla, the skeeziest and most racist cult sub-genre was born.
I’ve only seen the extraordinarily unpleasant Cannibal Holocaust, but I’ve heard they all basically have the same plot: a group of Westerners go to the jungle and get terrorized and killed by a cannibal tribe. The filmmakers were partly playing off of the 1961 disappearance of Michael Rockefeller, who was rumored to have been eaten by cannibals in a New Guinea jungle.
In Cannibal Holocaust, the found footage predecessor of The Blair Witch Project, a documentary crew has gone missing in the Amazon jungle but their footage was recovered and it makes up most of the film. We see that in order to get exciting Mondo footage, the film crew had terrorized the tribe, shooting their live stock, burning their homes and raping a young woman. The native people were quite reasonably pissed off at this point so they chase the filmmakers around in the jungle, kill them off and mutilate their corpses. The only female crew member, who had tried to stop the first rape, is raped before being killed.
I fucking hate this movie. Cannibal Holocaust manages to encapsulate everything that’s terrible about exploitation films while completely lacking everything that makes them good or enjoyable. It’s morally bankrupt, hell it pretends to be a snuff film, yet the director makes a hollow attempt at social commentary and/or a satire of the media since characters condemn the crew for attacking an entire village to get exciting documentary footage. I’d argue the main reason the director made the film crew incredibly obnoxious was so viewers would want to see these assholes grotesquely die.
For an extra bad vibe bonus, the film includes a very real sequence of someone butchering a giant tortoise on screen.
Again, I fucking hate Cannibal Holocaust, which is considered the Citizen Kane of Italian cannibal movies. I guess Eli Roth has affection for the genre but I very much do not, to the point where I don’t see how a worthwhile film will come out of a homage to this misbegotten genre.
Finally, in Cannibal Holocaust the doc crew do awful things and their deaths are a direct result of their actions so, at least theoretically in some way, the film sort of doesn’t vilify the native tribe. The activists in Green Inferno seem to be portrayed as naive do-gooders who presumably don’t deserve horrible fates, which means the native people are vicious and malevolent aggressors.
I don’t see how making Green Inferno was even remotely a good idea.
@Verily Baroque: Arctic Ape is probably sleeping, but I’ll chime in… both Manala and Tuonela have been used for the native variant of places of dead people. “Tuoni” was a god of death or harrower of the dead, along with Tuonetar, his wife. -la is a common ending for place names. Even today, “tuoni” is a synonym (albeit an archaic one) for death. “Tuoni tulee”, “death comes for you”, as an example.
In some versions you had to cross a dark river, and the Maiden of Tuoni (Tuonen tytti) was the one to row you across. Sadly, information regarding pre-Christian era beliefs are extremely scant when it comes to this.
Thanks, Skiriki. I’m not an expert on folklore or etymology, I just assumed that Tuoni was a variant of Tuonpuoleinen, which I assumed to mean “Otherside”. Then Tuonela would translate as “Otherplace”. Tuonpuoleinen is sometimes still used in modern Finnish as an expression for afterlife.
I also have this shaky understanding that Manala or Mana is a variant of “Underground” which normally would be spelled maanala or maan alla. The etymology is somewhat obscure to modern Finns, who usually associate Manala with Hell or generic death. AFAIK, Hell is a word of Germanic origin, referring to a pagan deity of dead. It was then borrowed to Finnish in Christian context.
I read somewhere that Sami people, whose language is related to Finnish, imagined an underground “Heaven” or rather regular world but with better hunting grounds.
So to the Finns, Switzerland is literally hell? I’m not a fan of Switzerland but I wouldn’t go that far.
Helvetia is a funny curiosity, but a similar word for Hell was first formulated in Swedish (IIRC, Helvete). Maybe it originated from frustration because English-speakers tend to mix up the Swedes and the Swiss.