antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

PUA asshat Roosh V declares victory in Montreal, gets drink tossed in face

Roosh celebrates his "victory" in Montreal
Roosh celebrates his “historic victory” in Montreal

Yesterday was a big day for Roosh Valizadeh, pickup artist, rape legalization advocate and would-be philosopher of “neomasculinity.” Some highlights:

Roosh was the inspiration for a demonstration against rape culture in Montreal.

Roughly 100 demonstrators held a peaceful demonstration in Montreal’s Norman Bethune Square targeting rape culture in general and Roosh in particular. It is not known how many of the demonstrators were undercover Roosh operatives dressed as “a homosexual hipster (i.e. male feminist).” Best estimates put the number at zero. The rally was covered by both CTV News and The Montreal Gazette.

The mayor of Montreal weighed in on the issue, declaring in a tweet that as far as he was concerned Roosh was not welcome in his city. 

On the Roosh V forum, meanwhile, Roosh’s fans scoured the news footage for identifiable faces of people they could smear, and debated whether or not they WB (“would bang”) or WNB (“would not bang”) various women who had attended the demonstration.

Roosh (apparently) gave his talk, celebrating afterwards by posting a video claiming a “historic victory in Montreal.”

After calling on his followers to spread false information about the super seekrit location of his talk, as part of what he charmingly called “Operation Goebbels,” Roosh apparently gave his talk in a rented room at a Montreal restaurant.

Afterwards, evidently quite proud of himself,  Roosh posted a victory video on Youtube. On the Roosh V forum, his fans happily posted celebratory gifs, including this one.


Donning a wig — no, really — Roosh hit the bars in an evident attempt to find a woman in Montreal who was not repulsed by him.

He failed, as this video of a woman tossing a drink in his face suggests.

Roosh went on Twitter to report being assaulted by “a mob,” and apparently reported the incident to police.

He might have undermined his case a little by suggesting it was “worth” it because, well, he got some action out of it, sort of.

The woman with the “sexy legs” responded, and suggested that Roosh had in fact put his hands on her first.


On the Roosh forums, Roosh’s fans urged him to file charges for assault and to sue everyone in sight.  And debated whether or not they WB the alleged beer-pourer.

Meanwhile, Roosh’s plan to smear his opponents online continued apace.

“By Monday,” one Roosh fan wrote, “we’ll have identified every single one of these pieces of garbage and work on decimating their future career options.”

According to this Tweet, Roosh himself was threatening to falsely report one of the organizers to social services as a bad mother.

On Twitter, the #IStandWithRooshV hashtag has been having a little trouble getting going, generating all of 3 Tweets as of noon on Sunday.

This does not look like a grand victory for Roosh, unless his aim was to show the world what terrible shits he and his supporters are.

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9 years ago


For one, if freeze peach is so important to you, why do you post on a board that doesn’t allow women or gay men to post. Why should I give page clicks to Rhoosh if I can’t even defend myself when he spouts misogyny and anti “SJW” rants?

For another thing, Rhoosh literally admitted to committing rape (the kind where the victim is too drunk to consent). Saying over and over and over again that he doesn’t condone rape will never change it. Repeating a lie over and over doesn’t make it the truth.

Also, the kino PUA tactic is sexual assault by any measure. So shut the fuck up already about respecting laws. You grope a woman without her consent. You deserve a beer thrown on you at the very least.

9 years ago

I’m actually pleasantly surprised we aren’t more overrun with Rhoosh minions.

9 years ago


People are astoundingly breakable. Anyone in good health, even an untrained, tiny woman, could end up killing a man in any number of (often accidental) ways. Fighting is simply not a safe activity, and fighting the untrained less so than usual.

9 years ago

I actually whooped with joy when I read about the beer throwing and what that awesome woman wrote in response to Roosh. I want to give her so many mental high fives, because damn, what a badass! ????????????????

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

36,000 petitioners lol | August 9, 2015 at 8:23 pm
Roosh does not condone rape, he does not condone anything illegal. But that wouldn’t make good news nor provide enough stimulus to get the outrage machine going that gives you those good feelings you need.

Orly? You mean he didn’t admit to raping a girl in Iceland through his book “Bang Iceland”?

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she legally couldn’t give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated. I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do.

(Emphasis mine.)

And he didn’t say that we should legalize rape on private property to keep us feeemales in line and protect ourselves from men like people would protect their property from being stolen (because us wimmens are property, apparently)?

