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MRAs: The real injustice is that men had to use Ashley Madison to cheat, while women just have to exist

MISANDRY in action?
MISANDRY in action?

Forget the reported suicides and all the ruined lives; the real tragedy of Ashley Madison is that men had to use the site in order to find women to cheat with, when all women have to do to get laid is to exist.

At least that’s the consensus of Men’s Rights Redditors in a recent thread.

The Reddit post in question links to an article in The Week asking “Why are we denying that women used Ashley Madison?” But the assembled MRAs are much more interested in discussing what they see as the real issue: how unfair it is that men have to sign up for dating sites to get laid while women, allegedly, can just fall into bed with whatever random dude is nearest to them.

The male tears flow freely as the Redditors set forth their case.

zenicaone 3 points 7 hours ago Women do not have to use Ashley Madison (paid site) in order to cheat they can use facebook (or other similar free sites) or simply walk down to the bar , when they want to cheat

It’s MISANDRY, I tells ya!

Globalization101 9 points 6 hours ago This is the real story that no one is touching. It's the WOW effect, women are wonderful men are duchebags. Most of all the women I've slept with in my adult life where almost all married or in a relationship. They didn't need to use this service to get what they wanted. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]jb_trp 9 points 5 hours ago It's the WOW effect, women are wonderful men are douchebags When a woman discusses the horrible things that men can do society calls it "insight, empowerment, and a step towards equality." When a man discusses the horrible things that women can do society calls it "sexism, misogyny, and mansplaining" (i.e. "shut up you whiny fucking loser!"). Men eventually got the message: Society doesn't care about your feelings. Hence, the women are wonderful and men are douchebags trope. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]BigOldNerd 1 point an hour ago Can confirm that my ex-wife didn't need a service. She hit the jackpot on her 1st outing.

As Palidin327 sees it, women not only don’t have to sign up for Ashley Madison; they can have sex delivered right to the door for free — without even bothering to order it in the first place.

Paladin327 1 point 4 hours ago Women don't actually need websites to have affairs don't need the internet to meet the mailman/poolboy

If this is true, why aren’t horny men lining up around the block for jobs as mailmen and poolboys?

Meanwhile, Spolio repeats a familiar talking point:

spolio 6 points 8 hours ago Women don't actually need websites to have affairs women are the gate keepers of sex, and yeah , you are correct, they don't need web sites, just a nod, look, come hither... done.

Dudes, here’s the thing: YOU are also the gatekeepers of sex. You can also say no! Just because your standards are lower, or because you have standards you’re unaware of because you only really notice the women that you do want to have sex with and not those you dismiss as fatties and uggoes, doesn’t mean that (heterosexual) sex is always the woman’s choice, not the man’s.

You’re also forgetting that women don’t only screen guys for attractiveness, compatibility, or lack of ear hair; they screen for safety because, you know, men are afraid women will laugh at them, and women are afraid that men will kill them.

If women don’t want to sleep with you, maybe it’s because you’re a creepy, whiny, entitled Men’s Rights Activist.


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9 years ago

The mentality of these idiots never ceases to amaze me.

9 years ago

Maybe if you treat her as a person she’ll want to sleep with you? Nah! That’s too hard! I’ll just whinge about her until it wins her over! Or rape her. Either or.

9 years ago

It’s almost as if the risk to reward ratio for women when it comes to sex is different or something. But that’s impossible, surely.

9 years ago

So, does this mean they’ve abandoned the narrative that loads of cheating wives will be publicly shamed by the Ashley Madison hack?

I’m finding this whole Ashley Madison scandal really horrible, I know cheating is wrong but it’s a private matter, and somehow I doubt the wronged spouses are enjoying this either. I think this is the closest we’ve gotten to revenge porn against men, I’ve seen comments gloating over the men who are alleged to have committed suicide over this.

I hope they do find the hackers responsible, and then someone sues Ashley Madison for their lousy security for good measure.

9 years ago

Because no men ever cheated before Ashley Madison.

9 years ago

The pussy pass is so real!

9 years ago

So…the guy who’s mad at women for cheating is (supposedly) sleeping with women who are in relationships. Cool morals, jackass.

And y’know, the worst criticisms I’ve heard about cisgendered heterosexual white men have come from cisgendered heterosexual white men. Never have I ever heard anyone else call them–as a group of individuals–such horrible names as they call themselves to provide “examples” of their “oppression”. The rest of the world is not responsible for your own self-talk, dudes.

9 years ago

Regarding “having to” use a site to find someone to have sex with – have they tried just not being repulsive for a moment?

9 years ago

It’s almost as if the risk to reward ratio for women when it comes to sex is different or something. But that’s impossible, surely.

Men are REALLY the ones at risk! Haven’t you read any of the manosphere’s well-written and throughly documented articles regarding the phenomenon of sperm jacking? All those women and the calculated lust for random men’s liquid gold.
Between that and the rampant false rape accusations, it’s a wonder that any American man is left free to spread the word.



for good measure.

9 years ago

“The Ashley Madison debacle just goes to show how privileged women are, since they can just walk outside and ask any dude for sex and get it.”

“Is that dude in a relationship?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“So… all dudes are horrifically unfaithful to their spouses?”

“Yes… wait, no, this is about women being bad. No, a dude in a relationship wouldn’t say yes.”

