antifeminism creepy literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny MRA oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill reddit

Segregation now, segregation forever, declare Red Pill Redditors

Mighty white of you (Screenshot from University of Alabama's Alpha Phi recruitment video.)
Mighty white of you (Screenshot from University of Alabama’s Alpha Phi recruitment video.)

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Yet another reminder that Red Pillers aren’t just insufferable misogynists; they also tend to be racist as hell.

For proof, look no further than this comment from a TOP ENDORSED COMMENTER in the Red Pill subreddit with dozens of upvotes. The topic at hand: that video from a virtually all-white University of Alabama sorority that looked a bit like a recruitment video for the Stepford Wives.

Naturally, the Red Pillocks love the video, especially its unbearable whiteness of being. Don’t cut yourself on the “edgy” racism below.

FLFTW16 31 points 5 days ago ANY group that racially segregates formally or informally has my support. Our liberties are being attacked and chipped away so they must be defended at every opportunity. One fundamental liberty is the freedom of association. Be friends with whomever you wish. Whites are more comfortable around other whites. Newsflash! Blacks have black only fraternities and sororities. Hell they even have black only universities. They self-segregate because it gives them an advantage. Latinos do the same. Some of you might not know this but there are Jewish fraternities as well. There are also what one might call "One percent-er" fraternities, such as Skull and Bones. The rich and powerful prefer to associate with the rich and powerful, so they have barriers of entry that prevent poor losers from gaining access. That's their privilege and liberty and it must be defended. Sheboons and femtards want to gain access so they can do what sheboons and femtards always do: shit all over the place. The only people who protest this group are people so pathetic and malformed that no self-respecting social group would accept them. They are so disgusted by each other that they don't even want to form their own group of outcasts, they prefer to just fling poo at the pretty white girls for being too pretty and too white.

Hey Reddit, you know you can just ban blatant racism. There’s no rule saying you have to provide a platform for the world’s worst shitheads.

Oh, wait, I forgot that Reddit’s key demographic is the world’s worst shitheads. Never mind.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

As good a place as any for this:

9 years ago

“Sheboons”? I haven’t heard that one before! What is that even supposed to mean?

9 years ago

Man, I’m so glad the one percenters have this guy here to defend their privileges and liberties! How else could they be safe from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, besides the massive amounts of money, power, and unspoken privilege they already have? FLFTW16 is a true American hero, defending the indefensible from the defenseless.

9 years ago

Alan: LMAO.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“Sheboons”? I haven’t heard that one before! What is that even supposed to mean?

If you really want to know… It’s a super-mega-KKK-racist slur for black women.

Bad Wolf
9 years ago

OMG Sheboons!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

“She-baboons”, right? How “clever” :/

9 years ago


Love the sexbot picture in the final panel!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

No idea where it comes from. I only know of it because there’s a similar one here in Aus for Aboriginal people (the same word with a G on the end) that my racist uncle* uses whenever he thinks I’m not listening.

*Is it just me, or does every person ever born have a racist uncle?

9 years ago


…Wow. Thanks for telling me, but I do really wish I hadn’t asked now.

Harry Underwood
9 years ago

Reblogged this on World of Values and commented:

9 years ago

That sorority pic just made me think “panty raid!!!”

9 years ago

That video. Wow. That’s pretty bad. I may not be blonde, but I’m white and thin and That woulda scared the crap outta me at 18! Id be like “nnnnnnope, never setting foot near that! Next video?” I think that sorority is off putting to pretty much every college girl.

9 years ago

SFHC: I’m a sample of one, but I do indeed have an extremely right-wing uncle.

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

I think that sorority is off putting to pretty much every college girl.

Except for the thin, pretty, white girls. Which I think is a feature, not a bug.

“Sheboon”. Urk. I’ve learned a new stomach-turning word today.

9 years ago

“She-baboons”, right? How “clever” :/

– Kreator

A very accurate cartoon (you mind if I use it?). I guess when someone first start giving in to irrational hate against one group, it makes hating other groups easier.

In the end, it IS the wolf you feed that wins. And when it does, it consumes you.

9 years ago

Those sorority pics reminded me of the creepy children from Village of the Damned. Seriously, do these sororities have a frickin’ white-and-blonde quota, or do they hand out bottles of bleach and peroxide at the door?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

People keep freaking out about blondes going extinct but it looks like they’re being kept alive via cloning.

9 years ago

How many of them are natural blondes? Not that I’m judging anyone for dying their hair blonde. It’s just that the red pillers probably look at all the blondes out there thinking they’re the perfect Aryans and oops! It’s out of the bottle. Is this something they’ve rage wanked about yet? How the evil females trick them into thinking they’ll give them blonde junior SS looking children? That’s got to be even more misandrous than wearing make up and flattering clothing. Hair naturally that blonde is actually fairly rare. Even here in Minnesota. Land of the Scandinavians and Germans.

In a funny coincidence, as I read this my dad is watching Judgment At Nuremburg in the background.

9 years ago

Does anyone know if the Wachowskis know about red pillers? If they do, they can’t be happy about it. Having just watched Sense8, it’s pretty obvious they have pro social justice leanings.

9 years ago

*Is it just me, or does every person ever born have a racist uncle?

Alas, it’s my father providing that service to all my cousins. I fear he’s the creepy uncle as well.

9 years ago

@WWTH: Plus, y’know, one of the Wachowskis is a transwoman.

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