
Almost universally despised pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh — you may know him from such hashtags as #RooshIsARapist and #RooshVOut — is declaring victory after apparently giving a talk in Toronto to a couple of dozen guys who are too embarrassed or cowardly to show their faces in public.
Yesterday, Roosh posted the picture above to his Twitter, complete with a newspaper to prove the date, black censor squares over the faces of alleged attendees who evidently don’t want anyone to know that they were part of Roosh’s great victory, and weird dark lines around his legs that make it look like he’s been pasted onto a random pic of some random dudes in a hotel conference room, but whatev, sometimes crappy pics are just crappy pics.
Assuming the pic is real, Roosh’s fans are apparently afraid that the dreaded #SJWs might do to them what Roosh and his pals have been energetically doing to any of Roosh’s enemies they have been able to identify. That is, doxxing and slandering them online. (Never mind that the only person with a public doxxiing operation here is Roosh.)
On Roosh’s forum, his anonymous fanboys celebrated Roosh’s alleged victory and their own alleged heroism. One poster, naming himself after an Ayn Rand hero, was so excited he couldn’t even type straight:
I was at the speech. I was at the Q&A. I was at the dinner. The feeling was electric all of us men, collectively, started to understand neomasculinity.. the what it feels like to be a neomasculinist. …
BRAVO Roosh, and congrats to my fellow brothers for such flawless execution of an exercise planned with military precision.
Another anonymous friend of Roosh offered his enthusiastic support:
Congratulations to everyone involved in the Battle of Montreal and Toronto.
This is a stunning victory for freedom of expression, and freedom of speech.
He went on to dis the dozens of people who actually showed up in public to protest Roosh’s speech. (You know, without black squares over their faces.)
These twisted individuals claim to be so collectively hurt, so vulnerable, and so down trodden…this latest protest was a perfect public demonstration of their collective mental illness, and their attempts to destroy any trace of strong masculinity left in the culture.
When you speak to them (especially the men), you realize how their spirit has been completely broken and warped by modern culture, outrage porn, and digital technology addiction. I found the men within this group far more pathetic than the females, which was amazing. I truly believe that the men present did not understand what they were protesting, but attempting to solicit attention for their own narcissistic goals.
I was honestly expecting them to begin burning a copy of George Orwell’s “1984,” and talk about how some “freedom of speech” shouldn’t be “free.” However, their protest was so feeble and limp wristed, it didn’t even have the energy of a four day old cup of coffee, sitting abandoned outside of a tim hortons rubbish bin.
Well, ok, Mr. Overextended Metaphor Man.
Another alleged attendee reported:
Words can’t really describe the feelings we all had following the lecture (my third, following Washington and New York and worth every penny). So many exceptional men and ideas were shared on Saturday and well into this morning. It was great to meet everyone in attendance and those who came out Friday night …
This is a testament to the discipline and drive of many strong willed, intelligent men who have learned game and who do not give up in the face of adversity.
“You went toe to toe with the universe, and you won,” added yet another guy who posts online under a pseudonym.
If by “won” he means “convinced hundreds of thousands of people in Canada and around the world what a creepy rapey asshole you are,” I guess Roosh did win.
Still another declared:
I think RooshV could be the next president in the next 10-15 years.
Uh, the president of what?
And if you can’t think of a country that might possibly want to have Roosh running it, I have some suggestions.
“I think RooshV could be the next president in the next 10-15 years.”
At last, something less plausible than President Kevin James in Pixels
Humans are very good at rationalizing just about any vile behavior.
Either that’s a ‘shop job or Roosh’s legs and the chair he’s supposedly standing in front of fell into a black hole and landed in Escher Land. My brain can’t tell if he’s too tall for the shot, too short for the shot, or just at completely the wrong angle.
Either way, I’m positive he pissed on that newspaper.
I noticed how he called men, well, men but called women “females” Seriously, i can’t stand that shit, people who use female in all cases when they talk about women. Why is that?
Also, try harder Roosh, you entire tour so far is a massive failure.
(And is that Tommy Wiseau on the left?)
I prefer to burn copies of ‘Fahrenheit 451’; I like to get meta.
Is it just me or does Roosh have a completely different lighting scheme than everyone around him? *tilts head* Looks so photoshopped, having my hubby take a look at it to, but I’m putting my money on the fake as fuck pile there. It just… doesn’t look right and looks like they tried to blur the edges around Dooshy there to make it seem better.
Have you considered using a Bic Biro? 😉
I personally prefer Celsius 232, much better book.
