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Red Pill Redditors hope #AshleyMadison leaks will lead to influx of embittered losers

Take the Blue Pill! The Red Pill turns you into a giant douchebag.
Take the Blue Pill! The Red Pill turns you into a giant douchebag.

So it’s not just #GamerGaters, 8channers, Gawker editors, and divorce lawyers who are hoping to benefit in a big way from the data dump of illegally hacked user information from, the once (but probably not future) dating site for would-be cheaters.

Over in the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are hoping it leads to a giant wave of angry, newly redpilled recruits. In a post with nearly 300 upvotes, one Red Piller offers his predictions: 

Prepare for the following:

1) Massive user influx from men who have the courage to search for their spouses.

2) Massive re-allocation of wealth through divorce courts.

3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.

Fasten your seatbelts and remember NEVER GET MARRIED!

Another Red Piller sums up the thoughts of many of his comrades, declaring simply that “[t]his is going to be glorious.”

Still another finds himself chuckling at the idea of all the Blue Pill men who will suffer as a result of the leaks.

I think of the simpering beta males who might lose their relationship or marriage for signing up to the site. I then think that some percentage of these guys who attempted to have an affair failed at doing so. Getting broken up with for trying and failing to cheat is just delicious.

Not everyone in the thread is completely sure that all the “simpering beta males” will respond by alpha-male-ing it up — especially those who discover that it’s their wife who has been cheating on them.

[A] lot of cucked blue pill men are gonna deal with it and get cucked.

This could easily go the other way entirely, especially living in the era of women pushing for poly/open/cuck situations to be socially accepted.

Face it, 90% of these men got cucked because they’re blue pill and most of them are gonna stay that way… if anything, this will help further the push toward mainstream, open cucking for blue pillers.

That is, assuming that anything more than a tiny percentage of the female profiles on the site are real. As one Red Piller complains,

theres not going to be much opportunity for datamining whore behavior/tendencies/preferences since most of the female profiles are fake.

While the general consensus amongst the Red Pillers is that cheating wives are “whores,” men who cheat are driven to it by the evils of contemporary marriage.

“Why are so many men trying to escape their marriage through infidelity and affairs?”

The answer to that, we’ve been lied to about marriage, about women, and about love. I still think we will see a good influx mainly because the men will ideally be free from their shit marriage and begin to wonder “maybe there’s something I can do to avoid this, maybe I can LEARN from my mistakes”.

If these guys actually think that the Red Pill subreddit has any real answer to their real or imaginary woes, I’d say that’s a sign they haven’t learned very much at all.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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9 years ago

uh, most of the users of that site are men so I don’t really see what they’re even talking about. if this were to happen at all (it wouldn’t) wouldn’t women be the ones acting like this since there are far more men on there?

I hate the way these people make me feel like some kind of fucking genius. It’s like something out of Idiocracy.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Prepare for the following:

I’m all stocked up on duct tape, plywood, and MREs.

Oh, and popcorn. That’s essential.

1) Massive user influx from men who have the courage to search for their spouses.

Um, hello, with 90-95% of the user accounts belonging to men (and a lot of the women’s accounts being fake), you actually think men are going to find their wives on there?

No, it’ll be more like an influx of cheating husbands whose wives had the courage to search, and then it turns out to be the last straw (for her) in a miserable marriage. These will be guys who are angry they got caught and called to account, not innocent victims whose wives betrayed them. There’s no way you can twist this around into AWALT.

I’d wager that most of the relationships that end acrimoniously over this were probably pretty RP (and thus predictably doomed) to begin with. Sorry, dude. As much as you’d love for there to be a mass conversion of bluepills to dark triad douchebaggery, this isn’t the dawning of the Age of Nefarious.

3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.

When is society going to wake up and stop denying that men find attractive women attractive? It’s a massive coverup!

But then, as WWTH pointed out:

Do they think this is the only dating site in which men, regardless of their own age or attractiveness are chasing the pretty twenty something women?

Since AM is all about cheating, whereas the other dating sites are not, I think what this dude really means is that men want *a guaranteed lifetime supply* of young, attractive women. When the current wife starts to get too leathery and demanding (at age 25), society needs to be encouraging men to toss those hags in the compost heap and go get another one on Ashley Madison, instead of shaming them for it. It just makes perfect evolutionary sense! Quit being so prudish, society!

