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Red Pill Redditors hope #AshleyMadison leaks will lead to influx of embittered losers

Take the Blue Pill! The Red Pill turns you into a giant douchebag.
Take the Blue Pill! The Red Pill turns you into a giant douchebag.

So it’s not just #GamerGaters, 8channers, Gawker editors, and divorce lawyers who are hoping to benefit in a big way from the data dump of illegally hacked user information from, the once (but probably not future) dating site for would-be cheaters.

Over in the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are hoping it leads to a giant wave of angry, newly redpilled recruits. In a post with nearly 300 upvotes, one Red Piller offers his predictions: 

Prepare for the following:

1) Massive user influx from men who have the courage to search for their spouses.

2) Massive re-allocation of wealth through divorce courts.

3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.

Fasten your seatbelts and remember NEVER GET MARRIED!

Another Red Piller sums up the thoughts of many of his comrades, declaring simply that “[t]his is going to be glorious.”

Still another finds himself chuckling at the idea of all the Blue Pill men who will suffer as a result of the leaks.

I think of the simpering beta males who might lose their relationship or marriage for signing up to the site. I then think that some percentage of these guys who attempted to have an affair failed at doing so. Getting broken up with for trying and failing to cheat is just delicious.

Not everyone in the thread is completely sure that all the “simpering beta males” will respond by alpha-male-ing it up — especially those who discover that it’s their wife who has been cheating on them.

[A] lot of cucked blue pill men are gonna deal with it and get cucked.

This could easily go the other way entirely, especially living in the era of women pushing for poly/open/cuck situations to be socially accepted.

Face it, 90% of these men got cucked because they’re blue pill and most of them are gonna stay that way… if anything, this will help further the push toward mainstream, open cucking for blue pillers.

That is, assuming that anything more than a tiny percentage of the female profiles on the site are real. As one Red Piller complains,

theres not going to be much opportunity for datamining whore behavior/tendencies/preferences since most of the female profiles are fake.

While the general consensus amongst the Red Pillers is that cheating wives are “whores,” men who cheat are driven to it by the evils of contemporary marriage.

“Why are so many men trying to escape their marriage through infidelity and affairs?”

The answer to that, we’ve been lied to about marriage, about women, and about love. I still think we will see a good influx mainly because the men will ideally be free from their shit marriage and begin to wonder “maybe there’s something I can do to avoid this, maybe I can LEARN from my mistakes”.

If these guys actually think that the Red Pill subreddit has any real answer to their real or imaginary woes, I’d say that’s a sign they haven’t learned very much at all.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

Good lord, these losers really do live in an alternate universe, don’t they?

Alexandra Erin
9 years ago

Nail on head, Judas. The whole Red Pill system really *is* an alternate reality, one people reach by slipping out of touch with actual reality one step at a time.

9 years ago

Right, because the only polyamorous people ever are those dratted FEEEEEMALES, and men never cheat for bad reasons. >_>

9 years ago


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Prepare for the following:

1) Massive user influx from men who have the courage to search for their spouses.

Of course, women who search for their spouses (as is most likely the case) aren’t invited to the Sooper Sekret Boys’ Only Club. (S.S.B.O.C.)

2) Massive re-allocation of wealth through divorce courts.

That’s assuming that these relationships end in divorce (some couples might want to get counseling instead or something!), and that prenups weren’t signed.

And that’s assuming that men have the majority of the wealth in that relationship (let’s face it, that’s what they’re assuming, we all know it).

3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.

“3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that young, “attractive” women are highly sexualized for everything they do no matter what it is, and that men have been socialized to lust after them instead of treat them as people with their own thoughts and feelings, and ignore any woman who looks older than 25, including their own spouses. This also leads to men assuming that they’re entitled to a “young, attractive woman” instead of staying with the woman they married and claimed to have loved.”


Fasten your seatbelts and remember NEVER GET MARRIED!

Hear, hear!

[A] lot of cucked blue pill men are gonna deal with it and get cucked.

Yeah, all those cucked blue pill men and their “communication” and their “understanding”!

This could easily go the other way entirely, especially living in the era of women pushing for poly/open/cuck situations to be socially accepted.

It’s cute how he assumes that it’s only women who want that, and it’s not men pushing for a “threesome” with two women and him.

Face it, 90% of these men got cucked because they’re blue pill and most of them are gonna stay that way… if anything, this will help further the push toward mainstream, open cucking for blue pillers.

Or maybe, and not assuming that all women are angels and never cheat, they’re just open with their relationships and through communication and being open about how they feel, they and their spouse have worked out that this would be a good idea.

