So it’s not just #GamerGaters, 8channers, Gawker editors, and divorce lawyers who are hoping to benefit in a big way from the data dump of illegally hacked user information from AshleyMadison.com, the once (but probably not future) dating site for would-be cheaters.
Over in the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are hoping it leads to a giant wave of angry, newly redpilled recruits. In a post with nearly 300 upvotes, one Red Piller offers his predictions:
Prepare for the following:
1) Massive user influx from men who have the courage to search for their spouses.
2) Massive re-allocation of wealth through divorce courts.
3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.
Fasten your seatbelts and remember NEVER GET MARRIED!
Another Red Piller sums up the thoughts of many of his comrades, declaring simply that “[t]his is going to be glorious.”
Still another finds himself chuckling at the idea of all the Blue Pill men who will suffer as a result of the leaks.
I think of the simpering beta males who might lose their relationship or marriage for signing up to the site. I then think that some percentage of these guys who attempted to have an affair failed at doing so. Getting broken up with for trying and failing to cheat is just delicious.
Not everyone in the thread is completely sure that all the “simpering beta males” will respond by alpha-male-ing it up — especially those who discover that it’s their wife who has been cheating on them.
[A] lot of cucked blue pill men are gonna deal with it and get cucked.
This could easily go the other way entirely, especially living in the era of women pushing for poly/open/cuck situations to be socially accepted.
Face it, 90% of these men got cucked because they’re blue pill and most of them are gonna stay that way… if anything, this will help further the push toward mainstream, open cucking for blue pillers.
That is, assuming that anything more than a tiny percentage of the female profiles on the site are real. As one Red Piller complains,
theres not going to be much opportunity for datamining whore behavior/tendencies/preferences since most of the female profiles are fake.
While the general consensus amongst the Red Pillers is that cheating wives are “whores,” men who cheat are driven to it by the evils of contemporary marriage.
“Why are so many men trying to escape their marriage through infidelity and affairs?”
The answer to that, we’ve been lied to about marriage, about women, and about love. I still think we will see a good influx mainly because the men will ideally be free from their shit marriage and begin to wonder “maybe there’s something I can do to avoid this, maybe I can LEARN from my mistakes”.
If these guys actually think that the Red Pill subreddit has any real answer to their real or imaginary woes, I’d say that’s a sign they haven’t learned very much at all.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
*spikes phone*
I read it and she does dance around one truth: People don’t like it when someone they love treats them like a chore rather than a pleasure.
But note that it’s “people” not just “men”.
And people who don’t realize that day-to-day life necessarily involves some chore-to-pleasure ratio rather than pure pleasure all the way down are too immature for actual, adult relationships.
I once read an interview of a Finnish guy whose job was to impersonate various hot women on a shady pay-for-message dating site. It’s apparently a very low-paying job, one that’s probably outsourced to Bangladesh or somesuch country for English-language dating sites. It’s just that people there can’t write messages in plausible Finnish, so you can’t outsource that “service”.
He saved this woman from being hit by a car. Who wrote this awesomeness.
@Nitram – this has helped me see and hear the word without flinching:
Yeah, it gives me the creeps too. I wonder is it because it combines the sounds of the two most taboo words in the English language?
Weirdly, calling someone a cuckold was universally insulting at one point– Shakespeare’s plays are full of it– but it fell out of use as a term of abuse in Northern Europe, but not in Southern Europe. Calling an Italian a cuckold is not recommended. I read a book years ago about profanity in Europe (entitled, appropriately enough, “Your Mother’s Tongue” 🙂 ) in which there was a remark along the lines of: “call a guy from Northern Europe a cuckold and he’ll reach for a dictionary; call a guy from Southern Europe a cuckold and he’ll reach for a knife”!
Re: the stated reasons for the hackers doing what they did — they claimed to be doing it because Ashley Madison made people pay to scrub their accounts. But, really, I don’t think you can trust their stated reasons. But, it’s entirely possible that their stated reasons are just pretexts & they did it just to watch the ensuing chaos.
Why is there always the assumptions by these turnips that women are going to be terribly affected by these men deciding not to marry? A bitter selfish man is not exactly good partner material, AND there are even women who are not wanting to get married too!
I know that they think that they are a large % of the male population, but I don’t think anyone else does, and I am pretty sure that their ‘withdrawal’ will be statistically insignificant.
So, um… They retaliated against a fee they don’t agree with by punishing a bunch of people who didn’t pay the fee they don’t agree with?
Okay, if that was their true motivation, then I can see how this would “force” the site to change that policy (in the hackers’ minds, anyway), but still… WTF? Could they have possibly come up with a more contradictory and douchey way to accomplish their goal?
Justin Bieber is now old enough to drink legally in the US.
According to my STEM calculations, he hit the wall 3.7 years ago.
I also loved the Mad Max ‘Hey Girl’ memes with Tom Hardy in them.
What does cuckold even mean in general usage? Someone who’s been cheated by his wife? Or someone whose mother cheated their purported father?
I guess “cuck” was a great success in manospherian insult manufacture because it sounds harsh and pithy and touches the deepest sexual fears of many men. It’s like patriarchy condensed in four letters.
