announcements pledge drive

We Hunted the Mammoth 2.0 is coming! Add your suggestions for improvements.

Hard at work, or hardly working?
Hard at work, or hardly working?

We’re working behind the scenes to bring you a new, improved We Hunted the Mammoth — at least as far as the design of the site goes. As I think I mentioned earlier, I’m not doing anything radical. The aim is to streamline and declutter the site and to make it easier to navigate and use.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Less-cluttered sidebar
  • Less-cluttered main bar
  • Cleaner, clearer design overall
  • Better navigation between pages of comments
  • Buttons so you can blockquote, etc without HTML in comments. No more need to fear the blockquote monster!

Someone also suggested it would be better to do “nofollow” links for MRA sites rather than using donotlink, so I’ll be doing that.

I will now be able to use WordPress plugins, so I can add other features/options as well. I don’t want to add them willy nilly, but if they can add some useful functionality without cluttering stuff up I’m open to suggestions.

Any other features/plugins you want added? Upvotes and downvotes for comments perhaps? Polls in the sidebar?

Any stuff that gets in the way that you want moved or removed?

Any issue that you have with the design or functionality of the blog now that you think could be improved?

Let me know what you think, from your feelings about font size to possible WordPress plugins to look at.

Oh, and again: this redesign is costing me some $$, so if you’re a fan of the site and haven’t already donated, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!


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9 years ago

Please consider keeping the total memory load down, I already find a bit of lag on my old iPad. So not too many flash ads or similar objects please.

Alice Sanguinaria
9 years ago

The buttons for blockquote, etc should eliminate most of the need for html. Alice, are there other things besides blockquotes, links, bold, italic that you want to do? (youtube and pics and tweets will continue to auto-embed by just pasting the url in on a line by itself)

Would the buttons work on a phone? I often visit using a phone browser.

Presumably a coding function would be great, if only to show people how to code for the blockquote, italic, bold, links, etc. Also, numbered lists and bullet points would be great, because the current ul/ol stuff is a pain in the ass to work with and I still haven’t really gotten it right when I try doing it in HTML.

The auto-embedding is cool, but it also lags loading time and eats up data. I guess you can say this is a complaint from mobile users. 😛

9 years ago

Come to think of it, this page regularly lags out on my Kindle Fire, too. So “faster on mobile” would definitely be a plus for me.

latsot (@latsot)
9 years ago

Needs more skulls

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Echoing what people have said about it being phone-friendly.

– Threaded comments, ability to follow individual posters, something like that; basically anything except the “all conversations are crammed into a single continuity” thing.
– Sarah’s idea of a who’s who is a great one.
– An archive of noteworthy comments might be good. For example there’s a post which explains how to prevent Youtube recommending videos by hateful scumbags to you. Things like that would be a great resource.
– More cat pictures. David, sometimes whole days go by that I don’t see pictures of people’s kitties. This should change.

Also hi, PolicyOfMadness! I hadn’t seen you for a while and was missing you.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

Is more kitties an option? If so, more kitties, please.

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention:

Gotta agree with WWTH and Aerinea. Editing would be nice, but straight up editing is not possible with the kinds of trolls we get. I’d rather just do a quick doublepost and be done with it, or implement some kind of system where you have to be given permission to edit, or you can’t edit after a period of time.

How about: if you donate, you get an edit button and no ads?

I agree that allowing editing is problematic. If people feel that they really need it, a compromise would be to allow you to flag your comment: basically, to attach something which says “the commenter has second thoughts about this, so see their followup later in the thread”.

OTOH, the further you get from vanilla WordPress, the more possibilities you introduce for security problems.

9 years ago

Dunno how feasible this is, but it would be fantastic if there’s a way to see the most recent comments on mobile. It would be a lot easier to see where the active discussions are happening.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Or if you’re here after so long with a certain number of posts, you get an edit button. It’s unlikely a troll would stick around long enough AND get the certain number of posts necessary to edit them.

9 years ago

One suggestion i’d have is relaunching the web store with new tee shirt designs. I had a look at the store recently, and it mostly seemed to be “manboobz” era stuff so I didn’t get one. If there were updated T shirts i’d happily buy one 🙂

Kind of a smaller issue compared to most of the things you deal with on this site but just a thought.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


If you click “display full version of page” on a mobile, you can see the most recent comments.

9 years ago 2 cents worth. Go for a responsive design. Your site needs to work on mobile platforms.

9 years ago

A “preview comment” button would let people fix markup if they get it wrong first time, overcoming the blockquote monster. However, a button to reply-with-quote would usually be superior as it can include a link back to the original comment for context.

Either of those would be cool, but a non-JavaScript fallback, that lets users type into a plain form, is still recommended.

Personally, I’d like to see complete alt-text when the articles contains screenshots of text (from eg. deleted tweets), because I sometimes read with images disabled. But that’s a content requirement rather than a design/plugins consideration, and given the popularity of kittens and reaction gifs, might not be high on most readers’ lists.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I hate threaded comments – haaate – so if they are added, could it please be an option we can turn on and off (like how the mobile site lets you flick over to the full site)? ^^;

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I use it on a phone, but always via the “view full site” option. I am allergic to mobile-specific interfaces.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I’ve only had two problems with the mobile interface: The aforementioned lack of a “Recent comments” section, and the ads. Oh God, the ads. I’m talking full-screen popups, autoplaying sound, autodownloading malware (I have downloads disabled, but it still shows me a warning), redirects to Imaginary Russia… The works.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

… And yeah, I know that’s a problem with the ad servers, not you, but Google blocked AdBlock (irony) on Android and I needed to whine somewhere. =P

9 years ago

@EJ – Oh yes, I am familiar with that, but it also means the text goes super tiny on my phone, and the site runs much more poorly. So a “Recent Comments” in the mobile version itself would be super helpful for me.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
9 years ago

Could the comments be numbered?

9 years ago

Seconding Newt. Preview function is totes awesome, and is (imo) better than edit.

9 years ago

A little html5 mammoth that occasionally walks across the screen for us to hunt.

9 years ago

@David oh please yes see about fixes for commenting on mobile. Half the time I try to comment, it’s so sluggish that I give up. Each letter takes about 5-10 seconds of pressing it on the screen, waiting to see if it will even show up, then either hitting it again because it didn’t or repeating the process for the next letter. Of course, I do have a three-year-old budget tablet, so…grain of salt, I guess.

It is kind of funny when I get frustrated and try to type normally, and the words become gibberish by the end of the sentence, though. It’s like the Kindle is trying to catch up, but it can’t, so it just throws out random combinations of letters and hopes it was close. “You meant to say ‘these manosphere idiots are bndnxi dif voospsne’, right? …right? Why are you crying.”