evil sexy ladies imaginary backwards land men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA whaaaaa?

Fight for the real victims of prostitution: Pimps and Johns, idiot demands

Evil prostitutes exploiting men
Evil sex workers exploiting men

So The Independent recently ran a piece by Catherine Murphy of Amnesty International, explaining why the organization is calling for the decriminalization of sex work.

In the comments, someone calling themselves THEMISHMISHEH offers a unique take on the issue.

And by “unique” I mean “seemingly from another planet.”

Shades of Tom Martin, huh?

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8 years ago


(I always type that as Schildfreja.)

Turns out that this isn’t true! You barged in here heaping with abuse and insult, sir, and and displayed neither open-mindedness nor a willingness to engage. You continue to do this. Which leads me to ask – did you come here for this debate, or just to insult?

Now, he did say people who respond with the open-mindedness and respect that he grants to them.

Since he doesn’t appear to grant any open-mindedness or respect to people he disagrees with, I’d say his standards for “debate” are pretty well unattainable. Can’t very well have a proper debate when one of the parties involved isn’t arguing in good faith.

8 years ago

Gummy grapefruit is where It’s at.

Nom nom nom

8 years ago


Yeah, he’s just making noises that sound good to him, that’s all. I don’t expect anything very coherent.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


I love Swedish fish, which probably signifies that I’m a bumpkin.

Pretty sure it makes you a cuck, Buttercuck.


Is HRT going well, if I may ask? For sour candy, try Toxic Waste. It’s basically just citric acid on a piece of hard candy, so the taste is nothing special. Very sour though! Will definitely ruin your tongue for a few days if you eat enough of them.

8 years ago

First, I am a feminist, and I don’t do any of these things.

and I am sure that not all ISIS members have chopped people’s head’s off…

You wrote that feminism is a ‘pretty self-critical’ ideology, no? I am showing you that it is anything but.

My argument was that you follow an authoritarian, laudatory ideology which is flawed and evil and that the only way you can defend it is by subverting opposing views, mockery, violence and hate and that the majority of feminists are like that. You say that the majority of feminists are not like that.

OK, let’s take this website as an example. Take the replies to my comments as an example for what the majority of people who follow your ideology stand for; mockery, insults, pettiness and hate. This website’s sole purpose is to mock people who criticise feminism, ponder on that thought for a moment. This chatter about skittles, is it not different to shouting people down in events so that nobody can hear what they have to say? Is it conduct becoming of a people who follow a righteous cause? Think about it.

you know that feminists campaigned (successfully) to update the FBI’s outdated definition of rape to include – among other things – male rape. (

The motivating factor behind this change was a case involving a woman who was drunk during sex. So firstly, the driving force behind this endeavor wasn’t the issue of men not being included as rape victims in the FBI’s definition of rape. Secondly, the change to the wording was such that it excluded most female perpetrators. The new 2012 definition of rape as it is defined by the FBI is as follows:

“The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

It concerns itself with victims of PENETRATION, BE IT ORAL PENETRATION OR VAGINAL OR ANAL…which, is rape as it effects women by men (mostly). For example, A female rapist is not going to rape a man by penetrating him orally (emphasis on the word penetration). Oral intercourse comprising a female rapist and a male victim is not going to involve the female orally penetrating the male by a sex organ. So, oral rape by a female of a male will not count as rape by that definition. I am going to spear us further detail and leave it here. I think I have made my point clear.

Just a side note; this issue only concerns itself with the statistical definition of rape in the USA not the legal definition. It only effects FBI statistics. The legal definition of rape varies by state in the USA.

My previous comment is disingenuous based on your interpretation, which is wanting. You ignored the article demanding criticism of feminism be outlawed in Scandinavian countries. You ignored my reference to the bulk of comments left by your feminist colleagues trying to justify the Israeli rape article amongst other things. You chose to focus on one point, that of professor Janice Fiamengo, and you failed at that miserably, as I am going to show you. Firstly, Professor Fiamengo is a former feminist and still considers herself a follower of ‘feminist theory’ to a certain extent…you only need to watch her videos to figure this out. This following video talks about her in that regard and addresses your second point showing snippets of her speech at Ottawa University which was totally shut down by feminists.

The following video shows a close-ups of what those feminists disrupting the event were doing…skip to 1:00

Most recently, feminists at Queens university in Canada tried to block a lecture of hers by submitting a motion to the Alma Mater society to disband the group that invited her to give her speech at the University. These behaviors raise the following questions; why would you want to silence apposing views? Why would you want to stop people from hearing a different perspective on life? What are you so afraid of?

This is just one example of a personality suffering the subversive, authoritarian tactics of feminists. Every other personality that I know that criticises feminism suffers the same problems. Look for videos of feminists ‘disrupting’ Milo Yiannopoulos events, Karen Straughan events, Warren Farrel events and the list goes on…every personality that apposes feminism suffers the same bullying tactics… and it isn’t just disruption, it often goes so far as verbal and physical abuse.

You are a pretty, self-critical group?


So disrupting events and interrupting speakers is necessarily “authoritarian”?

