antifeminism evil SJWs gullibility harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Roosh V prepares for Toronto by pretending to be Muslim, urging followers to have sex with feminists

How do you do, fellow Muslims?
How do you do, fellow Muslims?

Fresh off the Battle of Montreal, which the almost universally despised pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh insists on considering a grand victory, Roosh and his minions are preparing for what he is imaginatively calling The Battle of Toronto.

He’s starting at a bit of a disadvantage here, given that the mayor of the city has already made it clear Roosh isn’t welcome, and has been urging all possible venues for Roosh’s event to refuse him their services.

Naturally, as was the case in Montreal, Roosh insists on planning his super seekrit “operations” in full view of the public.

First up is what Roosh calls “Operation Fornication,” a three prong plan, announced yesterday, to “Identify” and “Infiltrate” his opponents, who at this point comprise virtually everyone who has ever heard of him, and then to, er, “Inseminate” them.

Roosh, trying his hand at humor, explains that:

The best way to gain the trust of a woman is to fuck her. Therefore I ask you take one for the team and seduce these feminists in order to gain access to their plans. It should be easy since they are constantly surrounded by limp-wristed manginas who provide them with no sexual attraction.

I understand that these women are universally repulsive, overweight, and often in late stages of the devastating Lindy West disease, but no one said spycraft would be easy. A commendation medal is in store for you if you gain intelligence through the fornication that saves the event. Just be sure to record the sex act because these girls are the most likely to falsely accuse you of rape.

Yeah, we saw what happened the last time Roosh tried the whole fornication thing, didn’t we?

Last night, Roosh announced an even sillier new plan that he is calling “Operation Caliphate.” In this plan he will pretend that his noxious ideas and behaviors stem from his Islamic beliefs.

Even though he doesn’t actually have any Islamic beliefs.

Even though he recently ran a post on his Return of Kings blog titled “Islamophobia Is Perfectly Natural” and another on dating Muslims in which the author declared that 

Islam presents a direct threat to a free, open, prosperous, and advancing human civilization with justice and equal rights for all.

Roosh’s new plan is so half-assed that he didn’t even bother to proofread his announcement:

The attacks against me is [sic] obviously Islamophobia. My traditional beliefs on women and family come from my father, who is Muslim (Shia branch). White Canadian feminists forget to check their privilege before attacking our masculine views which stem for [sic] the mighty Koran.

As you know I am a practicing Muslim man. The mosque is my sanctuary in which I strengthen my views on masculinity and patriarchy. The Prophet Muhammad and I stand together against SlutWalks, false rape accusations, obesity, and cat tattoos.

Oh, and that crappy photoshop of Roosh as a Muslim at the top of this post? I didn’t make it. Roosh did, declaring it to be “a recreation of how I look in traditional Muslim garb.”

He’s about as convincing as a Muslim as Vincent Adultman from the Netflix show Bojack Horsemen is at pretending to be, well, an adult man.

I have no idea what Roosh is even trying to do here. Either Roosh thinks feminists are even more gullible than the idiots who’ve paid $50 to see his little talks, or he’s drunk. I can’t tell.


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Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

Oh, Had to Open His Mouth is back. Just go. Shoo. Leave. Let Aria show you my opinion on your word vomit.

9 years ago

Ah, whoops, “spycraft” is a synonym of “espionage” but it still doesn’t fit in this context. I thought spycraft was just the name for technology used in espionage e.g the SR-71 Blackbird.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Real spooks say ‘Tradecraft’.

9 years ago

Crap, you don’t have to kill us now that you’ve told us, do you, Alan?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

He, I think the only danger is my usual ramblings boring you to death 😉

9 years ago

“The Adventures of SN007, James Boor”

“A high-potency mixture of gin, vodka and a cordial wine, bartender, possibly vermouth, but anything vaguely European will do,” Boor said, making eye contact so forcefully that it became uncomfortable. “Use only name-brand alcohols – top shelf, of course, but nothing that the good people gathered here wouldn’t recognize. Prepare it in a precise, yet nonstandard manner, and make that preparation loud and obvious.”

Boor then stared at a young woman at the end of the bar. “I’ll have to see if she’s a spy, when I have the time later this evening,” he said aloud to himself (but actually to everyone within earshot).

9 years ago

Roosh is well on his way to making himself James Banned.

9 years ago

He doesn’t like cats???

9 years ago

You know, Roosh, despite what you seem to think, most feminists don’t dislike having sex. Well, I do, but I’m asexual, and a homophobe like you probably wouldn’t have sex with me anyways… like that’s supposed to make me feel bad or something XD

Where was I? Oh yeah! Feminists don’t necessarily hate sex, they just don’t want to have sex with *you* specifically, because you’re a creepy, petty, self-centered scumbag, whether you can see it or not.

Do you understand, Roosh? No? Well, sucks to be you then, I guess.

9 years ago

So, he wants his minions to “take one for the team”, but has never been willing to do this even before his face became known across the lands as being attached to a sexist, rapist, and unwashed asshole. Literally.

If I were one of his minions, I’d want to know why my (cough) esteemed (cough) leader (rolls eyes) had gotten to such an advanced age without undertaking the sort of action he’s now foisting upon them. And why it is that all this time he’s been allowing the system to screw (in their perception) things up for the younger generation.

But if I were one of his minions I’d probably take myself out to the woodshed and fatally shoot myself before it got any worse.

9 years ago

The best way to gain the trust of a woman is to fuck her.

Why no, it’s not. The best way to gain the trust of a woman is to BE FUCKING TRUSTWORTHY, Roosh, you stupid yutz.

And part of that, of course, is NOT fucking her unless she gives enthusiastic consent. Which, as one may surmise, pretty much rules Roosh out.

