evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA reddit

MRAs: The real injustice is that men had to use Ashley Madison to cheat, while women just have to exist

MISANDRY in action?
MISANDRY in action?

Forget the reported suicides and all the ruined lives; the real tragedy of Ashley Madison is that men had to use the site in order to find women to cheat with, when all women have to do to get laid is to exist.

At least that’s the consensus of Men’s Rights Redditors in a recent thread.

The Reddit post in question links to an article in The Week asking “Why are we denying that women used Ashley Madison?” But the assembled MRAs are much more interested in discussing what they see as the real issue: how unfair it is that men have to sign up for dating sites to get laid while women, allegedly, can just fall into bed with whatever random dude is nearest to them.

The male tears flow freely as the Redditors set forth their case.

zenicaone 3 points 7 hours ago Women do not have to use Ashley Madison (paid site) in order to cheat they can use facebook (or other similar free sites) or simply walk down to the bar , when they want to cheat

It’s MISANDRY, I tells ya!

Globalization101 9 points 6 hours ago This is the real story that no one is touching. It's the WOW effect, women are wonderful men are duchebags. Most of all the women I've slept with in my adult life where almost all married or in a relationship. They didn't need to use this service to get what they wanted. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]jb_trp 9 points 5 hours ago It's the WOW effect, women are wonderful men are douchebags When a woman discusses the horrible things that men can do society calls it "insight, empowerment, and a step towards equality." When a man discusses the horrible things that women can do society calls it "sexism, misogyny, and mansplaining" (i.e. "shut up you whiny fucking loser!"). Men eventually got the message: Society doesn't care about your feelings. Hence, the women are wonderful and men are douchebags trope. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]BigOldNerd 1 point an hour ago Can confirm that my ex-wife didn't need a service. She hit the jackpot on her 1st outing.

As Palidin327 sees it, women not only don’t have to sign up for Ashley Madison; they can have sex delivered right to the door for free — without even bothering to order it in the first place.

Paladin327 1 point 4 hours ago Women don't actually need websites to have affairs don't need the internet to meet the mailman/poolboy

If this is true, why aren’t horny men lining up around the block for jobs as mailmen and poolboys?

Meanwhile, Spolio repeats a familiar talking point:

spolio 6 points 8 hours ago Women don't actually need websites to have affairs women are the gate keepers of sex, and yeah , you are correct, they don't need web sites, just a nod, look, come hither... done.

Dudes, here’s the thing: YOU are also the gatekeepers of sex. You can also say no! Just because your standards are lower, or because you have standards you’re unaware of because you only really notice the women that you do want to have sex with and not those you dismiss as fatties and uggoes, doesn’t mean that (heterosexual) sex is always the woman’s choice, not the man’s.

You’re also forgetting that women don’t only screen guys for attractiveness, compatibility, or lack of ear hair; they screen for safety because, you know, men are afraid women will laugh at them, and women are afraid that men will kill them.

If women don’t want to sleep with you, maybe it’s because you’re a creepy, whiny, entitled Men’s Rights Activist.


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9 years ago

Let us note that I would dearly like to see a movie with that scenario where it’s a Japanese person stuck in ex-Yugoslavia in the 90s, or African person stuck in Tibet when the Chinese move in, or very confused Mongolian in 1960s Mississipi.

If that extends to a Kazakh stuck in the Russian Revolution, have I got a book for you.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | August 26, 2015 at 12:37 pm
@ Catapalta

It’s a little known fact that Beatrice just asked Dante to bring up those old boxes from the cellar and when he was telling his mates down the pub things got out of hand. But you know how blokes like to exaggerate about chores.

Well done, you got a laugh out of me.

Robert Kelly
9 years ago

So would you say that the tale grew in the telling, like with The Lord of the Rings?

9 years ago

When I was younger, having heard the “Women can have sex with any man whenever they want just by asking!” so many times, I naturally believed there was truth in it and tried to proposition a couple guys. Nope! Got the terrified/angry deer-in-the-headlights response. (I do come on strong, but I clean up okay and it’s not like I was throwing myself at them, just expressing interest).

