Fresh off the Battle of Montreal, which the almost universally despised pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh insists on considering a grand victory, Roosh and his minions are preparing for what he is imaginatively calling The Battle of Toronto.
He’s starting at a bit of a disadvantage here, given that the mayor of the city has already made it clear Roosh isn’t welcome, and has been urging all possible venues for Roosh’s event to refuse him their services.
Naturally, as was the case in Montreal, Roosh insists on planning his super seekrit “operations” in full view of the public.
First up is what Roosh calls “Operation Fornication,” a three prong plan, announced yesterday, to “Identify” and “Infiltrate” his opponents, who at this point comprise virtually everyone who has ever heard of him, and then to, er, “Inseminate” them.
Roosh, trying his hand at humor, explains that:
The best way to gain the trust of a woman is to fuck her. Therefore I ask you take one for the team and seduce these feminists in order to gain access to their plans. It should be easy since they are constantly surrounded by limp-wristed manginas who provide them with no sexual attraction.
I understand that these women are universally repulsive, overweight, and often in late stages of the devastating Lindy West disease, but no one said spycraft would be easy. A commendation medal is in store for you if you gain intelligence through the fornication that saves the event. Just be sure to record the sex act because these girls are the most likely to falsely accuse you of rape.
Yeah, we saw what happened the last time Roosh tried the whole fornication thing, didn’t we?
Last night, Roosh announced an even sillier new plan that he is calling “Operation Caliphate.” In this plan he will pretend that his noxious ideas and behaviors stem from his Islamic beliefs.
Even though he doesn’t actually have any Islamic beliefs.
Even though he recently ran a post on his Return of Kings blog titled “Islamophobia Is Perfectly Natural” and another on dating Muslims in which the author declared that
Islam presents a direct threat to a free, open, prosperous, and advancing human civilization with justice and equal rights for all.
Roosh’s new plan is so half-assed that he didn’t even bother to proofread his announcement:
The attacks against me is [sic] obviously Islamophobia. My traditional beliefs on women and family come from my father, who is Muslim (Shia branch). White Canadian feminists forget to check their privilege before attacking our masculine views which stem for [sic] the mighty Koran.
As you know I am a practicing Muslim man. The mosque is my sanctuary in which I strengthen my views on masculinity and patriarchy. The Prophet Muhammad and I stand together against SlutWalks, false rape accusations, obesity, and cat tattoos.
Oh, and that crappy photoshop of Roosh as a Muslim at the top of this post? I didn’t make it. Roosh did, declaring it to be “a recreation of how I look in traditional Muslim garb.”
He’s about as convincing as a Muslim as Vincent Adultman from the Netflix show Bojack Horsemen is at pretending to be, well, an adult man.
I have no idea what Roosh is even trying to do here. Either Roosh thinks feminists are even more gullible than the idiots who’ve paid $50 to see his little talks, or he’s drunk. I can’t tell.
“As you know I am a practicing Muslim man.”
Wait, what? Is that true? Was this common knowledge?
There was speculation on some manurespherian sites that the feminist opposition to Roosh stems from Islamophobia (seriously*), so perhaps he’s trying to stoke these allegations and make it seem that, indeed, feminists oppose Roosh because they are bigots.
And, who knows, maybe he even believes it himself now. His grasp of reality is extremely tenuous. It is always what he wants it to be at the moment.
*I’m continually amazed by these dudes’ misunderstanding of feminism.
Montreal is rather a polite city. Toronto not so. With luck, someone will educate this freak on his limitations.
Three prongs? I doubt even his single prong has much to recommend it.
Needless to say, his hijacking of Islam will be deeply offensive to many unaware of his sexist, misogynist, quasi-rapist gibberings.
This reminds me of way back, when Scientology got mad at the St. Pete Times for reporting on something (Lisa McPhearson, or maybe the trial of LRH’s wife, I forget), and they decided to protest by dressing like Nazis and picketing the Times headquarters. The resulting pictures did not send the message the Scientologists intended.
That moment when travelling as a Muslim is safer than travelling as a rapist.
Thanks internet. 🙂
Valizadeh, seeing that nobody buys his claim that being beered in the face by a woman constitutes assault, has decided to piss off another large segment of the world’s population. One can only assume that he’s trying to provoke someone into doing something tragic.
Is this really a plan, or is Roosh just posting bullshit on his forum out of some misguided attempt to confuse people? Anyway, if it is true, it comes back to what others have said about how “status quo warriors” try and and parrot back social justice language as some sort of ”gotcha!!” to try and make feminists look like hypocrites.