“So she couldn’t ask any dude for sex…”

“Yeah, she’d have to seek out single dudes, but there are plenty of those around.”

“So any dude not in a relationship would say yes?”


“And she could ask any single dude?”


“So women have no standards?”

“Rig… er… no, obviously they only go for hot guys. Women have an inflated sense of their own SMV, and only have sex with the alphas. 80-20 rule.”

“Ok, so women couldn’t ask any single dude.”

“Well, they could!”

“Could you ask for sex from someone you found extremely unattractive?”

“*blech* No. Ugh, fine. Alright, so a woman who wants to cheat could ask any single hot dude for sex and get it.”

“So single hot dudes have no standards?”


“Standards that you have even though you don’t have your pick of hot women?”

“Well, ok, she has to be attractive…”

“So any attractive woman could ask for sex from any attractive single dude and get it in order to cheat.”

“Yes… Yes, of course! Alpha fucks, Beta bucks! Women marry a poor shlub of a dude for his money but deny him sex, then go off and fuck all the hot dudes behind his back. Women are awful!”

“Could any attractive married man ask for sex from any attractive single woman and get it in order to cheat?”

“No! It’s easier for women!”

“Aren’t the attractive dudes the Alphas, the ones who sleep with all the hot chicks? Are the chicks coming to them or are they going to the chicks?”

“Obviously they can pick and choose. They’re Alphas!”

“So basically, it’s very easy for a conventionally very attractive person to have sex.”


“And this makes women terrible.”


“I see.”

9 years ago

Aside: I can’t vouch for everything on this site (haven’t plumbed its depths), but it seems like it’s having the conversations that I was hoping something calling itself the Men’s Right’s Movement would be having when I first started *shudder* researching:

9 years ago

Aaaaand it’s down in the 2 minutes it took me to write that response.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

How are these women finding people to cheat with on Facebook? Wouldn’t men also be using Facebook to cheat easily in that aspect? Are there just lesbians using Facebook to cheat?

Are there?

9 years ago

Mockingbird: The Good Men Project is a mixed bag. It has some seriously sketchy stuff (it was one of Hugo Schwyzer’s main haunts), but on the other hand, our erstwhile Mammotheer Ozy also wrote there.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

they can use facebook (or other similar free sites) or simply walk down to the bar , when they want to cheat

And if they don’t want to cheat, well, who cares what they want, they’ll get hit on anyway. Constantly. Or worse.

If this “All women want to cheat all the time!” garbage didn’t start as a half-assed justification for sexual harassment and rape, I’ll eat my 3DS.

9 years ago

What I find curious is that these guys talk about how they’ve been with women who are married or attached. Hello! Shouldn’t these guys be ashamed of that too? Why only condemn the women for cheating? These guys are part of it too. But no! It’s always just the women’s fault. (Not that I’m in any way excusing a woman who cheats.) I think both people who willingly enter in an affair where there is “cheating” involved are to blame and shouldn’t be proud of themselves. (I see ryeash has also covered this!)

I don’t know where else to ask this, but I’m curious. Has anyone else on this blog mentioned that there’s an online petition to get RooshV’s books off of Amazon? It is almost at the required 150,000 votes. I really want to see it succeed.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

When a woman discusses the horrible things that men can do society calls it “insight, empowerment, and a step towards equality.” When a man discusses the horrible things that women can do society calls it “sexism, misogyny, and mansplaining” (i.e. “shut up you whiny fucking loser!”).

When women discuss the bad shit men do, it’s along the lines of sexual harassment, domestic abuse, rape and murder. When men discuss the “Bad shit” women do, it’s along the lines of being raped, speaking out against rape, having bodily autonomy, having agency, having sex, not having sex, voting and existing. I get that MRAs aren’t very good with nuance, but… That doesn’t even fucking count as nuance. o_O

9 years ago

Well we are the gate keepers? So we can decide what to do with our vagina, right? If no one gets hurt and all that…

But how dare a woman has Sex, evil slut….

I don’t understand them.

9 years ago

Men’s rights activists/Misognists/antifeminists logic:

Call women and girls Misognist slurs like s*uts, easy and wh*res when they wear certain clothes, flirt, slept with someone/likes sex etc and say they are disgusted with that and they should be more decent but hangs out with them anyway and watches those kind of women and girls in porn.

Later complain why its so hard to get a date/laid and why they should do all the work to impress women and girls.

I bet these are the same men who tell feminists/women to shut up about first world problems and think about the women and girls in other countries.

9 years ago

“But how dare a woman has Sex, evil slut….”

But how dare a woman has sex And Not With Me, evil s*ut….

FTFY. It’s all about jealously and sexual insecurities.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

In constantly harping on about the ‘gatekeeper’ thing these men are admitting what their real concern is.

By complaining that women can choose either to not have sex with men generally or, more specifically, with them they’re making clear that their real objection is the requirement for consent.

They might as well be honest and say “Women shouldn’t be allowed to say ‘no'”.

9 years ago

David I’m confused by one of the lines in your article. Wouldn’t homosexual sex also be the women’s or man’s choice? Why did you specify heterosexual sex?

9 years ago

He meant specifically the straight men who are complaining about women being the “gatekeepers” of course men and women in homosexual relationships have the right to say no.

9 years ago

your doing it wrong. That conversation would involve using logic and recognizeing contradictions. 🙂

9 years ago

Ahhh ok. It just seemed weird to me to specify.

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