#gamergate 8chan anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings evil SJWs infighting literal nazis misogyny oppressed white men pig-biting mad racism

Weev: Gamergate is “the biggest siren bringing people into the folds of white nationalism.”

Will seeing this picture convert you to Nazism?
Will seeing this picture convert you to Nazism?

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There’s trouble on the really, really far right: Infamous hacker-with-a-giant-swastika-tattoo Weev is squabbling with infamous former-Vice co-founder-who-hates-trans-people Gavin McInnes over which one of them is the real hero of the racist right.

The current contretemps apparently kicked off with this little Twitter exchange:

Weev has now followed up with a LiveJournal post denouncing McInnes as, among other things,

a jealous little bitch … a fucking joke … cosplaying in the alternative right for a year … a British born migrant by way of Canada who has mixed race children and sits on a pile of Jew media money from peddling orgy porgy and soma … a ringer … a mongrelizer and a cuckold … You cuck for the black lobby and you cuck for Israel. … You’re to the left of [Rush Limbaugh] … a sheep in wolf’s clothing. … Your shameful attempt to ingratiate yourself with American nationalists is beginning to collapse. Hell, you aren’t even an American, and since you love multiethnic society so much I think perhaps you should return to your country of origin. I think Leicester and Luton are more up to your speed these days.

The last bit is apparently quite the insult in neo-Nazi circles, as 19% of the residents of Leicester, and 25% of Luton, are Muslim. The horror!

Weev finished his rant by suggesting that McInnes kill himself.

It’s quite a display of invective. But far more interesting —  for readers of this blog, anyway — is a followup comment Weev left on his LiveJournal post. In it, he accuses McInnes of “talking down to gamergate.” This is a cardinal sin in weev’s mind because

gamergate … is by far the single biggest siren bringing people into the folds of white nationalism. More people have been converted in the past year by things like images of Anita Sarkeesian being rendered as a happy merchant than were in the three before it.

So there you have it. According to America’s best-known neo-Nazi hacker, Gamergate is the gateway drug to white nationalism.

The sad thing is that he may be right. Maybe not about the caricature itself, but about Gamergate, which has been suffused with anti-Semitic and other “alt-right” rhetoric and imagery almost from the start. I would not be surprised to learn that Gamergate has indeed been as fertile a recruiting ground for the far-right as Weev is suggesting.

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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Gotta love it when shitty people fight to see who’s the shittiest, and their insults are “YOU LIKE THE PEOPLE I HATE”.

And when a neo-nazi is saying your movement is calling people to being nazis, you have a problem.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Holy crap… LiveJournal still exists?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


It’s pretty underground, now. You probably wouldn’t get it.

9 years ago

I would hope that GamerGaters would see this and rethink their involvement in this movement. However, I’m afraid those who are capable of doing that left months ago and those remaining would be sympathetic to White Nationalism.

Michael Lindsay
9 years ago

Wingnut fight, wingnut fight. Will the dumbest wingnut emerge even dumber?

But seriously, Gamergate started with the Nazis. Innuendo Studios covered GG origins pretty well and GG started with /pol/ on 4chan which is infested with Nazis. Ergo, Nazis started Gamergate by bringing in lots of entitled, white but not quite Nazi guys and using them as a cover for their right wing terrorism.

9 years ago

GG has at least some of its roots in /pol/, 4chan & 8chan’s notorious hive for white supremacist hate-talk. weev’s fooling himself if he thinks that GGers are being *converted* to white nationalism – a lot of them were at least halfway there to start with.

9 years ago

Our side had an awesome success with the “cuckservative” meme, which was born in the legendary chatbox of the My Posting Career forums.
… You’ll always be known as a mongrelizer and a cuckold, Gavin. You cuck for the black lobby and you cuck for Israel.

Despite having hate followed the far right on and off for decades and I must admit that I’m completely utterly confused by what they’re doing to the word “cuckold”. How does one cuck for Israel? White Nationalists have always in a way been baffling to me but they’re taking their nonsense to new heights.

I also suspect he maybe overselling the “awesome success” of that meme, but I’m a cynic.