” I found the men within this group far more pathetic than the females, which was amazing.”
lol… wut?
Any attention is good attention, it seems. All free advertising, and it sure is unfortunate that everyone has it wrong with the information that’s out there. But really, as soon as we redefine rape and women learn their places and the stronger men bow out to let this unnoticed gem that has been hiding in his Polish fields shine…history will tell who the heroes were.
Blocked out faces, I guess. Good ol’ block men.
Also, Toronto is the worst place in North America. And no, not because of the talk that happened here. Roosh thinks it is the worst place on the continent for guys. I will kind of grant him the truth of #15 on his list of reasons why. …’too many men who looked like corpses. They had no color, no energy, and seemingly no will to live.’
I can see that with the photo. Excellent point with example.
@ Stace
I thought he preferred men like that.
Regarding this photoshop extravaganza, i find the way the light hits him to look a bit weird. It could very well be a camera flash but the way it only seem to hit him (the flash that is) with the light not spreading onto anything else, and the fact that the lights on the ceiling don’t seem to light him up, really makes it seem like this is a shop’
It’s been amazing to see the self-satisfied ego stroking on their forum.
Roosh was able to hold a meeting of a few dozen people (who had already paid and committed to go) in a major western city. This is roughly on the level of renting a hotel room in difficulty.
Unless the city was actually trying to arrest him (which it never was, the bar on that for speech is aggressively high), this is a trivial act. The fact he claims to have rented 6 or more venues, spent a huge amount of money, pretended to be islamic to contact mosques as locales, etc, is either another case of him scamming his own forum (like the Polish arrest thing) or a clear indication of his massive incompetence. (Seriously, I came up with about 3 ways he would be able to do it even IF there had been a coordinated attempt to find the location and shut it down.)
He needs this “epic battle” storyline to support his narrative about the grand struggle of oppressed masculinity he is fighting. And on one level, he got a better storyline than he’s ever had before. (He has paid for it by becoming a laughingstock and even the punchline of a few local stand ups now, but dignity isn’t something Roosh craves, from what I understand.)
At the party at Vol de Nuit last night (someone brought feminist victory donuts!), we were joking about how cowardly his followers are, with their constantly blacked out faces and anonymous tough guy acts. They know that they would be too embarrassed to look their friends and loved ones in the eye if it was known they were Rooshites. They really want to tell themselves they are the first Christians, hiding from the Evil Empire while preaching a revolutionary message, but of course they aren’t anything of the kind. Some are just pathetic losers who are likely to be mocked or pitied, and the angrier ones hopefully never go all the way to aggravated or sexual assault.
Anyway, he’s going to crow about this for a while. I almost hope this move to make him the face of the manosphere and redpill/neomasculinity culture worked, because he’s so odious it will actually cause rifts. Most MRAs are horrified to be associated with him, lots of other RedPillers think he is a detriment, and I don’t think much of the “dark enlightenment” crew like him, either. Raising his profile like this makes it much easier to point at these other groups and say, “Yeah, they are Roosh-like” which is, of course, damaging to their ability to be taken seriously.
– Bravo. Indeed, bravo.
It looks like something pulled out of the bottom of a little box…
The paper too
*Litter box
I really wish these cretinous slime would stop with the military analogies, it’s obvious that most never served. And it’s laughable watching them hide their identity.
Dear MRA’s, those of us who served did it with our identity visible for all to see on the uniform. Typically covering the face was a no-no as well (certain things like NBC and appalling dust aside).
You are cowards.
So much silly packed into one tiny sentence. First there’s the fact that he used men and females. Then his shock that he found the men to be worse than the women at something, anything, even something he doesn’t like such as being an “SJW.”
The arrogance of Rhoosh and his followers even as they’re complete failures at everything is just hilarious.
@ Dudeinthewoods
The shemagh has saved many from a ‘failure to shave’ charge.;-)
[Works better in Basra than Catterick Camp]
“Feminists are cowards, and refuse to face the truth!”
> Hide their faces and their names behind pseudonyms, icons, and black bars every chance they get.
So, 34 attendees at the last one, about two dozen here….
@Alan Robertshaw
Lol, true enough.
And like you say, depends on the place.
I’m wondering if any of the women in Roosh’s alleged encounters have ever shared their version of events. Because they might be true but thus shit seriously sounds like a form of “erotic” fiction designed to appeal to the worst and most pathetic men on the planet.
Whoops. Wrong post! Delete plz! Lol