The best part? One of the guys was someone who himself repeated that very myth to me…and he went on to keep repeating it after having turned me down! The cognitive distortion is amazing sometimes…

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Ant it’s not a joke movie. It’s already been out outside of the US. Apparently the main “theme” of the movie is that a bunch of slacktivist white kids want to stage a viral protest to save the rainforest, but they end up getting caught by native cannibals. They get punished for not actually being interested in really helping! Isn’t that so progressive you guise?

Jesus fucking christ.

9 years ago

@painteyelash – yeah, true – I was kind of thinking that even as I clicked ‘Post Comment’, but it’s kind of more gendered for them even when complaining in general terms – like you said, they think society caters to all women and demonizes all men (their wild generalizing is another sad thing).

I was thinking more complaining about ‘the man’ (note how the expression isn’t ‘the woman’, right?) or ‘big government’ keeping them down, or how the little guy never gets a break, and for none of those things do you actually need to bring in someone else getting unfair benefits from the status quo outside those nebulous ideas of authority. But they choose to bring in the entirety of womankind, which is petty at best and just plain misogynistic at worst.

9 years ago

On the bright side, it’s nice to see critics thrashing No Escape specifically for being xenophobic. Too often critics treat bigotry as a side issue not related to the quality of the movie (eg, Argo).

9 years ago

“Green Inferno” might be a weird reference to the phrase “a fierce green fire”, originally coined by Aldo Leopold and occasionally appearing in radical environmentalist literature. There’s a documentary about the history of the environmental movement that uses the phrase as a title (I haven’t seen it).

I don’t know – maybe the unfortunate white people are meant to be Deep Greens? I don’t really want to watch the trailer again but I thought someone said something a bit environmental near the start?

Here’s the Leopold quote in context:

We reached the old wolf in time to watch a fierce green fire dying in her eyes. I realized then, and have known ever since, that there was something new to me in those eyes—something known only to her and to the mountain. I was young then, and full of trigger-itch; I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters’ paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view.

9 years ago

Expect this to be the basis of the next round of weird angry Manosphere posts about the Ashley Madison hack. According to this post, only 12K of the 37million profiles (5.5mil identifying as female) were actually real women actually looking to have an affair.

9 years ago

Wrong. Men aren’t the gatekeepers of sex. Our job is to increase our wealth until a woman selects us, then to continue increasing our wealth so that she’ll stay faithful, until we die.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

You know, this is theoretically something that an actual men’s advocacy movement would be concerned with – a scam that targeted tens of millions of unwary men and a hacker that plastered the victims’ personal information all over the Internet. It’s sick. But no, why go after the assbags who actually did this when there are completely unrelated women to whinge about! *rolls eyes*

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

*Unrelated and fucking imaginary, I might add.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(Also, the comments on that article are disgusting. “Haha, desperate loser men got ripped off, haha!” What the fuck. Yes, the men are unfaithful douchebags, but nobody deserves to be scammed and doxxed. N o b o d y.)

9 years ago

“If this is true, why aren’t horny men lining up around the block for jobs as mailmen and poolboys?”


9 years ago

@ a. h.,

Or maybe human beings don’t gauge relationships like they’re buying a car and looking for the best mileage? Maybe there’s a complex set of emotions involved, built upon a foundation of respect and empathy?

Just spitballin’ here, though. You go ahead and keep telling yourself it’s because you’re not rich enough.

(I am making fun of your ridiculously flat, simplistic opinion, if it isn’t clear!)

9 years ago

Wrong. Men aren’t the gatekeepers of sex. Our job is to increase our wealth until a woman selects us, then to continue increasing our wealth so that she’ll stay faithful, until we die.

Do you have a citation other than 80’s teen movies.