I understand that these women are universally repulsive, overweight, and often in late stages of the devastating Lindy West disease, but no one said spycraft would be easy.

Well, no. Especially not if they can smell the Axe (and unwiped asses, in Roosh’s case) and spot the trilbies (and in Roosh’s case, bad wigs) from a city block away.

Just be sure to record the sex act because these girls are the most likely to falsely accuse you of rape.

This, of course, ASSumes that these losers can even get laid. And if they can, what do they need Roosh for?

Also, that “false” accusation of rape? Is in fact true, since the guys are using deception to get sex. And if that video were presented in a court of law, it would incriminate them, not exculpate them. Especially if it were recorded without the woman’s permission!

The attacks against me is [sic] obviously Islamophobia. My traditional beliefs on women and family come from my father, who is Muslim (Shia branch). White Canadian feminists forget to check their privilege before attacking our masculine views which stem for [sic] the mighty Koran.

HAHAHAHAHA. Oh Rooshie, how sadly you do fail. Actually, it may surprise you that there are lots of Muslim feminists, and these same use the Qur’an to bolster their feminist assertions. Some of them are even from Iran!

Those said “masculine views” are more likely drawn from the Hadith, which is NOT the Qur’an, and whose origins are very likely apocryphal. Either that, or they stem from tribalism. Either way, the idea that you should be able to rape a woman on private property is most immoral, and thus un-Islamic. You really need to read something besides pickup manuals, dude.

Oh, and check your shithead privilege, too. Preferably next to an open shampoo bottle.

As you know I am a practicing Muslim man. The mosque is my sanctuary in which I strengthen my views on masculinity and patriarchy. The Prophet Muhammad and I stand together against SlutWalks, false rape accusations, obesity, and cat tattoos.

I call bullshit. It’s pretty obvious that Roosh, who has previously gone on record as dissing Islam, has never set foot in a mosque in his life, or he wouldn’t be a PUA. And the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him!) never said a word about SlutWalks, rape accusations, obesity OR cat tattoos, so fuck that noise.

I hope plenty of Muslims also turn out to protest him. That would look good…

9 years ago

If we’re going by population size, then “traditional Muslim garb” is largely Indonesian. Largest Muslim population in the world (fourth most populous country in the world), and Islam spread to the country in the 13th century.

berdache from a previous life

Can’t get over the photoshop that Roosh made, When I saw it, I assumed David had made it to satirize Roosh’s position on something. Apparently, Roosh decided to satirize himself.

I swear that the “hat” looks more like a cake than a hat. Maybe the middle tier of a wedding cake.

If he’s a “practicing Muslim man”, wouldn’t he have the clothes with him? Like to have someone ask him about the pillars of Islam, doubt he could even tell you how many there are, much less what they are.

Also like to observe him in prayer on occasion, say 5 times a day.

9 years ago
epitome of incomprehensibility

This is also bad from a tactical perspective. Now he’s just creating a wider net of people with just cause to criticize him.

9 years ago

I read through some of the comments. No… it’s not for real.
He’s trolling and full of sht.
If he was observing he wouldn’t have written his Bang guides or lived as he has and does.. as an infidel and degenerate.
Roosh has devolved from being a PUA selling related products and as that business has dried up, to being a proponent of “Neomasculinity”. Why? If you carefully read how he defines it, he’s working to monetize his extremist right wing fan base. It wasn’t always like this but Roosh saw who his customers and hat the “metrics” are…. So he has create Neomasculinity products like his tour and the ROK site for $ reasons. Roosh seems narcissistic or sociopathic. I think he believes a large portion of the garbage he writes about but a lot of his trolling, “shock-jocky” posts are designed to boost his web traffic.
As Canada shows.. it’s working.

epitome of incomprehensibility

(…ninja’d by Bina two posts above. Yes, I hope Muslims, including feminist Muslims, do join the protests.)

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants | August 13, 2015 at 3:06 pm
So, as a devout Muslim, Roosh will be staying out of bars…?

@HadToBeSaid: Get the fuck out of here with your “Western patriarchy is technically better because benevolent sexism and men have (reluctantly) allowed women some freedoms and rights!” Oppression Olympics bullshit.

You can pack that up with your rape apologia and the Defense O’ Rapist you smeared all over the other Roosh thread, and fuck right off.

9 years ago

I wonder if Roosh will eventually reveal himself to be Andy Kaufman?

9 years ago


Why not just take his comments at face value. He’s clearly iranian and thus culturally muslim. He was probably mentally messed up by his dad if he’s devoted his life to being a full time MRA pro-rape creep. Most guys with good parental role models don’t just “fall into” being a professional sexist troll.

Really? You’re going to take Roosh’s words at face value even though we know that him pretending to be Muslim is all an act? You also make a lot of bullshit assumptions about his home life to fit into your anti-Muslim narrative. Non-Muslims are also capable of being misogynists, in fact quite a few are the white supremacists.

In other news, I have never felt so proud to be Canadian:

9 years ago

Hey Roosh, Canada is only dangerous if you don’t mind your fucking manners. And if you insist on mooning a bear, don’t be surprised if it takes a chunk out of your unwashed ass.

9 years ago

Bina, I don’t even think bears could digest all of that, let alone take a bite out of it

9 years ago


Hey, now be fair. We should consider the possibility that the worst thing that has ever happened to Roosh is having beer thrown on him.

@Had To Be Said,

9 years ago

You Canadians may all rest on your maple leaves now: Making Roosh feel unwelcome and unsafe is an excellent accomplishment.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

We also burned down what turned into the White House once. But that was 200 years ago, so we were due a new trophy.