So it’s not just #GamerGaters, 8channers, Gawker editors, and divorce lawyers who are hoping to benefit in a big way from the data dump of illegally hacked user information from AshleyMadison.com, the once (but probably not future) dating site for would-be cheaters.
Over in the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are hoping it leads to a giant wave of angry, newly redpilled recruits. In a post with nearly 300 upvotes, one Red Piller offers his predictions:
Prepare for the following:
1) Massive user influx from men who have the courage to search for their spouses.
2) Massive re-allocation of wealth through divorce courts.
3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.
Fasten your seatbelts and remember NEVER GET MARRIED!
Another Red Piller sums up the thoughts of many of his comrades, declaring simply that “[t]his is going to be glorious.”
Still another finds himself chuckling at the idea of all the Blue Pill men who will suffer as a result of the leaks.
I think of the simpering beta males who might lose their relationship or marriage for signing up to the site. I then think that some percentage of these guys who attempted to have an affair failed at doing so. Getting broken up with for trying and failing to cheat is just delicious.
Not everyone in the thread is completely sure that all the “simpering beta males” will respond by alpha-male-ing it up — especially those who discover that it’s their wife who has been cheating on them.
[A] lot of cucked blue pill men are gonna deal with it and get cucked.
This could easily go the other way entirely, especially living in the era of women pushing for poly/open/cuck situations to be socially accepted.
Face it, 90% of these men got cucked because they’re blue pill and most of them are gonna stay that way… if anything, this will help further the push toward mainstream, open cucking for blue pillers.
That is, assuming that anything more than a tiny percentage of the female profiles on the site are real. As one Red Piller complains,
theres not going to be much opportunity for datamining whore behavior/tendencies/preferences since most of the female profiles are fake.
While the general consensus amongst the Red Pillers is that cheating wives are “whores,” men who cheat are driven to it by the evils of contemporary marriage.
“Why are so many men trying to escape their marriage through infidelity and affairs?”
The answer to that, we’ve been lied to about marriage, about women, and about love. I still think we will see a good influx mainly because the men will ideally be free from their shit marriage and begin to wonder “maybe there’s something I can do to avoid this, maybe I can LEARN from my mistakes”.
If these guys actually think that the Red Pill subreddit has any real answer to their real or imaginary woes, I’d say that’s a sign they haven’t learned very much at all.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
Actually saving lives is good don’t forget that.
And we all know most redpillers hate cats…
Cats are a good litmus test. I don’t have a problem with a man preferring dogs or some other pet over cats. But if a man hates cats, that’s a giant red flag.
This brings to mind a few things:
I’m pretty sure there’s an old proverb that says you should never trust anyone who hates cats.
I don’t trust anyone that says they “hate” animals of any kind. I can understand when someone might not like an animal (they’re squicked out by it, they’re allergic, they had a bad experience with one, ect.), but when they show outright disgust and loathing and aren’t shy about saying it, I get a bit leery.
There’s a story I saw (can’t find it for the life of me though) where a girl tells a website (pretty sure it was Reddit) about how a guy she was going on a date with shoved her little dog off of his lap so hard it hit the entertainment center with a snarl that he hates small dogs, and everyone jumped to his defense. “You should have told him you had a small dog!”, “You should teach your dog to not jump on people!”, typical stuff.
So, she goes and changes her story a bit. She says she’s a man, she’s dating a woman, and the dog is now an adopted large breed dog.
Suddenly, it’s “What a horrible human being!”, “How could anyone do that to a dog?!” and the like.
In other news, water is wet.
Interesting. Cats and small dogs are associated with women, so it’s okay to hate and abuse then. Big dogs are associated with men, therefore they are inviolate.
I do actually think you should tell visitors you have pets in case of allergies or phobias though.
@ Paradoxy
I was watching the film ‘Downfall’ with a girlfriend (who is in fact German; I’m really sensitive like that).
There’s a scene where Eva Braun admits to kicking Blondi. This elicited a disparaging response from me.
“Oh, so for you *that’s* where the Nazis crossed the line?”
…and delivering them to us via drones.
Panda pool
The cats should be in that wagon and he should be pulling them we should all be servants to the Great Furrinati.
Hitler hated cats.
’nuff said.
Generally it is a red flag, yeah, but I do find it interesting that hating animals feels so much more concerning than someone hating things like insects or spiders. I wonder why that is? Is it because animals are cuter? Closer to us evolutionarily speaking? They live longer? (Not necessarily, depending on the kind of insect and the kind of animal). They’re more intelligent? What is the cut-off for intelligence? Do hiveminds count?
