creepy doxing drama kings evil SJWs grandiosity gullibility harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V apparently gives talk to small group of men ashamed to show their faces in public, declares victory

Roosh V: Either he's just given a talk or he's being held hostage by a couple of dozen dudes
Roosh V: Either he’s just given a talk or he’s being held hostage

Almost universally despised pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh — you may know him from such hashtags as  and  — is declaring victory after apparently giving a talk in Toronto to a couple of dozen guys who are too embarrassed or cowardly to show their faces in public.

Yesterday, Roosh posted the picture above to his Twitter, complete with a newspaper to prove the date, black censor squares over the faces of alleged attendees who evidently don’t want anyone to know that they were part of Roosh’s great victory, and weird dark lines around his legs that make it look like he’s been pasted onto a random pic of some random dudes in a hotel conference room, but whatev, sometimes crappy pics are just crappy pics.

Assuming the pic is real, Roosh’s fans are apparently afraid that the dreaded #SJWs might do to them what Roosh and his pals have been energetically doing to any of Roosh’s enemies they have been able to identify. That is, doxxing and slandering them online. (Never mind that the only person with a public doxxiing operation here is Roosh.)

On Roosh’s forum, his anonymous fanboys celebrated Roosh’s alleged victory and their own alleged heroism. One poster, naming himself after an Ayn Rand hero, was so excited he couldn’t even type straight:

I was at the speech. I was at the Q&A. I was at the dinner. The feeling was electric all of us men, collectively, started to understand neomasculinity.. the what it feels like to be a neomasculinist. …

BRAVO Roosh, and congrats to my fellow brothers for such flawless execution of an exercise planned with military precision.

Another anonymous friend of Roosh offered his enthusiastic support:

Congratulations to everyone involved in the Battle of Montreal and Toronto.

This is a stunning victory for freedom of expression, and freedom of speech.

He went on to dis the dozens of people who actually showed up in public to protest Roosh’s speech. (You know, without black squares over their faces.)

These twisted individuals claim to be so collectively hurt, so vulnerable, and so down trodden…this latest protest was a perfect public demonstration of their collective mental illness, and their attempts to destroy any trace of strong masculinity left in the culture.

When you speak to them (especially the men), you realize how their spirit has been completely broken and warped by modern culture, outrage porn, and digital technology addiction. I found the men within this group far more pathetic than the females, which was amazing. I truly believe that the men present did not understand what they were protesting, but attempting to solicit attention for their own narcissistic goals.

I was honestly expecting them to begin burning a copy of George Orwell’s “1984,” and talk about how some “freedom of speech” shouldn’t be “free.” However, their protest was so feeble and limp wristed, it didn’t even have the energy of a four day old cup of coffee, sitting abandoned outside of a tim hortons rubbish bin. 

Well, ok, Mr. Overextended Metaphor Man.

Another alleged attendee reported:

Words can’t really describe the feelings we all had following the lecture (my third, following Washington and New York and worth every penny). So many exceptional men and ideas were shared on Saturday and well into this morning. It was great to meet everyone in attendance and those who came out Friday night …

This is a testament to the discipline and drive of many strong willed, intelligent men who have learned game and who do not give up in the face of adversity. 

“You went toe to toe with the universe, and you won,” added yet another guy who posts online under a pseudonym.

If by “won” he means “convinced hundreds of thousands of people in Canada and around the world what a creepy rapey asshole you are,” I guess Roosh did win.


Still another declared:

I think RooshV could be the next president in the next 10-15 years.

Uh, the president of what? 

And if you can’t think of a country that might possibly want to have Roosh running it, I have some suggestions.


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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Of course saying someone “was asking for it” can as a rule be problematic, but in Mr Roosh’s case I’m willing to make an exception.

After all, it’s the exception that proves the rule. 😉

[See what I did there!]

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

He was always tedious. Even from the beginning, he was never interesting, just arguing tiresomely for the sake of arguing; never having the good grace to actually commit to a position either. Most damningly, he never said anything amusingly offensive. We will receive no in-jokes from this one.

I’ve learned something, though. Had To Be Said has helped me realised that I need to be less argumentative so as not to come off like that myself. So even though there have been no lols, I’ve grown as a person.

9 years ago

HTBS: I remember the great trolls of old, the epic battles that were fought in those days, of which only crumbling monuments now remain: The perfumed doll, the Russian/Spanish alphabet, the photo of Uncle Monty. And what do you give us today? A feeble misrepresentation, a smattering of false equivalence. How the great have fallen.

9 years ago

I dunno, I get the impulse to want to question the legitimacy of the photo and the number of soldiers in Roosh’s “Army,” (the satisfaction I felt watching that asshole get humiliated in that bar is well, unprecedented). As a woman reading these comments, I can’t help but feel like those lines of criticism undermine the very real and present danger Roosh, and his minions, present for women. Why are we trying to “play down” the threat? 60 attendees could equal hundreds (thousands?) of rapes. I am terrified for women. Picking up the pieces after you have been violated in this way can be a very ugly and devastating journey. I know that Roosh is a coward, the embodiment of the definition, but isn’t it counterproductive to question his danger/influence?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

…Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Buttercup

Ozymandias looked upon his mighty statue and despaired, amazed that the sculptors could have gotten his nose so wrong and wishing the darned thing would just crumble into pieces and blow across the lone and level sands, but leaving his legs since they were actually rather flattering.

9 years ago

The tusks that clashed in mighty brawls
Of mammoth-hunts are billiard balls.

The sword of the Lieutenant of Men’s Rights
Is broken, to see no more fights.

The wild dogs who got stared down
Are in the pound outside of town.