If rape becomes legal, a girl will not enter an impaired state of mind where she can’t resist being dragged off to a bedroom with a man who she is unsure of—she’ll scream, yell, or kick at his attempt while bystanders are still around. If rape becomes legal, she will never be unchaperoned with a man she doesn’t want to sleep with.

(Again, emphasis mine.)

Silly me and my feeble lady brain, I thought he actually said those things. Apparently I was mistaken. Thank you for correcting me, a silly widdle feeemale, Rando Internet Dirtbag! [/sarcasm]

Apparently, all Roosh has to say is “I didn’t mean it! Satire!” and you and his fellow boot-licking dirtbags will just eat it right up.

Just remember, you are just selectively applying laws so you can win, there isn’t anything noble about that. Apply them evenly or not at all.

We are applying them evenly. Rape is bad, and so is teaching people how to rape. Ergo, Roosh is breaking the law.

As for “laws” about freedom of speech, there are a few points I’d like to make.

1. Canada doesn’t hold freedom of speech nearly as dear as we ‘Murricans do.

2. Even if Canada did hold their freedom of speech as high as we do here in the States, your right to freedom of speech still stops at the tip of my nose, so to speak. Roosh does NOT have the right to tell men how to manipulate and rape women, because that invalidates a woman’s right to not be manipulated or raped. Roosh is inciting violence against women, and that’s not covered even under America’s freedom of speech rules. Saying “I raped a girl in Iceland, and here’s how you can rape a woman too!” (more or less), is still inciting violence against women.

3. The freedom of speech only applies to the government, not to the other people. Roosh doesn’t have the right to say what he wants consequence-free. People can (and will, and will continue to) call him out for being a sack of shit, they can and will continue to protest, and they can and will make sure that the general public knows that he is, in fact, a slimeball.

Good night and best wishes.

Fuck you and your fake sincerity. Stick the flounce.

9 years ago

In the video, is his hand on her waist an example of this “kino” thing?

9 years ago

The irony of him reporting to the police that he was “assaulted by a mob” yet he wants to make sexual assault and rape legal. Ya ok there buddy.

9 years ago

Maybe someone in Quebec can report him for internet harassment…

berdache from a previous life

Your numbers are off.

It’s now 40,000+ against Roosh speaking in Canada, 30 for Roosh speaking in Canada.

Luzbelitx - from my phone
Luzbelitx - from my phone
9 years ago

@Alan & GoM & Orion

You’re all making me think a lot here.

I think, for one, that there are a number of ways in which Patriarchy disempowers women, so men don’t need to be a lot stronger to cause a lot of harm.

My compañero is trained in kickboxing, and he always insists the fight is mainly about thnking fast and having a reasonable strategy, and last of all came physical skills and strength.

Then, we need to consider women and men are shaped through very different ways to relate with their body, the world, and the opposite gender. It’s in the combination of all this that men can operate with an almost certanity of success and safety.

It’s not only that women have less resources (physical, emotional, rational, material), but sometimes when we’re targets of violence we’re left with none at all.

I think maybe the “real men don’t hit women” has become sexist, but initially was actually an advance. In my parents’ times, women would say “my husband hits me to a normal extent”. Before this was the more or less official norm, and that’s pretty recent historically, there was no shame in hitting women, especially “yours” to keep them in their place.

My lawyer friend was an activist since the 70s, and he always says he didn’t learn to not hit women from his father or friends but from his compañeras.

So I think Patriarchy turned a feminist advance into a reinforcement of benevolent sexism. Maybe it is indeed do to women’s fight that we all can have this discussion, and feed our thoughts on what our real motivations and limits are.

I feel so thrilled right now.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I would still have a real problem though with any sort of violence against a woman, even if she were the “bad guy” as it were. I could see a woman swilling another woman if it was appropriate, I just feel a real visceral aversion to a man ever doing that though, no matter what the circumstances.

I believe that’s called “benevolent sexism”. If a woman is acting violence against another, you shouldn’t feel any guilt in fucking slugging her, just like you shouldn’t feel any guilt about slugging a man doing the same thing. Women aren’t made of paper and glass. Violence should be used as a last resort for any situation, yes, but I’m not gonna fault anyone who punches any sort of fucker in the face for their safety or the safety of others.

9 years ago

I’m interpreting the note the (not actually anonymous) woman who poured beer on Roosh differently than some of you. Some of you seem to be reading it as if he grabbed her waist and dragged her into a bar. It sounds entirely more like he called her “sexy legs”, she realized who it was, and decided to trap him. He put his arm around her waist and went into the bar with her. She consented to that because she was stalling for time texting her friends to come. Then, when she knew she was safe, she dropped the drink on him and told him to get out of our city.