I suppose the best argument is that insects and spiders tend to be a lot more common pests than animals do. But shouldn’t that mean that people should be allowed to hate rats and mice vitriolically, too? What about things like deer that eat your entire garden, or invasive boars?
Not that I’m arguing that someone hating mosquitoes (I HATE MOSQUITOES SO MUCH) is the same as someone hating cats, I’m just wondering why that is.
I just don’t quite understand people who hate a whole category of other people/creatures in general. So I don’t get the “I hate cats” people, but I also don’t get the “I hate kids” people, or whatever the case may be.
Isn’t it largely a matter of whether the animal in question is commonly a companion animal in your society?
If someone told me they hated pigs, I’d find that a bit strange, but I wouldn’t be particularly concerned. I’d want to know more, but I wouldn’t immediately think “this is someone to avoid”, the way I would if they hated cats or dogs. Pigs are mammals, they’re smart (intelligent, that is, not dapper), but they’re mostly food rather than companions. If the recent trend for miniature pigs being kept as pets were to become more common, I suspect pig-hate would become more of a red flag.
Possibly, but I tend to be offput by someone saying that they hate, say, snakes or frogs, which aren’t common pets. Not so much if they’re just afraid of them, but if it’s the kind of hatred where they would kill or attack the animal if it happened to be near them, it seems disturbing. Maybe it’s just a factor of violent tendencies making me uncomfortable, who knows.
Alternately, watching someone swat a fly doesn’t bother me much at all.
Hahahahaha, I can right on a book on why I “hate” kids, but it boils down to them being gross, loud and my anxiety about accidentally killing them.
Don’t ever leave me alone with a child that can’t take care of itself, please.
I think with bugs it’s more fear than just hatred. I’m sure some people are afraid of dogs so they “hate” them, but it’s more common with bugs.
*shrug* Dogs can also be messy, loud, and helpless. And of course not all children are all three of those, or even necessarily one of them.
But the reasons aren’t really the point; even if it’s something eminently understandable like “I’m deathly allergic to them” (pets, presumably, not children), I still don’t get how it crosses over into a visceral “I hate them all.”
I wouldn’t even say I hate bugs or spiders, although I wouldn’t want a house full of them. They have their place in the world.
No, you see, dogs AREN’T like that. They are affectionate, loving beings who you can give belly rubs and snuggle up on the couch with to watch movies or read books. You feed them and they eat when they want, you put them outside to poop, they give you kisses and they don’t sass back.
Dogs stay fuzzy and loving forever, children turn into assholes. *points to self* Case in point.
Dogs, cats, animals in general are nothing like children.
I don’t hate kids, but I tend to be uncomfortable around most of them, and I plan on never, EVER having my own. And I find that people tend to stop going “oh but you’ll make such a good mommy/you’ll change your mind/what will your husband think about that/but it’s the whole point of life!” if I start talking about how much I hate and despise children.
It’s not so much that I hate kids as that I’m incredibly bothered the culture that surround them.
What Catalpa said and also they die super easy.
As the animal rights philosopher Peter Singer says – it isn’t whether you LIKE a particular animal, or particular species, but whether you have a framework that can accept that as living sentient beings they have rights.
And as the utilitarian Jeremy Bentham said – it is not about whether they understand, but whether they can suffer – if we accept that they do suffer we know that we need to afford them rights. It actually doesn’t matter then whether we ‘like’ them or not.
But I know we cannot apply this criteria to insects and the like.
>Since AM is all about cheating, whereas the other dating sites are not, I think what this dude really means is that men want *a guaranteed lifetime supply* of young, attractive women. When the current wife starts to get too leathery and demanding (at age 25), society needs to be encouraging men to toss those hags in the compost heap and go get another one on Ashley Madison, instead of shaming them for it. It just makes perfect evolutionary sense! Quit being so prudish, society!
>Remember, only men know what love is. Women are just too fickle to be trusted.
What pisses me off more about this is the women who internalize it and get on the trp train that’s powered by insecurity. Redpillomen for example. They’ve come up with all these gymnastics that are frankly, manipulative or sad, because they are so cynical and lack trust. They are so cynical and negative towards men under all that contrived proper-femininityTM
One is “wife goggles.” My man won’t leave me if I suck up to him a lot. I know I’ll get uglier and it will awaken his natural cheating tendencies, but if I suck up and contrivedly dote in him maybe he won’t notice me aging. Right? RIGHT???!!!??
I don’t hate kids; I just never felt the slightest urge to have any myself. I kept getting told I’d change my mind when I met the right man. Balderdash! The right man, for me, is one who understands where I’m coming from, and like me, can happily live without them. The End.