Today marks the somewhat-belated beginning of the Second Quarter 2015 We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive! Which, as always, is another way of saying “several days in which I beg you all for money.”
To repeat my simple pitch from my previous pledge drives: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and send a few bucks my way. Or, if you’d prefer, a lot of bucks.
You don’t need a PayPal account; credit cards are accepted, and there are other options as well. If you’re outside the US, PayPal will automatically convert your weird non-American money into American bucks.
Thanks for all of your donations, whether big or small. They keep the cats in cat food, and enable me to keep this blog going, helping to compensate me for the considerable time and energy I put into it. And thanks to all of those who donate between pledge drives as well.
And as I’ve said before, I also greatly appreciate all the non-monetary things you all do to support the blog, from contributing smart and funny comments, designing graphics, sending me tips on stuff to write about, sharing posts on Twitter and Facebook, alerting me to trolls in the comments, helping me to design a more effective comments policy, and so on. You folks have posted another 50,000 comments since the last pledge drive, bringing the total close to 550,000.
Things are going well here at WHTM.
Traffic is still booming: WHTM has gotten more than a million page views in three of the past four months and we should easily clear a million this month as well. I’ve had several posts go viral in recent months, and the blog is helping to shape press coverage and broader discussions about the antifeminist, anti-woman backlash online.
I’ve stepped up my posting as well, with the aim of posting twice or more a day.
So if you’ve been donating to this blog, you are continuing to get a lot of bang for your bucks, as they say.
Ok, you say, but what’s this about a “new improved” WHTM?
What this means is that I’ve hired a web designer to give the blog a custom upgrade. I’m not adding useless bells and whistles or radically changing the basic layout. Instead, I’m aiming to streamline the site, which should mean a better user experience for all of you in the form of a less-cluttered blog layout, easier navigation, and faster-loading pages.
The changes will also give me more control over the ads that run on the page (yes, like you I’ve been annoyed by the video ads and other inappropriate ads that WordPress has recently been putting on the site).
This costs money. And I’ve also recently had to replace my old laptop, which was getting rather crotchety in its old age. So I’m hoping some of you can dig a little deeper this time to help me cover these costs as well as my normal expenses.
Thanks again to all of you. I can’t do any of this without your help.
PS: Some of you in the past have had technical problems with PayPal’s “recurring payment” option; I’m planning to set up a Patreon in the near future that will give you another option for monthly donations.
Donated. 🙂
The first thing I thought of when I saw that header image was: “Aw, is that cat administrating a Voight-Kampff Test in an all-cat re-enactment of ‘Blade Runner’? How adorable!” Then I started thinking about what a feline Voight-Kampff Test might entail:
“You’re in the desert, Leon. There is a dying mouse at your feet, but you’re not batting at it.”
“What do you mean, I’m not batting at it?!”
“You’re not batting at it, Leon. Why aren’t you batting at it?”
“Do you make these questions up yourself, Mr. Whiskers?!”
For once I can afford something, although it won’t be much. I’ll be sure to make a contribution some time this weekend.
“Reaction time is a factor in this so please pay attention. To the questions. No, that’s a piece of fluff in the air. No, that’s your own tail.”
Hope this is the best pledge drive evar! I’d send you some banana bread, too, if I could; my banana bread is renowned among my friends, family and co-workers.
Congrats on your viral posts, David. It’s clear readership is growing as I see so many new commenters on the daily.
My cat’s name is Mr. Whiskers.
Speaking of annoying ads, I’m getting the kind that redirect you to other pages right now. Wtf, wordpress? This kind of thing is why people download Ad Block plus.
Paradoxical Intention | August 21, 2015 at 4:24 pm
Is he a blade runner?
This just in: Hitler is an SJW – according to Roosh.
Oh noes, kitties need noms! Kittynom donation sent! 😀
Give me two weeks and a chance to pay some bills and I’ll be right with you! 😀
Thanks, everyone! Donate whatever and whenever you can, it’s all good, as they say.
Hipsterminator, oh, the ironies.Didn’t Roosh just publish a long post on “the Jewish question.” (Yes, yes he did.) It’s weird that these guys keep forgetting that THEY’RE the Nazis.
Donated. Thank you for all you do, David.
Well I don’t have enough to pay my gas bill this month anyway, so what the hell! This blog is almost as important to me as my ability to cook. I’m sorry I can’t contribute more, but I hope I at least help with kitty noms =)
Will donate sometime this weekend. I need to save up for moving house, but I’m sure I can afford a few quid to keep this blog up. I enjoy it here.
Please keep me posted on the Patreon. I’m a big fan of it as a platform.
Let me get some big bills out the way and see what I have left, but I don’t see why I can’t donate something. One thing regarding ad control: when I’m browsing on my phone Google Play launches with the page for Uber. This happens frequently, spontaneously and oftentimes without me clicking on anything. Does anyone else have this problem? It’s put me off Uber for life now, I can tell you that.
Silly David, don’t you know that Patreon is evil and not Real Income for…reasons?
Just kidding. Hope it comes up soon!
(I’m still baffled by people who claim Patreon users should stop relying on it and go freelance. Because Patreon IS freelancing, just for an audience!)
Donation complete! Love this site and love all the work you do.
I also love the comments section – not a thing you can say about most sites! 🙂
Thanks, everyone!
Mieze, I feel a bit weird taking your money if you’re broke!
When I get a few ebay sales in I will donate – it has gone a bit quiet as it is holiday season. It’ll be a few days.
David: Oh no, don’t. I said that sort of tongue-in-cheek anyway.
Can’t wait to see the new layout!
Bloody exchange rates.
Not so long ago our $ was worth more than USD. Oh well. Now we’re back to where we used to be. That was just a brief, luxurious interlude.
Donated! Thanks for what you do here, David. We appreciate it.
Thanks for this site. I often cannot read the sites discussed here without parts of my brain melting in despair.
Had money, so donated. I love this site.