9 years ago

Are these two seriously fighting for the prize of Worst Human Being? It boggles the mind.


I actually have a LiveJournal account. Although I only use it for a few gaming communities, and am generally ignorant of the wider LiveJournal outside of my little bubble. Knowing that I share the site with literal Nazis makes me feel a little dirty.

9 years ago

…I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but are these guys actually talking about their movement being steeped in white supremacy as a GOOD thing?

I can’t tell if I’m glad that assholes like this are so willing to identify themselves or if I’m angry that they’re comfortable enough to spout off this kind of bullshit in full view of everyone.

9 years ago

You’re to the left of [Rush Limbaugh]

9 years ago

You know, I used to read Vice way back in ye olden tymes (that is, the early 00’s) – I remember at the time having the impression that it was basically a progressive publication, but that it was also weirdly punctuated with occasional far-right sentiment. Like, you’d be reading about some culturally-diverse left-leaning artists collective, and then all of a sudden there’d be something about how western governments need to radically curtail immigration, or how gay men shouldn’t be trusted with children. That one of its founders is a reactionary, far-right racist is both kinda sad and totally sensible.

9 years ago

People post those images on Roosh’s forum regularly and get “likes” for it.

9 years ago

Are a lot of Roosh’s followers teenagers?

9 years ago

Off topic, but I saw this and I had to share:

Similarities Between Anti-Suffragette Posters and Anti-Feminist Memes

(Probably nothing new for regular readers, but I thought it was an interesting read)

Some sort of username
Some sort of username
9 years ago

I remember David covering similar things about old posters and “modern” misogyny a while ago, yeah, but that was rather enlightening. I especially like the last paragraph, pointing out how feminism has evolved (such as intersectionality) while those who oppose it have not.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Note how to anyone who isn’t a neo-Nazi the majority of these insults would ether be good things or at the very least fairly obvious things.

9 years ago

I don’t know for sure but it seems that of Roosh’s followers – the most vitriolic are adults…are probably in their 20’s, 30’s and beyond.
Roosh’s sites have become a gateway to extremist ideologies. He’s helping to make hate and fascism acceptable for young men. It’s ominous.

9 years ago

All I know is they sound like angry kids.

9 years ago

@Brooked Stand back, I’m going in….

As far as I can tell the idea is that it’s so obvious that any policies but those of the far far right will cause the destruction of “Western Civilization” that the people advocating them get off on letting those foreigners/non-whites/gays/etc have their way with western civ. @Cuckservative ‘s bio reads “Is it ok if we sit in the corner and watch you with western civilization?”

and, that’s all I can stand for right now. Going to have a beer and lie down.

9 years ago

How does one cuck for Israel? White Nationalists have always in a way been baffling to me but they’re taking their nonsense to new heights.

I’ll take a stab at this. They’re usually pretty easy; you just have to train yourself to think like a White Nationalist… (*ow* *ow* *ow* I keep forgetting how much it hurts when I do that! No wonder they’re so crabby all the time…)

Anyway: “you cuck for Israel” –> “You’re supposed to try to control/dominate America, but you’ve allowed Israel to take over. And now America and Israel are both laughing at your impotence.” Also, “Israel” —> “the Jooooooos”.

9 years ago

Hipster Hitler wannabes? Oy, vey.

9 years ago

@brooked “How does one cuck for Israel?”
The implication is that X is getting off on watching Israel fucking X’s wife/GF.

9 years ago

Also, all those “free weev” people must be feeling awfully foolish right about now…

9 years ago

I’m going to be boring and suggest that they could just be going with the recent, “trendy” use of “cuckservative” which is basically a catch-all insult hurled at anyone conservative viewed as not being conservative *enough* on multicultural issues. In which case he’d just be saying, “you are being insufficiently conservative about Israel.”

Of course, given that one of the big criticisms of the recent rise of the word “cuckservative” is its racist origins, he’s probably using it at least partially in the older sense, and I’m not familiar with it enough to know if it has wider usage in the racist community than the sexual meaning.

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