alpha males antifeminism doubling down empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sexual assault sexual exploitation

Are Roosh V’s “Bang” books how-to guides for rape?

Roosh V explains the mechanics of sex
Roosh V explains the mechanics of sex

If the almost universally despised pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh is able to deliver his planned talk tomorrow at some as-yet-undisclosed venue in Toronto, he won’t just be talking about the unoriginal blend of warmed-over misogyny he perplexingly calls “neomasculinity.”

He will also be selling his infamous “Bang” books, a series of pickup guides aimed mostly at North American tourists hoping to score easy sex in an assortment of countries in Europe and South America. These guides seem to have been Roosh’s main source of income for the past several years.

So it is worth asking what exactly Roosh is selling here.

Most of the “Bang” books are country-specific guides offering Roosh’s, er, insights into each country’s nightlife, dating mores, and women. “The best way to describe a Ukrainian girl’s personality is that of a corpse,” he explains in Bang Ukraine. “They really don’t show any emotion, interest, or spark when you first approach them. They just stand still with their eyes darting around.”

Alongside Roosh’s recommendations on cities to visit, bars to prowl, and dating “logistics” (rent an apartment near the bars you intend to frequent so you can easily get “girls” back to your place before, you know, they change their minds), Roosh also provides case studies of his sexual, er, conquests of women in each country.

Judging from Roosh’s own descriptions of them, many of these alleged conquests might better be described as rapes.

Again and again in these stories, presented as true, Roosh literally won’t take no for an answer, pressuring reluctant and resistant women into giving him what he wants, in one case using outright physical force in order to continue intercourse with a woman who had changed her mind.

In many of these cases Roosh tells us or at least implies that the woman in question consented to sex, but it is worth asking what kind of “consent” is preceded by literally hours of struggle against a physically imposing man who refuses to believe that no means no. It’s also worth asking what the woman’s own account of the experience would look like.

Are Roosh’s Bang books essentially how-to guides to date rape? Read some of his stories and decide for yourself. [Trigger Warning for the quotes that follow.]

The most notorious passage in any of Roosh’s Bang books comes from Bang Iceland, in which Roosh describes sex with a drunk woman he ushered to his apartment after she was left behind by her friends at a bar.

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.

I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do.

Sex with women too drunk to consent is considered rape in Iceland as well as in the US.

Roosh continues:

If a girl is willing to walk home with me, she’s going to get the dick no matter how much she has drunk. …

I figure my dick was inside her about forty minutes after meeting her, likely my fastest bang ever. The sex was as good as drunken sex can get, but I did notice her pussy was drier than the Sahara desert.

Roosh’s sense of self-awareness is as underdeveloped as his conscience.

With another Icelandic woman, Roosh reports:

In the middle of the night I got another boner, put on a condom, and jammed it back in while she was half-asleep. I came and passed out again with the condom still on my dick….

Roosh’s accounts of his sexual escapades in Iceland are sadly rather typical for him. In Bang Poland, he makes clear that the word “no,” won’t stop him, no matter how many times it’s repeated.

We moved to my bed. I got her down to her bra and panties, but she kept saying, “No, no.” I was so turned on by her beauty and petite figure that I told myself she’s not walking out my door without getting fucked. At that moment I accepted the idea of getting locked up in a Polish prison to make it happen.

After more such “foreplay,” Roosh gets what he wants:

I put on a condom, lubed up, and finally got her consent to put it in. … I put her on her stomach and went deep, pounding her pussy like a pedophile. She took it like a champ even though I imagine it must have felt like being fucked by a telescope. My orgasm was from another world.

This is what passes for a happy ending in Roosh’s stories.

In 30 Bangs, a collection of Rooshian case studies, Roosh gives his excruciating account of “sex” with an anonymous Catholic girl a similarly “upbeat” ending:

After dinner we went upstairs and I eased her onto my king-size bed. It took four hours of foreplay and at least thirty repetitions of “No, Roosh, no” until she allowed my penis to enter her vagina. No means no—until it means yes.

The sex was painful for her. I was only the second guy she’d ever had sex with. … She whimpered like a wounded puppy dog the entire time, but I really wanted to have an orgasm, so I was “almost there” for about ten minutes. After sex she sobbed for a good while, talking about how she had sinned in the eyes of God, but in an hour she got horny again and we went at it once more.

In Bang Ukraine, Roosh describes how he used “some muscle” to hold a woman down after she changed her mind during sex.

I was fucking her from behind, getting to the end in the way I normally did, when all of a sudden she said, “Wait stop, I want to go back on top.” I refused and we argued. … She tried to squirm away while I was laying down my strokes so I had to use some muscle to prevent her from escaping. I was able to finish, but my orgasm was weak.

Afterwards I told her she was selfish and that she couldn’t call an audible so late in the game.

Again and again in these stories – and there are more of them — Roosh misleads, manipulates, cajoles, pressures and intimidates women until he gets what he wants. The women could not be clearer in their refusals, telling Roosh no and pushing him away. He doesn’t care.

To judge from his own accounts of his sexual exploits in the books he published himself, Roosh is a dangerous sexual predator who has been getting away with it for years. In his Bang books, he teaches young men that they can get away with it too.

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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Have a cat freaking out over a bath:

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Also, I did some related video watching with the owl video, and I found out that barn owls might be direct descendants of pterodactyls.

I heard some scary shrieking. Like horror-movie level NOPE kind.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

There’s a lot of talented arty folks on here. Any of you familiar with the works of Artemisia Gentileschi?

Here’s possibly her best known painting, ‘Judith slaying Holfernes’ that I merely mention à propos of nothing in particular.

There’s quite an interesting story behind it
comment image

9 years ago

To everyone who replied to my comment, thank you. Your words mean an awful lot. After my shower I had a good evening with my foster sister, drinking wine and laughing. I’m feeling loads better now.

@Johanna – I’m so very sorry that happened to you. I hope you’ve found peace and healing. I wish that the person who abused you had got far longer in prison. I also commend you for speaking out about it. Despite what MRAs say, there is still stigma around rape and sexual abuse. Speaking out about it shines a spotlight on rapists and makes it harder for them to find victims.

I’m proud that I’ve taught my sons about consent. It starts with making sure relatives don’t kiss them when they don’t want a kiss. That’s pissed off a few older relatives but I don’t give a single fuck. It’s continued with making sure they don’t touch anyone who is saying they don’t want to be touched. When they asked me about sex I made sure to include the fact that both people involved want to have sex and that if one person (no matter which gender) decides they don’t want sex, they can stop at any time. They are only young at the moment and don’t need to know that rape exists. But it fills me with pride when they say to a relative, “no, I don’t feel like kissing you today and if someone doesn’t want you to touch them then you shouldn’t touch them.” I hope that most children are being raised this way nowadays and that future generations will be safer.

9 years ago

This guy must have the worst sex, ever. It sounds more like a compulsion than a pleasure. I almost feel sorry for him that he doesn’t get to experience intimacy. Why are these types so proud of simply sticking their dicks in things? How could that possibility validate you as a person? ” I had to force a girl to have sex with me and she hated every moment of it. I must be a winner”.

9 years ago

Poor yowly Tigger, I know that sound well. My Sasquatch-kitty made it for the first (and to date, ONLY) time while I was shampooing the skunk spray out of her fur. She took a direct hit, probably while trying to play with Pepe Le Pew. Pew! Pew!! Pew!!!

9 years ago

Roosh’s twitter indicates that he lives part of the time in Poland.
They, or Canada could revoke his visa.

This Handle is a Test
This Handle is a Test
9 years ago

This is one of those ” What has been read can’t be unread” type things. I feel awful even knowing this (I knew he was a rapist but, damn that is a serial rapist). I feel terrible for the people who had that happen to them (both Roosh’s victims and others here) and wish I could do more that give sympathy.

Regarding Tucker Max vs. Roosh, apparently Max said a lot of non-complimentary things about PUA in general and the Red Pill because a brief google involved a *lot* of blogs ripping Max and stating that he “defamed” Roosh.

Wish I knew how to put in images because I found a really adorable one of a dog that might help the mood from reading these horrible things.

9 years ago


In regards to that picture – my thoughts exactly

9 years ago

@GhostBird – that sounds awful. I hate that you were in a place with no support. And you are a fierce badass for speaking out. I hope that guy one day has the self awareness to realise what he did to you and can’t look at himself in the mirror without remembering that day.

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

Am I out of place to ask that you not post violent images like that, artistic or no, right in the comments section? I understand why you brought up the painting and associated real-life context. But I would like to have to click on a link to view a scene of murder.


9 years ago

Ugh, I was just searching YouTube on an unrelated subject, and got Roosh V in my recommendations. Yuck! Blecch! NO!!!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Bina: Go to YouTube, click a button labeled “History” with an hourglass icon at the bottom of the page, and you can remove those videos that you watched that led to YouTube suggesting them.

(Or, you can try to click this and see if that works.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Hi Dawn

Yeah, sorry about that. A link would have been better.

[For future ref, anyone know how to link to an image so it doesn’t show up?]

Michael Lindsay
9 years ago

“The best way to describe a Ukrainian girl’s personality is that of a corpse,” he explains in Bang Ukraine. “They really don’t show any emotion, interest, or spark when you first approach them. They just stand still with their eyes darting around.”

Sane people recognize this as the reaction of a person of any nationality when unexpectedly confronted with an insufferable horny douchebag of the Roosh variety resulting in them thinking “who the fuck is this weirdo and where the hell is the nearest exit?”

9 years ago

My God, he’s like a real-life Glen Quagmire, only with fewer redeeming qualities.
My skin’s crawling so much I don’t think there can be a shower long enough to make it stop.

He fucking PUBLISHED these anecdotes, describing himself as behaving “like a pedophile”. And expected people to laud him for this and follow his example. What. The. Fuck??

I hope that piece of shit serial rapist tries to fuck a mound of fire ants. There can not be enough searing dick pain for this repulsive sack of evil inhuman garbage.


More brain bleach:
Look into the cute, guileless eyes of this puppy. Remember that there is good in the world.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw,

I’ve read about Artemisia Gentileschi, she was incredible.

9 years ago


So basically, roosh isn’t skilled at getting laid. He’s skilled at getting women to go somewhere with him alone and then he gets rejected, and then he rapes them. These are rejection stories.

This explains his statements about rape legalization. It’s his entire “game” strategy. Get women alone on private property, then she doesn’t get the choice.

9 years ago

See him coming **and** smell him.

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

Wow, this makes me feel so much better

9 years ago

To everyone who has experienced sexual abuse and had bad memories brought up by this shitstain, my heart goes out to you. I hope you are in safer places now, far away from the people who have or would try to hurt you.


I’m pretty sure wordpress won’t embed the image if you don’t put the link on its own line/parargraph. Let me test this theory:

9 years ago

Yup, just don’t hit enter before you paste the image link.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


You could always just wrap <a> tags around it; <a href=”link/goes/here/image.jpg”>Words</a>.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Without the linebreak, obviously. Damn WP.

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