antifeminism evil SJWs gullibility harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Roosh V prepares for Toronto by pretending to be Muslim, urging followers to have sex with feminists

How do you do, fellow Muslims?
How do you do, fellow Muslims?

Fresh off the Battle of Montreal, which the almost universally despised pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh insists on considering a grand victory, Roosh and his minions are preparing for what he is imaginatively calling The Battle of Toronto.

He’s starting at a bit of a disadvantage here, given that the mayor of the city has already made it clear Roosh isn’t welcome, and has been urging all possible venues for Roosh’s event to refuse him their services.

Naturally, as was the case in Montreal, Roosh insists on planning his super seekrit “operations” in full view of the public.

First up is what Roosh calls “Operation Fornication,” a three prong plan, announced yesterday, to “Identify” and “Infiltrate” his opponents, who at this point comprise virtually everyone who has ever heard of him, and then to, er, “Inseminate” them.

Roosh, trying his hand at humor, explains that:

The best way to gain the trust of a woman is to fuck her. Therefore I ask you take one for the team and seduce these feminists in order to gain access to their plans. It should be easy since they are constantly surrounded by limp-wristed manginas who provide them with no sexual attraction.

I understand that these women are universally repulsive, overweight, and often in late stages of the devastating Lindy West disease, but no one said spycraft would be easy. A commendation medal is in store for you if you gain intelligence through the fornication that saves the event. Just be sure to record the sex act because these girls are the most likely to falsely accuse you of rape.

Yeah, we saw what happened the last time Roosh tried the whole fornication thing, didn’t we?

Last night, Roosh announced an even sillier new plan that he is calling “Operation Caliphate.” In this plan he will pretend that his noxious ideas and behaviors stem from his Islamic beliefs.

Even though he doesn’t actually have any Islamic beliefs.

Even though he recently ran a post on his Return of Kings blog titled “Islamophobia Is Perfectly Natural” and another on dating Muslims in which the author declared that 

Islam presents a direct threat to a free, open, prosperous, and advancing human civilization with justice and equal rights for all.

Roosh’s new plan is so half-assed that he didn’t even bother to proofread his announcement:

The attacks against me is [sic] obviously Islamophobia. My traditional beliefs on women and family come from my father, who is Muslim (Shia branch). White Canadian feminists forget to check their privilege before attacking our masculine views which stem for [sic] the mighty Koran.

As you know I am a practicing Muslim man. The mosque is my sanctuary in which I strengthen my views on masculinity and patriarchy. The Prophet Muhammad and I stand together against SlutWalks, false rape accusations, obesity, and cat tattoos.

Oh, and that crappy photoshop of Roosh as a Muslim at the top of this post? I didn’t make it. Roosh did, declaring it to be “a recreation of how I look in traditional Muslim garb.”

He’s about as convincing as a Muslim as Vincent Adultman from the Netflix show Bojack Horsemen is at pretending to be, well, an adult man.

I have no idea what Roosh is even trying to do here. Either Roosh thinks feminists are even more gullible than the idiots who’ve paid $50 to see his little talks, or he’s drunk. I can’t tell.


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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Snuffy | August 13, 2015 at 11:52 pm
Really? You’re going to take Roosh’s words at face value even though we know that him pretending to be Muslim is all an act? You also make a lot of bullshit assumptions about his home life to fit into your anti-Muslim narrative. Non-Muslims are also capable of being misogynists, in fact quite a few are the white supremacists.

In other news, I have never felt so proud to be Canadian:

I make it a personal rule not to be rude to children, service staff, or people who are genuinely nice people (Not just nice to me or in front of me or around me). I find that this makes my life much happier.

I also don’t fuck with Canadians because I know how you all feel about your hockey. Last thing I need is to get body checked by a moose. Sorry I couldn’t resist.

the bitterest pill
the bitterest pill
9 years ago

I think we need to be careful here. Muslims need to be able to freely worship and it makes me uncomfortable that feminists could be seen to attacking Islam.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

I think he believes a large portion of the garbage he writes about but a lot of his trolling, “shock-jocky” posts are designed to boost his web traffic.
As Canada shows.. it’s working

Maybe it’ll provide him with a temporary spike in traffic, but I doubt this is a winning strategy for him.

Only 35 people showed up to hear him at his last talk, dude’s facing scorn wherever he goes, drawing small audiences, and losing money. As David points out, Roosh didn’t even bother to proofread this latest post. He’s going to put the best face on it he can, of course–and if he’s a clinical narcissist, he may even believe his own hype–but he’s a loser.

I smell desperation. Smells like unwashed ass.

9 years ago

@the bitterest pill,

no one here is seeking to attack muslims. We’re calling bullshit on Roosh’s shabby attempt to drum up more controversy.

