Yesterday, the official Subway Twitter account posted a carefully worded statement declaring the actions of the sandwich chain’s now infamous former spokesman Jared Fogle as “inexcusable,” and noting that the company had already severed ties with him.
It’s certainly no surprise that Subway wants to have nothing to do with Fogle, who “has agreed to plead guilty to one count of traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor and one count of distribution and receipt of child pornography,” as CBSNews reports.
What was a little surprising was seeing some who responded to Subway’s tweet actually defending Fogle. And while some of the “defenders” were almost certainly trolls, Fogle’s most vociferous defender was completely sincere — and a self-described Men’s Rights activist.
The first to respond to Subway’s Tweet, he declared:
So who is this Holocaust21? On his website — it seems pretty clear he’s a “he” — he claims to stand for “Men’s Rights, Youth Rights, Sexual Rights.”
The “men’s right,” that is, to have sex with girls as young as 12. He thinks age of consent laws are a plot against men and that “feminist inspired paedohysteria, sexual offence & child protection legislation is leading to a holocaust of men.”
In a seemingly neverending stream of combative tweets, he has defended Fogle as “a good chap,” declared that there is “absolutely nothing wrong with banging teenage girls” and told one critic of his views that “[y]ou’re just jealous that #JaredFogle isn’t interested in fat old hags like you.”
As he sees it, he explained over the course of two Tweets,
Age of consent laws just make it easy to convict innocent ppl, to exert rigid social control on normal behaviours
Here are some of his other thoughts:
While Holocaust21 is clearly on the fringes of the Men’s Rights movement, he’s not the only MRA obsessed with the alleged evils of the age of consent; the blogs Human Stupidity and The Antifeminist have staked out similar positions.
Tom Martin, one of the best-known MRAs in the UK, has argued that child prostitutes “exploit” pedophiles for money, and Judgy Bitch, A Voice for Men’s “social media director,” has described the teenage victims of the late Jimmy Savile, British “entertainer” and pedophile, as the real abusers.
You may also recall the gentleman who showed up at AVFM’s conference last year to support his pet project of lowering the age of consent to age 12. After first suggesting that the man, a registered sex offender named Albert Calabrese, was a plant sent to the conference by their enemies, the powers that be at AVFM relented, with head AVFMer Paul Elam suggesting that he wanted to run a video by Calebrese on the site.
And so it is not altogether shocking that Holocaust21’s blogroll includes not only Human Stupidity and The Antifeminist but Judgy Bitch and A Voice for Men. And that, if you look through his followers on Twitter, you will find a number of MRAs amongst them, including such familiar names as Tom Martin, Elvind Burge, former AVFM radio host Jack Barnes, as well as Mina Smith, the antifeminist sea lion who so tediously “debated” me the other day. (It’s a small world after all.)
Looking through Holocaust21’s timeline over the past few days, I see that he’s retweeted Roosh V, #GamerGate’s pet “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos, and an anti-Semitic caricature of Anita Sarkeesian.
It’s a really small world.
Will any other MRAs embrace Fogle as a Men’s Rights martyr? I guess we’ll see.
(Looks at role call at bottom of post)
David Futrelle needs to improve the quality of the type of people he’s hanging around with. I have some pond scum that’s lonely and looking for someone to hang out with. You interested…?
well… fuck. Why did I get out of bed today?
I don’t understand why “don’t rape children” is so fucking hard.
Can’t they see how unethical this is? Or do they see, and just don’t care? There is a huge imbalance of power between a 15-year-old, say, and a 35-year-old, whatever gender they might be.
Well, if you’re going to do something (like being awful), you’ve got to really commit yourself to it!
I think that the best background music for the content of this is the Twilight Zone theme. Sadly, however, Mr. Holocaust guy is likely not alone by far.
I have a soon-to-be 12 year old daughter, and I agree with part of what he’s saying. I don’t think that men (and women) should be jailed and put on the sexual offenders list for having sex with 12 year olds.
