evil sexy ladies imaginary backwards land men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA whaaaaa?

Fight for the real victims of prostitution: Pimps and Johns, idiot demands

Evil prostitutes exploiting men
Evil sex workers exploiting men

So The Independent recently ran a piece by Catherine Murphy of Amnesty International, explaining why the organization is calling for the decriminalization of sex work.

In the comments, someone calling themselves THEMISHMISHEH offers a unique take on the issue.

And by “unique” I mean “seemingly from another planet.”

Shades of Tom Martin, huh?

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8 years ago

I just take handfuls of Skittles and shove them indiscriminately into my gob all at once. OM NOM NOM

Axe, you and I are apparently Skittle bros. An unbreakable bond.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

I think we only have the original ones and sours in Britain.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

What does “literate genius” mean? I’ve heard the term literary genius before, but usually just being literate wouldn’t be enough to grant you genius status. But what do I know? I don’t have the big manly brain that a creepy sex worker obsessed necro troll possesses.

What is everyone’s opinion on gummy candies? I like sour worms and Sour Patch Kids.

8 years ago


You sign-up to an ideology that is the definition of the words laudatory and authoritarian. Feminists obstruct and do their best to shut-down any event or person that dares to disagree with feminism. You attend speeches and shout people down so that nobody can hear what they have to say. You ostracise, attack and destroy the lives of feminists who criticise feminism, like Professor Janice Fiamengo, one example of many. You ransack events, destroy placards and physically assault people who don’t support your way thinking, including children. You have gone so far as campaigning to ban criticism and mocking of feminism:..and you tell me that you are ‘pretty self-critical’!?!?

First, I am a feminist, and I don’t do any of these things. Nor do literally any of the many feminists I know in real life. I feel like you have a distorted impression of what feminists on the whole actually get up to, and instead only concern yourself with feminists “behaving badly.” Like, while you’re really concerned with feminists and rape law in Israel, did you know that feminists campaigned (successfully) to update the FBI’s outdated definition of rape to include – among other things – male rape. (

Next, I looked into one of the actually verifiable parts of this screed – Janice Fiamengo.

1) She is not a feminist, she is a self-described anti-feminist
2) As far as I can find, the actual thing that happened was a talk she was giving at a CAFE event was temporarily disrupted.
3) Her life was not “destroyed” – she’s still a professor at the University of Ottawa

Why the hell should we take any of your context-free assertions at face value when you’re willing to distort the things with context to such a degree?

If you want to take issue with disrupting talks as a form of protest – fine, that’s at least a conversation to be had, and I’m sure you’d get some varying opinions on that here. But before that tiny nugget of legitimate discussion can be engaged, you’ve gotta drop all the disingenuous bullshit. And I honestly don’t think you’re willing to do that.

8 years ago

Sour Patch Kids are tied as my favourite junk food with salt and vinegar kettle cooked chips. They make me so sick, and they shred my mouth, and I do not care.

For best mouth-shredding, tastebud-destroying effect, I suggest a bowl of S&V kettle chips with some Sour Patch Kids thrown in.

8 years ago

I used to love Sour Patch Kids, but I grew out of my “love everything sour” phase. I also tend to stay away from gummies that stick to the teeth. My favourite right now are Real Fruit, or just plain-ol gummy bears. Bottom of the list is probably those cheap dinosaur gummies – they’re definitely the worst as far as tooth-stickiness goes.

8 years ago

I love gummy candies. Gummy cola bottles are my one true weakness.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Sour Patch Kids are tied as my favourite junk food with salt and vinegar kettle cooked chips. They make me so sick, and they shred my mouth, and I do not care.

For best mouth-shredding, tastebud-destroying effect, I suggest a bowl of S&V kettle chips with some Sour Patch Kids thrown in.

Viscaria, I share your tastes entirely. You are a veritable genius of snack foods.

8 years ago

So good, right? That is, until you can’t taste anything other than a sort of mild bitterness the day after.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

I like the Haribo gummy sweets, you can get minion ones now, and sour minions as well.

8 years ago

Swedish Raspberries are my favorite gummy candy, but I can rarely find them so I usually settle for Swedish fish.