Stopping people from expressing their views, subverting the right of others to express their opinion freely by shutting down events and physically and verbally assaulting people, if these tactics are not authoritarian then I don’t know what is.

hundreds of people sitting silent and motionless in chairs as a person stands above them on a stage, speaks into a microphone, and tells them what to think

Are you for real? Have you ever attended feminist rallies/speeches/lectures? Do you shout the person giving the speech down in those events and not allow them to have their say? This is how a free society works. People express their opinion freely. Others are allowed to decide whether they want to hear what they have to say or not. In authoritarian society, non-conforming views are subverted and disrupted and attendees threatened assaulted and abused.

you know, actual authority.

That’s a good question. Lets define that word ‘authority’.

“a person or organization having political or administrative power and control.”

In the UK, where I reside, the prime minister is a feminist, the minister for equality is a feminist, the minister for education is a feminist, all the leaders for the major political parties are women and feminists with the exception of one, who is also a feminist and who’s position is being challenged at the moment. Those contending his position? All women and all feminists. The home secretary is a feminist, the minister for education and childcare is a feminist and the minister for department of international development is a feminist, the secretary of state for culture, media and sport is a feminist, the leader of the house of lords is a feminist and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on…my friend, you sound like you think you are a rebel against the establishment. You are the establishment. You are the authority. We are the non-conformists, the rebels.

How many of these things are you against?

Let me show you a snippet of what I am against in the context of this argument;

Feminist Professor and her student shut-down anti-abortion protest of 16-year old girl and physically assault her at the University of California

Ad. for play by Swedish feminists, based on feminist Valerie Solanas’ book S.C.U.M. (Society for Cutting Up Men Manifesto)

Feminist Twitter campaign #KillAllMen

Feminists attack catholics and vandalise catholic church

Feminist physically assaults anti-abortion activist.

8 years ago


You continue to miss the forest for the trees. I’m not going to entertain you any longer, except for the following, because I think it’s important:

The motivating factor behind this change was a case involving a woman who was drunk during sex.

Yeah, I know. And why does that matter? The fact is that the FBI changed their definition to include men, and the feminist campaign named “male rape” as one of the things lacking in the old definition. This completely contradicts the sort of picture you’re trying to paint with the Israeli feminists, supporting my point that feminism is not a monolith, which you continue to fail to understand.


I admit the wording does kind of sound that way because it’s kinda ambiguous about the role of the victim and perpetrator. However it has been confirmed that the victim does not have to be the one penetrated. (

Everything else I’m going to pointedly ignore; there’s only so much time I have for bad faith arguments.

8 years ago


I’m not going to entertain you any longer

Everything else I’m going to pointedly ignore;

I understand. It is not easy to defend the indefensible.

You might want to adopt a strategy similar to that of your friends. Skittles?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

The troll is really giving us some oldies but goodies. It’s been covered years ago! Plays are fiction. The Swedish SCUM play is fiction. They are no different than all those slasher/torture movies in which scantily clad women are brutally slaughtered. Violence in the media is a topic up for debate but considering that sexualized violence against women is mainstream in the media and nobody would have even heard of the SCUM play if MRAs didn’t meltdown over it, it’s not a topic anti-feminists are going to win on anytime soon.

And the kill all men hashtag has long ago been debunked as 4chan trolling.

This chatter about skittles, is it not different to shouting people down in events so that nobody can hear what they have to say? Is it conduct becoming of a people who follow a righteous cause? Think about it.

This is the only other part of the teal deer I really read. Because it’s hilarious. I love it when trolls get upset when we talk about things other than them and their pet issues.

Let’s discuss ice cream flavors. Here’s my fave

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Why do manbabies obsess over the S.C.U.M. manifesto so much? Do they think it’s a documentary or a sports event or something? Dude, lots of men die in lots of movies, but manbabies never seem to have a problem with it unless they can use it as an excuse to whine about feminism.

8 years ago


I just wanted to add one more thing. I’d be more than happy to address the additional issues you have brought up in your reply, if you are willing to treat my comments in kind. Otherwise, I do not think it’s fair that I do your comments so much justice in exchange for irrational putting down.

8 years ago

Why do manbabies obsess over the S.C.U.M. manifesto so much? Do they think it’s a documentary or a sports event or something? Dude, lots of men die in lots of movies, but manbabies never seem to have a problem with it unless they can use it as an excuse to whine about feminism.

Are you chatting about the Swedish play based on the S.C.U.M. Manifesto or the S.C.U.M. Manifesto itself? The Manifesto written by Valerie Solanas, which urged women to “overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and eliminate the male sex.”? that same feminist Valerie Solanas who was imprisoned for the attempted murder of Andy Warhol.

8 years ago


I’d be more than happy to address the additional issues you have brought up in your reply, if you are willing to treat my comments in kind.

maybe if you had shown one iota of willingness to engage in honest discussion

or maybe even if you had been anything other than a sanctimonious dickbag this entire time

but as it stands, lmao no

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

And Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining argued that men should take their wives and children to a creepy hotel and murder them.

Because that’s totally how works of fiction work, apparently.