I don’t see where some of you are getting the whole “He was trying to rape her, it was justified” angle.

Chris Mitchell
Chris Mitchell
9 years ago

Meanwhile, David Futrelle sits in front of a computer screen all day. While all his cats beg for food. They have to lick the doughnut crumbs from his shirt.

9 years ago


Thanks for the update. Bit disappointed at the lack of occult practices, but I understand this is just a preliminary election, so hopefully we’ll see at least some zombie politicians in the main one.

No, not another one please. We already have Carlos Saúl Menem.

Nobody knows what keeps him going. Lust for power is a popular answer. That, and formaldehyde.

@This story: I wish she had said “cheers!” while tossing that beer.

Luzbelitx - from my phone
Luzbelitx - from my phone
9 years ago


Noooooooooooooo He Who Must Not Be Named!!!!!

*covers ears and crawls into a corner*

9 years ago

Good night and best wishes.

Fuck off, Roosh. Whiny-ass titty-baby LOSER shitgolem. LOL!

9 years ago

Also, to the woman who dumped the beer on the shitgolem: Good work. And clearly in self-defence, no doubt also preventing any further sexual assaults that night. Please give my regards to all the bouncers on the street, too…their alertness is very heartening to hear about.

As for Roosh, he’ll be lucky if the border agents ever let him in to meet his accused in court. Fuck off and fail forever, PUAsshole.

9 years ago

I was raised with “real men don’t hit women” and in particular “boys don’t hit girls” — and internalized that as I shouldn’t hit anyone, ever (except as a last resort).


I’m a pacifist, so I would do my best to avoid violence in any situation. In the hypothetical case that I was attacked by a woman, I would defend myself to the extent necessary to not get seriously hurt, but I really find it hard to believe that any woman would attack me unless she felt seriously threatened. I’m 6’3″ and over 260 lbs., so I doubt that any woman would take me on for the lulz — I could probably inflict disproportionate damage. And since I understand and am horrified by the violence women often face, I will always try to act with the greatest restraint possible and not inquire too closely whether my restraint has a partly sexist origin.
If not hitting women is sexist, I’ll gladly plead guilty.

36,000 petitioners lol

40,000 were able to accomplish nothing.

Clap, clap


@36,000: Just go on telling yourself that somehow this whole thing is good news for Roosh the Douche. Maybe you should stay with RoK where you can hold on to your fantasy world.

Roosh’s World Tour triumphantly continued in a rented room in a restaurant that he had to keep secret. Now that’s a real victory.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I’m pretty sure a well placed kick to the balls will fell even the most manly of cismen. You guys start crying if you accidentally shove something into your pocket too hard. It’s amazing how many seem to forget this.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

A girl gave me a beer shower… after rubbing her sexy legs against me in an intimate conversation. It was worth it!

I hope Roosh’s followers take a good look at that quote because it so well exemplifies the unspeakably pathetic character of their leader and the nature of his “triumphs” with women.

This, my darlings, is what your redpillian alpha looks like. This is what in his mind constitutes success: having beer thrown in his face, being publicly humiliated, and kicked out of a bar is “winning” if the beer-throwing woman somehow “rubbed” her legs against you in the process.

In case it’s not clear, that is the kind of “success” with women a flasher who exposes himself in the park gets before angry witnesses chase him off and away.

This is the guy whom you trust to teach you about women.

9 years ago

I know the conversation has moved on a bit, but I’m still hung up on what kind of person would make a false abuse claim with social services regarding someone’s kids. I can’t even find words for how low that is

epitome of incomprehensibility


I don’t see where some of you are getting the whole “He was trying to rape her, it was justified” angle.

That, I guess, is a speculation based on his reputation and past actions rather than on what happened here. I wouldn’t go that far either, but the way the touching was described sounds controlling (the term “kino” might apply).

I admit my interpretation’s partly based on personal experience – I had a date with someone not long ago who wasn’t very physical but then put his hand on my shoulder when he wanted to steer me somewhere. I found it annoying – not aggressive, necessarily, but controlling. It’s not the kind of behaviour I’d use with someone I was interested in (for whatever).

She made sure she had others around when she confronted him, which was a good idea. I didn’t like what I saw of them chasing him to the hotel. It didn’t seem justified based on his immediate behaviour to her… but for what he’s said and done? Well…

I guess what he deserves and what people should do are different things, and people have lots of different ideas on the second one. Lutzbelitx had some insightful words on general power imbalances, I think.

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