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MRA Paul Elam: If a feminist pours a drink on me, I’d be justified in killing her

Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him
Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him

Apparently jealous of all the media attention being paid to the Montreal misadventures of PUA shitweasel Roosh Valizadeh, the recipient of an unwanted beer bath at the hands of an angry feminist this past Saturday night, MRA shitweasel Paul Elam has announced to the world that if any lady feminists try that with him, he’ll punch their lights out.

Hell, he adds, he might even kill them. And he thinks he would be completely justified in doing so. 

Elam, the founder and, ahem, CEO of A Voice for Men, describes himself as “nonviolent” and his site as “doggedly antiviolence.” But he wants to warn all drink-holding feminists who might now or in the future be in his vicinity not to “mistake my nonviolence for pacifism.”

“Being an advocate for nonviolent change does not mandate anyone to be a punching bag,” Elam writes.

And while self-defense needs to be proportional to the threat, he argues, it’s safe for MRAs and PUAs and “anyone [else] who dissents honestly from feminism” to assume that if a feminist tosses a drink at you, they are literally trying to kill you.

After Roosh got beer tossed on him this past weekend, you see, one feminist on Twitter noted that alcohol is flammable, and suggested in a jokey hashtag that people encountering him “throw smokes” at him.

This is, of course, a deeply shitty thing to say. Roosh may or may not have deserved the beer-soaking; if some of the things he’s described doing to women in his various books are true, he probably deserves to be in jail.

But, no, he doesn’t deserve to be lit on fire. And you would be hard-pressed to find any feminists (including, I’m pretty sure, that Tweeter) who actually think he deserves a fiery death at the hand of a vigilante mob.

As far as Elam has decided, though, that one shitty tweet suggests that any feminist with a drink in her or his hand is a potential murderer. If a feminist tosses a drink at you, he argues, you can reasonably assume this is an act of attempted murder. 

Given the current climate it becomes rationally questionable whether a feminist throwing a flammable liquid on me intends to ignite it. My personal option at this point would be to assume they would. Thus I would make my response proportional to someone trying to incinerate me. That means they would have to go down and at the very least be completely incapacitated, by any means necessary.

Personally, I think it would be a really bad idea to wait till you see them strike a match. It is now reasonable [to] assume that this is what they are going to do.

Emphasis mine, in this and in the quotes that follow.

Elam has apparently confused “reasonable” with “completely and utterly unreasonable what the fuck are you talking about you piece of shit?”

And it gets worse:

The question for me is whether I will risk being immolated in order to not be arrested. I won’t. And while each person has to make their own decision I don’t suggest anyone roll the dice on these insane ideologues. … 

In the end I am betting this time of crisis will not be long lived. The feminist narrative is increasingly being recognized for the joke that it is. The time will soon come when very few people will even admit to being a feminist, much less take the risk of assaulting people in its name.

Till that happens, though, I think feminists of all kinds should be aware that belonging to a nonviolent movement does not mean you are a pacifist.

Trust me, Paul. No feminist will ever mistake you for a pacifist.

As an MHRA I am willing to die for my beliefs. I only think it prudent to caution that I am equally willing to kill to protect myself.

What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking piece of shit?

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Miss Andry
9 years ago

Oh why didn’t I post this on the Roosh V thread?

9 years ago

I wouldn’t waste the alcohol throwing it in his face. On the other hand, if he can’t manage to take “no” for an answer … well, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten asked to leave a club after raising hell.

9 years ago

I seriously* believe that all MRAs are killer robots from the future! You can’t get mad at me for attacking them! I have to destroy them before they destroy me!


Cibouwat Horsifomidom
Cibouwat Horsifomidom
9 years ago

The only real violence here was the assault that occurred when someone threw a drink on him. Why aren’t we discussing the real violence? Has the perpetrator been arrested? If not, why?

9 years ago

For someone who’s supposedly a “nonviolent humanist”, this man sure seems to write a lot about violence. It’s disturbing to me, because there’s obviously an audience for his violent fantasies.

