grandiosity memes PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Celebrate Roosh V’s “Historic Victory” in Montreal with these lovely memes

Meme courtesy of Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Meme courtesy of Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Pickup artist and Men’s Rights (to Rape Women on Private Property) Activist Roosh Valizadeh has declared his recent talk in Montreal to have been a gigantic triumph for all mankind, emphasis on the “man.”

A victory for free speech. A victory for men. We will not apologize. We will not back down. Remember 8/8/15. Remember the Battle of Montreal.

He continued the celebration on Twitter.

In a post on Return of Kings, some random doofus who calls himself Quintus Curtius has gone a step further, describing Roosh’s noble struggle to find a place that would let him give a talk to 34 dudes as “the most significant free speech battle in North America in decades, probably since the 1960s,” and suggesting that “the seismic effects of this victory will continue to be felt for some time.”

There was one casualty in this war, however: The wig Roosh wore to a bar on Saturday night got lost in the commotion after some stupid lady poured beer on it.

I believe the only real way to celebrate a victory of this magnitude — and pay tribute to the fallen wig — is with memes. Anyone with me? Let’s make some memes.

Here’s my contribution. Post any you make, or any you find online, in the comments below.




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If you could find out where he was having the Toronto shindig, I think the best protest would be to have a bunch of women standing outside the place, pointing and laughing as the “men” walk in.

9 years ago

Is this “Wig-gate”? About ethics in beer pouring? Also, Futrelle’s wig meme looks a little like the opening bit to Herschell Gordon Lewis’ “The Gruesome Twosome”. Except with a 40oz instead of a knife!

9 years ago

Why does Operation Fornication focus exclusively on women? He knows the “opposition” includes men.

9 years ago

The funny thing is, he’s not even the point anymore. (He barely ever was.) The demonstration has morphed into a general one about rape culture and silence against violence on women and the such.

He was the catalyst, but other than the easy media narrative and the people who are responding to him and his followers’ harassment, I don’t even know if anyone cares.

He has to aggrandize the whole “Battle of Montreal” thing because basically it is only his own incompetence that made it even remotely likely the Montreal talk failed. He still thinks there were groups of people combing the city trying to find him and the location and block him from his speech. (The Omni hotel site leaked, a few people called to tell them what he was like and ask them to look at the web site, and the hotel pulled it. Then people kept an eye on the forum to see if they could figure out where he moved to. One lead had a few people sit across the way because the news crews showed up and that’s about it. There were never posses of people.)

There is virtually no way to prevent 35 people from having a meeting in a major city unless they are going to be arrested and that’s obviously not happening. The mayor doing the whole bit saying that there is no legal burden to, but decent people would not host his thing is about all anyone expects. This is Toronto, Rob Ford still has like 25% support, SOMEONE is going to host his event. No one cares.

9 years ago

I’m trying to imagine these creepers sidling up to every woman in Toronto that looks like a feminist to them (dyed hair, tattoos etc) and using cheesy negs before asking about Rhoosh. Yeah, that will work. s/

9 years ago

That, or they’ll send tweets with poor grammar to feminist to negotiate them.

9 years ago

Considering Roosh said Toronto is one of the worse places on earth to be a man because ALL THE FEMINISMS, I doubt ‘Operation Fornication’ will get off the ground. Shame. WWTH, I think the Tweets with poor grammar are far more likely.

Wring out your wigs and go forth, brave soldiers.

9 years ago

I thought Roosh’s definition of ‘feminist’ was an unattractive woman with dyed hair and facial piercings? Does this mean the rooshlings will be hitting on specifically on women they aren’t attracted to? I can’t see this plot getting very far off the ground.

9 years ago

I just noticed that my autocorrect changed neg to negotiate.

9 years ago

My autocorrect tends to change “negging” to “nagging.” Which is a perfect summary of their pickup tactics (apart from rape).

9 years ago

Oh hey, someone else got a little too handy and had their ass handed back to them.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Oh hey, someone else got a little too handy and had their ass handed back to them.,800×800,075,f.jpg

9 years ago

Vulvatron is the best name ever.

9 years ago

Her name is Vulvatron and she used to be a pro wrestler.

He’s lucky he still has all his bits.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

LOL @ some guy assaulting Vulvatron! He deserves bonus stupid points for that.

9 years ago

Why does Operation Fornication focus exclusively on women? He knows the “opposition” includes men.

He’s afraid of the homo-sex-you-alls, don’tcha know? He’s afraid (as if HE had any reason to be) that a gay guy will treat him the way he treats women. That’s why women and gay guys aren’t allowed on his oh-so-Freeze-Peachy blogette.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

He’s afraid (as if HE had any reason to be) that a gay guy will treat him the way he treats women.

That is the single truest thing said in a while.

9 years ago

I got to say that is one beautiful meme. The beer looks so sparkly! ????

‘Operation Fornication’?!?! Eww!

9 years ago

I read that another woman threw her drink in the face of a man using PUA tactics- this man ended up breaking her nose. She fought him and he went away in an ambulance in the end, but this is exactly why we need our government to stand up against hate speech- we are not all Vulvatron- if we are being harassed and sexually touched we can’t all go pro wrestler on people. This is not quietly going away, these incidents are escalating. The man who assaulted Vulvatron came back with six dudes. This woman might have ended up with a broken nose. Canada needs to put a stop to this, and plugging our ears and waiting for it to go away is just getting people hurt.
Of course the PUA response is ‘well, she just should have stayed there and let him ‘hit on you’. Um, no- you are violating her space, the tactics you use are offensive and unsafe, and you are dangerous. The answer to your harassment is not to endure it until it goes away or you get raped, the answer is you stop harassing women. And if you can’t comprehend then the police should step in.

Luzbelitx - from my phone
Luzbelitx - from my phone
9 years ago

I just read this and thought it was something the MRM would love to hate (so much proof of misandry in there)

So I’m sharing:

9 years ago

This is not quietly going away, these incidents are escalating. The man who assaulted Vulvatron came back with six dudes. This woman might have ended up with a broken nose. Canada needs to put a stop to this, and plugging our ears and waiting for it to go away is just getting people hurt.

Amen. We’ve been putting up with men’s shit forever. Time for the shit to stop flowing.

And holy shit, six dudes. WTF, idiot son of an asshole? Did he think the odds of her accepting his gropings would increase if he brought his buddies?

9 years ago

And the Vulvatron thing happened here in Montreal as well.

Yeah, the woman who threw a drink on RooshV had backup, and she knew she had backup. That woman who got beat up didn’t. And watch Roosh and his posse’s reaction when it goes down. Some of them look perfectly ready to throw down if there weren’t other people there. His forum has more than one person who said they know Roosh did the right thing for PR purposes, but they would have taken the shot.

That is part of the plan, they work to make resisting a risk, so that people won’t resist.

9 years ago

Roosh V’s current claim is that he’s spreading some sort of masculine instructions to poor saps in Canada or wherever.
Retort? Demasculination.
I’m sure that many waitresses, baristas, bartenders, etc. have a spare birth control pill they can add to Roosh’s scotch, latte, or breakfast.
Xenestrogens will work wonders.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

I’m still so confused about the wig. Was it supposed to be a disguise? Does he think chicks dig a guy wearing a long wig? Were the bodyguards hired to protect the wig? Will the wig soon have its own blog and Instagram, chronicling its wiggy adventures?

9 years ago

Knowing Roosh’s hygiene, I’d be concerned about earwigs.