Great Meller’s bust is on the shelf
And I don’t feel so well myself.

9 years ago

Had To Be Said is tedious and derailing … but I can’t resist mocking their shit-posts a little more. Because they’re flawed as fuck.

HTBS’s former screed fixates on using the Roosh beer-throwing incident to highlight the greater real-world harm currently caused by feminists to MRA’s than vice versa. Except the comparison doesn’t work.

“Men are afraid women will throw a beer at them. Women are afraid men will kill them”.

And yet where are the stories of real-world assault and harassment of feminists by MRAs? While David regularly engages in highly speculative “villain-claiming” as soon as a man commits a mass shooting, no mass shooter has been found even to have written the letters “MRA” on social media, let alone asserted membership in the cause. I am not aware of a single confirmed story of MRAs organizing to find a feminist in public, douse her with beer, scream “You’re a piece of shit!” at her, and taunt her all the way to her front door as she flees. Or anything of the kind…

When it comes to making anonymous online threats, MRAs may well take the prize. But when it comes to seeking out and initiating real-world physical contact, it seems like it is the feminists who currently own the field.

HTBS would have to prove that the beer-thrower doused Roosh due to both her feminist identity, and Roosh’s MRA identity. Except neither are proven. As HTBS is so fond of arguing facts, I’m sure they can’t have failed to notice that so far we have only been shown a woman tipping beer over a man’s head and declaring it’s because he was a rape-apologising rapist, not a feminist dousing a man because he was an MRA. There was no, “Take that, you MRAsshole!”, not even, “Pick that one up, PUA”. In HTBS’s own words, she made no assertion that she was tossing beer over Roosh’s head because of his “asserted membership in the cause” of the MRM, or that she was even aware he was an MRA (which, ironically, he isn’t).

In addition, HTBS made this argument in response to a quote specifying men and women, not feminists and MRA’S.

I miss the trolls of yore. Dear t1oracle, who could not grasp the verb, and who claimed posting cat pictures was trolling, you will always have a special place in my heart.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Actually, I stumbled upon that website when I was 11/12 so I’ve been playing the game for over a decade and still haven’t lost. 😀 They’ve got a lot of merch now.

9 years ago

Shoot, I just realized that should be “Great Meller’s doll is on the shelf.”

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Actually, I stumbled upon that website when I was 11/12 so I’ve been playing the game for over a decade and still haven’t lost. 😀 They’ve got a lot of merch now.

Or maybe it was a website similar to it? All I know is that it was Game related and I never pushed the button. The game was pretty popular back in middle school.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Pandapool

“One of us. One of us.”

9 years ago

Ah, Meller. Good old “if you had just been more accommodating and feminine you would never have been abused” Meller. I hope he’s continuing to only interact with inanimate stand ins for women, and to avoid actual human women.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I find it weird you guys haven’t brought up Grace Mann; you know, the woman who was harassed for weeks on Yik Yak and then strangled to death because she was a feminist? Or am I being a massive asshole bringing her up?

Although I suppose HadTo Be Shit would find dumping a beer on a rapist much, much worst than someone being strangled to death trying to reduce rape culture on a college campus by shutting down fraternities. I mean, those poor boys! Where else would they bring drunked and drugged women to rape–er, I mean, have sex with as Roosh only did?

9 years ago

Dave: Thanks for ditching Had To Overstay His Welcome. Much appreciated.

9 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks Has To Be Said may also be a rapist?

Nope. I think he Had To Be Jailed, too.

9 years ago


Most damningly, he never said anything amusingly offensive. We will receive no in-jokes from this one.

I think there’s a bit of delicious hilarity to be had from the fact that nothing he said ever had to be said, but I know that’s been pointed out before numerous times.

9 years ago

I was more than a little surprised that he went and used the facetious argument I’d set out for him. I thought the goal was to keep pushing the envelope until you’re angrily arguing that mountains are pink or something equally silly. … Unless, of course, his goal all along was actually to try and defend rapists and hate. Makes one wonder.

I’m just glad, though, that we can all savor his final, valiant words: ” It was almost as if he never existed.”

9 years ago

I think there’s a bit of delicious hilarity to be had from the fact that nothing he said ever had to be said, but I know that’s been pointed out before numerous times.

He owes me money. He broke a dozen of my irony meters. Caused them all to implode.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

That’s what these detailed consent forms that must be filled out in pen and in triplicate are for! So it can never be said that I am not thoroughly insistent on full enthusiastic consent, once that’s obtained I have no issue commencing with repeatedly slapping a guy across the face! 😉

9 years ago

The evil, female-dominated agency where I work held a walk-in clinic today for meningitis vaccinations. From the looks of things we attracted about three times as many people as Roosh.

9 years ago

@Had to Be Said,

Once again, if a woman who was a self-confessed serial rapist got a drink thrown on her by a man whom she’d been harassing and got chased out of a bar and had insults shouted at her, I wouldn’t have the slightest problem with that. Roosh is a self-confessed serial rapist who dragged the beer-throwing woman off the street and into a bar. I don’t see anything wrong with her calling in her friends for backup nor with her getting him to go away by throwing beer on him (a non-violent but effective approach), nor do I see anything wrong with her friends chasing him out of the bar, where he was trespassing because he was banned from Montreal bars, and swearing at him. Given the way that Roosh has repeatedly admitted to behaving when he tries to pick up women in bars, he should be thankful that he experienced no physical violence. I wouldn’t be shocked if he’d been punched out by an overzealous defender of one of his would-be victims in a bar on previous.

9 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

…Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

I just wanted to say: for me, this is the comment that keeps on giving. A++, would lol again.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ msexception

The easiest thing is to find a Notary who’s also into voyeurism.