8 years ago

So disrupting events and interrupting speakers is necessarily “authoritarian”? But hundreds of people sitting silent and motionless in chairs as a person stands above them on a stage, speaks into a microphone, and tells them what to think–that’s definitely not authoritarian? I don’t think you really understand what the word “authoritarian” means, themishmisheh. I am a feminist, and I’ve disrupted speaking events before. I’m also against the military, the police, prisons, big business, the patriarchal family, and the bureaucratic state–you know, actual authority. How many of these things are you against?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: sour sweets

You’re all so brave. To me, the ability to keep Haribo in your mouth is on a par with sword swallowing.

8 years ago

If you throw a stone at every dog that barks at you, you will run out of stones before the dogs stop barking.

I only ever engage myself in constructive arguments that are inviting and worth engaging.

a.k.a. “I only ever engage myself in arguments for which I have answers ready to go. I ignore rebuttals to which I have no reply.”

Confirmation bias.

If I come across an illiterate, immature person who’s never been to school, I would be foolish to engage that person in a debate about daedalian theories. They would not be able to understand nor appreciate what is being said.

Given that he’s replying to Ktoryx, who was replying to me, I guess he thinks that I’m illiterate, immature and have never been to school?

I guess I better tell my research lab that. They might want to review my recent work on qualitative analytics, given that my illiteracy might make the natural language processing algorithms a little questionable.

Also, note: your theories are not daedalian. They are neither cunning nor complex. They are unsophisticated and poorly describe reality.

I would only have a debate with someone if I felt the endeavour was worth the effort and for it to be worth the effort it has to be practical and the person has to be open minded and willing to treat me with same level of respect that I give them….otherwise all you will get from me is a reply agreeable with your conduct or no reply at all.

Turns out that this isn’t true! You barged in here heaping with abuse and insult, sir, and and displayed neither open-mindedness nor a willingness to engage. You continue to do this. Which leads me to ask – did you come here for this debate, or just to insult?

8 years ago

I have never had Haribo, and given what I’ve heard? Would rather not, thanks! My stomach is way too sensitive as it is.

(I do love me some starbursts though. I like to eat them one by one, and then fold up the paper wrappers into little triangles or squares or whatnot. Candy wrapper origami!)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

I love Swedish fish, which probably signifies that I’m a bumpkin.

8 years ago

Also, themishmisheh, I don’t have the interest or patience to wade through everything you are saying about that law in Israel, but if all of what you say is true, that still in no way supports an anti-feminist position. If a fucked-up law passed in Israel and many feminists supported it, that would be nothing new.

There were many white feminists in the US who opposed giving Black men the right to vote after the Civil War. They thought that white women should get the vote first. Margaret Singer, who founded Planned Parenthood, was a staunch supporter of eugenics. Today, you have self-identified feminists who campaign vigorously against rights for transgender people or sex workers. There have always been feminists who have been very shitty politically.

But you know who tends to be even MORE shitty politically? Anti-feminists. From trying to prevent people from getting abortions, to defending husbands who beat and rape their wives, to thinking little kids should be forced into gender roles based off what their crotches look like, team anti-feminist has a very shitty track record. The more authoritarian a person, the more likely they will be anti-feminis–the more likely they will support men having power over women.

There are some people with a good political analysis who reject the label “feminist” for themselves. For instance, many Black women reject feminism and call themselves womanists instead. But the type of MRA-style anti-feminism you promote, themishmisheh, is pretty much always garbage.

8 years ago

the fish
is delish
and it makes
quite a dish

8 years ago

I find that my sweet tooth has come back with a vengeance since I started HRT, especially fruity and sour candies. I am grazing from a bag of Haribo sour bears as I write this. I’m unimpressed with the level of sour, though. I orefer sour skittles (or mist other kinds; I tend towards sort and eat, but sometimes I just grab a handful). Also lemon heads. And Nerds. And Starburst. I like to make strawberry lemonade fkavor by earing two at once. They’re all terrible for my stomach of course, but what can you do?.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Okay, cool, double post, alright, yay.

Given that he’s replying to Ktoryx, who was replying to me, I guess he thinks that I’m illiterate, immature and have never been to school?

They’re probably talking about me since they haven’t responded to me and I am being immature, but, like, I’m also not taking their ass seriously.