His own web site espouses more islamophobia than you’ll ever see here. And you should’ve seen the shitty cartoon Roosh’s buddy Matt Forney put together after the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

9 years ago


And the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him!) never said a word about SlutWalks, rape accusations, obesity OR cat tattoos, so fuck that noise.

He would probably have squeed about cat tattoos, being a cat person.

9 years ago

I can’t stop laughing at this. When I read that Roosh made that terrible photoshop image I choked on my tea. I am still trying to get the caffeine out of my lungs.

And also, the notion that if you have sex with a woman she will suddenly trust you implicitly and tell you all her sooper seekrit thoughts and plans. Fair enough, we tend to trust people if we’re in a long term relationship with them, but after a one night stand? Nope, as soon as the sex is over I call a cab, I like my own bed, I like to sleep alone and I certainly don’t want to wake up next to a stranger. Plus, I’m not having sex with anyone who uses “game” as a strategy to get laid.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I think we need to be careful here. Muslims need to be able to freely worship and it makes me uncomfortable that feminists could be seen to attacking Islam.

Thanks for proving what we’d already assumed: That the only people stupid enough to believe Roosh is a Muslim are Roosh’s fans.

9 years ago

It’s always been obnoxious and inaccurate that MRAs have zeroed in on Lindy West as the epitome of “omg feminists are ugly and hate sex” claim. But it flummoxes me that they continue to trumpet this as she is literally being featured on news websites for, a) getting married (to a man!), strongly suggesting that sex (with a man!) is something she likes and engages in; and b) looking freaking fantastic in her wedding dress.

Seriously, there has never been a worse time to try and pull the, “lolol Lindy West” line. Seems like the general public thinks she’s pretty neat.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


And also, the notion that if you have sex with a woman she will suddenly trust you implicitly and tell you all her sooper sekrit thoughts and plans.

Exactly. We only reveal our classified plans to sexbots.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I thought sexbots were supposed to be the mortal enemies of women, being as they’re going to free beta men from their dominion? Evidently I need to read up on my red pill propaganda.

9 years ago

As a Canadian I can personally say that Toronto and Montreal are both GREAT cities. Are all these women that turn Roosh down actually “feminists?” It seems like any woman who knows he’s a loser (99.999% of the female population) is automatically a “feminist.” It seems like it’s the ultimate manosphere diss.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Sexbots are programmed to steal deep secrets from their meat owners and sell them to Google (according to that one MGTOW guy). So Roosh ought to be mobilizing troops of Chadtron® 3000 drones for Operation Fornication.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Sexbots are programmed to steal deep secrets from their meat owners and sell them to Google (according to that one MGTOW guy).

I didn’t even know Hitachis were wifi-enabled. Curse you, Google!

9 years ago

Mitchel – your point is correct. Roosh, like almost all Manospherians, attacks women (verbally AND physically), but calls it an attack on feminists – as if this somehow disguises the fact that they are misogynists. And there are many women who are not feminist (I only think of a woman as feminist if she self identifies as one) who would see through his BS in a heartbeat and give Roosh exactly what he deserves. They don’t accept any man is feminist, and call them manginas instead – further highlighting their misogyny.

9 years ago

@ Ellesar

Exactly. I don’t think all these women are automatically feminists. I showed a woman a pic of Matt Forney not too long ago, and like most women would, she burst of laughing. I don’t believe this woman actually classifies herself as a feminist. Roosh and those other bozo’s are just looking for an excuse. No one that’s good with women is that misogynistic!

I read a funny comment the other day about Roosh,

“Washington, D.C. is great if you like hot, educated women. Unfortunately for Roosh, these are the kind of women that want nothing to do with a loser like him.”

That comment literally made me laugh out loud.

9 years ago

Roosh, trying his hand at humor

Roosh’s hand is about all he should try this point with, well, anything. Until he learns what he is doing wrong, learns how to be a decent person, he should keep the fuck away from people.

Second, I can’t believe the trolololol quotient around today. Goodness, someone get several cans of Troll-B-Gone.

Give it up, trolls. We can see your game.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

Now, I’ll admit that I don’t know that much about Islam, but from what I understand, your typical muslim usually frowns on casual sex. As others have said, muslims pretty much abide by traditional, conservative social mores (not morays). For those unfamiliar, we have a Western analogue in conservative Christianity. That’s not to say that individual practitioners are perfect, because we’re all human. But the overarching morals in the Abrahamic religions tend towards the traditional (meaning, no one-night stands, no Bang books, no sex tourism, no sex before marriage). So, unless Roosh has converted, disavowed his promiscuity/rapy-ness, and changed his lifestyle (which he hasn’t), he’s not a practicing muslim. He’s just rebranding himself/trolling/lying.

