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MRA Paul Elam: If a feminist pours a drink on me, I’d be justified in killing her

Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him
Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him

Apparently jealous of all the media attention being paid to the Montreal misadventures of PUA shitweasel Roosh Valizadeh, the recipient of an unwanted beer bath at the hands of an angry feminist this past Saturday night, MRA shitweasel Paul Elam has announced to the world that if any lady feminists try that with him, he’ll punch their lights out.

Hell, he adds, he might even kill them. And he thinks he would be completely justified in doing so. 

Elam, the founder and, ahem, CEO of A Voice for Men, describes himself as “nonviolent” and his site as “doggedly antiviolence.” But he wants to warn all drink-holding feminists who might now or in the future be in his vicinity not to “mistake my nonviolence for pacifism.”

“Being an advocate for nonviolent change does not mandate anyone to be a punching bag,” Elam writes.

And while self-defense needs to be proportional to the threat, he argues, it’s safe for MRAs and PUAs and “anyone [else] who dissents honestly from feminism” to assume that if a feminist tosses a drink at you, they are literally trying to kill you.

After Roosh got beer tossed on him this past weekend, you see, one feminist on Twitter noted that alcohol is flammable, and suggested in a jokey hashtag that people encountering him “throw smokes” at him.

This is, of course, a deeply shitty thing to say. Roosh may or may not have deserved the beer-soaking; if some of the things he’s described doing to women in his various books are true, he probably deserves to be in jail.

But, no, he doesn’t deserve to be lit on fire. And you would be hard-pressed to find any feminists (including, I’m pretty sure, that Tweeter) who actually think he deserves a fiery death at the hand of a vigilante mob.

As far as Elam has decided, though, that one shitty tweet suggests that any feminist with a drink in her or his hand is a potential murderer. If a feminist tosses a drink at you, he argues, you can reasonably assume this is an act of attempted murder. 

Given the current climate it becomes rationally questionable whether a feminist throwing a flammable liquid on me intends to ignite it. My personal option at this point would be to assume they would. Thus I would make my response proportional to someone trying to incinerate me. That means they would have to go down and at the very least be completely incapacitated, by any means necessary.

Personally, I think it would be a really bad idea to wait till you see them strike a match. It is now reasonable [to] assume that this is what they are going to do.

Emphasis mine, in this and in the quotes that follow.

Elam has apparently confused “reasonable” with “completely and utterly unreasonable what the fuck are you talking about you piece of shit?”

And it gets worse:

The question for me is whether I will risk being immolated in order to not be arrested. I won’t. And while each person has to make their own decision I don’t suggest anyone roll the dice on these insane ideologues. … 

In the end I am betting this time of crisis will not be long lived. The feminist narrative is increasingly being recognized for the joke that it is. The time will soon come when very few people will even admit to being a feminist, much less take the risk of assaulting people in its name.

Till that happens, though, I think feminists of all kinds should be aware that belonging to a nonviolent movement does not mean you are a pacifist.

Trust me, Paul. No feminist will ever mistake you for a pacifist.

As an MHRA I am willing to die for my beliefs. I only think it prudent to caution that I am equally willing to kill to protect myself.

What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking piece of shit?

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9 years ago

isidore13: I believe Amused was posting sarcastically. I followed the link to their blog and it looked reasonably progressive at first glance. (They’ve got a post about the dumbest things used to defend bigoted humor, so, yeah, probably sarcasm/satire, here.) That said, Amused, even in jest we usually avoid ‘bitch’ and derivatives around these parts–too many trolls trying to get away with using it for it to not seem like a red flag.

On completely irrelevant topics, a small victory. Target has announced a decision to stop gender-marketing their products, other than apparel. In particular, no more ‘girls/boys’ toy sections.

9 years ago

Relevant information: amaretto plus Coke = alcoholic Dr. Pepper proxy. You’re welcome.

Chase Elliott Lara
9 years ago

Isn’t his movement the one that advocates firebombing judges and courthouses?

9 years ago

@isidore13: No big. I frequently find that no amount of sarcasm is obvious enough when talking about extremists.

9 years ago

…Beer isn’t flammable.

It just isn’t. We aren’t talking about absinthe here, we’re talking about beer. As in, “mostly water” beer.

I mean, I have come to expect this level of bugfuck crazy from Elam, that’s no shock, but… he has seen actual beer, right? He knows what it is?

9 years ago

Beer has more water than alcohol, it doesn’t burn very well.

9 years ago

Chemistry is misandry. It’s not a coincidence that in gendered languages, the word for “chemistry” is always feminine!

9 years ago

Thanks, Amused, I’m glad there’s no hard feelings 🙂

9 years ago

Re flambe: Not from beer, or wine, at temperatures compatible with drinking (I say this because I managed to flambe some sauvignon blanc when cooking in a cast iron dutch oven, over open flame. Those were some tasty chickens, but I digress).