8 years ago


OK, let’s take this website as an example. Take the replies to my comments as an example for what the majority of people who follow your ideology stand for; mockery, insults, pettiness and hate.

As a feminist, I don’t “stand for” mockery, insults, or hate. I stand for the liberation of women and other non-men. I don’t just mock everything because mockery is a gas; I’m specifically mocking your ideas, because they are antithetical to my goal, stated above.

I don’t insult the elderly. I don’t hate puppies. (For the record, I don’t hate you, either.) I reserve my ire for those who want to harm, for example, sex workers.

Edit: Oh Jesus Christ. We know who Valerie Solanas is. She doesn’t hold any sort of institutional power, nor has she ever, and nobody here is in favour of cutting up men or murdering pretentious artists. Let that zombie rest already.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Are you chatting about the Swedish play based on the S.C.U.M. Manifesto

Yes, dumbass. You brought up the Swedish play. So I addressed it. Oh, and by the way, if you want to have a single chance of any of us taking you seriously, you need to stop calling our comments chatter. There’s nothing particularly intellectual or creative about using condescending language to describe the things women have to say.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

The SCUM manifesto was written in the 60s. I know it takes a while to overthrown regimes but, like, usually people have to be trying to do it. I’ve yet to hear of anyone following it? At all? Ever? Pretty sure I haven’t. The only time I hear about it is when anti-feminist bring it up as proof that feminist hate men or whatever. Kinda says a lot when the few “solid” pieces of evidence that feminist want men dead is going to turn fifty next year.

8 years ago


Quite well, thank you.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
8 years ago

And another misogynist complains about misogyny being mocked on a website whose banner proudly proclaims “The new misogyny, tracked and mocked.” It’s as if they have some aversion to reading for comprehension. Odd.

8 years ago

Yes, dumbass. You brought up the Swedish play. So I addressed it. Oh, and by the way, if you want to have a single chance of any of us taking you seriously, you need to stop calling our comments chatter. There’s nothing particularly intellectual or creative about using condescending language to describe the things women have to say.

I love it when trolls get upset

8 years ago

Oh, and by the way, if you want to have a single chance of any of us taking you seriously, you need to stop calling our comments chatter.

Honestly I don’t think that would help at this point, really. THEMISHMISHEH is essentially the anti-feminist analogue of a conspiracy theorist. They’ve already arrived at their conclusion (feminism bad) and it’s just a matter of explaining how this is true. There’s no real use in refuting their points, because the points aren’t important – it’s all just for illustrating something they already know is true.

This is roughly equivalent a Flat Earther getting on a forum for NASA employees and trying to explain how nobody has ever been to space.

8 years ago

Somebody said feminists in Argentina?

Stopping people from expressing their views, subverting the right of others to express their opinion freely by shutting down events and physically and verbally assaulting people, if these tactics are not authoritarian then I don’t know what is.

Let me show you a snippet of what I am against
[Feminists attack Argentina cathedral]

You must be a fellow Argentinean to know of that event, I presume?

The funny thing (as in, not really funny at all), is that the Catholic Church has systematically opposed the Encuentro Nacional The Mujeres*, at which the “attack” took place, with all the means you describe as “authoritarian”.

In fact, the women who participated were the ones attacked, not necessarily by church members, but probably related to the church’s violent campaign against the Encuentro.

So, the catholic church trying to stop the meeting from happening is not authoritarian, but the free expression of a protest against it is?

It might be a video that’s been passed around by antifeminists everywhere, though, so most insert it without a clue of what it really is.

On eating nice stuff, I just ate a bunch of frozen homemade cream chantilly, FWIW

*A yearly independent women’s meeting held in a different city of the country each year since 1986. It has a feminist spirit but all women are welcome. Every year a public commission is formed in the selected city to organize the event. It consists mostly of debating workshops in which each woman has a say, and everything is written down and compiled in booklets published every year. There is an evening dedicated to marching through the city, and some groups include the cathedrals in their march in order to protest for the violence and excessive authority of the catholic church over women everywhere.

8 years ago

As a feminist, I stand for… non-men.

8 years ago

funny how when you remove a bunch of words from a sentence it changes its meaning

8 years ago

Ohhh I redundated redundance up there and the edit window is gone forever!

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Way to show all you care about is getting people angry, Mishmash.

You know, let’s not talk about Skittles anymore. I’m finishing up a playthrough of VtMB I started months ago. Goddamn I love this game. I can just walk around the world and enjoy the sites. Have you ever watched that lady in the skirt dance in The Asylum? HER FUCKING SKIRT FOLDS AND THE FOLDS CAST SHADOWS. IN A GAME MADE IN 2004. That’s something people gushed about in GTA V but look what Troika did back in 200-fucking-4. I don’t know why I get so excited about that but I doooo.

I’ve also been picking up a New Vegas save that’s months old, too, and finished old World Blues. Super fun, I loved it. After I do some side quests here and there in the Mojave, I’ll be doing Lonesome Road and maybe I’ll get some answers.

I think New Vegas and VtMB are probably my favorite video game RPGs at the moment.

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