It’s too good for them.
Looking out my kitchen window at a field full of farm equipment, I can think of half a dozen things that would be more appropriate.
Wow, those CBS comments degenerated into racist homophobia pretty fast.
I’ve been a man all my life, and the only time I wanted to have sex with underage teens was when I was an underage teen.
If the age of consent was lowered to 12, aside from a spike in child sexual abuse/more abusers skipping away scott-free, the first thing that would happen would be complaints about how THAT is unjust, ’cause 7 year olds can totes consent.
so, according to Mr. Holocaust..
a man who sexually abuse children and spread pictures/video of children being sexually abused – is a righteous dude using his right to free speech!
a woman having opinions he doesn’t like, including opinions about the pondscum above – is an EBIL FEMINAZI who must be JAILED immediately!
what an idiot.
It’s about the sexual access, always.
His handle is “Holocaust21″…and he calls women “feminazis”? Do you even IRONY, bro???
Here’s a fun one… He’s throwing around the term “paedocrite,” which someone defined as someone who accuses others of paedophilia to mask their own sexual attraction to children. Isn’t that fun? Holocaust dude threw it at a guy who called him a creep for thinking adults should be allowed to have sex with children. Ugh.
I’ve been reading the content here for years and I’m pretty sure the rights MRAs are interested in can be distilled down to the following:
1) Right to rape women without consequence
2) Right to rape girls without consequence
3) Right to hit women without consequence
4) Right to hit children without consequence
That’s it. That’s the whole show.
You know, sometimes I’m proud of Gamergate for demonstrating rather emphatically how a lot of the worst people are also the same people. MRAs, white supremacists, child rapists, libertarian manbabies, channer hate trolls, right-wing ideologues, bulies. They have gained a lot of traction letting each of their sides look like a separate terrifying individual, but with Gamergate they’ve kind of just unified all their horrible interests and it’s usually easy to piece together the rich tapestry of how terrible these people are as human beings.
Though, it does make me wonder how the small number of MRAs who aren’t rapist child molesters rationalizes the fact that so many of their friends are 100% in that club. Do they just fixate on the one cheerleader who dared turn them down when they were back in high school and stick their fingers in their ears when the two people next to them start ranting about how the age of consent needs to be 10 or that Bill Cosby is undone by misandrists…
Or are there simply just no MRAs who aren’t deeply personally invested in the rape culture?
That’s really unfair…
You forgot 5) Right to be the only members of a fandom that matter and yet still have a thriving industry for said fandom.
Because if some fedoraskunk decides that video games, comic books, sci-fi novels, or a girl’s children’s cartoon is his, then that apparently means everyone out of the pool so that the abuse/rape supporting fuck can pretend that he’s the only one who matters.
6) Right to never be exposed to any criticism?
“Can’t they see how unethical this is? Or do they see, and just don’t care? There is a huge imbalance of power between a 15-year-old, say, and a 35-year-old, whatever gender they might be.”
Y’know, I think they DO see the imbalance and care very, very, very much about it. It is, in fact, the big turn-on for them. After all, rape is taking gratification in abusive power wielded over others, isn’t it? In their eyes, ethics are for the weak who must curry favor with the powerful.
@Bina if you’re still here I was wondering if you could share a link to your blog, I’d love to check it out. I asked in another thread but I don’t think you saw. 🙂
So if children are adult enough to have sex and seduce older people, obviously they should be allowed to drink, drive in cars and carry firearms.
Fuck those victimblamers and pedophiles. I wish I could send them all to the sun.
Agree utterly.
I hadn’t even started my first period yet at 12 and I was still playing with Barbie and dolls and prams.
Honestly, I think only some of them know, but I think that at least a few of them do really believe that a 15 year old girl has more power in this world than they do. Any girl does, because they are part of the feminist hive mind… or something like that.