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Red Pill Redditors hope #AshleyMadison leaks will lead to influx of embittered losers

Take the Blue Pill! The Red Pill turns you into a giant douchebag.
Take the Blue Pill! The Red Pill turns you into a giant douchebag.

So it’s not just #GamerGaters, 8channers, Gawker editors, and divorce lawyers who are hoping to benefit in a big way from the data dump of illegally hacked user information from, the once (but probably not future) dating site for would-be cheaters.

Over in the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are hoping it leads to a giant wave of angry, newly redpilled recruits. In a post with nearly 300 upvotes, one Red Piller offers his predictions: 

Prepare for the following:

1) Massive user influx from men who have the courage to search for their spouses.

2) Massive re-allocation of wealth through divorce courts.

3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.

Fasten your seatbelts and remember NEVER GET MARRIED!

Another Red Piller sums up the thoughts of many of his comrades, declaring simply that “[t]his is going to be glorious.”

Still another finds himself chuckling at the idea of all the Blue Pill men who will suffer as a result of the leaks.

I think of the simpering beta males who might lose their relationship or marriage for signing up to the site. I then think that some percentage of these guys who attempted to have an affair failed at doing so. Getting broken up with for trying and failing to cheat is just delicious.

Not everyone in the thread is completely sure that all the “simpering beta males” will respond by alpha-male-ing it up — especially those who discover that it’s their wife who has been cheating on them.

[A] lot of cucked blue pill men are gonna deal with it and get cucked.

This could easily go the other way entirely, especially living in the era of women pushing for poly/open/cuck situations to be socially accepted.

Face it, 90% of these men got cucked because they’re blue pill and most of them are gonna stay that way… if anything, this will help further the push toward mainstream, open cucking for blue pillers.

That is, assuming that anything more than a tiny percentage of the female profiles on the site are real. As one Red Piller complains,

theres not going to be much opportunity for datamining whore behavior/tendencies/preferences since most of the female profiles are fake.

While the general consensus amongst the Red Pillers is that cheating wives are “whores,” men who cheat are driven to it by the evils of contemporary marriage.

“Why are so many men trying to escape their marriage through infidelity and affairs?”

The answer to that, we’ve been lied to about marriage, about women, and about love. I still think we will see a good influx mainly because the men will ideally be free from their shit marriage and begin to wonder “maybe there’s something I can do to avoid this, maybe I can LEARN from my mistakes”.

If these guys actually think that the Red Pill subreddit has any real answer to their real or imaginary woes, I’d say that’s a sign they haven’t learned very much at all.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Does that mean that if I groom up nicely, take pictures of myself with some cute kittens and post them online for girls to squee over, it hurts red pillers?

This is the best thing ever. It’s as though someone invented a form of chocolate which cured tooth decay and resisted climate change.

Bee ar bee, feministselfying.

9 years ago

Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
“Men want young, attractive women”? Is this supposed to be some revolutionary new understanding? Is society supposedly not yet aware of cishet men’s preference for youth and symmetry? I think we’re all pretty well in touch with the fact that young and pretty girls tend to get the most attention from men. No one really denies this. The real revelation will be the dawning realization that a) young and attractive women don’t stay that way forever, and b) while they’re young and attractive, they’re not so interested in spending their time on self-entitled, arrogant, oblivious, misogynist men who quite frankly were never that interesting in the first place. We don’t even want to give our time to such men when we’re older and not so pretty anymore.

9 years ago

@Bonnie Blue:

they claimed to be doing it because Ashley Madison made people pay to scrub their accounts.

So, um… They retaliated against a fee they don’t agree with by punishing a bunch of people who didn’t pay the fee they don’t agree with?

Okay, if that was their true motivation, then I can see how this would “force” the site to change that policy (in the hackers’ minds, anyway), but still… WTF? Could they have possibly come up with a more contradictory and douchey way to accomplish their goal?

There’s even another layer to this. Turns out that, with the leak, there’s demonstrable proof that AM didn’t actually scrub the accounts of those who paid the fee. I think there’s a class-action lawsuit in the works to sue AM over this.

But yeah… “Stop being unethical or we’ll dredge a whole bunch of other people through the mud by revealing their involvement with you” isn’t exactly the epitome of ethics…

9 years ago

When these guys complain bitterly that “women like assholes”, most of the time the “asshole” in question just happens to be more decisive and self-confident than they are. I think that both men and women find self-confidence attractive. Now, it can well be the case that a self-confident person really is an asshole because their self-confidence comes from a refusal to examine their own opinions and beliefs, ever– it’s easy to be self-confident when you knows you’re always right! But, more often than not, it’s sour grapes. And “a refusal to examine their own opinions and beliefs, ever” is probably more characteristic of RedPillers than the “assholes” of their fantasies of oppression…

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


I’ll see your kittehs and raise you a couple of rescues horses.

For added red piller annoyance this was taken during a military exercise.

9 years ago

“Men want young, attractive women”? Is this supposed to be some revolutionary new understanding? Is society supposedly not yet aware of cishet men’s preference for youth and symmetry?

