grandiosity memes PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Celebrate Roosh V’s “Historic Victory” in Montreal with these lovely memes

Meme courtesy of Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Meme courtesy of Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Pickup artist and Men’s Rights (to Rape Women on Private Property) Activist Roosh Valizadeh has declared his recent talk in Montreal to have been a gigantic triumph for all mankind, emphasis on the “man.”

A victory for free speech. A victory for men. We will not apologize. We will not back down. Remember 8/8/15. Remember the Battle of Montreal.

He continued the celebration on Twitter.

In a post on Return of Kings, some random doofus who calls himself Quintus Curtius has gone a step further, describing Roosh’s noble struggle to find a place that would let him give a talk to 34 dudes as “the most significant free speech battle in North America in decades, probably since the 1960s,” and suggesting that “the seismic effects of this victory will continue to be felt for some time.”

There was one casualty in this war, however: The wig Roosh wore to a bar on Saturday night got lost in the commotion after some stupid lady poured beer on it.

I believe the only real way to celebrate a victory of this magnitude — and pay tribute to the fallen wig — is with memes. Anyone with me? Let’s make some memes.

Here’s my contribution. Post any you make, or any you find online, in the comments below.




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Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Nop

Or wearing a wig.

berdache from a previous life

So, progress report on the competing Roosh petitions:
Anti Roosh, 43,500+
Pro Roosh 33

Change from 24 hours ago :

Anti Roosh + 1700
Pro Roosh + 1

As hateful as their posts are, the MRAs can’t even be bothered to sign an online petition. They’ll tell you it doesn’t matter, I think it shows a lack of real world effectiveness.


When I first heard talk of great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, I didn’t realize they were describing an actual person.

9 years ago

OK, just one more from me. My apologies if the picture is too big.

9 years ago

“A victory for free speech. A victory for men. We will not apologize. We will not back down. Remember 8/8/15. Remember the Battle of Montreal.”

“Women and homosexuals are strongly discouraged from commenting here”

Well, so much for Roosh being the great, courageous defender of Free Speech. XD

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Honor. Valor. Integrity.

(cue “Fanfare for the Common Man”)
comment image

9 years ago

So, progress report on the competing Roosh petitions:
Anti Roosh, 43,500+
Pro Roosh 33

Wow, that last number is almost as many as attended Roosh’s sooper-seekwit bunfest! What a funny coinkydink!

As hateful as their posts are, the MRAs can’t even be bothered to sign an online petition. They’ll tell you it doesn’t matter, I think it shows a lack of real world effectiveness.

Haven’t you heard? They think that the only REAL freeze-peach activism involves doxxing and defaming anyone who dares to speak out against them, in the hopes of scaring or shaming them back into silence! Such heroic masculism cannot possibly hope to accomplish shit with petitions!

9 years ago

I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this, but Toronto Mayor John Tory is calling for the cancellation of Roosh’s show on Saturday

Why bother if only 30-40 dudes show up for these things. Let the dingleberry get his 2k for his ridiculous talk, even if he’s couch surfing he still spending most of that money on airfare, transportation and food. It’s heartwarming how Roosh has struck a chord with almost no one, all this added publicity hasn’t paid off in ticket sales. ::sad trombone::

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago


I dunno, the comparison seems fair to me. After all, there was that one guy talking about the Plains of Abraham who insisted that “there are defeats that are as glorious as victories.” Sounds like the same sort of “sense” to me.

And seconding all warnings about the CBC commentariat. Bunch of Harperites, a lot of whom don’t know the difference between Canadian and American laws, and a bunch of the same ones show up on every article to whine about political correctness and feminsts, no matter how little of an excuse there is to do it.

9 years ago

I’m still sticking to my theory that he juiced the audio with a “laugh track” I’m willing to be wrong, but whatever. I don’t care.

He can make as much money as he wants as long as he’s persona non grata in Canada at the border

9 years ago

Never has a beard looked more creepy, weird and unattractive than on that so called man.

9 years ago
EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Kreator, that’s awesome.

I’ve got an idea for one I want to make when I get out of the office, done in the style of a boxing promotional poster. “MONTREAL – THE GRAND SHOWDOWN – JENNIFER BEERGIRL VS ROOSH V – BIENVENUE A MONTREAL, MOTHER FUCKER”

9 years ago

“The Battle Of Montreal”–what a joke. Again with the militaristic language and self-aggrandizement. You’re not some world leader Roosh.

9 years ago

All that publicity, and 34 dudes is a victory?

34? I sometimes get that many people listening to me at the local Wing Hut when I rant about bad choices the Lakers make.

9 years ago

Roosh has started The Battle of Toronto. The first stage is “Operation Fornication” in which he encourages his followers to identify women in his opposition and have sex with them in order to extort information about the protest. Lol.

9 years ago

Roosh has started The Battle of Toronto. The first stage is “Operation Fornication” in which he encourages his followers to identify women in his opposition and have sex with them in order to extort information about the protest. Lol.

Considering that being “fornicated” by these guys is exactly what the protest is against, I somehow doubt they’ll glean much information. They obviously don’t know who they’re dealing with.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Isn’t the reason why these men are paying to hear Roosh speak precisely because they can’t get women to fornicate with them in the first place? How would they accomplish his orders without going to the seminar first?

9 years ago


No, he’s not a PUA any more. We don’t know what’s in his speech exactly but I don’t think it’s sex tips. I think it’s just general right-wing reactionary political rants.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

Operation Fornication? Have sex with women to extract information from them about the opposition?

Methinks Roosh has been watching waaaay too many James Bond movies.

9 years ago

“Operation Fornication.” Methinks you have too much faith in yourself and your minions, Roosh.

He may be a hate mongerer and serial rapist but at least his blatant lack of intelligence reduces his threat level a bit.

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

Operation Fornication? Please, the closest these guys could get is being told to fuck off by whoever is unfortunate enough to be a target.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


That’s only if you take what he said at face value, though. If you translate it back to what he really meant between the lines – “Rape them until they give up the information” – then there’s no contradiction at all!

… Yeah. *shudders*

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

(Treating every stupid thing they do as a super-seekrit military op, threatening to torture the “Enemy” for “Information” – when can we call the reactionary anti-feminist backlash a War On Women without getting laughed at for it?)

9 years ago

O shit good point. D: