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Roosh V apparently gives talk to small group of men ashamed to show their faces in public, declares victory

Roosh V: Either he's just given a talk or he's being held hostage by a couple of dozen dudes
Roosh V: Either he’s just given a talk or he’s being held hostage

Almost universally despised pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh — you may know him from such hashtags as  and  — is declaring victory after apparently giving a talk in Toronto to a couple of dozen guys who are too embarrassed or cowardly to show their faces in public.

Yesterday, Roosh posted the picture above to his Twitter, complete with a newspaper to prove the date, black censor squares over the faces of alleged attendees who evidently don’t want anyone to know that they were part of Roosh’s great victory, and weird dark lines around his legs that make it look like he’s been pasted onto a random pic of some random dudes in a hotel conference room, but whatev, sometimes crappy pics are just crappy pics.

Assuming the pic is real, Roosh’s fans are apparently afraid that the dreaded #SJWs might do to them what Roosh and his pals have been energetically doing to any of Roosh’s enemies they have been able to identify. That is, doxxing and slandering them online. (Never mind that the only person with a public doxxiing operation here is Roosh.)

On Roosh’s forum, his anonymous fanboys celebrated Roosh’s alleged victory and their own alleged heroism. One poster, naming himself after an Ayn Rand hero, was so excited he couldn’t even type straight:

I was at the speech. I was at the Q&A. I was at the dinner. The feeling was electric all of us men, collectively, started to understand neomasculinity.. the what it feels like to be a neomasculinist. …

BRAVO Roosh, and congrats to my fellow brothers for such flawless execution of an exercise planned with military precision.

Another anonymous friend of Roosh offered his enthusiastic support:

Congratulations to everyone involved in the Battle of Montreal and Toronto.

This is a stunning victory for freedom of expression, and freedom of speech.

He went on to dis the dozens of people who actually showed up in public to protest Roosh’s speech. (You know, without black squares over their faces.)

These twisted individuals claim to be so collectively hurt, so vulnerable, and so down trodden…this latest protest was a perfect public demonstration of their collective mental illness, and their attempts to destroy any trace of strong masculinity left in the culture.

When you speak to them (especially the men), you realize how their spirit has been completely broken and warped by modern culture, outrage porn, and digital technology addiction. I found the men within this group far more pathetic than the females, which was amazing. I truly believe that the men present did not understand what they were protesting, but attempting to solicit attention for their own narcissistic goals.

I was honestly expecting them to begin burning a copy of George Orwell’s “1984,” and talk about how some “freedom of speech” shouldn’t be “free.” However, their protest was so feeble and limp wristed, it didn’t even have the energy of a four day old cup of coffee, sitting abandoned outside of a tim hortons rubbish bin. 

Well, ok, Mr. Overextended Metaphor Man.

Another alleged attendee reported:

Words can’t really describe the feelings we all had following the lecture (my third, following Washington and New York and worth every penny). So many exceptional men and ideas were shared on Saturday and well into this morning. It was great to meet everyone in attendance and those who came out Friday night …

This is a testament to the discipline and drive of many strong willed, intelligent men who have learned game and who do not give up in the face of adversity. 

“You went toe to toe with the universe, and you won,” added yet another guy who posts online under a pseudonym.

If by “won” he means “convinced hundreds of thousands of people in Canada and around the world what a creepy rapey asshole you are,” I guess Roosh did win.


Still another declared:

I think RooshV could be the next president in the next 10-15 years.

Uh, the president of what? 

And if you can’t think of a country that might possibly want to have Roosh running it, I have some suggestions.


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9 years ago

I believe someone posted a clip of woman who were quite angry with him from Ukrainian TV but I don’t recall which thread.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

cretaceouskitteh78 | August 16, 2015 at 2:46 pm
I’m wondering if any of the women in Roosh’s alleged encounters have ever shared their version of events. Because they might be true but thus shit seriously sounds like a form of “erotic” fiction designed to appeal to the worst and most pathetic men on the planet.

I imagine some of them might have tried, but either Roosh is refusing to share because they make him look bad (not that his version makes him look good), or he’s ignoring them.

And I imagine some of them might have went to the police.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

dudeinthewoods | August 16, 2015 at 2:54 pm
I believe someone posted a clip of woman who were quite angry with him from Ukrainian TV but I don’t recall which thread.

I remember that clip. The entire thing made me angry as hell, but the thing that got my hackles up the most (aside from the obvious) was how he used women’s photographs without permission, and when two women told him they were going to sue him for it, he pretty much said “but I’m giving you such great exposure! By using your photographs on my site, I could eventually get you to become models, because someone could see you on my site, and try to contact you!”

One, I see this fucking argument all the time in my field of work (graphic design). No, “exposure” is not a legitimate form of payment. Just him saying this alone makes me want to beat a mannequin dressed like him with a pool noodle.

Two, I can only imagine what kind of “modeling agencies” look at his site.

Three, he didn’t attribute them at all, as far as I know, and even if there was (and powers that be help those poor women if he did put their names on there), he still didn’t ask for permission to use their photographs. Though, let’s face it, it’s fucking Roosh, and he doesn’t like to ask women for permission to do anything to them, the bastard.

