a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism dark enlightenment entitled babies evil sexy ladies hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh the c-word

Beer-soaked Roosh V files charges against alleged drink-tosser, retreats to fainting couch

I declare I am overcome with the vapors!
I declare I am overcome with the vapors!

So pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh V has, he says, filed charges against a woman who allegedly threw beer in his face outside a Montreal bar on Saturday night. That’s his right, of course.

But reading the statement he says he gave to police, I was struck by the tone of wounded innocence that runs through it. In the forum post on the subject, sounding a teensy bit like a stereotypical 19th century Southern belle overcome with the vapors, he complains about being “attacked” by the woman and her friends “after I was seduced by a young woman.”

In the statement he says he gave the police, Roosh affects a tone of indignation at the allegedly deceptive behavior of this young Jezebel.

I talked to one girl of the group who gave me the name “Jennifer.” She complimented my beard and general attractiveness and asked me to come outside with her for a cigarette. She is approximately 23 years old, shoulder length hair, brown hair, brown eyes, and slim build. She has a piercing between her nose like farm bulls have.

It’s called a septum piercing. You do live in the 21st century, do you not?

I went outside and sat next to her. She began sensually rubbing her legs against mine. Her skirt was short.

That hussy! Getting him all hot and bothered with her “sexy legs” before tossing a drink in his face.

After the beer-toss, Roosh reports, the alleged assailant and her friends followed him down the street,

yelling vulgar language. One girl yelled, “Eat my cunt.”

Heavens to Betsy! A woman referred to her delicate vagina flower using a very rude word!

Apparently, in Roosh’s world, only men are allowed to use that word. He and his followers certainly use it often enough.

A search on his blog for the word “cunt” returns 305 results.

In a post entitled “The True Nature of Women,” for example, Roosh writes that

within every woman on this planet, regardless of her education or background, is a bitch, a cunt, a slut, a golddigger, a flake, a cheater, a backstabber, a narcissist, and an attention whore that is dying to get out … .

In one called “It’s Your Fault That American Women are Winning,” he demanded of his readers

When was the last time you put an Americunt in her place?

He seems to like that particular portmanteau. On his site Return of Kings, he published a post titled “A Perfect Example Of The Americunt.”

Meanwhile, a post on RoK titled “American Women Are Only Good For One Thing” declares that

[m]ost of today’s women are bitchy, masculine, selfish cunts with inferiority complexes that make them think they want to dominate men.

The sad truth is that decades of feminism has reduced women to nothing more than three holes and a set of tits who are only as good as the orgasms they provide men.

In “Why You Should Avoid Dating Girls Who Claim They Were Raped,” another RoK writer informs us that

[e]ven the most manjawed cunt secretly harbors fantasies of locking down a good man, marrying him, and thereby trebling her disposable income. Chicks will cry rape if it means endless, adoring attention with zero associated cost. But they won’t if they think getting raped renders them unattractive in the eyes of men.

In other posts, RoK writers complain about “empowered femcunt doublespeak,” “Sheryl Sandberg-clone femcunt[s] …who have brought into the myth of office-cubicle empowerment,” and the sad fate of men who have “a cunty controlling bitch of a wife.”

I could literally spend the rest of the day providing more examples of “cunt” usage from Roosh and his friends from his two main blogs. If I started searching his forum as well, I suspect I could be at it for the entire week.

In other words, I’m pretty sure Roosh has heard the word before.

Were any woman to post a police report like the statement posted by Roosh, she would quickly be accused of “damseling” and worse by dozens if not hundreds of MRAs and PUAs and other assorted misogynistic woman-pesterers online.

And they’d call her a cunt, as well.

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9 years ago

Lol. Roosh has gained a shit load more haters now. Looking at this event, wonder what will happen when people start recognizing him on the streets and react the same way. Of course, he’ll probably just play the victim card and his supporters will say this is more proof that woman are ruined, and any man who doesn’t agree with them is a ”’white knight” or a ”’a mangina”’.

9 years ago

No, I don’t think Roosh wants to be covered in what some other PUAs refer to as “liquid gold”…

9 years ago

That’s amazing. Roosh’s soopa seekrit agents failed to last five minutes in the protests, yet Team SJW managed to sneak one in to report on the talk. Completely under the radar.


Wait, did it even occur to him that there might be feminist spies at the event? XD

9 years ago

Probably. His ability to delude himself is astounding at times. I wonder just how far he’ll run down the rabbit hole before one day he realises he’s been living a gigantic lie.

9 years ago

@sunny I’m betting team SJW didn’t even need a silly wig for a disguise like Roosh or dress like a hipster. The announcement I linked to was from the official Concordia University account (ConU is located in Montreal), so presumably some college student just read the forum to find the event, then walked in.

9 years ago

This is a false police report.

9 years ago

Oh, man, my own cat was about the same size as those two just a few months ago. I can’t even watch the whole thing :/

I’ve looked the condition up – myotonia (I think) congenita is the result of a mutation in one gene, so it shows up in several species. Apparently, it’s painless, so that’s a bit of a silver lining, even if I can imagine why involutary muscle tensing would be dangerous.

9 years ago


How does that even work?

