So pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh V has, he says, filed charges against a woman who allegedly threw beer in his face outside a Montreal bar on Saturday night. That’s his right, of course.
But reading the statement he says he gave to police, I was struck by the tone of wounded innocence that runs through it. In the forum post on the subject, sounding a teensy bit like a stereotypical 19th century Southern belle overcome with the vapors, he complains about being “attacked” by the woman and her friends “after I was seduced by a young woman.”
In the statement he says he gave the police, Roosh affects a tone of indignation at the allegedly deceptive behavior of this young Jezebel.
I talked to one girl of the group who gave me the name “Jennifer.” She complimented my beard and general attractiveness and asked me to come outside with her for a cigarette. She is approximately 23 years old, shoulder length hair, brown hair, brown eyes, and slim build. She has a piercing between her nose like farm bulls have.
It’s called a septum piercing. You do live in the 21st century, do you not?
I went outside and sat next to her. She began sensually rubbing her legs against mine. Her skirt was short.
That hussy! Getting him all hot and bothered with her “sexy legs” before tossing a drink in his face.
After the beer-toss, Roosh reports, the alleged assailant and her friends followed him down the street,
yelling vulgar language. One girl yelled, “Eat my cunt.”
Heavens to Betsy! A woman referred to her delicate vagina flower using a very rude word!
Apparently, in Roosh’s world, only men are allowed to use that word. He and his followers certainly use it often enough.
A search on his blog for the word “cunt” returns 305 results.
In a post entitled “The True Nature of Women,” for example, Roosh writes that
within every woman on this planet, regardless of her education or background, is a bitch, a cunt, a slut, a golddigger, a flake, a cheater, a backstabber, a narcissist, and an attention whore that is dying to get out … .
In one called “It’s Your Fault That American Women are Winning,” he demanded of his readers
When was the last time you put an Americunt in her place?
He seems to like that particular portmanteau. On his site Return of Kings, he published a post titled “A Perfect Example Of The Americunt.”
Meanwhile, a post on RoK titled “American Women Are Only Good For One Thing” declares that
[m]ost of today’s women are bitchy, masculine, selfish cunts with inferiority complexes that make them think they want to dominate men.
The sad truth is that decades of feminism has reduced women to nothing more than three holes and a set of tits who are only as good as the orgasms they provide men.
In “Why You Should Avoid Dating Girls Who Claim They Were Raped,” another RoK writer informs us that
[e]ven the most manjawed cunt secretly harbors fantasies of locking down a good man, marrying him, and thereby trebling her disposable income. Chicks will cry rape if it means endless, adoring attention with zero associated cost. But they won’t if they think getting raped renders them unattractive in the eyes of men.
In other posts, RoK writers complain about “empowered femcunt doublespeak,” “Sheryl Sandberg-clone femcunt[s] …who have brought into the myth of office-cubicle empowerment,” and the sad fate of men who have “a cunty controlling bitch of a wife.”
I could literally spend the rest of the day providing more examples of “cunt” usage from Roosh and his friends from his two main blogs. If I started searching his forum as well, I suspect I could be at it for the entire week.
In other words, I’m pretty sure Roosh has heard the word before.
Were any woman to post a police report like the statement posted by Roosh, she would quickly be accused of “damseling” and worse by dozens if not hundreds of MRAs and PUAs and other assorted misogynistic woman-pesterers online.
And they’d call her a cunt, as well.
@katz – he said he was lying within a few hours of posting that. Also, that thread announced up front it was going to do disinformation. The question is whether or not ConU has an actual interview with someone.
Like I said, I can’t see how he didn’t do it. Even if they pulled the room at the last minute, he would just have to march over somewhere and take over a cafe or restaurant or something. It was mid-day Saturday, there would be plenty of room before dinner fills up. Honestly, if he *didn’t* have the meeting somewhere, it is an embarrassment. It is virtually impossible to cancel an event that requires no special equipment.
ConU also said it had a mole on the inside, so maybe it will become clearer later. (They might mean the second venue canceled and he had to improvise something else. But I am pretty sure the talk happened, because I can’t see how he would be so ineffective and lazy as to let it not happen.)
@Snuffy – Yeah, he accused the wrong woman. (I actually think he has accused a fair number now? I think he’s just going through everyone in the demonstration video he can find and accusing them, hoping to get lucky.) He finally seems to have conceded this one, but who knows what random person he will accuse next.
That Ukrainian talskhow is glorious. They seem to be mostly angry because Roosh, to them, is the worst representative of that racist stereotype about “easy” Eastern European women.
Also, by the way, the name of the episode – “Sexmisja” – alludes to a cult movie from Poland, an absurdly over-the-top sexist and misogynist comedy from the Eighties about three guys who through a stupid experiment, wake up in an HG-Wells-like scenario, only with women instead of Morlocks, basically. In the future, men are dead and there’s a female dictatorship, which leads the men, of course, to simultaneously become superhorny and fear for their lives (because the women have been taught by eebul feminists that men should be killed).
It goes downhill from there. I still haven’t found out why it is so popular (my feminist polish partner loves it, I’m guessing it’s because it’s just so openly about macho fears).
Basically, they’re comparing Roosh to that film, which is a good fit in my book.
@Bernardo Soares
The English title of that movie must be “Manos-sphere: The Hands of Fate.”
