antifeminism creepy literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny MRA oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill reddit

Segregation now, segregation forever, declare Red Pill Redditors

Mighty white of you (Screenshot from University of Alabama's Alpha Phi recruitment video.)
Mighty white of you (Screenshot from University of Alabama’s Alpha Phi recruitment video.)

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! If you haven’t already, please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

Yet another reminder that Red Pillers aren’t just insufferable misogynists; they also tend to be racist as hell.

For proof, look no further than this comment from a TOP ENDORSED COMMENTER in the Red Pill subreddit with dozens of upvotes. The topic at hand: that video from a virtually all-white University of Alabama sorority that looked a bit like a recruitment video for the Stepford Wives.

Naturally, the Red Pillocks love the video, especially its unbearable whiteness of being. Don’t cut yourself on the “edgy” racism below.

FLFTW16 31 points 5 days ago ANY group that racially segregates formally or informally has my support. Our liberties are being attacked and chipped away so they must be defended at every opportunity. One fundamental liberty is the freedom of association. Be friends with whomever you wish. Whites are more comfortable around other whites. Newsflash! Blacks have black only fraternities and sororities. Hell they even have black only universities. They self-segregate because it gives them an advantage. Latinos do the same. Some of you might not know this but there are Jewish fraternities as well. There are also what one might call "One percent-er" fraternities, such as Skull and Bones. The rich and powerful prefer to associate with the rich and powerful, so they have barriers of entry that prevent poor losers from gaining access. That's their privilege and liberty and it must be defended. Sheboons and femtards want to gain access so they can do what sheboons and femtards always do: shit all over the place. The only people who protest this group are people so pathetic and malformed that no self-respecting social group would accept them. They are so disgusted by each other that they don't even want to form their own group of outcasts, they prefer to just fling poo at the pretty white girls for being too pretty and too white.

Hey Reddit, you know you can just ban blatant racism. There’s no rule saying you have to provide a platform for the world’s worst shitheads.

Oh, wait, I forgot that Reddit’s key demographic is the world’s worst shitheads. Never mind.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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9 years ago

My racist uncle also thinks evolution is a fraud.

9 years ago

I know so little about my relatives i have no idea if they are racist

9 years ago

Okay so i get “femtards” but what the hell is “sheboons”?

9 years ago


I WAS a thin pretty white girl who woulda been intimidated as fuck by that video. (I guess I still am pretty. Even tho I’ve hit THE WALL at 38) 😉

9 years ago

The two at the top of the picture seem to have dark roots.

The racism in the comment didn’t shock me… I mean, I was expecting much worse. That must be bad.

9 years ago

Boys are from Brazil and girls are from Alpha Phi.

9 years ago

Well, just after writing this comment, I went to youtube to search for a scene from the Pride and Prejudice miniseries to see if I could find out the name of the song playing, and someone just had to leave a comment about how Britain once was “gloriously white”… and it has four upvotes.

At least I know the name of the song now…?!

*cries in a corner*

9 years ago

And the Daily Mail proves once again it has both the worst and the most unintentionally hilarious commenters on the web, with such gems as



it’s only fat women that are offended by this. trust me guys and normal women are cool with it.

and who could forget a classic like

I suck a fart out of each one of those hoes asses.

And much, much more.

9 years ago

I like how those commenters express themselves, especially the first one. They sound appropriately stupid.

9 years ago

The rich and powerful prefer to associate with the rich and powerful, so they have barriers of access which prevent poor losers from gaining access. That’s their privilege and liberty and it must be defended.

So, tell me. How is the sentiment expressed above different from

…people so pathetic and malformed that no social group would accept them. They are so disgusted by each other that they don’t even want to form their own group of outcasts…

…since refusing to form your own group of outcasts is more or less what you start to do as soon as you begin to celebrate more privileged in-groups for refusing to include you.

Seriously. If there’s a difference I’d love to know what it is, and if anyone has a good explanation I hope she/he will come forward with it. Me, I thirst for knowledge, as usual.

