
Almost universally despised pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh — you may know him from such hashtags as #RooshIsARapist and #RooshVOut — is declaring victory after apparently giving a talk in Toronto to a couple of dozen guys who are too embarrassed or cowardly to show their faces in public.
Yesterday, Roosh posted the picture above to his Twitter, complete with a newspaper to prove the date, black censor squares over the faces of alleged attendees who evidently don’t want anyone to know that they were part of Roosh’s great victory, and weird dark lines around his legs that make it look like he’s been pasted onto a random pic of some random dudes in a hotel conference room, but whatev, sometimes crappy pics are just crappy pics.
Assuming the pic is real, Roosh’s fans are apparently afraid that the dreaded #SJWs might do to them what Roosh and his pals have been energetically doing to any of Roosh’s enemies they have been able to identify. That is, doxxing and slandering them online. (Never mind that the only person with a public doxxiing operation here is Roosh.)
On Roosh’s forum, his anonymous fanboys celebrated Roosh’s alleged victory and their own alleged heroism. One poster, naming himself after an Ayn Rand hero, was so excited he couldn’t even type straight:
I was at the speech. I was at the Q&A. I was at the dinner. The feeling was electric all of us men, collectively, started to understand neomasculinity.. the what it feels like to be a neomasculinist. …
BRAVO Roosh, and congrats to my fellow brothers for such flawless execution of an exercise planned with military precision.
Another anonymous friend of Roosh offered his enthusiastic support:
Congratulations to everyone involved in the Battle of Montreal and Toronto.
This is a stunning victory for freedom of expression, and freedom of speech.
He went on to dis the dozens of people who actually showed up in public to protest Roosh’s speech. (You know, without black squares over their faces.)
These twisted individuals claim to be so collectively hurt, so vulnerable, and so down trodden…this latest protest was a perfect public demonstration of their collective mental illness, and their attempts to destroy any trace of strong masculinity left in the culture.
When you speak to them (especially the men), you realize how their spirit has been completely broken and warped by modern culture, outrage porn, and digital technology addiction. I found the men within this group far more pathetic than the females, which was amazing. I truly believe that the men present did not understand what they were protesting, but attempting to solicit attention for their own narcissistic goals.
I was honestly expecting them to begin burning a copy of George Orwell’s “1984,” and talk about how some “freedom of speech” shouldn’t be “free.” However, their protest was so feeble and limp wristed, it didn’t even have the energy of a four day old cup of coffee, sitting abandoned outside of a tim hortons rubbish bin.
Well, ok, Mr. Overextended Metaphor Man.
Another alleged attendee reported:
Words can’t really describe the feelings we all had following the lecture (my third, following Washington and New York and worth every penny). So many exceptional men and ideas were shared on Saturday and well into this morning. It was great to meet everyone in attendance and those who came out Friday night …
This is a testament to the discipline and drive of many strong willed, intelligent men who have learned game and who do not give up in the face of adversity.
“You went toe to toe with the universe, and you won,” added yet another guy who posts online under a pseudonym.
If by “won” he means “convinced hundreds of thousands of people in Canada and around the world what a creepy rapey asshole you are,” I guess Roosh did win.
Still another declared:
I think RooshV could be the next president in the next 10-15 years.
Uh, the president of what?
And if you can’t think of a country that might possibly want to have Roosh running it, I have some suggestions.
… Oh hey, I just realised where the piss stains on Roosh’s newspaper came from. He’s paper training HTBS.
kirbywarp, you forgot about the fire hazard. Those beer-throwing harpies are literally threatening men with death by giant fireball, just for being men.
Had To Be Trolling also failed to mention that when Roosh went on the pull that night (because “having sex is what I do”, yeesh), Roosh the Douche wore a wig with the express purpose of hiding his identity. Presumably he felt that he would be unlikely to hook up with one of the locals if they were to recognize who he was.
Under UK law consent is not considered to have been given, and a sexual offence has been committed, if an individual has been deceived as to the identity of the person s/he had sexual intercourse with. In this case that identity being Anyone-But-Roosh.
Of course, how could I forget? That beer surely was as volatile as the crowd.