9 years ago

Look at this little bitch. At 1.39 he approaches a girl in the street – “Do you speak English” – What??? I thought Roosh learned Russian for the sole purpose of moving to Ukraine (Odessa is Russian speaking).

Also, I read he left Ukraine because the war was approaching. I wonder if that was the real reason or did Vlad and Boris not like him stealing their girlfriends? He’d get more than beer thrown at him in Odessa.

9 years ago

Actually, that’s apparently one of the reasons people used to breed those goats. They were also breed for slaughter (if they’re startled, they won’t run away) and amusement.
I’m not gonna lie, I think it’s kind of cute, even though the goats probably don’t like it at all.

9 years ago

Yep, I can definitely see how all this attention is going to be just GREAT for Roosh. He can get a whole new sales pitch from all of this. Can you imagine?

“Step right up, step right up! Right now, for a limited time only, you, that’s right, YOU can learn all the seductive secrets of the esteemable, the incredible, the one and only, Roosh! For the low low price of $60, you too can learn how to enjoy the sensual delights of a woman’s legs touching yours briefly, before having an alcoholic beverage being dumped all over you! That’s right, women will practically throw themselves at you! Or if not themselves, they’ll definitely throw something at you! You won’t find such a deal anywhere else, folks! Buy now, and we’ll throw in how to file police complaints against women who reject you! Nothing gets those ladies going like a litigious, thin skinned, handsy man converted in beer, believe you me!”

How compelling! How alpha! /Sarcasm

9 years ago

Also, just so I won’t get trampled by the mamooth gods:
Did anyone tell Roosh that he should be prepared to get a beer to the face when he walked into a bar in which he was not welcome for doing the exact thing he tried to do? That he was pretty much “asking for it”?

Were I a more comedic inclined person, I’d also make a golden shower joke, but alas.

9 years ago

This is actually a good thing, give him his day in court, and lets see what the defence come up with :-)))

9 years ago

I would have so loved to be a fly at the wall at that event. I’m really curious what kind of “men” (and I use that word loosely) actually paid money to be there. If I was in Montreal I would have probably bought a ticket just to covertly tape it and post the speeches online.

Another question which is bugging me lately: Is Roosh actually getting laid (without paying for it)? I don’t think he is. Oh, and I downloaded his Bang Guides (thanks Pirate Bay). They’re really crap. I think he’s like those get rich quick with real estate guys who come on TV at 3am and who only get rich by selling books and tapes.

I wonder too, what nuggets of wisdom he imparted at that event that wasn’t already on his site.

9 years ago

IMPORTANT:f I really dig into this story, will I find out what restaurant hosted his talk so I can never go there?

9 years ago

I think the chance of Roosh ever having like a successful relationship with any woman is probably like…0.02%. He has just…ruined everything for himself with his online history. All they have to do is google his name, and he’s done.

9 years ago

Can I interrupt this thread to share this very important breakthrough?–QTmCT5TJ–/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1379946230635299727.png

Carry on.

9 years ago

Fuckall is going to happen to Roosh’s police report. It will be laughed out of the prosecutor’s office.

9 years ago

Wha-aa-at?! What is that even supposed to mean?

9 years ago

Apparently a fetus is a human because a fetus can turn into a person but not a cat or a donkey. This is what passes for serious philosophical thought in the GOP. The terrifying thing is, this is not the first time I’ve heard anti-choicers make this argument.

9 years ago

I mean a fetus growing inside a human. Obviously pregnant cats are growing fetuses that will become cats! I’m not sure Republicans know this though. How is babby formed?

9 years ago

Here’s Roosh on Ukrainian TV wearing his wig. It’s over 30 mins long but worth every second of it. At least one of the girls whose pix he used in his Bang Ukraine guide wants to sue him and get him arrested.

Click on CC for a translation.

9 years ago

While I think you can discuss the criteria for abortion – some people will say never because this, some people will say two months because that, some people will say any time because other reasons – talking about cats and donkeys is just weird.

Also, I’m not (North)American, so correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t those people pro-death penalty? Ain’t no human ever come from a corpse.

9 years ago

8/8/15 – also the first anniversary of my long-haired kitty Callie’s passing. Sigh.

9 years ago

I suspect that Roosh is guilty of committing several crimes while he’s been in Canada, and the police are more likely to take reports against him seriously than this report that he’s made (btw, filing a report isn’t “pressing charges”; IANAL but as far as I know, only the Crown can bring criminal charges against someone in Canada).


Cyberbullying is posting threatening, hateful, offensive or degrading messages about someone, using words or images. It also includes harassment.

In addition to the negative consequences for the victim, some cyberbullying behaviour actually breaks laws in the Criminal Code of Canada. For example, the Criminal Code deals with the following issues:

Defamatory libel

Example: Using Internet technology such as websites to ridicule others by telling stories, jokes or posting images.


Example: Sending threatening emails to classmates to demand they bring valuable objects to school.

Criminal harassment

Example: Using Internet technology to repeatedly communicate with someone knowing they feel harassed.

False messages

Example: Using an electronic messaging system to send false information with the intention of harming someone.

Uttering threats

Example: Using a messaging system to send threatening emails to people.

That’s from the site of the Montreal police.