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MRA Paul Elam: If a feminist pours a drink on me, I’d be justified in killing her

Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him
Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him

Apparently jealous of all the media attention being paid to the Montreal misadventures of PUA shitweasel Roosh Valizadeh, the recipient of an unwanted beer bath at the hands of an angry feminist this past Saturday night, MRA shitweasel Paul Elam has announced to the world that if any lady feminists try that with him, he’ll punch their lights out.

Hell, he adds, he might even kill them. And he thinks he would be completely justified in doing so. 

Elam, the founder and, ahem, CEO of A Voice for Men, describes himself as “nonviolent” and his site as “doggedly antiviolence.” But he wants to warn all drink-holding feminists who might now or in the future be in his vicinity not to “mistake my nonviolence for pacifism.”

“Being an advocate for nonviolent change does not mandate anyone to be a punching bag,” Elam writes.

And while self-defense needs to be proportional to the threat, he argues, it’s safe for MRAs and PUAs and “anyone [else] who dissents honestly from feminism” to assume that if a feminist tosses a drink at you, they are literally trying to kill you.

After Roosh got beer tossed on him this past weekend, you see, one feminist on Twitter noted that alcohol is flammable, and suggested in a jokey hashtag that people encountering him “throw smokes” at him.

This is, of course, a deeply shitty thing to say. Roosh may or may not have deserved the beer-soaking; if some of the things he’s described doing to women in his various books are true, he probably deserves to be in jail.

But, no, he doesn’t deserve to be lit on fire. And you would be hard-pressed to find any feminists (including, I’m pretty sure, that Tweeter) who actually think he deserves a fiery death at the hand of a vigilante mob.

As far as Elam has decided, though, that one shitty tweet suggests that any feminist with a drink in her or his hand is a potential murderer. If a feminist tosses a drink at you, he argues, you can reasonably assume this is an act of attempted murder. 

Given the current climate it becomes rationally questionable whether a feminist throwing a flammable liquid on me intends to ignite it. My personal option at this point would be to assume they would. Thus I would make my response proportional to someone trying to incinerate me. That means they would have to go down and at the very least be completely incapacitated, by any means necessary.

Personally, I think it would be a really bad idea to wait till you see them strike a match. It is now reasonable [to] assume that this is what they are going to do.

Emphasis mine, in this and in the quotes that follow.

Elam has apparently confused “reasonable” with “completely and utterly unreasonable what the fuck are you talking about you piece of shit?”

And it gets worse:

The question for me is whether I will risk being immolated in order to not be arrested. I won’t. And while each person has to make their own decision I don’t suggest anyone roll the dice on these insane ideologues. … 

In the end I am betting this time of crisis will not be long lived. The feminist narrative is increasingly being recognized for the joke that it is. The time will soon come when very few people will even admit to being a feminist, much less take the risk of assaulting people in its name.

Till that happens, though, I think feminists of all kinds should be aware that belonging to a nonviolent movement does not mean you are a pacifist.

Trust me, Paul. No feminist will ever mistake you for a pacifist.

As an MHRA I am willing to die for my beliefs. I only think it prudent to caution that I am equally willing to kill to protect myself.

What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking piece of shit?

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Penny Smith

Like a clearly-marked previously-unopened can of soda.

Best make that diet soda; otherwise he’ll think you’re trying to give him Diabetes.

9 years ago

Why, it’s almost like the MRM is not about human rights, but about anger that women mostly don’t want to be treated like sentient blow up dolls!

Sentience is misandry. I think they want “ambulatory” and “willing to follow all orders.”

I just can’t help but wonder when and how badly Elam (and others like him) are going to explode.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Best make that diet soda; otherwise he’ll think you’re trying to give him Diabetes.

But what if he’s allergic to artificial sugars?! MURDERER. Well, ANNOYING RASH CAUSER, but in Elam’s mind, same difference.

9 years ago

“Shrodinger’s Immolating Feminist” either sounds like an awesome band name, or a pro-wrestling move.

9 years ago

Hey, y’all, you can seriously fuck yourself up with flaming alcohol. Just ask Richard Pryor.

A small amount will indeed flame off without burning hot enough, but let’s face it- that’s true of other incredibly dangerous things, as well. I’ve seen someone almost die from fucking up a Flaming Dr. Pepper.

9 years ago

I’ve seen someone almost die from fucking up a Flaming Dr. Pepper.

Why would someone ever try to set the nectar of the gods on fire?

(Sorry to hear someone got hurt trying to have fun.)