By Jove I think you’ve got it…

Redpillers think they live on Bizarro world where society prefers old and asymmetrical women!

9 years ago



*spikes phone*

9 years ago

What happens when society “realizes” it? Forced sex with the mens and then death at the wall?

9 years ago

Did you know he got his start in a Pringle’s ad? Pringles, people, Brad Pitt pushed Pringle’s.

Well it seems to be working.

*stuffs another paprika Pringles into her mouth*

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Did you know he got his start in a Pringle’s ad? Pringles, people, Brad Pitt pushed Pringle’s

Well, they are nice pullovers.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Using “cuckold” in 2015 kind of reminds me of this cartoon:

The fetish aspect is nothing new either, or so my old friend James Joyce tells me: in one scene of Ulysses, the character Leopold Bloom is turned on by the fact his wife is cheating on him and imagines watching it. In other scenes, though, he’s miserable about it. People are complicated (and so’s Ulysses).

…Now I have a bizarre image of redpillers discussing European modernist literature: James Joyce, despite his active sex life, would probably be branded a “beta,” while the anti-Semetic Ezra Pound with his macho posturings would be an “alpha,” I guess… though maybe he wouldn’t be anti-feminist enough for them. (And of course Virginia Woolf would be a “feminazi.”)

9 years ago

I’d also like to chime in and say that this whole Ashley Madison affair is several layers of horrible. I feel sorry for people who’ve been cheated on by their spouses, but also sorry for all the people being exposed in this way. No one can justify dumping all this private information out there, it’s just hurting people for the sake of causing trouble.

And as for the whole nice guys aren’t sexy trope pushed by the redpillers; David Gandy, the man so hot that SlutHate calls him God, does masses of charity work, I wonder what they think of that?

9 years ago

@Falconer – You understand.

Aside: Didn’t you and a bunch of other people once have a conversation about the Wii U and Amiibo.

I broke down and got the kids one.
They frikkin’ love it and I’ll say it’s the most genuine fun I’ve had gaming for awhile, but the intensive local co-op may have something to do with that.
(We also got Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, Splatoon, and it came with Super Mario World 3D preloaded.)

I have a Samus.
Her nickname is Samawesome.

9 years ago

Dammit! Wrong Gif!
comment image

My dumb phone buzzed like it had successful c/p’d the new link.

*spikes phone again*

epitome of incomprehensibility

D’oh, Ezra Pound was American, not European. Though he lived in Europe for a long time.

@Alan Robertshaw – awww, that’s a cute pose! What kind of horses are those?

Re: men + cute animals: Besides poor dead James Joyce, I am rather in love with Kunal Nayyar, or at least his Raj character from the Big Bang Theory (silly show that it is) – I was watching a rerun last night in which he was trying to act more stereotypically manly to appeal to the woman he was dating; needless to say it didn’t work. There was also a very adorable dog in it.

9 years ago

@Falconer – You understand.

Aside: Didn’t you and a bunch of other people once have a conversation about the Wii U and Amiibo.

That’s like saying “Didn’t Benedict Cumberbatch play Sherlock Holmes once?”

I’m glad you’re having lots of fun!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Epitome

According to one of my horse obsessed friends they’re Gypsy Vanners. They’re mum and daughter. Rescued from some horrific abuse. Bit wary; but after a few hundredweight of carrots we got on fine.

One thing I do now know is that, if you’re going to play carrot tug-of-war with someone who has the pulling power of a Dodge Ram, you *will* lose. 🙂

9 years ago

Re: hunks cuddling animals

In this edition of RP’er Hell, a bunch of ripped alpha men have their hearts melted by tiny kittens. >w<

9 years ago

Thanks, David. I may play with that as a start. (See, though I have some fancy paper cut as covers for my latest book project, I was musing over what would be a good designed cover for the story in question– “24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai” by Roger Zelazny. It’s kind of a cyberpunk story, you see…)

9 years ago


My wife just informed me this morning that there will be a Class Action against Ashely Madison (or the parent company, I can’t recall off the top of my head) in Canada, filed on behalf of a disabled widower who signed up (never found anyone) after his wife passed from breast cancer.

9 years ago

One thing, BTW, about the Ashley Madison hack that I’m not sure has been mentioned: AM never actually verified the email addresses of those signing up (see for example). So someone’s email might appear on that list because someone who didn’t like them thought it might embarrass them, or even because one of their friends thought it would be a hee-lair-ious jape to do so…

Broken Butterfly
Broken Butterfly
9 years ago

I know it’s derailing a little, but…

“This only reminds me of that link Pandapool posted on the other thread, with the guy who wanted a poly relationship and then wanted to close it off because his girlfriend was getting laid more than he was.”

Where was this??? I want to read this now.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


That’s one of my favorite Buzzfeed videos. The faces they make and that mustache guy. XD

@Broken Butterfly

It’s in the 5 Untrue Things thread.

9 years ago

Forget going to the gym, growing a beard and/or mustache, having muscles, getting a expensive car and clothes, being psychically attractive, having money and risking your lives to save others; just love animals espesically cats that’s all you have to do to get us swooning.