Valizadeh is largely and Iranian name, so practicing or not, it is reasonable that he is from a Muslim family, and would likely be assumed to be Muslim by anyone who knew his last name and anything about Iran.
(Testing to see if WP ate my post.)
If he’s drunk, he’s not a very observant Muslim, is he?…
“I’ve spent most of my life cultivating an image as a loathesome prick, going so far as to purposefully incorporate being a loathesome prick into my ideology(buy my book!) but people must hate me because of the religion I don’t actually follow.”
Okay, it won’t let me post all of Doosh’s quote, so I’ll just post the relevant bit.
Poe’s Law is crying in the corner.
Wait, if he’s charging $50 a head for his talks, and he’s only bringing in about ~35 guests for the talks, then how is he able to afford to rent the venues and pay for travel and lodging? I suppose he could be couch surfing, but even so this can’t be a profitable venture for him.
I don’t think even the Roosh Daisy here is stupid enough to think feminists would fall for his fake Muslim thing, but he does know that his marks, er I mean fans are stupid enough to go around screaming at women on the internet that he’s a proud, traditional muslim who’s being discriminated against.
I was twice married to Muslim men. The first was completely inoffensive– he simply had to go back home. The second thought he was bigger than Dallas, but public indecency was no part of his problem. Of all their associates, only Saudis had the reputation of acting like Roosh, and they were avoided by serious people.
This is what passes for comedy in Roosh land. It’s lame, but his followers will lap it up.
Yeah Canada is not a very friendly-to-Muslims country. If he does this, it will just make things worse for Canadian Muslims
As far as I know (aside from IS maybe) Muslims don`t propagate rape.In texts by muslimas (feminists) about patriarchal society Islam appears as the better patriarchy compared to the western world, because in addition to (the worldwide not uncommon patriarchal patterns) respect for women is taught (unlike the often degrading attitude towards women in western society regardless of dress or behaviour). So Roosh`s “operation fornication” might come across as slightly Islamophobic..
Does this guy have a job? How does he fund all of this?
I *really* cannot picture any practicing muslims that would be ok with Rooshy’s pathetic little lifestyle. He’s trying to gain sympathy by hitching his disgusting attitudes towards women with a religion. It says a heckuva lot more about what Rooshy thinks of Islam than it says about Islam. Just wait until the Muslim community gets a whiff of this stinking pile.
This is… more than a little rose-tinted view of the Islamic world. Most Islamic nations have rather atrocious attitudes towards women, and their take on rape… Well, as an easy example, Saudi Arabia requires there to be two witnesses to a rape to even say it was a rape. A woman who is raped while in the company of only one or two men is considered an adultress, and subject to imprisonment and flogging. It’s not uncommon for a woman to be raped and be arrested while her assailant goes free.
I’m not saying that Western patriarchy is ‘better’. Rather, it’s comparing two different patriarchal cultures, and part of patriarchy is that you blame victims of rape for their assaults. Indian and Japanese patriarchy are different from American and European patriarchy, as well, but they also suffer the same conceit.
None of the above, by the way, should be taken as saying that Roosh is not indulging in blatant Islamophobia and racism when he pulls this shit.
I love how Roosh not only can’t take an actual picture of himself in “traditional Muslim garb” (because as far as I know, it’s not against Muslim religious practices to do so), and has to resort to a “recreation”, but he thinks that claiming that he’s Muslim makes him immune to all criticism, or else we’re “Islamophobic”.
People are capable of belonging to oppressed groups and still being raging jackasses, so it doesn’t matter if Roosh is “Muslim” or not. Still being a rape-supporting asshole, still gonna get called out for it.
Sad thing is, when I checked the comments under a Yahoo ‘news’ article on Roosh’s recent beer shampoo, there were loads of islamophobic comments, but only an islamophobe, and a deeply ignorant one at that, would buy that Roosh is a muslim.
The comments about Roosh coming from the mainstream audience is pretty vile, from the kind of people who would get banned here in five seconds flat. When he tries to go mainstream he gets the same treatment women get on the RoK forum. It’s poetic justice, kind of. Pretty unpleasant all round though 🙁
@Scott Hamilton
I don’t know about St Petersburg Times, but a similar incident by Co$ targeted the Clearwater Sun:
This was a response to an editorial urging local businesses to avoid dealings with Co$.
Thanks for the reminder. For some reason this is missing from my Chanology files.
So tempted to call some of my girlfriends in Tornto, but I would almost feel sorry for the verbal ass whopping he’d get. Almost. That and I don’t want to subject them to someone like that. He seems to be lacking in both the brains and the logic department, but that’s nothing new. xD