Pickup artist and Men’s Rights (to Rape Women on Private Property) Activist Roosh Valizadeh has declared his recent talk in Montreal to have been a gigantic triumph for all mankind, emphasis on the “man.”
A victory for free speech. A victory for men. We will not apologize. We will not back down. Remember 8/8/15. Remember the Battle of Montreal.
He continued the celebration on Twitter.
In a post on Return of Kings, some random doofus who calls himself Quintus Curtius has gone a step further, describing Roosh’s noble struggle to find a place that would let him give a talk to 34 dudes as “the most significant free speech battle in North America in decades, probably since the 1960s,” and suggesting that “the seismic effects of this victory will continue to be felt for some time.”
There was one casualty in this war, however: The wig Roosh wore to a bar on Saturday night got lost in the commotion after some stupid lady poured beer on it.
I believe the only real way to celebrate a victory of this magnitude — and pay tribute to the fallen wig — is with memes. Anyone with me? Let’s make some memes.
Here’s my contribution. Post any you make, or any you find online, in the comments below.
In Chinese numerology, August 8th is an especially auspicious day.
Wait, didn’t somebody write in the previous comments that it was said on Roosh’s forum that around 200 people attended? Or was that about some other event?
They’re throwing out different numbers to beat feminists with disinformation somehow. Rhoosh is like Johnny Iselin from The Manchurian Candidate identifying different numbers of communists in the United States congress. Except even stupider.
If he’d had the sense to wear a fedora, his wig would have been protected.
Wasn’t there some Tweets that said that the conference actually never happened and Roosh was kicked out or something in another thread?
I heard the speech got cancelled and he made that ‘victory video’ in a small cafe somewhere? All that effort for an audience of 34 people? No way is he making a profit from any of this. He’d better get some fund raising advice from Paul Elam, or his buddy Davis Aurini.
Roosh and his goonsquad posted a bunch of different things about the meetup in order to try and bamboozle protestors. However, they kept doing it long after the meet was done. As such, it’s now impossible to tell which of their claims, if any, are accurate–outside the fact that he took a beer to the wig, that is.
Fuck you Roosh! You can not have my birthday!
@Fnoicby and Dawn
I’ll remember that for future reference 🙂
Oh, for pity’s sake. I guess these guys have to take (or invent) their “victories” where they find them.
He can enter the Hall of Champions next to the Black Knights Head who declared victory over King Arthur after he walked away.
MRAs who annoy commenters until they ignore them will now have a shrine that they can make pilgrimages to.
LOL! 34 angry men got to bump chests and high-five each other. Although I admit I fell prey to “game” at one point, I knew right away Roosh was a loser.
My contribution for the party:
Yeah, I’d be surprised it covered his travel costs. That Ukraine video from the other thread was a hoot, too…he was reduced to couch-surfing because he couldn’t afford anything better on what he makes from his shitty books and “seminars”. The mighty PUA coach, ladies and gentlemen!
I must admit it took me a while to get it, but when I did, it was magnificent.
BTW, I read i na comment in this blog that people other than heterosexual cisgendered men were barred from posting in RoK (or its forum? I don’t remember well). Is this true?
@Dawn, I came here to post that too! Nice that we in Toronto finally have a mayor who is…. well, uh, not Rob Ford. Tory has been pretty good so far.
34 people? So that means more people saw him get a beer poured on him than saw his lecture thingy. That makes me smile.
@ Rosa
Well, not so much barred…
Oh, I see. Still, it’s a bit bold of him to claim to be a defensor of free speech when he doesn’t want some people commenting on what he has to say.
This is fun! I like this one:
@ Rosa
Yeah, it’s almost like he’s some sort of hypocrite or something.
Is #CanadianSpring trending yet?
*takes breath*
Free speech heroes! Brave manly men!
Oh, lordy.
@Dawn Incognito
Omg, some of the people on the CBC site make me want to vomit.
“Its just satire..”
“Its about free speech..”
No, it wasnt satire. He’s a rapist. He’s teaching and encouraging men to do the same. He’s a f*cking monster.
The only thing wrong with the beer + eagle meme is that the eagle isn’t shedding a tear.