a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism dark enlightenment entitled babies evil sexy ladies hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh the c-word

Beer-soaked Roosh V files charges against alleged drink-tosser, retreats to fainting couch

I declare I am overcome with the vapors!
I declare I am overcome with the vapors!

So pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh V has, he says, filed charges against a woman who allegedly threw beer in his face outside a Montreal bar on Saturday night. That’s his right, of course.

But reading the statement he says he gave to police, I was struck by the tone of wounded innocence that runs through it. In the forum post on the subject, sounding a teensy bit like a stereotypical 19th century Southern belle overcome with the vapors, he complains about being “attacked” by the woman and her friends “after I was seduced by a young woman.”

In the statement he says he gave the police, Roosh affects a tone of indignation at the allegedly deceptive behavior of this young Jezebel.

I talked to one girl of the group who gave me the name “Jennifer.” She complimented my beard and general attractiveness and asked me to come outside with her for a cigarette. She is approximately 23 years old, shoulder length hair, brown hair, brown eyes, and slim build. She has a piercing between her nose like farm bulls have.

It’s called a septum piercing. You do live in the 21st century, do you not?

I went outside and sat next to her. She began sensually rubbing her legs against mine. Her skirt was short.

That hussy! Getting him all hot and bothered with her “sexy legs” before tossing a drink in his face.

After the beer-toss, Roosh reports, the alleged assailant and her friends followed him down the street,

yelling vulgar language. One girl yelled, “Eat my cunt.”

Heavens to Betsy! A woman referred to her delicate vagina flower using a very rude word!

Apparently, in Roosh’s world, only men are allowed to use that word. He and his followers certainly use it often enough.

A search on his blog for the word “cunt” returns 305 results.

In a post entitled “The True Nature of Women,” for example, Roosh writes that

within every woman on this planet, regardless of her education or background, is a bitch, a cunt, a slut, a golddigger, a flake, a cheater, a backstabber, a narcissist, and an attention whore that is dying to get out … .

In one called “It’s Your Fault That American Women are Winning,” he demanded of his readers

When was the last time you put an Americunt in her place?

He seems to like that particular portmanteau. On his site Return of Kings, he published a post titled “A Perfect Example Of The Americunt.”

Meanwhile, a post on RoK titled “American Women Are Only Good For One Thing” declares that

[m]ost of today’s women are bitchy, masculine, selfish cunts with inferiority complexes that make them think they want to dominate men.

The sad truth is that decades of feminism has reduced women to nothing more than three holes and a set of tits who are only as good as the orgasms they provide men.

In “Why You Should Avoid Dating Girls Who Claim They Were Raped,” another RoK writer informs us that

[e]ven the most manjawed cunt secretly harbors fantasies of locking down a good man, marrying him, and thereby trebling her disposable income. Chicks will cry rape if it means endless, adoring attention with zero associated cost. But they won’t if they think getting raped renders them unattractive in the eyes of men.

In other posts, RoK writers complain about “empowered femcunt doublespeak,” “Sheryl Sandberg-clone femcunt[s] …who have brought into the myth of office-cubicle empowerment,” and the sad fate of men who have “a cunty controlling bitch of a wife.”

I could literally spend the rest of the day providing more examples of “cunt” usage from Roosh and his friends from his two main blogs. If I started searching his forum as well, I suspect I could be at it for the entire week.

In other words, I’m pretty sure Roosh has heard the word before.

Were any woman to post a police report like the statement posted by Roosh, she would quickly be accused of “damseling” and worse by dozens if not hundreds of MRAs and PUAs and other assorted misogynistic woman-pesterers online.

And they’d call her a cunt, as well.

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9 years ago

@ Bina- I hope youre right and I hope they charge him before he leaves the country.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

Some useful info for people interested in the legal point of view on having this asshat in Canada (but don’t look at the comments):

9 years ago

@ Rabid Rabbit- I had to read the comments, and I laughed at ‘maybe he should enroll in Dalhousie Dental School.’

I get they would have preferred to let him come and go quietly, but his targets, women, did not want that. And I get that they’d like the public to take action, but that’s not what women want either- women have been speaking up and speaking out for years against this kind of hatred. There has been a lot of outrage about how women are treated online in this country, with Dalhousie Dentistry, with Rehtaeh Parsons, with Canadian journalists targeted for harassment, Women are specifically petitioning their government to do what they legally can do. After years of frustration and inaction it is nice to see government officials at least voicing their solidarity- now it would be nice if they made use of those laws that are in place to protect us.

9 years ago

Yeah, I smell it to. It smells like self-important chicken.

Seriously, WTF?! If you approach a man for sex and he says no and you still go for it, the no is the problem! The fact that the person said they didn’t want it is the reason why you shouldn’t have done it! This is not even about lack of consent, it’s a about clear refusal! It’s not that hard of a concept!
Even if you’re trying to push an agenda, saying something like this is so creepy I wonder why anyone would listen to her (or the likes of her, for that matter). Unless it’s for shock value, I have no idea why you’d want to listen to them.