9 years ago

If a woman holding a beer is now a potentially life-threatening situation, shouldn’t Paulie and his ilk be warning men to avoid beer-wielding women for their own safety? Or to consider dressing in non-flammable clothing when going to bars to make themselves less of a target for potential beer showers? Why not instead warn of the inevitability that some women are beer-throwers, so they can take measures to prevent putting themselves in a situation to be victimized?

You’re MRAing all wrong, Paulie.

9 years ago

Considering this is how he reacts to someone possibly throwing a drink on him it really makes one wonder what he would do if someone was actually trying to kill him. Probably blow up the earth is my guess. Although, I find it interesting that he never stops once to wonder if beer sold at a bar is indeed flammable considering that, yes, alcohol by itself is flammable but most drinks dilute it. Now for a probably stupid joke. How would he tell the difference with him being on fire considering he is already a flaming asshole?

9 years ago

If I had a strong drink in the presence of either of these assholes, I’d drink it Because anyone in the presence of these assholes would need a strong drink.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

comment image

9 years ago

I think David was right with his first sentence- no one was paying attention to Paul Elam, so he had to find a way to one-up a serial rapist and make himself the center of some far-fetched hypothetical controversy.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I have to say it’s sort of hypocritical to denounce feminists for being excessively emotional and freak out when someone throws a beer in your face.

Still, please don’t do anything to Roosh that’s probably a crime (even if it’s a relatively minor crime like misdemeanor battery). It won’t accomplish anything. That doesn’t change the fact that he admitted to raping someone in Iceland.

9 years ago

I think Elam has confused “not currently in a fistfight” with generalized nonviolence. “I’m not currently asleep” =/= insomnia.

9 years ago

TIL two things.

1) Elam is really dumb. Beer is about as flammable as orange juice. It’s like fantasizing about punching someone for coming at you with a plastic knife from KFC.

2) Elam is absolutely terrified of looking ridiculous in public. He’s so afraid of being in Roosh’s beer-soaked shoes that he’s willing to preemptively threaten grievous bodily harm.

Poor ole’ Pauly. Even he knows that his veneer of respectability has already worn thin.

9 years ago


I just snorted tea all over my computer. A++++ comment, would laugh again.:D

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ mayimoktoo

It’s like fantasizing about punching someone for coming at you with a plastic knife from KFC.

You can kill someone pretty easily with a plastic knife if you know what you’re doing; they’re a popular source of prison shivs.

Get your point though.

SocialJusticePaladin (@sirfith)

Violence is acceptable from the ungodly progressives.
Someone throwing a pie at Ann Coulter.
Bob Tur threatening that someone would be going home in an ambulance.

9 years ago

Is this kind of like how any man with a penis is a potential rapist, so let us fall upon him sisters and hack off his goolies?

9 years ago

What I don’t get is that these people are trying to assert men as all-powerful and superior, and then they whine about attempted murder when someone gets their wig a bit damp.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago


I believe in many states in the US, the defendant must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that he or she had a reasonable belief in a threat of death or serious physical injury. Some states require that you also prove (usually by a preponderance) that you attempted to flee or you were incapable of fleeing. It’s an “affirmative defense” in which you admit you committed the act, so the prosecution has to disprove that the preponderance of the evidence is in your favor. (I’m not a lawyer, btw)

I don’t know how a defense like that would work in the UK or Canada.

9 years ago

So….is there any chance this is anything more than his pathetic and desperate search of a justification to murder any woman who rejects his pervy creep advances?

9 years ago

Does these chuckleheads really not know how fire works?

9 years ago

Lame Paul is one gigantic piece of shit.

9 years ago

Why waste good alcohol flambé-ing Paulie? Seems he is entirely capable of spontaneous combustion even with no feminists in sight.

9 years ago

Self defense is one area I’m sympathetic to MRAs; I’ve seen men curl into balls and allow women to beat the shit out of them because they felt uncomfortable laying a finger on a woman. However, things should be *proportional*, and on what fucking planet is even a punch proportional to having a drink thrown on you? Seriously, has anyone even been physically harmed by getting a beer thrown in their face, *ever*?

9 years ago

@Alan, would Paulie’s previous posts ie. “Bash a Violent Bitch Month” and other such fantasies be admissible to show that he likely did *not* actually fear for his life and was really just looking for any thinly-veiled excuse to punch a woman?