Also, it makes me crave cukes.
The dictionary on Chrome says it’s the husband who’s been cheated on.
The word “cuck” makes me want some chicken, though. I think it’s because it’s one letter removed from “cluck”.
Presumably they also like the ‘word’ cuck becuse it rhymes with fuck.
@Arctic Ape:
Literally, it means a man whose wife has slept with another man. This is said to demonstrate that he’s weak and effeminate, which is no doubt why she was forced to find her alpha-male loving elsewhere, and why he hasn’t confronted her other partner and won her back.
In pornography, it refers to a genre in which a woman (usually white) ignores her husband or boyfriend (usually white) in favour of a more manly man (usually black.) Because of this it has racial overtones: I’ve heard people accuse Obama of cuckolding America, for instance.
In kink, it refers to a person who gets off on the humiliation of this situation.
In right wing politics it has recently and suddenly acquired a meaning of a person whose masculinity has been taken away by another, and who is too weak and effeminate to confront said aggressor about it. In this context it is used to attack right wing American politicians who are thought to be too complacent about accepting the implosion of conservatism.
This all works because people think of masculinity as being a single thing which is used in many different fields, like being tall or being wealthy. If you’re shown up to be wanting in masculinity in a single field, this must mean that you’re weak in all other fields and therefore can’t be relied upon or allowed a position of leadership. It’s absurd when it’s spelled out like that, but people genuinely seem to think that way; for example some people think that Douglas Macarthur was a good general because he was physically brave, or that David Futrelle is a liar because he’s fat and loves cats. I suspect it slips into one of those gaps in the human psyche.
To those of us who reject heteronormative masculinity, it just seems puzzling. I love cooking and am firmly of the opinion that Edward Norton is the hottest human being who ever lived. Does this mean I lack a penis or am unable to do maths? Of course not.
It’s so hilariously brain breaking for red pillers to see women swooning over hot nice guys with cute animals. In their minds, the world is like a bad teen movie and men can only be in two categories. They can be an alpha asshole jock. Or they can be a nice guy beta geek
Ugh. I accidentally hit post too soon. Anyway, the fact that, for instance, Tom Hardy is a big muscular action star who is only became more popular with women when it was revealed that he’s a great guy and pro feminist who looks adorable snuggling a puppy just doesn’t compute. It makes them very angry. In their world, women can only like the alpha asshole jocks.
Whoever wrote that first post is just a tad bit optimistic about this. The leak hasn’t been that dramatic.
Nitram: “cuck” is a Scottish term for “sh*t”, as in, “Fill your ears with cuck, and you’ll die a sh*thead”. For these guys, it’s too late.
Uh…they do realize that Turkish harems are a thing of the past, right? And that the women in them were actual, captured, bought-and-sold SLAVES who had no choice in the matter, other than between a life of captivity and death if they rebelled. They do know that, right? Right? RIGHT???
Oh, what am I saying? Of COURSE they don’t. They think we’re still all cave-dwellers underneath it all, and that it won’t take much to regress us back to caves and pre-literacy. Just a little NLP combined with negging, and PRESTO! Instant idiotess. Which is exactly what one would have to be to fall for any of them.
But that doesn’t work, which is why they call us hypergamous bitches for refusing to date down. (Intellectually, that is, as opposed to looks- or class- or wealth-wise.)
What I’m reading here is that MRAs know that they’re certified assholes and total losers, so they’ve concocted an elaborate worldview that says that assholery and losership ARE the keys to success, beautiful women, and making rainbows of one’s life.
I mean, they COULD attempt to be non-assholes and cultivate a personality that doesn’t bear a striking resemblance to a sack of flaming cat turds, but that’s so HAAAAAAAAAARD. Easier to pretend that billions of women are experiencing mass self-delusions when they refuse to accept advances of creepy guys, reject assholes, and seek out genuinely decent human beings. They aren’t wrong, it is the world (and most of the women in it) who are broken.
I’m going to contemplate how friggin’ adorable it is when my husband hugs the stuffed otter he got for me. Take THAT manosphere!
Thanks to all the good people on here I actually know what gamergate is now!
Dude, do you even math? No wonder so many of these types are also rabidly right wing. Young, attractive women are like oil. There’s enough for everyone forever!
I think their reasoning for “Women like assholes” can be billed down to “women that I want choose to date/interact with other men instead of me! Since I am clearly the best guy who ever lived, and none of those other men can possibly have desirable traits I do not possess, this means that women are malfunctioning and just like stupid assholes who steal other men’s women!”
Some of them then decide that if women like assholes, they’ll actively try to be assholes and this will clearly some all their problems. Others just continue to be assholes while believing all the while that they really are Nice Guys. Either way, they’re all a bunch of entitled, misogynistic pissbabies that refuse to question their worldview for even a moment.
Re: hot guys cuddling fuzzy animals-
The thought of these douchecanoes losing it over that makes me insanely happy.
That’s right, RP’ers, women fawning over a guy who’s in better shape than you who is secure and confident and happy enough to hug a baby kitten.
If your worldview is crumbled by having to admit that women might think a sexy guy who is also kind and sensitive might become sexier, then you’ve fucking failed at life already.