grandiosity memes PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Celebrate Roosh V’s “Historic Victory” in Montreal with these lovely memes

Meme courtesy of Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Meme courtesy of Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Pickup artist and Men’s Rights (to Rape Women on Private Property) Activist Roosh Valizadeh has declared his recent talk in Montreal to have been a gigantic triumph for all mankind, emphasis on the “man.”

A victory for free speech. A victory for men. We will not apologize. We will not back down. Remember 8/8/15. Remember the Battle of Montreal.

He continued the celebration on Twitter.

In a post on Return of Kings, some random doofus who calls himself Quintus Curtius has gone a step further, describing Roosh’s noble struggle to find a place that would let him give a talk to 34 dudes as “the most significant free speech battle in North America in decades, probably since the 1960s,” and suggesting that “the seismic effects of this victory will continue to be felt for some time.”

There was one casualty in this war, however: The wig Roosh wore to a bar on Saturday night got lost in the commotion after some stupid lady poured beer on it.

I believe the only real way to celebrate a victory of this magnitude — and pay tribute to the fallen wig — is with memes. Anyone with me? Let’s make some memes.

Here’s my contribution. Post any you make, or any you find online, in the comments below.




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9 years ago

I’ll try and make a meme when I get home. Right after I put Buttercup’s meme on the wallpaper of my new laptop!

9 years ago

Buttercup’s meme is an instant classic. I’m going to look at it to cheer me up when I’m down from now on.

9 years ago

In a city of millions, 34 men is a victory? Alrighty then.

(Sorry I don’t know how to make memes but will be back to laugh along with this thread).

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

Shouldn’t the Roosh-eagle be crying?

9 years ago

Only 34 suckers attended, plus a woman dumped a beer all over his shitty disguise, PLUS a far greater number of men chased him down the street after he got booted from the bar. “Stunning humiliation” is right!

9 years ago

PS: Roosh, if you need a new wig, I’ve got a clowny rainbow fright-number that one of my cats peed on. You’re welcome to it, and you’ll probably smell better wearing it, too.

9 years ago

Roosh sounds like Al Bundy.

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this, but Toronto Mayor John Tory is calling for the cancellation of Roosh’s show on Saturday.

9 years ago

so talking nonsense to 34 oafs in a back room somewhere is a victory now? Last week I gave a presentation about library resources to 40 people. Clearly I am a more powerful thought leader than Rooshv.

9 years ago

It’s dissenhearting how some people in the comments section talk about freedom of speech… it’s like it’s okay to incite violence against women under that flag or something :/

9 years ago

Wow, 34 people. I’ve been to better-attended Canada Day parties!

9 years ago

The fucking Battle of Montreal! The greatest human rights event since the 1960s! You’re talking about people being dehumanized and killed for their beliefs. You’re someone who had a bit of beer thrown on you. Get some perspective.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

No doubt ‘the seismic effects of this victory’ (lol) will be felt by Roosh for some time.

Buttercup’s meme is so awesome that irony-deficient Rooshians could use it as their own.

9 years ago


To be fair, that’s not a very high bar…

9 years ago

You can’t beat victory. It will encourage other people to join him. He might get all the way to 40 audience members next time!

9 years ago

Bear in mind that it’s nearly four times the audience for incredibly successful incisive commentary on something or other The Sarkeesian Effect.

9 years ago

Are we like 100% sure he’s not being sarcastic? It’s hard to believe anyone can be this much of a delusional jackass.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

davidknewton | August 11, 2015 at 3:16 pm
The fucking Battle of Montreal! The greatest human rights event since the 1960s! You’re talking about people being dehumanized and killed for their beliefs. You’re someone who had a bit of beer thrown on you. Get some perspective.

You might as well be asking him to wipe his own ass without complaint!

Roosh and his ilk can’t imagine a universe where they aren’t the triumphant underdogs, fighting against a system that’s keeping them down with things like “Rape is awful!” and “Women are people, not sex toys!”

Which is very much a human trait, we’d all like to believe we’re not terrible people, but some people will deny it in front of a mountain of evidence to the contrary with both their hands on holy books.

9 years ago

Ahahaha the delusion! This is what happens when you spend too much time in an echo chamber.

9 years ago

@Dawn, great link – I’m curious to hear more about this naming and shaming while Rooshy tried to have coffee on St-Denis.

@Rosa, I generally steer clear of comments on CBC articles 🙁

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

@Rosa and Fnoicby:

I forgot to warn about the CBC commentariat! Sorry about that 😛

9 years ago


“Delusional jackass” is one of the Webster definitions for a Manosphereian.

9 years ago

@ianrennie, I guess that makes Roosh’s speech only the second greatest triumph for free speech since the 1960s.

9 years ago

Battle of Quebec: Plains of Abraham

Battle of Montreal: Plaint of Valizadeh

Oddly enough, the losing side of either continues to act as though they won. (J/K, je suis un maudit Anglais.)

Darth Conans
Darth Conans
9 years ago

So, he’s bragging about 34 people coming to watch him talk out of his rapist ass?

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