a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism dark enlightenment entitled babies evil sexy ladies hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh the c-word

Beer-soaked Roosh V files charges against alleged drink-tosser, retreats to fainting couch

I declare I am overcome with the vapors!
I declare I am overcome with the vapors!

So pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh V has, he says, filed charges against a woman who allegedly threw beer in his face outside a Montreal bar on Saturday night. That’s his right, of course.

But reading the statement he says he gave to police, I was struck by the tone of wounded innocence that runs through it. In the forum post on the subject, sounding a teensy bit like a stereotypical 19th century Southern belle overcome with the vapors, he complains about being “attacked” by the woman and her friends “after I was seduced by a young woman.”

In the statement he says he gave the police, Roosh affects a tone of indignation at the allegedly deceptive behavior of this young Jezebel.

I talked to one girl of the group who gave me the name “Jennifer.” She complimented my beard and general attractiveness and asked me to come outside with her for a cigarette. She is approximately 23 years old, shoulder length hair, brown hair, brown eyes, and slim build. She has a piercing between her nose like farm bulls have.

It’s called a septum piercing. You do live in the 21st century, do you not?

I went outside and sat next to her. She began sensually rubbing her legs against mine. Her skirt was short.

That hussy! Getting him all hot and bothered with her “sexy legs” before tossing a drink in his face.

After the beer-toss, Roosh reports, the alleged assailant and her friends followed him down the street,

yelling vulgar language. One girl yelled, “Eat my cunt.”

Heavens to Betsy! A woman referred to her delicate vagina flower using a very rude word!

Apparently, in Roosh’s world, only men are allowed to use that word. He and his followers certainly use it often enough.

A search on his blog for the word “cunt” returns 305 results.

In a post entitled “The True Nature of Women,” for example, Roosh writes that

within every woman on this planet, regardless of her education or background, is a bitch, a cunt, a slut, a golddigger, a flake, a cheater, a backstabber, a narcissist, and an attention whore that is dying to get out … .

In one called “It’s Your Fault That American Women are Winning,” he demanded of his readers

When was the last time you put an Americunt in her place?

He seems to like that particular portmanteau. On his site Return of Kings, he published a post titled “A Perfect Example Of The Americunt.”

Meanwhile, a post on RoK titled “American Women Are Only Good For One Thing” declares that

[m]ost of today’s women are bitchy, masculine, selfish cunts with inferiority complexes that make them think they want to dominate men.

The sad truth is that decades of feminism has reduced women to nothing more than three holes and a set of tits who are only as good as the orgasms they provide men.

In “Why You Should Avoid Dating Girls Who Claim They Were Raped,” another RoK writer informs us that

[e]ven the most manjawed cunt secretly harbors fantasies of locking down a good man, marrying him, and thereby trebling her disposable income. Chicks will cry rape if it means endless, adoring attention with zero associated cost. But they won’t if they think getting raped renders them unattractive in the eyes of men.

In other posts, RoK writers complain about “empowered femcunt doublespeak,” “Sheryl Sandberg-clone femcunt[s] …who have brought into the myth of office-cubicle empowerment,” and the sad fate of men who have “a cunty controlling bitch of a wife.”

I could literally spend the rest of the day providing more examples of “cunt” usage from Roosh and his friends from his two main blogs. If I started searching his forum as well, I suspect I could be at it for the entire week.

In other words, I’m pretty sure Roosh has heard the word before.

Were any woman to post a police report like the statement posted by Roosh, she would quickly be accused of “damseling” and worse by dozens if not hundreds of MRAs and PUAs and other assorted misogynistic woman-pesterers online.

And they’d call her a cunt, as well.

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9 years ago

Looks like these “alphas” sure are quick to run crying to the police and attempt to file charges whenever some scary little ladies are mean to them. Such alpha, so male, wow.

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants: LOL at that meme! Did you create that? It’s awesome.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Does Canada have laws against filing false reports?

If so, invest in popcorn stocks, because this is going to get awesome.

9 years ago

How is this anything but “damseling”? This is his very definition of it. This alpha dog can’t handle a drink being thrown on him? How embarrassing. Shouldn’t he be framing it as “right on! I totally pissed that bitch off, high fives!” To save face with his followers? He looks like a thin skinned wimp. He’s basically admitting this woman has more chops! Kinda reminds me of how donald trump reacts to criticism. And who describes themselves as generally attractive in a police report? Imagine if I said “Well officer, he invited me into the bar, because I’m hot, and then…”

9 years ago

@ scented fucking hard chairs- yes, and the maximum punishment is five years in jail. Did Roosh actually file a report against that mother?