9 years ago

Women don’t have to exist, right? I mean, can’t women just go away and leave behind a replacement technology that makes them obsolete – plus internet porn? Can’t women just limit their influence over men to spreading their legs for sex and childbirth – and then shut up? Your vagina is only useful to me as long as I can use it in a hand like way for masturbation purposes. The whole creating another cretin that will use up the worlds resources is all you, ladies.

9 years ago

“Wrong. Men aren’t the gatekeepers of sex. Our job is to increase our wealth until a woman selects us, then to continue increasing our wealth so that she’ll stay faithful, until we die.”

9 years ago
9 years ago

No, Fruitloopsie. I think the post directly above you is the dumbest thing you’ll read all day. And the creepiest too. What with the genocidal aspect and all.

9 years ago

Women don’t have to exist, right? I mean, can’t women just go away and leave behind a replacement technology that makes them obsolete – plus internet porn? Can’t women just limit their influence over men to spreading their legs for sex and childbirth – and then shut up? Your vagina is only useful to me as long as I can use it in a hand like way for masturbation purposes. The whole creating another cretin that will use up the worlds resources is all you, ladies.

Okay I admit I am new here, but uh, this is some kind of attempt at parody or sarcasm, right? At least, I hope? o.o

If it’s NOT, then I’d have to just second Fruitloopsie.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

a.h. | August 26, 2015 at 4:49 pm
Wrong. Men aren’t the gatekeepers of sex. Our job is to increase our wealth until a woman selects us, then to continue increasing our wealth so that she’ll stay faithful, until we die.

The thing about the idea of men being gatekeepers of sex is that men also have the right to tell a woman “no, I don’t want to be in a relationship/have sex/do anything with you”. Women also have this right. It’s shocking what you can do as an autonomous human being, isn’t it?

It’s also hilarious that you think poor men don’t get laid or married. It’s literally like things don’t exist unless they prove some sort of point about your secluded little bubble, where everything you know about women is taught to you by men and shitty porn.

It’s quite a sad existence. I’m glad I’m not a woman who’s stuck in it with you.

Tim | August 26, 2015 at 8:00 pm
Women don’t have to exist, right? I mean, can’t women just go away and leave behind a replacement technology that makes them obsolete – plus internet porn? Can’t women just limit their influence over men to spreading their legs for sex and childbirth – and then shut up? Your vagina is only useful to me as long as I can use it in a hand like way for masturbation purposes. The whole creating another cretin that will use up the worlds resources is all you, ladies.

Let’s try an experiment, shall we?

Men don’t have to exist right? I mean, can’t men just go away and leave behind a replacement technology that makes them obsolete — plus internet porn? Can’t men just limit their influence over women for sex and donating sperm for childbirth — and then shut up? Your penis is only useful to me as long as I can fuck it for masturbation purposes. The whole creating another cretin that will use up all the world’s resources is all you, dudes.

That doesn’t sound nice, does it, Tim?

I love how you think that women are somehow the only ones who can create kids. Like we just will it, and BOOM. Pregnant. It’s flattering.

Though, the science that will replace your “liquid fucking gold” with women’s bone marrow is long off, unfortunately.

Though, and trust me when I say this, y’all can’t fucking Go Your Own Way fast enough. Shoo.

Porn and onaholes exist, so what’s holding you here, Timmy? Not us.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Nah, I think Vox’s summary of his latest “Book” that Rabukurafuto posted in the Puppies thread is still dumber. It’s close, though.

9 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger | August 26, 2015 at 10:00 pm
“No, Fruitloopsie. I think the post directly above you is the dumbest thing you’ll read all day. And the creepiest too. What with the genocidal aspect and all.”

The dumbest thing from trolls in the comment section I’ll read all day I should say. But then Timmy came along.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Women don’t have to exist, right? I mean, can’t women just go away and leave behind a replacement technology that makes them obsolete – plus internet porn? Can’t women just limit their influence over men to spreading their legs for sex and childbirth – and then shut up? Your vagina is only useful to me as long as I can use it in a hand like way for masturbation purposes. The whole creating another cretin that will use up the worlds resources is all you, ladies.

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