9 years ago

I wish I could have gatecrashed that lecture just to play this song at full volume. And watch his head explode.

9 years ago

Nah, it’s not shopped. You’ve seen what Roosh’s Photoshop attempts look like. It does look like a really sad event, though.

9 years ago

Oh, Rapist Roosh… this isn’t a victory. Maybe you attracted an extra dozen horrible men… but you gained the ire of tens of thousands of Canadians. Your face is more widely known, and more women, more bouncers, and more politicians know to be wary of you. I hope this becomes a global trend, and it forces you out of the “game” as more women avoid going to isolated places with you.

Speaking of Rapist Roosh: can we all just refer to him as “Rapist Roosh” from now on? Let’s make that a thing. Every time he gets attention from people who hate him, he and everyone else should be reminded of what a total fucking rapist he is.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

In Toronto bar, one woman threw a nearly empty can of energy drink at Roosh.

All witnesses agreed it was a Battery.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(Because I’m bored and Wiseau-Lookalike Dude makes me giggle.)

9 years ago

Definite fake photo. Size is wrong. Color is wrong. Resolution is wrong. Lighting is wrong. Not a single person is looking back at Roosh, which is not how things go down when the key speaker is taking a photo behind the seating area.

9 years ago

The photo at the alleged talk does look a bit wonky, but considering the awful photoshop job Roosh did with the Muslim garments he attempted to put himself in, I’m thinking that ‘shopping this is a bit beyond his abilities.

9 years ago

I don’t have the chops to determine if it’s shopped or not, but I tend to agree with LG that it’s odd that no one is turned and looking at him. However, I think it’s quite likely that the event did indeed go down and that he meant to take a pic like that but forgot. But let’s say the photo is real, it’s hardly an image of victory, is it?

9 years ago

I’m in agreement that this is a real picture. Taken using a potato, it seems, but real nonetheless.

9 years ago

Here’s that Ukrainian clip. Everyone please stop what you’re doing and watch this. It’s a full 34 minutes of angry Ukrainians taking it out on Rooshy boy. Between that, and his tour of Canada, I think he’s pretty much fucked either way.

As a bonus, at the end there’s a “Nazi” who beats up sex tourists shaming an old Italian guy who was trying to buy sex in a night club. I don’t think the guy’s a Nazi so much as a pissed off local who’s sick of sex tourists.

9 years ago

That photo above is definitely photoshopped. The guys in the audience are not hiding their faces. They’re listening to a speech by a person who’s outside the frame.

9 years ago

Roosh has plenty of buddies or followers who could’ve ‘shopped it for him. LIke the guy who took the fake photo. What is weird is that none of the attendees are looking toward Roosh. Are they watching a video or guest speaker? Something is captivating their attention up front so that not even one is glancing back.
In his victory speech video, the sound track seems like a “laugh track” as well.

Either way, even if 34 guys attended, the whole affair is wretched and depressing (for his followers and for Roosh).

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

What in the hell is “outrage porn?!” Is it the same as “cultural Marxism?” Do they just make up shit in order to sound smart?

Yes, A.A., they do.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

It definitely looks shopped to me. The guy in the black shirt and white cap has the same shoulder length as Roosh, who I’m sure isn’t that small nor is that guy that big.

There’s also evidence of a flash used on the newspaper, so that would mean the metal on the chair by his leg would look brighter do to the flash but it seems consistent with chair shine on all other chairs that wouldn’t be in the range of the flash.

The background picture is also taken at an angle, which you can see with the smaller chair by his leg. That chair wouldn’t be so low in the frame the way Roosh is standing unless he’s somehow leaning back.

I might be wrong but damn if it doesn’t look shopped to me.

9 years ago

If you’re looking for a douche, vote Roosh!

9 years ago

If Roosh is taking a photo of attendees for his conference, why is he at the back of the room with no one looking his way? Did he just get his picture taken at some random small conference?

9 years ago

All these people who say they attend these conferences all say the same thing- great time, buzzing with new ideas, showed those sjw’s a thing or two. But none of them ever actually talk about any of those ideas. Or describe how their worldview changed. No one actually brings up anything that might actually describe what went on there. Roosh and his troll army are full of shit.

9 years ago

I don’t know much about photoshop, but that is one wretched space he’s standing in, aren’t those holes in the polystyrene ceiling? And he seems to be elbowing the guy sitting behind him in the head?

I’ve seen the clip from Ukrainian tv. I don’t like the way the mean girls in the front row start openly slut shaming the blonde girl who claimed to have rejected Roosh’s advances.

I hope that petition on to get amazon to stop listing his books works, the only way this guy will recognize defeat is if it hits him financially. I imagine his coffers are fairly empty after all the resources he put into this leg of his world tour.

9 years ago

Sunnysombrera, thank you for sharing the R&B song. I may share that with my teenage son.

9 years ago

So the Roosh forum has very openly talked about spreading misinformation to confuse the SJWs, but now they want everyone to believe a blurry photo as proof? They deliberately destroyed their own credibility, why should anyone believe anything they say?