Plus, I also understand that traditional practicing muslims do not drink alcohol, and I think all the ritual washings do not include beer showers. And I don’t imagine he’s praying 5 times a day. Just saying…

And to all the trollish folks that come by to bring up the groups like ISIS and the like to talk about the horrors of “Islamic Patriarchy,” sure, that stuff is bad (understatement of the year). But fundamentalism of any stripe is scary. Don’t let the tiny minority that have twisted their religion represent the majority of people practicing religion who are just going about their lives.

9 years ago

I think we need to be careful here. Muslims need to be able to freely worship and it makes me uncomfortable that feminists could be seen to attacking Islam.

Don’t worry. Roosh is no more a Muslim in reality than I am. In fact, I bet I’ve read more of the Qur’an, even as an outsider, than he has.

He would probably have squeed about cat tattoos, being a cat person.

This is true…and it’s one of the things I find most endearing about him. He’d rather cut off a piece of his robe than disturb a sleeping kitty? Yeah, let’s see Roosh try to come close to that.

Seriously, there has never been a worse time to try and pull the, “lolol Lindy West” line. Seems like the general public thinks she’s pretty neat.

I know I do. And that “Lindy West disease” he keeps yattering on about? I believe that’s normally known as SELF-ESTEEM. He thinks it’s a “disease” because he believes no woman should have it, least of all a fat one with a working brain.

“Washington, D.C. is great if you like hot, educated women. Unfortunately for Roosh, these are the kind of women that want nothing to do with a loser like him.”

Which is why he slams them so hard (that Ukrainian talk-show segment from the other thread comes to mind). He figures any woman who wants nothing to do with him must be “ugly”, or at least that he must convince himself of that. Mmmmmm, sour grapes!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


I didn’t even know Hitachis were wifi-enabled. Curse you, Google!

There’s a reason they call them “hotspots”….

@Ellesar and Mitchel

Pretty much any woman who rejects them, or does something they don’t like, or has an independent thought, or doesn’t cater instantly to their every abusive whim, gets classified as a “feminist”. They think it’s this horrendous insult, and then apply it to practically every woman they come in contact with.

@ A.A. Wils

traditional, conservative social mores (not morays)

When the beer hits your wig
Like the mud on a pig
That’s a more….

9 years ago

Had To Be Said has quite the ironic name.

mola the ocean sunfish
mola the ocean sunfish
9 years ago


She’s awesome. Nobody deserves to be spoken of as misogynists do of Lindy, but you know what? In a way I’m so glad they chose her. She’s amazingly courageous and strong. Her success and happiness and elegance hit haters in the face like a water balloon filled with prosecco and expose them for the tools they are.

I want a Lindy West t-shirt.

9 years ago

the bitterest pill | August 14, 2015 at 2:36 am

I think we need to be careful here. Muslims need to be able to freely worship and it makes me uncomfortable that feminists could be seen to attacking Islam.

Feminism, as such, only ‘attacks’ misogyny and sexism. Like any other patriarchal system, Islam does contain elements of those things. So do Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism… Hell, even Buddhism (at least as practiced in Nepal) has distressingly sexist teachings (no woman can ever be the Buddha, because women are considered inherently beneath men in the reincarnation cycle–a woman would have to be reincarnated as a man, first).

The only doctrinal systems I’ve encountered that possess no such elements tend to be openly fake ones–I’ve yet to encounter inherently sexist teaching in Pastafarianism or modern Satanism. (And even this isn’t to say that individuals of either group cannot hold sexist beliefs; merely that they are not part of the official faux-dogma of either group.)

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

I’ve yet to encounter inherently sexist teaching in Pastafarianism […]

Well, some of the earlier versions included Heaven having a ‘stripper factory’ (along with a beer volcano). The general reading of that these days (for those who don’t just ignore that altogether) is that the ‘stripper’ will be whatever type of person you’re interested in, but there’s still a lot of unfortunate ‘thinks-he’s-clever-college-dudebro’ attitude in some of the more extended Pastafarian readings.

9 years ago

Roosh’ s frothing following have been trying to spam Montreal’s yelp pages to ruin the Café L’Artiste Affamé reputation. This is where Roosh’ s photo was posted from along, alerting others of his current location. Fortunately the yelp community has learned of this spamming and reacted to police the removal of these comments. I guess this is another of Roosh’ s grand wins in his version of the Battle of Montreal (BoM).

Yelp discuss the reputation spamming and community standards:

9 years ago

It’s possible he’s trying to establish a legal defence. While I don’t think it’s likely, he could be charged with hate crimes under the Canadian Criminal Code (sec. 518-520 I believe). Basically, hate speech is not protected in Canada with a few exceptions, one of those being if the speech in question arises from or is article of a sincerely held religious belief.