Remember, only men know what love is. Women are just too fickle to be trusted.

Fasten your seatbelts and remember NEVER GET MARRIED!

We’re going to hold you to that, bro.

9 years ago

You know, I never understand their logic. They think all men want young, attractive women. Yet there are far, far more men in all age groups than there are conventionally attractive women between the ages of 18 and 30. Who do they think those desirable women are going to go for? Whiny, entitled redpillers who don’t even really like women? Not a chance.

Bonnie Blue
Bonnie Blue
9 years ago

I used to spend a lot of time on the blue pill subreddit, and one red pill belief that I saw them throw around a lot is that women actually prefer to SHARE an “alpha male” (by their definition, in which “alpha male” pretty much just means “asshole”) than to have a beta all to themselves.

I’d guess that the vast, vast majority of red pillers have little to no experience applying their evo-psych bullshit in the real world. If they ever try to start, they are in for SUCH a rude fucking awakening.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants


And if he leaves her for you (FAT chance!), watch out…he could already have the next one lined up. In fact, it’s almost a sure bet that he does.

Yep. The way a relationship starts is generally the way it ends.

As the mistress, you’ll get strung along for years. He’s always just on the verge of leaving his wife, but the timing is wrong…he’s got a major business deal coming up… they’re going on a family vacation…his wife has health issues…and on and on. Sneaking around is thrilling, but he’ll never let it progress beyond that. You’ll never be openly acknowledged to the world.

Meanwhile, while you’re waiting in limbo, time passes.

9 years ago

“These will be guys who are angry they got caught and called to account, not innocent victims whose wives betrayed them.”

So there *might* be a big influx of their target audience after all!

steampunked (@steampunked)

One of the primary complaints about the site was the sheer number of false female profiles they had to set up in order to keep men interested. While there was an ‘insurance policy’ you could get – I think it was $299 for a guaranteed hookup in a month – I’m fairly sure that one could hire a legal prostitute for $200 to provide the service, so AM probably managed to still make money.

But essentially, most of the stories coming out seem to be about guys who registered, got pretty much nothing out of it, and who then had their IDs splattered around everywhere. I’ve seen quite a lot of checking to find someone’s wife on it, but those checks are bearing a lot less fruit.

I don’t think they’re going to get much of an influx of anything.

Bonnie Blue
Bonnie Blue
9 years ago

@ Fred_the_Dog

Who do they think those desirable women are going to go for? Whiny, entitled redpillers who don’t even really like women?

These are people who genuinely believe that what REALLY turns women on is being treated like shit – so in their minds, yes, they have it in the bag.

9 years ago


So, I suppose AM is capitalism at its finest, then.

Paradoxical intentions,

That article that you linked to is just ICK. That whole site is revolting, judging from other articles linked, on site and off. But it was interesting.

9 years ago

Am I the only one who finds this data leak supremely unethical? I’m against cheating, but also against privacy violations.this ashley madison dump could lead to a spike in suicides/domestic violence/ terrible things.

9 years ago

As much as you’d love for there to be a mass conversion of bluepills to dark triad douchebaggery, this isn’t the dawning of the Age of Nefarious.

And this is the quote that wins the Internets for today. Where would you like your box of Maru?

9 years ago

I used to spend a lot of time on the blue pill subreddit, and one red pill belief that I saw them throw around a lot is that women actually prefer to SHARE an “alpha male” (by their definition, in which “alpha male” pretty much just means “asshole”) than to have a beta all to themselves.

I’d guess that the vast, vast majority of red pillers have little to no experience applying their evo-psych bullshit in the real world. If they ever try to start, they are in for SUCH a rude fucking awakening.

What’s truly funny is that Red Pillocks are the true assholes in all of this. And the “blue pill betas” win at life by not being them. No wonder these guys are bitter and figure that all the women are swapping “alphas” amongst themselves. Nope. They’re just avoiding the Pillocks!

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


As far as I know, the data leak was some sort of blackmail scheme by some group because Ashley Madison and some affiliate websites were doing some sort of scheme and the hackers wanted it taken down or they’d leak the stuff. It’s all shady all around.