9 years ago

RE: alcohol burning

You can pour pure/near pure alcohol on (the palm) your hand and set it alight without being burned. However, this isn’t really because alcohol burns at a low temperature, it’s because the alcohol evaporates off your skin before burning, and because heat rises. (fun fact, a similar phenomenon also works if you pour relatively small amounts of liquid nitrogen on yourself. You won’t freeze or experience anything more than a cool sensation because it will also evaporate from your body heat before it touches you.) It works best on your palm because there’s no hair growing on it; if you tried other parts of your body the alcohol could soak your body hair, be unable to fully evaporate, and essentially act as a wick to draw the flame to your skin. Same goes for most kinds of fabric.

Tl;Dr- technically it’s not the alcohol that will burn you, but if the alcohol sets hair, clothing, or other flammable materials alight, it will burn you.

9 years ago

@Falconer: they weren’t setting the soda itself on fire– a Flaming Dr Pepper is a flaming shot drink that supposedly tastes like Dr Pepper and is composed of 3:1 Amaretto to something very flammable like Bacardi 151 or Everclear.

9 years ago

He is apparently very upset at this woman, for stupid reasons indeed – but he is fine with Erin Pizzy throwing glasses of wine at people? Okay, Elam.

9 years ago

Prios, lol!

But everyone knows only people with those magical vaginas can shut down things.

9 years ago

Beer is not flammable. So if someone tosses beer at elam and he knocks them out it’s not selfdefense

9 years ago

I put out fires with beer! I think that wig was more flammable, in which case, wasn’t roosh asking for it by wearing that wig? Feminists can’t help but light men on fire, why would he put himself in that position? Slut

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

they weren’t setting the soda itself on fire– a Flaming Dr Pepper is a flaming shot drink that supposedly tastes like Dr Pepper

comment image

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

@Nequam: A Flaming Dr. Pepper, you say? I need to try this sometime…hmmm.

9 years ago

A mixed drink that tastes almost like flat Dr. Pepper? Pass.

9 years ago

It never fails. One feminist makes a rather tasteless comment about an admitted rapist, and Elam, the head honcho of the MRAs, immediately has to write a rant about wanting to beat up and possibly murder any drink-carrying feminist in his general vicinity, possibly in order to reaffirm to the world that his group is still the shittiest thing since roadside restrooms.

But feminism and the MHRM are totes the same, you know. /sarcasm

9 years ago

“Shrodinger’s Immolating Feminist” either sounds like an awesome band name, or a pro-wrestling move.

I think it sounds like a philosophical thought experiment.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Very rational and humanist, Paul. It’s time anti-feminist men stood up to the very real and present threat of feminists setting them on fire.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

@Anarchonist: I think Elam is just, ya know, attention-whoring. Got jealous that the feeeeemales were paying so much attention to Doosh, would be my thought.

@Falconer: I’ll give any adult beverage at least one try. But my preferences are in this order: Laphroaig or Lagavulin scotch neat, “experimental” microbrews (had a turmeric tripel once that knocked my socks off), Pinot Noir, Chianti, Merlot, “regular” beer (cause sometimes you just want a simple beer), mojitos, Moscow mules, margaritas. Otherwise, I’m open to new experiences, especially where fire is involved.

9 years ago

I find it funny that he thinks people are finding feminism rediculous. More high profile people identify as feminists now than have in the past decade.

9 years ago

A woman poured beer on a man. Beer contains alcohol. Alcohol is inflammable. Gasoline is also inflammable. Ergo, feminists want to douse Paul Elam in gasoline and set him on fire.

QED, bitchez.

9 years ago

@amused: beer is mostly water. like 95% water. water douses fire. therefore no one was in any danger of being lit on fire. QED, dumbass.

9 years ago

Wait, wait. I think I get it. Paulie is attempting to out-Alpha Roosh by declaring what Roosh should’ve done to put the beer-flinging feminist in her place. Of course, he’s a sack of shit, trying to out-shit another sack of shit, so it’s kind of disgusting to watch, like most of Elam’s stuff. I do admire his troll devotees who decided to brave the possibility of virtual beer being tossed on them to come and defend Elam’s honor, though. (Can we get a pint of virtual throwing beer added to the welcome package? It sounds like a fun sport to have with the chewtoys. For instance….)

Cibouwat Horsifomidom | August 10, 2015 at 6:55 pm

The only real violence here was the assault that occurred when someone threw a drink on him. Why aren’t we discussing the real violence? Has the perpetrator been arrested? If not, why?

Throwing a drink on someone is, at most, an example of disorderly conduct, not ‘violence’ except by the most inane standards imaginable. DC arrests rarely happen after the incident in question, as it’s more of the court’s time than it’s worth to prosecute. So unless the cop is there to break up a disturbance and SEES you throw a drink on someone, you’re not getting busted for it, sorry/notsorry. *Throws a beer on Cibouwat.*

9 years ago

Isidore: Amused is pretty clearly joking.

9 years ago

If that’s the case I apologize. I thought I remembered Amused from other trolling.