I know what you’re referencing even though I’ve never seen it.
Roosh is quite the Alpha apparently.
This is by far the greatest thing that has ever happened. I am crying with laughter and my colleagues are staring at me oddly.
Let them stare, EJ. Let them stare.
Buttercup, that meme of yours is awesome. Would you mind if I used it for a post, with attribution, of course (unless you didn’t want that).
I would post a picture of bacon-wrapped fried butter, but I’m worried the size of the pic might break the page. Not sure how to resize. Also, the contents of the picture might haunt your dreams.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the internet.
Turn back the clock thirty years and abominations like Dead-Skunk-Face could have never gained any prominence. The best they could ever hope to be would be the dreg of an evil movement (or an unimportant Blockleiter in Nazi Germany, if they’re lucky), with smarter and more pragmatic villains who have an actual idea of how the world works becoming it’s leaders.
Now they can freely talk to the whole world, and then even the dumbest dunce can acquire a fanclub with some effort.
Completely unrelated, but I should ask before I start using it: Hey, David, does this GIF (linked because unrelated), paired with a note about the comments policy, come across as being too snarky? It’s not supposed to be, but now that I’m done, I’m not so sure anymore. =P
This incident has made it onto Yahoo news, so will be read by millions. So far the comments page is full of diatribes against Roosh – his ‘rape is not rape on private property’ comment has been quoted.
People are threatening to kill him, and judging by user names they are men, and they do not appear to be feminists! So it’s not just feminists and SJWs who loathe this man – as I thought, once he entered the mainstream it would bite him hard.
SFHC – I like it . Not snarky.
Did Rhoosh hire someone from the Judgybitch PR Agency or something? What is their thought process here?
“We’re going to say the feminists were successful in getting the talk shut down. That’ll show them! Then we’ll reveal that actually, the talk was held at some random lodge in the sticks rather than a high capacity venue in the city that legit organizations use! Hah! Checkmate feminists! ”
That said, even if only 40 misogynists showed up, it’s still more successful than the Sarkeesian Effect premiere. So, points for clearing that low bar, I guess.
@David – Yes, feel free to use it (attribution is OK too). Glad you liked it!
Throw in a few pinches of sodium chloride, too. Might as well make it a salt and battery.
Sorry for being off-topic, but this reminded me of a couple of novels I read a while ago: Best Seller and its sequel, El Área 18, by Argentinean writer and cartoonist Roberto Fontanarrosa. Their main character, a Syrian mercenary actually called Best Seller, is a hilarious parody of the macho archetype, who worries so much about being manly that even ponders whether the feeling of camaraderie with his brothers-in-arms is akin to homosexuality. It’s kind of a toned down version of a comic book character of his, Boogie el Aceitoso (Oily Boogie), who embodied most of the negative stereotypes of the conservative American: he was misogynistic, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and had a huge gun fetish (he snorted gunpowder instead of cocaine, for example). Pretty much the only thing lacking was religious fundamentalism, as he was an atheist. Unfortunately these particular comics, though intended to satirize and criticize these traits, often fell under “do not do this cool thing” territory, as exemplified by the misguided letters of support the author received among all the complaints. In retrospect there’s also quite a lot of potentially triggering stuff in them.
The lodge story was also a lie — sorry, “disinformation”. (You will note they claimed 200 so people in that one, unless that was another lie.) They have released photos on the forum now and it looks like it was probably La Caverne Greque on Prince Arthur (which is right across from the place he was staying on Coloniale, so maybe one of his fans is friends with the owner?).
For all I know, he just booked the room for a late lunch, and the owner/manager has no idea who it was. It’s easy enough to do and wouldn’t be that crowded on a Saturday afternoon.
Just wanted to put in that I have learned more things about Argentina in the past few days than at any point in school, ever.
So apparently 34 men made the meeting. Why would you say it’s a higher number (near “200”) then walk it back to a much lower number? That just makes it seem more pathetic.
You know, when you’re on thin ice with the city of Montreal as an admitted rapist, filing a police report in the style of “Dear Penthouse” (with bonus “SHORT SKIRT/OBVIOUSLY A HO”) isn’t the best idea.
Also, leg rubbing? Was she a cricket?
34 attendees in what looks to be a hotel room… Yeah, I’m calling that essentially cancelled. Unless I’m unknowingly holding an event every time I post here. =P
But where was the big orgy?
Everyone knows that you only go back to the hotel room of a man if you’re intending to have sex.
Hey ladies; at least the good people at Bic understand your potential. They think you’re capable of being the equal of any man (but prettier).
When is Bic just going to give up?
… And why do they even need to advertise, anyway? They’re fucking biros. “Write with them, make rubber band guns with them, jab them in a Coke bottle and smoke pot with them – let’s be honest, you already have two hundred of these in your office drawer.” There. That’s the only ad they ever need.
Sorry, Ursus arctos is the brown bear. Ursus is Latin for bear, and arctos is Greek for bear. (The grizzly is U. arctos horribilis — horrible bear bear.) I mean, you think Moon Moon gets teased ….
The polar bear is Ursus maritimus because it swims so much, it’s almost a seal.
I can see where it goes wrong, thinking Ursus arctos means “Arctic bear” but “Arctic” comes from “bear” so our planet has the bear-pole and the anti-bear-pole.
Also, thank you for your post. I am about to cry from all the laughage.