9 years ago

Wait…isn’t Doosh supposed to be the seduction master – teaching his followers the mysteries of seducing feeeemales?

Yet he claims to have been seduced by a compliment and what was probably accidental bodily contact?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@A.A. Wils – I did, thank you! I felt stirred to action by the clipped, martial diction of his YouTube account. #SoBrave

How terrible it must have been for Roosh to have liquid gold touching his body without consent.

9 years ago

Oh, forgot to add it is called Public Mischief.

9 years ago

I know everyone is having a great time making fun of Roosh, BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THOSE GOATS?! What is the point of breeding animals whose legs paralyze when they are startled? And why would this trait even pass on? Can we talk about the goats?

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Oh, god, liquid gold 😀

9 years ago

Um…Why does the first picture on Roosh forum is about an polar bear mascott?

9 years ago

Because that’s hilarious!! Guess he can’t read French!

9 years ago

What a whining little child. “Uh-buh-buh she th-th-th-threw BEER on meeeeee!!!”

call me back when she threw the glass at you too, Doosh

that would actually constitute assault

9 years ago

We live in a post 8/8 world now. Things changed that day. We must enact the PUAtriot act to ensure our freedoms in the face of these cowardly acts of terrorism. Henceforth, no woman who is caught identifying as a feminist, is supportive of feminism, or just looks like she might be a feminist do to telltale signs like dyed hair or tattoos is allowed to purchase a beer at a bar. Anyone on the feminist watch list will have her liquor store or grocery store purchases monitored.

God bless the manosphere. Land of the freeze peaches and home of alpha.

9 years ago

My past had a couple of spelling errors due to my extreme tiredness and hunger. I guess that makes it more authentically manospherian.

I also want to alert everyone that the other day, I saw a commercial for some sort of fast food that was advertising its nacho cheese sauce as liquid gold. Insert nope llama gif here.

9 years ago

When did i become spaceman??

As for this Roosh thing, it’s brilliant really, finally seeing him being exposed for the absolute idiot he is is great and the mainstream coverage of him (in Canada atleast) having even the mayor of Montreal saying that he isn’t welcome, is great.

A lot of people in internet land think that if you talk about a bad thing (like gamergate, man have many people said this about gamergate) a lot in mainstream media, it’s just gonna get more powerful and eventually we all lose. While that is true occasionally, it, for the most part, isn’t. You can’t ignore bullshit like this, it’s need widespread coverage.

Some will probably take this as Roosh being “censored” and preventing his free speech rights, but that is simply not true, quite obviously. One thing we need to remember about free speech is that, if you say shit like Roosh does, people are going to exercise their free speech rights against him, that is not censorship.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


My past had a couple of spelling errors due to my extreme tiredness and hunger

Ah, so it wasn’t that you *weren’t* trying to hit on everyone? [Or is that just grammar?]

9 years ago

So apparently the SJW Illuminati got a spy into Roosh’s talk. Prepare the popcorn!

9 years ago


It once happened to kittens:

I can’t help thinking these kittens are so adorable. Sadly, this condition is apparently quite fatal for cats. :/

9 years ago


when i was road tripping down the west coast from San Francisco to Las Vegas, i once stopped at a mcdonalds that sold bacon icecream covered in ketchup.

One of the most american things i’ve seen.

(I should probably clarify that it was bacon mixed with ice cream, not bacon flavored ice cream)

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago


That poster is outstanding — and so inspirational. My hat’s off to you.

9 years ago

It all seems rather childish and petty.

9 years ago


What about deep fried butter?

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

If Jennifer doesn’t get the Order of Canada, there’s no justice.

9 years ago

(dunno what the original source of fainting goats was, but I can see in the mammoth past that having a few in with your fleeter foot flock would be very useful if you were willing to make it a sacrifice to save the actual money makers… my 0.02)

9 years ago


thing is most people don’t know about the nature of the manosphere, and that’s where blogs like this are a good idea. Regulars here know what being personally identified by RoKspawn could lead to, and if any of us dumped beer on Roosh and bragged about it on social media, we’d do so appraised of the risks. Still, apart from say mean things about her on the internet I’m not sure there’s much they can do, and she could wind up with a good harassment case against Roosh if they try.

@Snuffy, I cannot wait to hear reports of the actual event. Failure? I do hope so.