creepy doxing drama kings evil SJWs grandiosity gullibility harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V apparently gives talk to small group of men ashamed to show their faces in public, declares victory

Roosh V: Either he's just given a talk or he's being held hostage by a couple of dozen dudes
Roosh V: Either he’s just given a talk or he’s being held hostage

Almost universally despised pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh — you may know him from such hashtags as  and  — is declaring victory after apparently giving a talk in Toronto to a couple of dozen guys who are too embarrassed or cowardly to show their faces in public.

Yesterday, Roosh posted the picture above to his Twitter, complete with a newspaper to prove the date, black censor squares over the faces of alleged attendees who evidently don’t want anyone to know that they were part of Roosh’s great victory, and weird dark lines around his legs that make it look like he’s been pasted onto a random pic of some random dudes in a hotel conference room, but whatev, sometimes crappy pics are just crappy pics.

Assuming the pic is real, Roosh’s fans are apparently afraid that the dreaded #SJWs might do to them what Roosh and his pals have been energetically doing to any of Roosh’s enemies they have been able to identify. That is, doxxing and slandering them online. (Never mind that the only person with a public doxxiing operation here is Roosh.)

On Roosh’s forum, his anonymous fanboys celebrated Roosh’s alleged victory and their own alleged heroism. One poster, naming himself after an Ayn Rand hero, was so excited he couldn’t even type straight:

I was at the speech. I was at the Q&A. I was at the dinner. The feeling was electric all of us men, collectively, started to understand neomasculinity.. the what it feels like to be a neomasculinist. …

BRAVO Roosh, and congrats to my fellow brothers for such flawless execution of an exercise planned with military precision.

Another anonymous friend of Roosh offered his enthusiastic support:

Congratulations to everyone involved in the Battle of Montreal and Toronto.

This is a stunning victory for freedom of expression, and freedom of speech.

He went on to dis the dozens of people who actually showed up in public to protest Roosh’s speech. (You know, without black squares over their faces.)

These twisted individuals claim to be so collectively hurt, so vulnerable, and so down trodden…this latest protest was a perfect public demonstration of their collective mental illness, and their attempts to destroy any trace of strong masculinity left in the culture.

When you speak to them (especially the men), you realize how their spirit has been completely broken and warped by modern culture, outrage porn, and digital technology addiction. I found the men within this group far more pathetic than the females, which was amazing. I truly believe that the men present did not understand what they were protesting, but attempting to solicit attention for their own narcissistic goals.

I was honestly expecting them to begin burning a copy of George Orwell’s “1984,” and talk about how some “freedom of speech” shouldn’t be “free.” However, their protest was so feeble and limp wristed, it didn’t even have the energy of a four day old cup of coffee, sitting abandoned outside of a tim hortons rubbish bin. 

Well, ok, Mr. Overextended Metaphor Man.

Another alleged attendee reported:

Words can’t really describe the feelings we all had following the lecture (my third, following Washington and New York and worth every penny). So many exceptional men and ideas were shared on Saturday and well into this morning. It was great to meet everyone in attendance and those who came out Friday night …

This is a testament to the discipline and drive of many strong willed, intelligent men who have learned game and who do not give up in the face of adversity. 

“You went toe to toe with the universe, and you won,” added yet another guy who posts online under a pseudonym.

If by “won” he means “convinced hundreds of thousands of people in Canada and around the world what a creepy rapey asshole you are,” I guess Roosh did win.


Still another declared:

I think RooshV could be the next president in the next 10-15 years.

Uh, the president of what? 

And if you can’t think of a country that might possibly want to have Roosh running it, I have some suggestions.


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9 years ago

You said exactly what I was going to say. The killers may not have called themselves MRAs but they espoused EXACTLY the same sentiments and beliefs. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

9 years ago

(Also, I looked up more info about Danielle d’Entremont; looks like the case just went cold, as it would when someone sucker-punches you out of nowhere and runs off. Also found out that AVFM decided to do a little PR; Attila L. Vinczer offered reward money for information about her attacker, with AVFM matching, and seemed to conclude that the story must be suspect since nobody came forward with info. Because obviously a random stranger sucker-punching someone out of nowhere would have tons of people with knowledge of who the person was.

… wouldn’t it be funny if Had To Be Said was Attila?)

9 years ago

For pity’s sake, HTBS is still kicking around? Can someone inform the dark lord of this tell so we can kick him out already? His constant apologetics are getting tiresome.

