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Roosh V prepares for Toronto by pretending to be Muslim, urging followers to have sex with feminists

How do you do, fellow Muslims?
How do you do, fellow Muslims?

Fresh off the Battle of Montreal, which the almost universally despised pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh insists on considering a grand victory, Roosh and his minions are preparing for what he is imaginatively calling The Battle of Toronto.

He’s starting at a bit of a disadvantage here, given that the mayor of the city has already made it clear Roosh isn’t welcome, and has been urging all possible venues for Roosh’s event to refuse him their services.

Naturally, as was the case in Montreal, Roosh insists on planning his super seekrit “operations” in full view of the public.

First up is what Roosh calls “Operation Fornication,” a three prong plan, announced yesterday, to “Identify” and “Infiltrate” his opponents, who at this point comprise virtually everyone who has ever heard of him, and then to, er, “Inseminate” them.

Roosh, trying his hand at humor, explains that:

The best way to gain the trust of a woman is to fuck her. Therefore I ask you take one for the team and seduce these feminists in order to gain access to their plans. It should be easy since they are constantly surrounded by limp-wristed manginas who provide them with no sexual attraction.

I understand that these women are universally repulsive, overweight, and often in late stages of the devastating Lindy West disease, but no one said spycraft would be easy. A commendation medal is in store for you if you gain intelligence through the fornication that saves the event. Just be sure to record the sex act because these girls are the most likely to falsely accuse you of rape.

Yeah, we saw what happened the last time Roosh tried the whole fornication thing, didn’t we?

Last night, Roosh announced an even sillier new plan that he is calling “Operation Caliphate.” In this plan he will pretend that his noxious ideas and behaviors stem from his Islamic beliefs.

Even though he doesn’t actually have any Islamic beliefs.

Even though he recently ran a post on his Return of Kings blog titled “Islamophobia Is Perfectly Natural” and another on dating Muslims in which the author declared that 

Islam presents a direct threat to a free, open, prosperous, and advancing human civilization with justice and equal rights for all.

Roosh’s new plan is so half-assed that he didn’t even bother to proofread his announcement:

The attacks against me is [sic] obviously Islamophobia. My traditional beliefs on women and family come from my father, who is Muslim (Shia branch). White Canadian feminists forget to check their privilege before attacking our masculine views which stem for [sic] the mighty Koran.

As you know I am a practicing Muslim man. The mosque is my sanctuary in which I strengthen my views on masculinity and patriarchy. The Prophet Muhammad and I stand together against SlutWalks, false rape accusations, obesity, and cat tattoos.

Oh, and that crappy photoshop of Roosh as a Muslim at the top of this post? I didn’t make it. Roosh did, declaring it to be “a recreation of how I look in traditional Muslim garb.”

He’s about as convincing as a Muslim as Vincent Adultman from the Netflix show Bojack Horsemen is at pretending to be, well, an adult man.

I have no idea what Roosh is even trying to do here. Either Roosh thinks feminists are even more gullible than the idiots who’ve paid $50 to see his little talks, or he’s drunk. I can’t tell.


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9 years ago

About the sort of sexism one may encounter from Muslims by opposition to other groups, I’d say you’re a lot more likely to meet with benevolent sexism (guys who want to carry your bags even though you’re fine, or insist on giving up their seat even after you told them you’re just on the bus for two stops) which can be annoying but a far cry from Roosh’s slimy brand of misogyny. Traditional Muslims think there are set roles for men and women, but those roles involve responsabilities for themselves as well, not MRA-like wailing entitlement.

Additionally, there’s more to their religion than just gender roles, so it’s possible for one to adhere to the faith without making traditionalism their agenda, there are plenty other and better ways to approach faith. While MRAs ARE defined by their hostile, dysfunctional relation to women, and have about nothing else to show.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


Well said. That was wonderful.

9 years ago

You know what Islam *does* have? Extremely rigorous requirements for bathing and personal grooming. So Doosh isn’t even being a good practicing Muslim in that sense. Spain used to persecute the Moors by making bathing illegal.

Also, anyone else get the feeling that his dad would be furious about this?

9 years ago

The attacks against me is [sic] obviously Islamophobia. My traditional beliefs on women and family come from my father, who is Muslim (Shia branch). White Canadian feminists forget to check their privilege before attacking our masculine views which stem for [sic] the mighty Koran.

Oh, yes, this is why no one ever tries to advance educational opportunities for women in Middle Eastern countries where those are lacking, and this is why we all supported the Taliban for shooting Malala Yousafzai. Oh wait…

9 years ago

When Roosh inevitably gets tired of this shtick, will that make him an apostate? I don’t like the dude, but he should tread carefully.

9 years ago

I’m no expert on Islam, but I would have thought the “pump and dump” strategy would violate some rule or other.

Maxime Geronzi
Maxime Geronzi
9 years ago

Why not just take his comments at face value. He’s clearly iranian and thus culturally muslim. He was probably mentally messed up by his dad if he’s devoted his life to being a full time MRA pro-rape creep. Most guys with good parental role models don’t just “fall into” being a professional sexist troll.

Also his viewpoint is unfortunately NOT that much different from the kind of stuff you hear young muslim males in western urban environments. Hang out with street kids in Paris and you basically have to deal with hearing them talk about how all women are whores every 10 minutes.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Well, today just has a shit pile of shit news, doesn’t it?


9 years ago

OK, this is becoming dangerous. Does this fool understand the Islamic concept of blasphemy? He’s posting pictures of himself in a mockery of “islamic dress” and suddenly claiming false allegiance to a religion he has never practiced. He is invoking the name of the prophet and doing so in an insincere tone intended purely for personal gain. And all that without any concept of what it means to be a Shia, of which “40% of Sunnis do not consider … to be proper Muslims” (the Economist: ).