Am I the only one who thinks Has To Be Said may also be a rapist?
M, you’re on form today.
Once again, you’re not letting the facts get in the way of the story you like.
The word “feminist” appears nowhere in Elliot Rodger’s manifesto. “Feminism” is similarly absent. Rodger did not target feminists and never claimed to want to target feminists. There’s no evidence that he was aware of feminism at all. He targeted a sorority.
No, this doesn’t prove he wasn’t a misogynist. It just proves that you like to make things up when you like the sound of them. Reality can always be improved by a few embellishments, eh?
I said Roosh’s “opponents” sought him out. And the rest of the mob other than Jessica certainly did — they only showed up because she notified them of Roosh’s presence at the bar. And she notified them because she knew they were out looking for him.
I guess that may be technically true. She just happened to contact a group of self-identified “anarcha-feminists” to back her up after she had found Roosh and was planning a confrontation. The mob attacking Roosh can certainly be said to be feminists, by their own public, enthusiastic self-identification.
I don’t believe there is any proof that this is true. If you know of any, I am sure the police would be pleased to receive it. You’d be one of the few people who actually seem interested in this crime at all. Once the picture of d’Entremont had received maximum publicity in March 2014, everybody started acting like there was no MRA violent attacker at large at all. As if he just disappeared somehow. Within days, even the alleged victim seemed unconcerned with finding the culprit. It was almost as if he never existed.
Right, HTBS has obstinately failed to address the reality of Roosh being a rapist. (apparently beer throwing is TOTALLY assault but rape aka sexual assault isn’t.) INFORM THE DARK LORD.
Okay so what I can gather from the point you’re making is that you believe that feminists are dangerous to the small subset of people that make up the MRM, and MRAs are dangerous to LITERALLY EVERYONE, regardless of ideology. Good to know. They may be harboring murderous jackasses, but at least they don’t discriminate!
What, you think d’Entremont broke her own tooth? The case just went cold. Sad to say, it happens. Hell, around a third of murder cases remain unresolved. And that’s way beyond a hit and run. The world is a big place for a single person to hide in.
But seriously, go fuck yourself for implying that because a woman couldn’t identify a complete stranger that assaulted her, it must have been imaginary. Even after she immediately posted a picture of her injuries for posterity.
I’m just gonna roll with the head-cannon that HTBS is Attila, who offered a $1000 reward for anyone who could give information about d’Entremont’s assailant, pretty clearly with the intent that if nobody came forward then her claim of assault must have been suspect. Attila even talked about how no feminist organizations (by which he apparently included the Huffington Post) were willing to do the same as evidence that feminists knew d’Entremont was making something up.
HTBS: From which junior college do you have your associate’s degree in Missing the Point?
I have been enjoying your male tears over the fact that an admitted serial rapist (who brags about having fucked on while his victim was whimpering like a puppy) got publicly ridiculed and got a beer thrown on him. OK, we get it — Elliot Rodger hated all women not just feminists — and we don’t care about that meaningless distinction. Please take your technical arguments about who is a feminist and who is an MRA somewhere where people might be interested — like AVfM.
@Had To Be Just Saying
I knew woman who was at a concert, a man shoved his hand down her pants and he punched her in the face when she pushed him away. While that was a criminal act, the police never found the man and he was never punished because that’s often how that goes. Seriously, are you expecting a city wide manhunt? Where I live the police only actively investigate the most serious crimes done by unknown perpetrators. They didn’t investigate my apartment being robbed either, the police report was more for insurance purposes. It’s not a remarkable phenomenon.
You know what, Kirbywarp posted a link to an article about “Big Red”, try defending the doxxing and years of harassment one random collage protester has faced from MRAs, because they never, ever actually target people in power or try to effect real change. Oh wait, it’s indefensible, so you can just fuck off.
Targeting a sorority, with the aim of “punishing blond sluts”, does prove he was misogynistic. Rodger’s manifesto outlined his hatred of women, racial minorities, and the men who ‘had’ the women he felt should rightfully be his. He was deeply misogynistic, and racist.
But you just make shit up as you see fit, HTBS. Don’t let the facts get in the way of your narrative.