On the one hand, Elam is a menace to society. His rhetorical excess, and the festering cesspool that is AVfM (and the affiliate spinoffs) are a blight on the body politic; in that they incite anger, and violence, against a portion of the population for no other reason than they exist.

On the other, I don’t think he’ll actually do it. Like Roosh the combination of surprise, and shock, will short circuit his reaction; and the people around will intervene. I’ve seen a few drinks tossed in my time. The result has always been the same, the person getting the drink in their face is madly wiping themselves off while the tosser does what they planned (be it fight, or flight).

Roosh declared that he would “go to jail” if he was protested. The implication was he’d get violent with the women trying to “destroy [his] life’s work”. When actually faced with them he 1: donned a disguise, and 2: fled at confrontation.

What I saw in that (badly lit) video was two drinks tossed on him, as he was being castigated, and called out. The calling out is the critical point. He was facing the sort of protest he said he would engage at all costs. He backed down.

Elam isn’t Roosh, but there is a strong similarity in the rhetoric (and the bash a ***** post has all sorts of disclaimers about how it’s not worth going to jail). So, while I do think Elam might commit violence after a beer gets tossed, I think he would be the tosser.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Relevant information: amaretto plus Coke = alcoholic Dr. Pepper proxy. You’re welcome.

comment image

FINALLY! A way to make Coke drinkable!

Hahaha, jk.


9 years ago

Anything less than 100 proof won’t burn: that’s the definition of the “proof” system,

No. Alcohol burns. When adulterated the adulterants inhibit that burning, but alcohol is also volatile. At concentrations of greater than 35 percent the concentration of vapor at the surface is usually enough to ignite. If warmed (e.g. Christmas pudding, crepes suzette), it’s gonna catch fire.

Since throwing a drink increases the surface area putting flame to a person doused in 70 proof, or higher, is likely to ignite.

As to the “definition” of the proof system, there isn’t just one. UK 80 proof is US 84.6 proof.

9 years ago

Cibouwat Horsifomidom | August 10, 2015 at 6:55 pm

The only real violence here was the assault that occurred when someone threw a drink on him. Why aren’t we discussing the real violence? Has the perpetrator been arrested? If not, why?

Because the offense was trivial.

Also, “violence”… not really. It was an affront. It may even have been an assault. It wasn’t violence.

Furthermore, given that the person who threw the drink knew who Roosh was. Says that Roosh laid unwanted hands on her, and is aware that Roosh has admitted to 1: using drink to make this targets more pliable 2: engaged in sex with at least one woman whom he knew to be incapable of giving legal consent, it is not unreasonable (given the cited Canadian statutes cited above) to grant some consideration that this was response to provocation and an act of self-defense.

9 years ago

And I fed the blockquote monster. Sigh.

9 years ago

TBH it was probably pining for some of your fine commentary to eat, pecunium.

I’m doing my best to keep it sated but my fare is pedestrian at best.

9 years ago

Too bad my dearth of recent didn’t starve it to death.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I…I think my previous comment got eaten.

9 years ago

Pandapool: Pepsi drinkers unite! (Seriously, though, for some reason Coke usually does better as a mixed-drink base than Pepsi–and amaretto and Coke was a constant order of mine when I was still doing the bar-thing–but yeah, Pepsi all the way when it’s just that.)

9 years ago

Pepsi? What kind of monsters are you people? Pepsi is too sweet. Coke for the win! Especially kosher /Mexican Coke with real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.

9 years ago

freemage: Coke has more acid, so it stands up to the sweet elements in drinks better. The flavor profile of Pepsi is sweeter, which can lead to things ending up overbalanced to the treacly side.

9 years ago

The balance is tricky though: Sugar coke is better than HFCS, but RC, which has a little less sweet, a little more bite, mixes for shit.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Fentimans Curiosity Cola

[The curiosity presumably being why it’s called cola when it doesn’t taste like cola]

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


You can be my wingman anytime.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


You should try Mexican Pepsi then.

9 years ago

I think Cibou was joking. I read their post as a mimickry of the type of rhetoric rape/DV apologists use when a case pops up in the media.

Best make that diet soda; otherwise he’ll think you’re trying to give him Diabetes.

But what if he’s allergic to artificial sugars?! MURDERER. Well, ANNOYING RASH CAUSER, but in Elam’s mind, same difference

No no no. Since Aspartame K has been linked (loosely) to malignant tumours, if you throw diet soda at Paul you’re trying to give him cancer.

Also, if you throw water at him you’re trying to drown him and if you throw orange juice then it’s an acid attack.


The ludicrous thing is that Roosh and Paulie don’t even know how to do the Manly Man thing right. Even the most sexist man is supposed to know that if you pursue the ladies too aggressively, you’re either going to get slapped or doused. It’s an occupational hazard, and you are supposed to take it and hold onto your dignity as best you can. Whining and talking about pressing charges or full nuclear responses do not make you look manly in the eyes of all but the most seriously committed fanboys. Roush has not done himself any favors with his whimpering response to the Montreal fiasco — particularly after bragging about how he was going to beard the feminist lionesses in their own den.