9 years ago

Patriarchy and it’s gender “roles” teach women that this kind of vapid bikini model affectation is something women should aspire to..and not surprisingly many women succumb to this unrelenting omnipresent pressure.
Why are we taking pot shots at these women and not the patriarchal gender roles they’re acting out and not patriarchy itself?
Wonder if we’re been conditioned to blame women for male created gender roles…and as long as it’s a certain type of woman, fire away,Stepford wives, etc…ha ha ha?
Patriarchy..its the new “feminism”

9 years ago

Vanir85.. technically, the wolf you feed is your dog.

9 years ago

Talbot fish: Indeed. You have a point. It’s way too easy to take potshots at them, and yes, we’ve been trained to do it rather than aiming at men.

“Sheboons”? Huh? Somehow I don’t think it’s going to catch on. You can’t dance to it and it lacks poetry. I hope the wider Black community doesn’t find out about that word because the first time someone writes an outraged article about it, that will spur the a**holes to use it more often. Why? Because we don’t like it.

9 years ago

@ikeke35 I’ve heard that called Cleek’s law. Conservatism is whatever liberals hate, updated hourly.

9 years ago

@Vanir85: Sure, use it. Anything I “kreate” for this comments section is free to use, no credit needed 🙂

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

On my mom’s side, I have no racist uncles, because my grandpa–we called him Papa–would not have tolerated it. Papa grew up in the deep, deep South and yet was stridently opposed to racism: his best friend was an African American. Papa would have grounded his kids (my aunts, uncles, and my mom) forever if they even looked like they might be thinking racist thoughts. RIP, Papa. I miss you so much.

On my dad’s side, I only have a couple of uncles, and neither of them I know very well. All I know is my dad is disgusted by racism, as well.

Since moving to a city that seems to be so divided on racial lines, I’ve been called “naive” because I see this as a bad thing. I tell them “nope, not naive. I was just raised right, that’s all.”

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

As for the sorority video: creepy as hell. Like a blonde* ninja revolutionary cell or something. Or maybe blonde* aliens in disguise, stationing themselves to take over the world.

*Not that I have any problem with blondes, because it really does not matter the color of your hair. And heck, if you change the color of your hair, it’s really none of my business. It just seems like the sorority is full of blonde aliens from Mars going undercover to take over the world.

9 years ago

Gee, how great for this would-be elitist that Reddit is so graciously providing a home, free of charge, for the scum de la scum of the world. Meanwhile, I’m gonna self-segregate myself away from those lowlives, and associate freely with blacks, Jews, other women, and whoever the hell else I want, discriminating only against idiots and wannabes like this dude.

9 years ago

Check the eyebrows, they usually are light if the person is a natural blonde. The women at the top of the photo have darker eyebrows, the ones on the bottom are lighter. It’s hard to get the kind of appearance of the darker brows using pencil, even if you use a dark pencil. They will look drawn-on, smooth borders, not hair by hair.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Or they can be dirty blondes but I don’t think whether or not they’re natural blondes matter. It’s more about the fact that they’re all blondes. And that’s creepy.


I do not think that that pictures sends the message they want to send — or at least I hope it’s not what they wanted to send.

9 years ago

One’s brows do not necessarily naturally match one’s hair. I’m a natural redhead, but my brows aren’t red or strawberry blond, they’re a rather dark brown. And my lashes are naturally black.

9 years ago

(And really, the most reliable indicator of a dye job is, always, the roots.)

9 years ago

I agree with being uncomfortable at making fun of these girls. I don’t think that was anyone’s intention here, as far as I could tell. I do however, feel a tinge of pity for them . . . it just honestly seems like they are striving to just be the perfect, ideal, nubile, young, bleach-blonde carbon copy that is supposed to be the most appealing to the dudes. That just seems kind of empty. And I don’t think they intentionally white-washed their sorority but the fact that it’s so painfully obvious in the video kind of makes the whole thing . . . just cringeworthy. . .

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Is that really the most reliable?
comment image


Yes, yes it is.

I’ll go now.