And hey, buddy, David has always disclosed when a mass murderer hasn’t made any known contributions to MRA activities. He doesn’t claim they are a part of that particular movement, just that they are a part of a dangerous culture of entitlement, toxic masculinity, and misogyny. This ain’t “MRA fun time”, this is “the new misogyny, tracked and mocked”.

As for the “a bluh bluh bluh, no MRA has ever assaulted a feminist in REAL LIFE” argument, I can only assume this means you do not consider rape to be assault, considering that Roosh is a self-admitted serial rapist. Or does that assault not count because Roosh doesn’t claim it to be politically motivated?

In short, fuck off, shitnugget, and take your willful disingenuousness and rape apologetics with you.

9 years ago

Both Elam and JudgyBitch have discussed their willingness to assault and kill women.

Are people just supposed to treat that shit like it’s light-hearted fun until one of them makes good on their threats?

Had To Be Said
Had To Be Said
9 years ago


I find it very telling how our troll seems to think that Roosh’s very mild (and funny) moment of humiliation is somehow worse than a feminist being harassed, stalked and physically assaulted, with injuries requiring medical attention.

Who are you talking about?

9 years ago

@Had to be said that you’re a whiny little brat

Oh noes, Roosh got doused with beer and insulted for trying to prey on a woman. When will the horrors end. What world do we live in, where women can make fun of desperate losers dragging them (literally, from the lady in question’s account) into bars to try to liquor them up enough to weaken their resistance to being raped by an admitted rapist who has written books about raping women and who instructs other men on the best ways to be a rapist just like him.

Also, don’t tell me that you’re SO rock-stupid that you don’t get that the posts about mass murderers are examining how their ideals are completely identical–word-for-word–to those of MRAs. Last I checked, you don’t have to have a white hood or a Stormfront account to be a violently racist shit. You don’t have to “claim” to be an MRA to use their same bizarre, tangled “logic” to justify targeting women for crimes. You shitstains classify anyone who sees the problems women still encounter in society as feminists; by that logic, your movement owns every murder, rape, and brutalization of every man and woman in which the justification was the same as the vitriolic nonsense you spew in your sad little forums full of sad little fuckwits.

Now fuck off back to crying in your cereal because you’re so pathetic that your idol IS A FUCKING PROUD, ADMITTED SERIAL RAPIST YOU PUDDLE OF RANCID DIARRHEA. We’re done here.

9 years ago

No mra has assaulted anyone that you know of. Many years ago, I had a blog. An MRA weirdo starred hanging out on it, commenting on it. At first, it was nothing too offensive. But it progressively got worse to the point where it was about shooting up medical campuses because doctors are better looking and get more women.
I called the police and they paid a visit to this guys residence (I knew enough about his identity for them to check on him). They said he seemed like a nice, but misguided kid. He harassed me for a bit but didn’t know enough about me to really retaliate.
I just found out that he has recently been arrested on multiple counts of aggravated assault. He wasn’t a big shot mra, like Elam or Esmay. But he identified as one. And I can’t say I’m surprised by any of these events.

9 years ago

And I can only assume that Elliott Roger, misogynistic mass murderer and KNOWN MEMBER of puahate/sluthate doesn’t count as a member of the manosphere because something something. Or maybe since he shot men too, it doesn’t count as a misogyny-fueled killing spree.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

And yet where are the stories of real-world assault and harassment of feminists by MRAs?

Elliot Rodger. Very much an MRA, well-known member of PUAHate/SlutHate, mass murderer of feminists (well, anybody he could find, really, but he was targeting feminists).

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Ninja’d. =P

9 years ago

So I check into the Mammoth after a few weeks, and Had To Be Said is still here. Like, actually still here. I’m impressed.

When it comes to making anonymous online threats, MRAs may well take the prize. But when it comes to seeking out and initiating real-world physical contact, it seems like it is the feminists who currently own the field.

Roosh isn’t an MRA. He’s a PUA. For that matter, the beer-throwing woman hasn’t directly self-identified as a feminist.

*crickets gif. Awkward, awkward crickets*

Ok, I’ll humour Had To Be Said.

Let’s say it’s fair to assume, from her facebook post to Roosh and other quotes, that the beer-throwing woman is at least feminist-adjacent. With this line of reasoning it’s also fair to assume that Roosh, although he doesn’t directly identify as an MRA, is at least MRA adjacent. Roosh definitely identifies as anti-feminist.