Also, Roosh is still not an MRA. So har har har, nice to see you didn’t reopen that line of argument.
Also also, Eliot Rodger identified with the Manosphere.
Also also also, none of your screed refutes the fact that members of the Manosphere have engaged in exponentially more violence against women than Feminists have against men.
And just to just to pre-empt your argument of “But I didn’t say anything about feminists and MRA’S attacking men and women, I referred to them harming each other”, claiming the beer-throwing incident as evidence of direct assault by a feminist is not viable as we can only assume she was a feminist (which even you acknowledge). I have a teeeeeeny hunch that you don’t have anything else with which to substantiate your point. Hence the greater harm caused by which group (feminists and manospherians) is the only meaningful comparison to be made.
Short version: HTBS is bloody rubbish at this.
Oh boo, garbled my first paragraph. Tiny print on my Kindle read as “was a misogynist”, not “wasn’t”. Please ignore, all.
Tbh, I’m saying this because I can’t be bothered with another bit of smarmy nit-picking from HTBS. I know they’ll focus on that to the exclusion of all else.
According to HTBS, apparently feminists aren’t allowed to care about violence and harassment being perpetuated against women unless the perpetrator specifically states that he’s targeting feminists.
…do… Do you know what Feminism IS, HTBS?
“you may know him from such hashtags as and ”
^Has this been pointed out yet?
I emailed David and asked for a banning. Just like I said I would if he didn’t address the fact that Rhoosh is an admitted rapist. It probably wouldn’t hurt if one more person sent an email too.
@Alan Robertshaw
I don’t care if it’s old fashioned to give the slap across the face response to a guy, I just prefer that he request it first. 🙂 R.A.C.K. and all.
I’m just going to blank Had to be Woody’s messages from my vision until he gets banned. He was never interesting, just tiresome, and it’s past time for him to leave.
We had the same thing with our house burglary: our windows were smashed open and items were stolen, including my passport; and the police only came by to give us a case number for the insurance.
In the news a week or two ago was an item that the Metropolitan Police (that is, the London police) are going to stop responding to burglaries entirely in order to focus on other fields of crime. They haven’t said which other fields yet; I expect that the deluge of blue uniforms one sees in tourist hotspots will not cease.
I hope a lot more get put into rape cases, and yet I will be a little cynical in this matter.
Had To Be Said: You have complained about abuse on these threads before so I’m going to give you something to complain about. You are scum. You are exactly the type of slimy nasty asshole this site was designed to mock. You spend all your time defending a rapist. If I found out that you want to do the same as Roosh I wouldn’t be surprised. You are an evil mealy mouthed piece of shit.
I’ve emailed David too.
Uh….that’s like saying “when it comes to enormous fiery eruptions of lava, volcanoes may well have a slight edge over ponds”. Just a tad dishonest.
It’s cute that you think doxxing, cyberstalking, and harassment don’t have any real-world consequences for the victim.
Also cute that you don’t think MRAs are having any violent/abusive interactions with women in the real world, that it’s all “just talk”.
Or that if an MRA did go off the rails and assault somebody, they would wear an “I AM AN MRA” Dymo label on their foreheads, so journalists can identify them better. Because grandiose personalities who weave incoherent manifestos out of jumbled belief systems and half-assed rants are meticulous about inserting footnotes noting exactly which website each individual belief originated from.
MRAs may publicly distance themselves from the Eliot Rodgers of the world and pretend there’s no connection, but when violence against women happens, MRAs never come right out and condemn the perpetrator. Not once. Instead they ratchet up the threats: “this is what happens to women who defy us”…”this is what men do when they’re backed up against the wall”. That sounds an awful lot like they’re endorsing it and encouraging further violence.
Like all right-wing demagogues, they’re playing a two-faced game, watering it down for the public and throwing red meat to the believers when they think no one’s looking. They know how dangerous and unacceptable their viewpoints are to people with functioning moral compasses. It’s gotta be uncomfortable for them when yet another mass murderer turns out to be operating straight out of the MRA misogynist playbook, and they have to start the False Equivalency Tapdance again to deflect attention away from the eerie similarity of their beliefs.
@WWTH and EJ: thank you, he was getting really tedious.