Just sayin’.

theres not going to be much opportunity for datamining whore behavior/tendencies/preferences since most of the female profiles are fake.

Aw, poor bby.

‘Course, most of the “datamining” I’ve seen is from blogs like straightwhiteboystexting and hell-is-okcupid. If I’m feeling a little kinkier, I check out toodomforyou.

I’m very interested in the behavior/tendencies/preferences of clueless straight boys.

The answer to that, we’ve been lied to about marriage, about women, and about love.

I think the question is more of “who” lied to you about those things. Because it certainly wasn’t women. (Hint: Stop listening to men who claim to know “what women want”, and start listening to women talk about what they want.)

I still think we will see a good influx mainly because the men will ideally be free from their shit marriage

Ideally, women will be free from their shit marriages too. But, it’s not like you can get an RPer to care about that.

And it’s not like men ever ruin their marriages by being assholes, right? Nah.

and begin to wonder “maybe there’s something I can do to avoid this, maybe I can LEARN from my mistakes”.

So close to self-realization, and yet so far.

9 years ago

This shows what we’ve really always known all along- Red Pillers, deep down, hate cis-gendered men as much as they hate everybody else. Women just make an easier and more convenient target.

9 years ago

Isn’t it adorable how they think women haven’t noticed that in our culture we’re prized for youth and beauty alone? Do they think this is the only dating site in which men, regardless of their own age or attractiveness are chasing the pretty twenty something women?

9 years ago

Yeah, if you’re into the whole monogamy festivity, getting – or trying to get – freaky with others on the side is a pretty shitty thing to do to your spouse. However, going from a cheater to a bitter loser who unironically uses “beta cuck” as a genuine term that relates to the real world* requires some pretty long leaps of logic/faith. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

*like holy fuck these guys can’t be more than twelve years old like Jeeeeeesus what the fuck

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

as much as they hate everybody else

In all fairness MRAs restrict their hate only to women, gay people, black people, brown people, gay black and brown people, trans women, trans men, gender fluid people, asexuals and people on a different phone tarrif.

Other than that, they’re quite inclusive.

9 years ago

Hmmm, 1 and 3 seem somewhat incompatible, no? If there’s a large enough percentage of women on the site to send a “massive user influx” of cucked betas towards red pill life, why is society as a whole only going to look at what men want?

(Don’t tell me. I know the answer)

9 years ago

Oh ho ho, this is so funny…

1) Massive user influx from men who have the courage to search for their spouses.

Um, considering that the majority of Ashley Madison’s database IS men anyway (and very few of the women on it are real), I doubt whether a “massive user influx” of this nature would result in anything but more ill-gotten profits for AM. I mean, you have to pay to play on there; you don’t just get to search your spouse out for nothing.

2) Massive re-allocation of wealth through divorce courts.

Possibly, but to whom? Remember, the overwhelming majority of AM’s clientele is male, and obviously not brave enough to see a marriage counsellor, or just divorce their poor bored wives and start over. On the off chance that they do finally work up the courage to legally separate, the women probably won’t get that much anyway; if there’s no prenup saying otherwise, they only stand to get half the shared property at most, and that’s if they’re lucky. Some end up with nada. More often, the ex-husband gets gets richer through divorce, and the ex-wife poorer. Yeah, that’s a “massive re-allocation of wealth”, all right.

3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.

Pffffft. This is a “realization”? We’re soaking in this shit already. Our culture is so heavily built around trophy marriages and affairs (Younger Woman/Older Man), it’s not even funny. Women my age are constantly being told they’re Sexually Invisible, and to be grateful they’ve got even a shitty cheating husband to put up with their old-bag selves. Makes me kind of glad I don’t have one, actually.

Which brings me to…

Fasten your seatbelts and remember NEVER GET MARRIED!

Great advice for women, this is. I’ve made it to almost 50 sans husband, and while it gets lonely sometimes, on the other hand I don’t have to deal with any Red Pillock shit. Thanks, Stupid Guy!

9 years ago

Oh ass-pulled fax ‘n’ figgers, I love you so:

[A] lot of cucked blue pill men are gonna deal with it and get cucked.

This could easily go the other way entirely, especially living in the era of women pushing for poly/open/cuck situations to be socially accepted.

Face it, 90% of these men got cucked because they’re blue pill and most of them are gonna stay that way… if anything, this will help further the push toward mainstream, open cucking for blue pillers.