As there are a number of different groups within the Manosphere who share the view that men are the oppressed gender, just as there are many different groups within Feminism who share the view that women are the oppressed gender, it wouldn’t be a fair to just compare feminists and MRA’s. Feminism is a large and diverse movement, the MRM is not. A more even equivalence would be Feminism and the Manosphere, or feminists and anti-feminists.

According to Roosh’s own accounts he has raped a number of women.

Eliot Rodger, who took part in PUA-Hate, shot a number of women.

Danielle d’Entremont was punched repeatedly in the face for advocating against the MRM.

When it comes to throwing beer in a man’s face, feminists may well take the prize. But when it comes to committing rape, sexual assault, murder, bodily harm and making anonymous online threats, it seems like it is anti-feminists who currently own the field.

There you go, HTBS. Injected some perspective in there for you.

9 years ago

@kreator, thanks. I think he’s the new garden gnome that travels the world! Can’t wait to see a photo of his trip to Antarctica!

9 years ago

But guize, Elliot Rodger never used the acronym MRA and if he did I’m totally excluding that. And none of you has given me an example of an MRA wearing an MRA membership jacket while screaming “FOR THE MEN, I AM MRA” while attacking a woman on video!

(Just moving the goalposts for HTBS; I bet he’s tired from doing it so often.)

9 years ago

I’d like to thank you @Had to be said, your staunch defends of an admitted rapist has prompted me to share David’s work with my pre-teen daughter. She needs to be aware of what kind of pathetic behaviour she’ll encounter from your ilk.

Keep up the good work, the more you cretinous slim operate in public the easier it is to recognize and avoid you.

9 years ago


Ah, you forgot the stipulation that the jacket-wearing MRA can’t attack anyone other than feminists, either. Because if the MRAs are indiscriminate in their assault, that’s somehow better and totally not misogynistic at all anymore!

9 years ago

I think RooshV should be the next president in the next 10-15 years.

Wait… huh? Which one, next president, or president in the next 10-15 years? Is not understanding political systems a requirement among Roosh followers or just an extra bonus?

9 years ago

Has to be said,

When are you going to address the fact that Rhoosh is an admitted rapist? Several people across multiple threads have pointed this out and you keep deliberately ignoring this point.

9 years ago

Had To Bull-Shit, it should be noted, lied in his very first sentence in that post. The beer-swiller did NOT seek him out; he approached her and invited her into the bar for a drink. She simply recognized him (a positive result of the coverage of his rapist ass, and a good enough argument on it’s own to send packing the whining legions of concern trolls urging us to not give Roosh the attention he craves), and so decided to toy with him for a bit before giving him a golden shower.

9 years ago


Ooh, ooh, I can help! *ahem*

“Anyway, a kid who barely murdered any women at all PALES in comparison to the vicious cruelty of a mob of feminists wielding beer mugs, literally running a manhunt through the streets of Canada for a man they have a few ideological differences with. What could be more terrifying than being assaulted with battery by a liquid that really stings if it gets in your eyes, thrown by a seducer with blood-lust in her eyes? Even when this poor man ran away from the pack of wolves, still they pursued him all the way to the safety of closed doors! Who is the true monster here, the man who says a few un-PC things, or the wild and screaming hate mob that hunted him when all he wanted was a drink?”

I’ve got the constant minimizing and distortion to make feminists look like monsters!

9 years ago

In fact, htbs, if you make one more post without acknowledging that Rhoosh is an admitted rapist, I’m contacting David and asking him to ban your tedious ass.

9 years ago

We have to save something back, Catalpa, or eventually there’s no place left to move the goalposts. One must think of the trolls.

Besides, goalposts must be on finely manicured, well-watered grass, and that hurts the environment. Why do feminists hate the environment so much?

9 years ago

On another note, in addition to the weird dark lines around his legs, there are weird light-colored lines around his arms. Also, there doesn’t appear to be anywhere that the camera is focused on – both Roosh and the rest of the picture are out of focus in the way that background is around an object that has been placed in the foreground.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

The beer-swiller did NOT seek him out; he approached her and invited her into the bar for a drink.

Well, he didn’t “Invite” her so much as grab and drag her, but that probably counts as “Inviting” to Doosh and Doosh’s little lap dog anyway.

9 years ago

Can we get a new chewtoy, this one is starting to run out of Catnip Value (CNV).

9 years ago

Well, he didn’t “Invite” her so much as grab and drag her, but that probably counts as “Inviting” to Doosh and Doosh’s little lap dog anyway.

And that’s about as close to inviting as PUAs ever get.