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MRA Paul Elam: If a feminist pours a drink on me, I’d be justified in killing her

Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him
Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him

Apparently jealous of all the media attention being paid to the Montreal misadventures of PUA shitweasel Roosh Valizadeh, the recipient of an unwanted beer bath at the hands of an angry feminist this past Saturday night, MRA shitweasel Paul Elam has announced to the world that if any lady feminists try that with him, he’ll punch their lights out.

Hell, he adds, he might even kill them. And he thinks he would be completely justified in doing so. 

Elam, the founder and, ahem, CEO of A Voice for Men, describes himself as “nonviolent” and his site as “doggedly antiviolence.” But he wants to warn all drink-holding feminists who might now or in the future be in his vicinity not to “mistake my nonviolence for pacifism.”

“Being an advocate for nonviolent change does not mandate anyone to be a punching bag,” Elam writes.

And while self-defense needs to be proportional to the threat, he argues, it’s safe for MRAs and PUAs and “anyone [else] who dissents honestly from feminism” to assume that if a feminist tosses a drink at you, they are literally trying to kill you.

After Roosh got beer tossed on him this past weekend, you see, one feminist on Twitter noted that alcohol is flammable, and suggested in a jokey hashtag that people encountering him “throw smokes” at him.

This is, of course, a deeply shitty thing to say. Roosh may or may not have deserved the beer-soaking; if some of the things he’s described doing to women in his various books are true, he probably deserves to be in jail.

But, no, he doesn’t deserve to be lit on fire. And you would be hard-pressed to find any feminists (including, I’m pretty sure, that Tweeter) who actually think he deserves a fiery death at the hand of a vigilante mob.

As far as Elam has decided, though, that one shitty tweet suggests that any feminist with a drink in her or his hand is a potential murderer. If a feminist tosses a drink at you, he argues, you can reasonably assume this is an act of attempted murder. 

Given the current climate it becomes rationally questionable whether a feminist throwing a flammable liquid on me intends to ignite it. My personal option at this point would be to assume they would. Thus I would make my response proportional to someone trying to incinerate me. That means they would have to go down and at the very least be completely incapacitated, by any means necessary.

Personally, I think it would be a really bad idea to wait till you see them strike a match. It is now reasonable [to] assume that this is what they are going to do.

Emphasis mine, in this and in the quotes that follow.

Elam has apparently confused “reasonable” with “completely and utterly unreasonable what the fuck are you talking about you piece of shit?”

And it gets worse:

The question for me is whether I will risk being immolated in order to not be arrested. I won’t. And while each person has to make their own decision I don’t suggest anyone roll the dice on these insane ideologues. … 

In the end I am betting this time of crisis will not be long lived. The feminist narrative is increasingly being recognized for the joke that it is. The time will soon come when very few people will even admit to being a feminist, much less take the risk of assaulting people in its name.

Till that happens, though, I think feminists of all kinds should be aware that belonging to a nonviolent movement does not mean you are a pacifist.

Trust me, Paul. No feminist will ever mistake you for a pacifist.

As an MHRA I am willing to die for my beliefs. I only think it prudent to caution that I am equally willing to kill to protect myself.

What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking piece of shit?

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9 years ago

Of course Elam would want to kill a woman who threw a drink at him – Judgy Bitch wants to shoot feminists in the face if she is confronted by one, so it isn’t a leap to think that a drink in the face (this ones going to run and run…) is worthy of fatal repercussions.

Is beer flammable? If it was a pint of absinthe I might understand the concern about flammability, but beer is not really renowned for it – or maybe beer in Canada is pretty strong stuff.

9 years ago

This article is triggering for anyone who’s dealt with anyone like this.
Classic, Classic. Classic mindset of an abuser.

9 years ago

He really has no idea what pacifism or nonvolence is… and I doubt that many women are there to try and light him afire… he’s a disgusting piece of human filth, like Roosh, but I’d say most women want him to go away.

9 years ago

Any excuse to suggest violence against people with whom he disagrees.

Jim Norris (@jnorris)
9 years ago

Unless the supposed feminist was drinking a triple of Everclear or Bacardi 151, neat, I don’t think Elam’s in much physical danger, but he should cease being a flaming asshole just to be safe.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

All MRAs are potential murderers. All of them.

chronically lurking
chronically lurking
9 years ago

Beer is NOT flammable. Not even the 12% tripels with lots of esters and whatnot. If my memory serves, liquor only gets reliably flammable somewhere up in the 70% alcohol range.

chronically lurking
chronically lurking
9 years ago

Which is good, because how else would I use cheap beer to cook chicken without setting my face on fire every time?

9 years ago

Even if he was set on fire, would it really be life threatening? One time a doctor told me that if it’s a legitimate fire, the male body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

9 years ago

In which universe is plain old beer flammable enough (or feminists angry enough) that Paul Elam might actually get lit up like a Christmas pudding if someone threw a match at his beer-soaked, wild-eyed self?

There’s a reason you do that with high proof beverages on the holidays- regular beer doesn’t have enough alcohol to burn. To prove it I just dropped a lit match in my Saison and the drink did not catch fire.

Paul Elam’s hypothetically saying he would beat a feminist to death because he’s afraid of something that’s not physically possible.

9 years ago

I am sure Elam gets a stiffy just thinking about killing a feminist – or any woman

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

In the interests of science I have had a beer whilst smoking a roll up. I did not burst into flames

I conclude that beer is not combustible.

Neither are crisps.

latsot (@latsot)
9 years ago

Well, perhaps Roosh was wearing a sodium t-shirt, YOU DON’T KNOW THAT HE WASN’T. And maybe the drink was, oh I don’t know, a flaming fucking homer. And maybe they were in an oxygen bar, DID YOU THINK OF THAT? An oxygen bar aboard the Hindenburg, I expect.

If that’s not assault, I just don’t know what is.

9 years ago

On what planet is beer flammable?

9 years ago

This man is a disgusting coward. I really hope that somehow, one day, he’s held legally responsible for the violence and deaths he has encouraged and caused with his hate speech over the years.

Urgh. It’s not often the gross depths these shitheels sink to really upset me anymore (because I expect them to be sub-humans), but this left me pretty shaken and disturbed. Blurgh.

9 years ago

I don’t think it’s the *feminist* narrative that’s being shown up for the joke it is.


9 years ago

Beer is not flammable. It’s mostly water.

Now if she’s wielding a martini, then watch out.

9 years ago

The fuck? Paul Elam reacts to feminists the way cops react to black people. Any excuse to murder one because they “fear for their lives.”

I guess if Elam’s goal was to out misogynistic asshole Rhoosh, he succeeded.

Good job?

Michael Lindsay
9 years ago

Regarding Elam
What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking piece of shit?

How much time we got?

9 years ago

Hasn’t Paulie seen anyone throw a still lit cigarette butt into a beer bottle that still has a little swill at the bottom? If beer was so flammable, there wouldn’t be a college housing unit not engulfed in flames.

Even in a stand your ground state, killing someone for throwing a drink on you would never hold up in court.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

The scary thing is he could actually be setting up a defence.

I put up a link to a more detailed guide to self defence law previously on another thread but in short there’s a two part test. The first part “what is the threat?” is subjective; it’s purely based on the defendant’s *honest* belief. That belief can be mistaken and need not be reasonable.

If he raised the issue that he thought someone might have thrown a flammable drink over him with the intention of then lighting it would be for the prosecution to prove to the requisite standard (i.e. beyond reasonable doubt) that he *didn’t* honestly belief it.

Ironically, the more outlandish his previous statements the harder it would be for the prosecution to prove he didn’t believe women were out to kill him; especially in view of that tweet.

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
9 years ago

Well that escalated quickly. Throwing liquid at someone= inevitably setting them on fire. …Apparently.
This whole thing is turning me into TFS’s Mr. Popo very quickly. Draaaama Queeen!!!!


Link here incase I’ve embedded it wrong:

9 years ago

… I’m at a loss for words. Yes, it sounds like he only wants an “excuse” to kill a feminist, and this is fucking terrifying.

Then again, shit burns, so I guess he is flammable.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

I know that I’ve said that I wouldn’t wish seasonal allergy on anyone, but…Would it be against commenting policy to wish that Paul Elam would have bad seasonal allergies? Itchy, watery eyes, running nose, sneezing, the whole nine yards? I’m not talking anaphylaxis here, but I wish the Allergy-Fairy would pay a visit to him with plenty of mold spores, chickweed, and dandelion seed. And that he’d fall into a pit of Legos, while sneezing wildly.

What a complete and total asshat.

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