9 years ago

I wonder: Would it be worth getting the US government (whichever branch one has to contact) to revoke his passport, so he can no longer “Bang Any Other Country”? Because it seems to me that this is one privilege he’s abused shamelessly (see that Ukrainian talk show segment upthread, where he talks about waving his US passport around to “attract” Ukrainian girls), and one that can totally ruin his career if revoked. And since he’s obviously out to break other countries’ laws, it would be in the feds’ best interests to deny him any further opportunity, no?

9 years ago

@ Bina- at first I was like ‘can Americans really do that’? And then I googled it and I was like ‘holy shit, Americans can really do that. :O’

“A bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives would allow the government to restrict Americans’ travel through the revocation of passports based upon mere suspicions of unscrupulous activity…..The travel restriction requires no presumption of innocence for the targeted individual; no explanation; no public presentation of evidence; no opportunity for a defense; no checks and balances on the power. The bill does not outline any appeals process for the targeted individual. The only stipulation is that the Secretary of State must issue a report to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs — “classified or unclassified.”

Honestly, that shit is a whole other level of scary. There are charges with legal precedent that can be laid in Canada that don’t violate any Charter rights, or he could just be deported. Whatever justification there is for that law, and I really do not know anything about it, I cannot imagine the circumstances in which i would be tempted to promote its use.

9 years ago


I hope that that’s possible. It doesn’t seem like it’d be that difficult either, given the controversy that he caused in the Ukraine and his admission that he had raped an Icelandic woman.

9 years ago

I thought Roosh didn’t live in America anymore. (I’ve heard through the grapevine that he lives in Poland). Wouldn’t Poland have to revoke his visa as well?

9 years ago


I though that he literally exiled himself to Siberia?


That bill will never get anywhere — it’s just the Tea Party caucus in the House flexing its muscles. The irony is that these are the same people who complain constantly about the tyranny of Big Government and the would-be dictator in the White House. Arrrrggggghhhh!

9 years ago

I suspect that “exile” or no, he’s still a US citizen, travelling under US passport. In which case, that’s the gummint to contact. And it’s the most likely way to get action that would prevent him from “exiling” himself anywhere else. Won’t it be funny when he can’t leave country and has to put up with the sight of nothing BUT “Americunts”?

9 years ago

That would be a dream come true. For all decent people everywhere, I mean, not Roosh. Of course.

My condolences to the “Americunts” he’ll endlessly whine at, though.

9 years ago

She has a piercing between her nose like farm bulls have.

Is he really this awkward in writing, or is he putting on a show of talking dumb for the supposedly moronic flatfeet he’s claiming to have filed with?

(Also it reminds me of the time Bill O’Reilly threatened to shoot someone “between the head.”)

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | August 11, 2015 at 8:18 pm
Been reading some of the comments on the ROK site that was linked to. It’s beyond parody.

This is a *serious* discussion they’re having.

Floyd Maywether is criticised for assaulting a woman in a domestic violence incident.
Ronda Rousey not only beats up women, she is rewarded for it.
That demonstrates double standards.

repentantphonebooth | August 11, 2015 at 8:24 pm
@ Alan robertshaw- It’s like those guys don’t understand how sports work. If I play hockey on the ice everyone’s happy, but start skating around in my office building everyone loses their minds.

They obviously don’t understand how contracts work in that sense either.

I’m not a UFC fan myself (I’ve been getting back into WWE since they finally decided to get their asses in gear to make the Divas division better), but I know that there are contract signings involved whenever a fight happens. The two participants sit down, read over the contract that the UFC drew up for the event, and the participants sign it.

That implies consent. I don’t think Floyd Maywether hit a woman who signed a contract, nor do I think they were even in a ring at the time.

So, he hit someone who didn’t consent. Now, if the woman had signed a contract and the two of them had a planned match, that would have been fine.

9 years ago

I am a huge Ronda fan- she’s never had a fight with a woman in her life. She had a fight with two dudes who wouldn’t let her leave a movie theater once- ended up throwing them. Mayweather is a domestic abuser. Dana White once said she could take Mayweather and so she has been asked whether she thinks she could take him in a fight a lot. her answer is usually of course, but she doesn’t think it’s a good time for men and women to fight in the ring. She also made a crack that the only way she would get in a fight with Mayweather was if they were dating.

9 years ago


I thought Roosh didn’t live in America anymore. (I’ve heard through the grapevine that he lives in Poland). Wouldn’t Poland have to revoke his visa as well?

Poland? Noooo! Get that asshole out of here ASAP!

9 years ago

What a big oozing cunt of a bloke this ugly fucker is.
Shit writer too, i’m getting off here, thanks but no thanks, he can get enough attention from all his wee homoerotic fan boys.

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