Is he really, with amazing ignorance and stupidity, walking straight out there with a big target painted on his chest for all sorts of Islamic hate? This could very, very quickly end up very, very badly for him – this is no longer a joke.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Rosemary: Eh I’m pretty sure that most Muslims would be angry to begin with since he’s clearly not following any of the core tenets of the Koran.

9 years ago

“The best way to gain the trust of a woman is to fuck her. ”

I always thought it was the other way around! Silly me!

And, oh, man, I’d think Roosh would have an actual picture of himself in traditional clothes if he was so serious in his beliefs, but that’s just me.

On the other hand, after that bit about cat tattoos I can finally see why some people would think the things Roosh writes are satire. He is just too ridiculous.

9 years ago

Speaking of Malala Yousafzai, wasn’t it at RoK that she was being criticized for not being boner pleasing enough? Or was that some other site? It’s hard to keep track of which vile and shitty misogynist opinion came from which segment of the manosphere.

9 years ago

Is this really a plan, or is Roosh just posting bullshit on his forum out of some misguided attempt to confuse people? Anyway, if it is true, it comes back to what others have said about how “status quo warriors” try and and parrot back social justice language as some sort of ”gotcha!!” to try and make feminists look like hypocrites.

It is quite obviously trolling. He thinks the “SJW”s are stupid and knee jerk so this is a win-win. Some will think he is Muslim and refuse to attack a minority. Others will think he is and will picket mosques or otherwise make islamophobic comments. (Note he makes sure to say he is trying to schedule his talk in mosques and asks them not to picket those mosques.)

It’s just more random offensive bullshit.

He was seen at UdeM this morning, so it seems he isn’t in Toronto yet (although he could be arriving tonight.)

He’s claimed he has booked 6 venues already for Toronto, so no one can stop him. (Which, um… yes, we know. The mayor has made it clear while he would like venues to deny Roosh, free speech is the law of the land.) We can’t tell (due to his shitty writing) whether he has booked 6 in advance as possible decoys or has had to book 6 consecutively because they keep getting shut down.

He is proudly saying he lost money on this, and the extra venues are costing him a fortune. He seems to feel he will make it up with donations from his followers happy he is “sticking it to the feminists” and perhaps a surge of new followers and subscribers due to the publicity.

(Incidentally, there is a theory going around that he didn’t post the mascot police report because he was trying to fake a police report, but that the police gave him a fake report to shut him up and make him leave.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

So, as a devout Muslim, Roosh will be staying out of bars…?

9 years ago

Er… Aren’t we talking about the very man who tried fruitlessly to appeal to the white supremacist crowd. You know, the guys who aren’t very kind on anything that isn’t a white straight cis christian racist man?
DId he forgot we have all kinds of proofs on that? I keep seeing him as those people living in their own world and thinking their are more intelligent than the masses despite having no grasp at all of reality.

9 years ago


it was Billy Chubbs who wrote about Malala on RoK, he was criticizing her for leaving her home country just because people were going to kill her if she stayed. Of course he wrote this from behind his pseudonym living in a country where no one is going to kill him. Though if his true identity is ever learned someone might throw beer at him.

9 years ago

I remember that strategy being used by the notyourshield hashtag.

Had To Be Said
Had To Be Said
9 years ago

“I’m not saying that Western patriarchy is ‘better’.”

It is, though. A system in which a woman has full status as a citizen and can seek meaningful justice is categorically better than a system in which this is not the case. That first system is unlikely to be perfect, but it is categorically better.

It is this skittishness to criticize Islamic fundamentalism (which is synonymous with “law” in some countries) that Roosh is seeking to exploit.

(It won’t work, though, because he’s improvising this out of thin air, and he’s not actually Muslim, and no practicing Muslim could live his lifestyle, and he’s Roosh.)

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
9 years ago

Is there such thing as “Traditional Muslim garb”, or does it vary largely by region, sect, etc? I know Muslim women wear the burqua, niquab, hijab or chador depending on their cultural background, particular beliefs, practicality, etc…

Either way, I can’t believe he expects anyone to take his word for it, especially on seeing that fucking lazy photoshop. He’s sure as shit not aiming for credibility here, so what point is he trying to goad us into making?

He can’t be this much of a fucking idiot in all sincerity, can he??

9 years ago

Running list of things HTBS has defended:

-Western patriarchy

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Is there such thing as “Traditional Muslim garb”,

From an (admittedly unscientific) study of my Turkish mates it appears to be leggings, black puffa jackets and dangly earrings.

9 years ago

I was thinking something similar, AltoFronto.

He certainly seems to deal so exclusively in stereotypes that I wonder how much of what he sees is real. Like, he made a point of mentioning that the “attractive” woman who threw beer on him was “23”; I couldn’t tell you one way or the other from the video how old she was, but it did make me wonder if Roosh assumes every woman he’s attracted to is in her early 20s.

His behavior makes a lot more sense to me if he’s awash in his own miniature echo chamber, where he frames reality to match his preconceived notions, then uses that framing as evidence to support his existing ideology.

9 years ago

He can’t be this much of a fucking idiot in all sincerity, can he??

I’m gonna go with Yes, since he sincerely believes that getting men who can’t get laid (hence why they’re his minions) to try and sleep with the enemy using tactics that will fail miserably will cause the enemy to release soopa seekrit information about the Feminist Plot to Ruin His Fun.

Also, in this context the word is “espionage” not “spycraft”, Roosh you fucking idiot, unless you’re going to get sexbots to do the job.

9 years ago

Lindy West is gorgeous. Don’t know why Roosh always brings her up as an example of ugliness. Just shows how juvenile he is.