And, speaking of candies, I wish I can get some chocolates, but it’s been so hot that it’s melted before I even hit the car. I got a Kit Kat bar the other day and maybe around a minute or minute and a half from the store to me opening it in the car, it was already melting and messy. And it’s sad. 🙁

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

I am grazing from a bag of Haribo sour bears as I write this. I’m unimpressed with the level of sour, though.

Warheads are pretty sour, especially the gum if you suck it instead of chewing.

8 years ago


I do love me some starbursts though. I like to eat them one by one, and then fold up the paper wrappers into little triangles or squares or whatnot. Candy wrapper origami!

I had a friend in high school who would fold them into tiny paper cranes. I’m still not sure how she managed to do that.

8 years ago

I used to challenge myself to make tiny origami, even smaller than those wrappers. Having fingernails at just the right length helps with folding accuracy, but other than that it’s just practice and patience.

8 years ago

I don’t imagine anyone on this website could be illiterate. Or at least not anyone in the comments section, since using most of internet is sort of dependent on literacy, especially when it comes to text comments.

I love making tiny origami. Cranes are really simple, I can make a (slightly wonky looking) crane out of a paper about 1 square cm in size. Dragons and spiders and spike balls need to be a bit bigger.

8 years ago

No suprise this guy thinks simply being literate makes him a genius. It seems to be the bar he has set for himself. Or did he mean to call WWTH a literary genius? Did they write the next great American novel? (please let me know if so, I’d love to read it!)

If I come across an illiterate, immature person who’s never been to school…

I mean, if you call two bachelors and a masters “never” then sure. Every word you write, however, sounds like that kid in freshman year who skims The Fountainhead for a survey course and decides he knows everything there is to know about sociopolitical thought, and boasts about it to everybody he can trap into a conversation (much to everyone else’s embarrassment)

You actually haven’t said anything of any content at all for quite some time, save preening yourself and insulting others. Clothing vapid writing in florid prose (that you lack the means to properly command) doesn’t make what you say any deeper, in much the same way that putting lipstick on a pigeon doesn’t give you a beautiful pigeon, it just gives you a weird looking bird that people laugh at.

For all your talk of dogs and stones, in other words, you haven’t hit a single dog. It doesn’t say much for your aim.

But lucky you, I’m here to help. I’ve rounded up a rough summary of the questions that you’ve avoided answering. Maybe if I line up the dogs for you, you can finally provide a couple stones? This is by no means a complete list, just the ones that I found most telling/hilarious.

– You claim that some obscure feminist group in Israel is campaigning for women’s rights to rape boys, but as has been clearly pointed out to you, they object not to the outlawing of male rape, but to the wording of a law that could be used to abuse victims. So, when you mischaracterized the very article you linked, were you lying or did you just not read it?

– You claimed that this group that we’ve all never heard of nor claimed membership in speaks for our views. Does this also mean Donald Trump speaks for all right wing people worldwide? Does L. Ron Hubbard speak for all religious people?

– Are men incapable of making rational decisions as soon as they become aroused? If not, how is it possible to exploit or take advantage of them, just because they like having sex? If so, isn’t this a rather insulting view of men?

– Given that, by your own definition, sexual gratification is, itself, something that a person can be exploited for, does that mean that having sex with a man for fun is exploiting him for your own sexual gratification? Have I exploited every single man I’ve ever slept with, or just the ones that gave me an orgasm?

(That rules out Stuart, at least.)

-Since women like sex too, do they also become helpless automatons the second they get horny? Does that mean that having sex with a woman for fun is also exploitative? If the man is exploiting the woman and the woman is exploiting the man, do they cancel each other out? Is there maybe some kind of chart you could refer me to?

– Is any sex, ever, not exploitative?

– If having transactional sex with someone who is biologically programmed to like having sex is exploitation, then is it exploitation to sell me candy that I am biologically programmed to enjoy?

– Whose fault is it that I ate the skittles? And how should I go about suing them?

– Do you hate skittles? Are you a dirty, skittles-hating communist?

There you go, sport. That oughta give you some target practice. Or you could witter on for a while about how super smart you are. That seems to make you happy.

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