Funny how there’s this huge overestimation not only of the number of “cucked” guys, there’s also this stupid belief that they got that way by not being “redpill” enough. If anything, I’d say Red Pillocks are more likely to be cheated on, because there’s only so much of their whiny nagging and idiotic rages a woman can take. Who wouldn’t retreat to the welcoming arms of a BS-free blue-pill “beta” type?

In short, the guys these guys think are the “cucks”…are most likely the cuckers. Hahahahaha.

9 years ago

@LVS and BIna: They remind me of your average religious fanatic where they say that unless you see the light and completely embrace their faith, you’ll suffer eternal damnation.

9 years ago

It’s cute how he assumes that it’s only women who want that, and it’s not men pushing for a “threesome” with two women and him.

Oh, poor PI amd your feminazi-rattled brain.

If a woman cheats or wants an open or poly relationship ship, it’s because she’s a dirty, filthy wh*re who’s cucking and wants to break the heart, soul, and pocketbook of her pathetic, nice-boy, beta husband.

If a man cheats or wants an open or poly relationship, it’s because he’s an Alpha Man who knows His True Worth and who seeks and acquires what he deserves – that is, whatever he damn well wants.

Tut, tut.

9 years ago

Please forgive my lack of intellect here.

But, if the large majority of AM users are men (that pay to be there), and there are very few women, and even less REAL, NOT FAKE women, then what the hell are the people on there paying to get?

I don’t know a lot about it, other than it is for cheating, but it sounds like it is primarily a gay hook-up site for married men.

9 years ago

*sighs at the inexplicable autocorrect tendencies of her phone*

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

mockingbird | August 20, 2015 at 6:13 pm
Oh, poor PI amd your feminazi-rattled brain.

If a woman cheats or wants an open or poly relationship ship, it’s because she’s a dirty, filthy wh*re who’s cucking and wants to break the heart, soul, and pocketbook of her pathetic, nice-boy, beta husband.

If a man cheats or wants an open or poly relationship, it’s because he’s an Alpha Man who knows His True Worth and who seeks and acquires what he deserves – that is, whatever he damn well wants.

Tut, tut.

Oh yes, how could I forget? Me and my silly little fembrain. How could I forget that men only cheat to prove to themselves how much they love a woman! [/sarcasm]

This only reminds me of that link Pandapool posted on the other thread, with the guy who wanted a poly relationship and then wanted to close it off because his girlfriend was getting laid more than he was.

Oh, and I found an article called“8 Love Lessons Women Should Learn from Mistresses” and I’m about to vomit from all the Special Snowflake, I’m Not Like Other Girls, Boys Lookit Me! Syndrome.

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention

This only reminds me of that link Pandapool posted on the other thread, with the guy who wanted a poly relationship and then wanted to close it off because his girlfriend was getting laid more than he was.

But but… That was unfair.

*sigh* I just lose all respect for a person if they use the word “cuck” unironically. It’s a nice measurement of the kind of person they are. (I have the same reaction to “mangina” and “SJW”)

9 years ago

I hate that word cuck or cuckold or cucked. It’s just icky. Can’t put my finger on it.

9 years ago

But, if the large majority of AM users are men (that pay to be there), and there are very few women, and even less REAL, NOT FAKE women, then what the hell are the people on there paying to get?

I don’t know a lot about it, other than it is for cheating, but it sounds like it is primarily a gay hook-up site for married men.

Might be, but it sounds like they’re falsely promoting it as a site with more women on it than it actually has, creating fake profiles and what not to bait-and-switch men into joining.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
Tanya Nguyen
9 years ago

3) Society, as a whole, coming to the realization that men want young, attractive women.

the problem is, young attractive women often want young attractive men, not old whiners too self absorbed to wipe their own butts.

9 years ago

Briefly derailing this conversation: David, if you did the Matrix-esque image that leads off this article, could you point me to a good tutorial on such? I’d like to do some experimenting myself and need a jumping-off point.

9 years ago
9 years ago

Oh, and I found an article called“8 Love Lessons Women Should Learn from Mistresses” and I’m about to vomit from all the Special Snowflake, I’m Not Like Other Girls, Boys Lookit Me! Syndrome.

I know just one lesson learned from them, and it’s simple: DON’T BE THAT WOMAN. Because you most likely won’t be happy. You’re second fiddle, not first bass. He’ll insist on having all his major holidays and occasions with the disparaged wife, not you. And if he leaves her for you (FAT chance!), watch out…he could already have the next one lined up. In fact, it’s almost a sure bet that he does.

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