9 years ago

Am I the only one who finds this data leak supremely unethical? I’m against cheating, but also against privacy violations.this ashley madison dump could lead to a spike in suicides/domestic violence/ terrible things.

It gets worse:

What about people who used Ashley Madison to engage in gay affairs? The website’s users were worldwide, and there are 79 countries where homosexuality is illegal. In Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the punishment is death.

9 years ago

Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.

Who knew?!

On the other hand, a woman who–potentially, theoretically, in the fevered imagination of an MRA–wants a young, attractive man is so unfair! “I’ll bet you’d let Brad Pitt leer at you/catcall you/grab your butt.”

To which the only logical response is, “Brad Pitt? Isn’t he 51? Happily married with a bunch of kids? Supportive of his wife, who had a double mastectomy? Wait–what were you saying about him?”


I am always amazed at how clueless you have to be to be taken in by a site like AM. You have to believe that there are huge numbers of gorgeous young women who can’t get a date and are desperately looking for paunchy middle-aged married men to bang. Typically you get sites with hooks like “Cheating Wives” or “Lonely Housewives Need Cock” — yeah, sure, thousands of women are going to sign up for sites like that.
Any woman who finds her husband has an AM account should be wondering more about his intelligence than his fidelity. (I think we already know about Josh “Family Values” Duggar.)

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


9 years ago

Take it easy. Courage.

Oh, and my boyfriend says that Brad Pitt’s age is in “guy years.” So he’s maybe 25.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I am just suddenly aware that hot people AGE and then they get wrinkled and DIE and the world is lesser for their absence.

Did you know he got his start in a Pringle’s ad? Pringles, people, Brad Pitt pushed Pringle’s.

9 years ago

In my experience (on a different site) most of them men are definitely NOT looking for young, hot hookups. A really high proportion are looking for regular trysts with a woman more or less their own age, similarly married, and of similar education and professional class. They want ‘older’ women (i.e. their own age) because they want to have conversation and similar worldview, etc.

Most of them are also very straightforward about the nil chance that they’ll leave their marriage – even the unhappy ones.

Bonnie Blue
Bonnie Blue
9 years ago

@ Bina

No wonder these guys are bitter and figure that all the women are swapping “alphas” amongst themselves.

That’s not even what they think, though. They think that THEY are the only modern men who have figured out the ironclad formula for being “alpha,” and that if they continue to follow the red pill, they themselves will end up with a harem of the most desirable women in society – and these women will really, truly prefer to “share” their alpha, as opposed to having their very own “beta.”

I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried.

9 years ago

Pffft, Brad Pitt is so 90s. These days the heartthrob of choice is Ryan Gosling.

If you google Ryan Gosling Hey Girl meme, ALL the image results have him saying the most sweetest beta things. Because he’s a genuinely nice guy. Also he saved a woman from being hit by a car once. Ladies love him yet according to RP theory they’d be put off by his niceness. Apparently not. 😀


Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Ryan Gosling wasn’t Louis de Pointe du Lac nor Tyler Durden, and I bet he’s never pushed Pringle’s. :<

Bonnie Blue
Bonnie Blue
9 years ago

@ sunnysombrera

You should have seen their take on the subreddit r/ladybonersgonecuddly (which is what it sounds like – pictures of cute guys cuddling animals). They were furious, declaring that every guy featured in that sub was nothing but a weak bitch beta, and that women don’t “really” want to mate with “betas like that.” You see, all the women who upvoted pictures in that sub really crave red pill assholes, not hot guys who show affection towards cute animals. Those weak betas actually make us sick deep down inside; we’re just too stupid to realize it.

9 years ago

Any woman who finds her husband has an AM account should be wondering more about his intelligence than his fidelity.


My first thought was, “What kind of stupid asshole (who’s not involved in some kind of open relationsip) would us a NOT throwaway email and easily traceable info?

Plenty, it turns out, even going so far as to use their governmental work emails.

“Babe, I…I might forgive infidelity…we could maybe even work through this sort of purposeful betrayal…but…this…I can’t stay married to such a gigantic fucking idiot.”